LG LCU340CP, LCU240CP, LCN340CP, LCN240CP Owner’s Manual

Air C
weNi_ http:#www_k
PHor to, ins_allalion,this alr-conditl,oning
unit must be submilted for approval by the utility _rvtc_ wNch provides e_ri,city
(EN 61d000-2EN 61000-3 Norm}.
! and lhoroughly
_ulture reference after
Wnte the mode_ and _rial numbers here: M_ei #
Serial # You c_n find them on alabel onthe side of each unit, _aler's Name
Da_e Purchased
/ S_p/e yourreceiptto this pagein the eventyou ned it
to provedateof purcha_ or for warrantyissues
Inside yo_ will_i_T_dmany helpful hints on how te use and maintain you_ air conditioner propedy ,Just a little preventive care on your pad can save you a great dea_
of time and moneyover the lifeof your air cond_ioner,, You'li find many answers to ,commotr_problems in the
chart of troubieshoo_ng tips. I_you review our char of Troublesh_ting 'Tips first you may notne_ to emilfor
servi_ at all
, Contactthe a_horized _ice t:_niclan for te_ir or
maintenance ofthis un_.
Contacttheinstallerfor installation o.fthis unit.
The air cond_ioner is not lint_ded 'for use byyoung childrenor inva|_s w_hout supervision.
Young child/r_ should be super.rlsed to ensurethat theydo not playwith theair conditioner.
, When the _wer _rd is to be tep!la_, replacement
work sha_|_ pefform_ by authorized personnelonly
usingonty genuinerepis_ment parts.
_nstailation work must _ performed in accordance with the National Electtlc Code by qualified and autho.riz_ personnelonly.
Cassette- Type Air Conditioner
Safety Precautions
To prevent injuryto the user or other p_ple _d pro_rty damage, the following instructions must _ foHow_
In_rrect o_ration due to [gnorin,ginstruction will ,cause harm ,ordamage. De seriousness is classified by the following indications.
Meanings of symbols usa Jn this manual are as shown below.
Be sure not to do. -']
[] Installation
, There is risk of fire or eJectric
Be sure to folllow the instruction.
* Do net disas._mble er re£air the
Feduct. There is risk of fire or
electric shock
, There isrisk of fire or ellec_J-[c
There isrisk ef fire or electric
]mpro,_r w[ti_ er instaHatien may cause fire or ellectfic shock
There isrisk of fire or ellec_r[c shock
Owner's Manual 3
Safety Precautions
There is riisk of fire or el_tric
There is risk of fire_e_ectdc shock, explosion, or' inju_
There is ri_ of fiire, electric shock, explosion, o,rinjury.
It may cause injury acci_nt, ot damage to the product.
*Sharp edges could _u_ injury..
Be es_cia!ly care_! of the ca_ edges, and the fins on the con_n_r and evaporator,
. Ufthe ba_e collapses, t}_ air
conditio_r could fall with _:, c_sing Foperty _mage,
product failure, and _o_!
, Moisture may condense and wet
or damage furniture
'i There is risk of fire or electric
[] Operation
There is ri_ of fire or electric shock
There is risk of fire or electrical sh_k
, _e, re is risk o,ffire or electdc
_ere is risk of fire and eiectric shock.
Cassette- Type Air Conditioner
Safety Precautions
It mayc_se There is risk of fire, failure d the pr_uct, or electric
Do not use_e telephone or turn switches on or off.
There is risk of explosion or fire
_qere is _sk of fire or failure of
_ere is riskof electric shock or fire
. Oxygen deficiency _u_d o_ur
There is risk of property damage, failure of produc%or el_ric shock
There is risk of physical iniury, ete_ic shock, or pr_uct failure,
, There is risk of fire or electro shock.
There is dslkof fire or electric shock
There is risk of e_e_ricshock
There is risk of fire_electric sh_k,
Owner's Manual
Safety Precautions
.,There is risk of product damage or failure, or . This _uld result in persona_iniury and product
[] Installation
. Low refrigerant levels may cause
failure of product
It may cause a problem for your
A bad conn_ion may cause water leakage,
Avoid personal inju_
To avoid vibra#on or water
It may cause corrosion onthe product,Corrosion, p_iculady on
_e _ndenser and eva_r_tor fins, coulldcause pr_uct: ma#unction or
[] Operation
This could harm to your heath
6 Cassette _ T};oe Air Conditioner
.There is risk of
loss of
Safety Precautions
It maycause product f_lure
!i_..... i
There is risk of personaJinjury" and failure of product,
* There is risk of fire, electric shock,
or ,damageto the pla_ic pa_s of the product,
A di_y fi_terreduces the e_ciency ofthe air cond_ioner _d eouid
cause product malfunction or
There is risk of personal iniury,
. There are sharp and moving pa_s
that could cause persona_iniury,
.mtis not sanitary and could cause
serious heatth issues
They may burn or explode
Be carefu_and avoid perso#a_
'i _e chemicais in batteries could cause bums or other
There is risk of fire or explosion
Owner's Manual
Operating Instructions
Signal Receiver
R_eives the signals from the remote control (Signal r_eiving sound: two short beep_ or one long beep}
Casse_e Ty_ Ilndoor UnA
© On/Off
Fiker Sign
Operation Ou't_or Unit
Air Outlet
: Lights up during the system opera_ion : Lights up after 2400 hours from the time of first o_rating unit : Lights up during Timer operation,
: Operation procedures when the remote contro_
_n't be used
: Lights up during outdoor unit operation,.
Signal Receptor
8 Cassette- Type Air Conditioner
10 !
15_ 16_
Operating Instructions
_eration di_lay
Displays_e o_ration coati,ions.
On/OffButton Operation_a_ when_is b_ton is pr_sed _d stops
whenthe butt:onis pressedagain. SetTemperatureSutton
U_d to _t _e tem_rature whenthedesir_
FANOperation_tton U_d to circulateroomairwithoutcooling,
Fan_ (J_ Cool8_on) U_d to _t _e desiredf_ s_ or se_ Jet cool mode.
Oper_i,on _ie Se_ion _on
Usedto selecttheoperationmode
, AutoOperationMode
_oling OperationM_e. , SoftDryO_ration M_e
AutoSwi_ B_on
U_d to swingupa_ddown. RoomTemperatureChoking _o,n
U_d to check_e roomtem_rature,,
P_a AiirC|_n Bu_on
T_et C_n_| B_ton
Us_ to cancelthetimer
'T_et S_:Bu_on
Usedto setthetimerwhenthe_sir_ time isob_in_.
We_ BuSon
Us_ to setadayd theweek P_ogt_mB_on
Us_ tosetthe.w_kly timer.. _liday B_on
Usedto setaholiday'ofthe week,
T_e Set l_tton
Us_ to setthe,timeofthe dayandchangethetimein
S_ and Cleat_on Used_osetandclear_hewe_Jytimer,
Sw#iB_on Us_ toselectswirlmode_
Re_ _on U_ toset_ _,_t timeat4de_e s_n_ ti_.
_- Display tempera_re can be diifferent from actual room tem_rature if the remote _ntroi]er is
instaliled at t_, pllace where sun-rays are falling directly or the pla_ nearby heat so,urn.
Owner's Manual 9
+ 18 hidden pages