LG LI507N Users manual




T541 Flat Panel Monitor

User Guide


First Edition (June / 2002)

Note : For important information, refer to the Monitor Safety and Warranty manual that comes with this monitor.

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T541 Flat Panel Monitor User Guide




Setting up the monitor ...............................................................................................


System Hardware Requirements .........................................................................


Handling Instructions ...........................................................................................


Monitor Installation ....................................................................................................


Connecting your Monitor......................................................................................


Switching on your Monitor....................................................................................


Monitor Driver Installation .........................................................................................


Driver installation for Windows 95 or Windows 98...............................................


Driver installation for Windows 2000 or Windows Me..................................................


Driver installation for Windows XP ................................................................................


Image Setup for Analog Input ..................................................................................


Auto Setup ...........................................................................................................


AutoSetup for Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000,


Windows Me, Windows XP or Windows NT ................................................................


Adjusting the image settings in DOS .................................................................


Manually adjusting the image settings ...............................................................


Ergonomic Considerations......................................................................................


Workplace preparation .......................................................................................


Working Practices ..............................................................................................


Adjusting the Monitor Position ...............................................................................


Caring for your Monitor ......................................................................................


Adjusting Your LCD Monitor ...................................................................................


User controls......................................................................................................


On-screen display (OSD) controls .....................................................................


Further Information ..................................................................................................


Display modes ...................................................................................................


Power Management...........................................................................................


Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................


Specifications ...........................................................................................................




Setting up the monitor

System Hardware Requirements

This monitor requires a computer with a suitable on-board sub-system or

Video Adapter card that can support XGA 1024 x 768, SVGA 800 x 600, or

VGA 640 x 480 at 60Hz.

Handling Instructions

1.Do not support the monitor within the screen area. The Liquid Crystal Display is glass and can be damaged by rough handling or excessive pressure.

2.Before using your monitor for the first time, remove the clear protective film from the front of the screen.


LG LI507N Users manual

Monitor Installation

Connecting your Monitor

1.Turn off your computer and all attached devices. Next, unplug the power cord(s) to your computer and all attached devices.

2.Connect the signal cable.

The analog signal cable is already connected to your monitor. The analog connector is the blue connector.

When connecting the analog signal cable (Figure A)

Connect the free end of the attached signal cable to the 15-pin Monitor port on the computer and tighten screws.

(Figure A)

If connecting a DVI-D digital signal cable (Figure B)

Connect one end of the monitor signal cable to the white connector on the rear panel of the monitor. Connect the other end to the white connector on the rear panel of the computer and tighten the screws.


Cable not supplied (Optional)

(Figure B)


3.Connect the power cord to the monitor and then plug the power cord into a properly grounded outlet. Next, reconnect the power cord(s) to your computer and all attached devices.

Switching on your Monitor

1.Switch on your monitor by pushing and releasing the power switch marked [] at the front of the bezel.

[To switch off your monitor, push and release the power switch again.]

2.Switch on your computer.

3.If you are using the analog connector, run AUTO SETUP by following the instructions in the Auto Setup section on page 8.


Monitor Driver Installation


Driver installation for Windows 95 or Windows 98

This section must be

To use the Plug and Play feature in Microsoft®Windows®95 or Windows

completed before

98, files should be loaded from the IBM Monitor CD.

continuing with the

Windows95 or Windows98

1. Turn off the computer and all attached devices.

Auto Setup on page 9.


i On LCD monitors, unlike CRTs, a faster refresh rate

does not improve display quality. IBM recommends using either 1024 x 768 at a refresh rate of 60Hz or 640 x 480 at a refresh rate of 60Hz.

2.Ensure that the monitor is connected correctly.

3.Turn on the monitor and then the system unit. Allow the system to boot into Windows95 or Windows98.

Your computer’s Plug and Play code may warn you that your system hardware has changed. This means that it has detected your new monitor for the first time.

4.Open the DISPLAY PROPERTIES window by clicking START, SETTINGS,

CONTROL PANEL and then double - clicking on the DISPLAY icon.

5.Click the SETTINGS tab.

• In case of Windows 95 :

6 - 1. Click the CHANGE DISPLAY TYPE button.

2. Click the CHANGE MONITOR TYPE button.

• In case of Windows 98 :

6 - 1. Click the ADVANCED button.

2. Click the MONITOR tab.

3.Open the UPGRADE DEVICE DRIVER WIZARD window by clicking on CHANGE button and then select the NEXT button.

4.Click the “Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver” and then select the NEXT button.

7.Insert the Setup CD into the CD driver: and click the HAVE DISK button.

8.Click OK.

9.Ensure that the CD drive letter is selected, and then select the ‘Drivers’ folder.

