Tips / Important Safety Precautions
Country of Origin China
Manufacturer LG Electronics Inc.
To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL and other open source licenses,
that is contained in this product, please visit http://opensource.lge.com.
In addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty disclaimers and
copyright notices are available for download.
LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM for a charge
covering the cost of performing such distribution (such as the cost of media,
shipping and handling) upon email request to opensource@lge.com. This offer is
valid for three (3) years from the date on which you purchased the product.
System Protection Feature
If the system becomes too hot, the system protection feature automatically stops recharging
and switches the power mode to Hibernate or Off.
The PC system may not be reactivated until it cools down enough.
Information on Hard Drive / Memory Capacity
Information on Hard Drive (HDD, SSD, eMMC) Capacity
The hard drive capacity shown by Windows is lower than that stated by the hard drive
manufacturer due to a difference in calculation.
Manufacturer Hard drive manufacturers use a decimal definition of 1 KB = 1,000
100 GB Storage Device (HDD, SSD, eMMC): 100,000 MB /
1,000 Bytes = 100 GB
Windows Windows use the binary definition of 1 KB = 1,024 Bytes.
100 GB Storage Device (HDD, SSD, eMMC): 100,000 MB /
1,024 Bytes = 97.6 GB
RAM Capacity
RAM capacity shown by Windows may be lower than the actual capacity because the PC
uses shared memory for BIOS and the integrated graphics card.
Due to BIOS using shared memory, 1,024 MB RAM may be reported as 1,022 MB or
slightly less.
If the PC has integrated graphics card, 1,024 MB RAM may be reported as 1,022 MB or
less than 1,000 MB.