10.Choose IBM T541 monitor and Click OK. The files will be copied from the CD to your hard disk drive.

11.Close all open windows and remove the CD.

12.Restart the system.

The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate and corresponding Color Matching Profiles.



Driver Installation for Windows 2000 or Windows Me

This section must be completed before continuing with the

Windows2000 ,Windows Me

Auto Setup on page 9.

i On LCD monitors, unlike

CRTs, a faster refresh rate does not improve display quality. IBM recommends using either 1024 x 768 at a refresh rate of 60Hz or 640 x

480 at a refresh rate of 60Hz.

To use the Plug and Play feature in Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition(Me) files should be loaded from the IBM Monitor CD.

1.Turn off the computer and all attached devices.

2.Ensure that the monitor is connected correctly.

3.Turn on the monitor and then the system unit. Allow the system to boot into Windows 2000 or Windows Me.

4.Open the DISPLAY PROPERTIES window by clicking START, SETTINGS,

CONTROL PANEL and then double-clicking the DISPLAY icon.

5.Click the SETTINGS tab.

6.Click the ADVANCED button.

7.Click the MONITOR tab.

8.Click the PROPERTIES button.

9.Click the DRIVER tab.

10.Open the UPGRADE DEVICE DRIVER WIZARD window by clicking on UPDATE

DRIVER and then Click the NEXT button.

11.Select the “Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver” and then Click the NEXT button.

12.Insert the Setup CD into the CD drive : and click the HAVE DISK button.

13.Click OK.

14.Ensure that the CD drive letter is selected, and then select the ‘Drivers’ folder.

15.Choose IBM T541 monitor and Click OK. The files will be copied from the CD to your hard disk drive.

16.Close all open windows and remove the CD.

17.Restart the system.

The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate and corresponding Color Matching Profiles.



Driver Installation for Windows XP

This section must be completed before continuing with the Windows XP Auto Setup on page 9.

i On LCD monitors, unlike

CRTs, a faster refresh rate does not improve display quality. IBM recommends using either 1024 x 768 at a refresh rate of 60Hz or 640 x

480 at a refresh rate of 60Hz.

To use the Plug and Play feature in Microsoft Windows XP files should be loaded from the IBM Monitor CD.

1.Turn off the computer and all attached devices.

2.Ensure that the monitor is connected correctly.

3.Turn on the monitor and then the system unit. Allow the system to boot into Windows XP.

4.Open the DISPLAY PROPERTIES window by clicking START, SETTINGS,

CONTROL PANEL and then double-clicking the DISPLAY icon.

5.Click the SETTINGS tab.

6.Click the ADVANCED button.

7.Click the MONITOR tab.

8.Click the PROPERTIES button.

9.Click the DRIVER tab.

10.Open the Hardware Update Wizard window by clicking on UPDATE DRIVER and then Click the NEXT button.

11.Select the “Install from a list or Specific location(Advanced)” and then Click the NEXT button.

12.Insert the Setup CD into the CD drive : and click the HAVE DISK button.

13.Click OK.

14.Ensure that the CD drive letter is selected, and then select the ‘Drivers’ folder.

15.Choose IBM T541 monitor and Click OK. The files will be copied from the CD to your hard disk drive.

16.Close all open windows and remove the CD.

17.Restart the system.

The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate and corresponding Color Matching Profiles.


Image Setup for analog input

Auto Setup

Before carrying out this section, it is very important that the correct monitor drivers have been installed.(See pages 5 and 7)

i The Setup Utility included on the setup CD displays a

test pattern of dots. It does not replace or modify the display drivers.

i The Auto Setup instructions require the monitor to be

warmed up for 15 minutes. This is not required for normal operation.

i If your computer does not run with the setup CD shipped with the monitor, refer to Manual Setup on page 11.

i The AUTO SETUP process only applies to the current

screen mode. When a new mode is selected, repeat this section to reset the monitor.

For digital input, image setup is not required.

When you first use your monitor, you must perform Auto Setup for analog input. If you are using digital input, continue with the instructions on page 12. This procedure sets up your monitor to process the video signals from your computer without image discoloration or smearing. After you perform Auto Setup, the settings are stored and used each time you turn on the monitor.

In order to optimize the displayed image a set-up utility is provided on the IBM Monitor CD. Operation of this utility is dependent on the operating system on your computer. You may choose to run AUTO SETUP for each operating system that you use. This means that if you sometimes use your monitor while running any version of Windows and sometimes also use it from within DOS (not a DOS window), you must run AUTO SETUP for both Windows and DOS. You may run versions of AUTO SETUP in any order.

Before you begin AUTO SETUP for your computer, make sure the computer video mode is set in the range of the supported screen resolution shown in the table on page 18.

You should perform AUTO SETUP for each screen mode you use.


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