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manual, It ,contains valuable
itio,ner. This manual may help
ing proper air conditioner
order to prevent
se or improper
caus_ by
Your Records
W_te the model snd se_sl umbers here
Mode! #
Serial #
You can find them on a,label on the,side of each unit.
_alet's Name
_te Purcha_d
This Manual
Insde you wit find rosy helpf_:dhits o how te use
snd maintain your a conditone prope_y Just s ISle
prevent ve care on your part can save you a great
des o_ tree and money ove_' t_e !ire of ye s
condit one_
You'li find msny answers to common problems n the
cha£ o_t_oubeshooting tps _ you re'vew our cha£ of
T_o_blesh_isg T}ps f_st you may net need to cal
for serv ce at al
_._ont_ctrisea_Jthorzed servee tecm ci,s : fo_ epar
or maitensnceofths _it
• Contactthe nstai er for issts la£ionof ths unit
, The sir eondit oner s not ntended for use by young
chldren o_invads wit out _uperv en
oYoung ,_ _dren soud be supewsed to ensure that
they do not pay wh t_s,oai ce_sditoner.
Topreventinjuryandpropertyd_age, followthe_ instruction.
Incorrectoperationduetoignoringinstruc'_ionswil_cause1_3rmor_mage fileseriousnesso,fwhichis
• C_erwise, it wi#cause e!ectric
shock or fire,due to heat
generafon or e_ric shock,
• Itwill cause e_ectricsh¢ck or fire
due to heat _neration
• Itwill cause,failure of machine or
electric shock
• Itmay cause fire and e,lectric
• Itw41_cause eiect_c shock or fire
due to heat generafono
.,It '_1_cause elect_qcshock,
• No instal{ationmay cause,fire
and electric shock accident.,
'i It:may cause electric shock,,
. It will cause elec_c shock or fire,
• Ifthes_upp_t®_d__mag_, _must_'_
replaced bythe_nu_a_u_eroritsser¢_e
or_r toavoida_zard,{Yattachment)
sh_k (_ _nsta_la_ionManual},
• _tmay cause fire and electric
shock accident
• _tmay cause fire,
• Itmay cause fire and e_e_ic shock,
* It may cause an explosion or fire,
J _ J
• It may cause expbsi,on fire a_qdburn,
, It may cause _ilure and ele_ric shock
' They are sharp and may cause . Water may enter the unit and
_grade the insuiation Itmay
cause an electro shock.
• Since the fan rotates at high
•This could injure the pet or plant
speed dudng operation, i:tmay
cause injury,
• An oxygen sho_age may _c:ut.
•It may cause damage of animals:
or vegetables or !oss of prope_y,
• Oper_ion 'with'windowso_ned
may cause we_ing of:indoor and
soaking of household furniture,
. i:tmay cause failure of appliance
or accident.
• Appearance may be deteriorated
due to change of produ_ color or
scratching of its surface
•It may cause elec_c shock and
• if leaving appliance damaged,
there is concern of dama_ due
to _e fai!ing of pr_uct
• There is danger of fire or e,iectric
* This could damage your hea_th
•It may cause failure of pr_uct or
. Operation without filters will
cause faiiure°
• Itcontains containments andwill
make you 5ick,i
_ Contactaninstallationspec:ialistforinstallaSon
Plugin_e powerplugproperly,
_Do notshare_e sameoutletwi_o_erappliances
_lf cordfpllugis,damaged,replaceonlywithanauthorizedpart
iii i il¸
Being ex_sed to direct airflow for an extended period of time cou!d be hazardous t:oyour health,, Do not
expose occupants,,_ts, or plants to direct allow for extend_ periods of time,
}_ Dueto the _ssibi/ity of oxygen deficiency, ventil_e _e room when used toge,l_,erwith stoves or other
Do not usethis air condi_oner for non-specified special pu_oses (e,g preserving precision devices,
hod,, pets, plants, and m-tobie_s ) Usage in such a manner could harm such property.
Do not:touc:hthe metal parts of the unit when removing the filter Iniuries can occur when handling sharp
metal edges.
Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner Exposure to w_ter can destroy l_e insulaton leading
to possible electric sh_k,
When cleaning the unit, first:make sure that the power and breaker are turned off:. The fan rotates at a
very high speed dudng o_ration. There is a possibili_ of iniu_ if t:heunit's _wer is accidentally
_ggered on while cleaning inner parts of the unit.
For repair and maintenance contact your authoriz_ ser,4ce deaier,
When the air conditioner has _en performing i_ cc_ing operation and is turned off or set to the fan _sition,
waitat least 3 minutes before resettingto #_ec_ing opiera_onagiain
- Turns air _n,ditoner ,off,
F_ - M_ spe_d fan operation without cooiing
_ - Low speed fan operatJon without oooii_g,
_ Cooling wi_ hgghspeed fan operation
_ - Cooling win reed spe_ fan operation
_ - Cooling withlow speed fan operation,
This automaSc_ly controls the tempe_ture of the ifndoor_r
Turn the knob so #_atarrow point to the higher humor for greater cooling
Pointthe a_ow to _e iower number br more moderate cooiing
(ie the higher number the greater _oiing}
1 Turn the MODE K_ob to the HI COOL from the
LOW COOL se_ng
2 Setthe TEMP control to the desired temperature
mark 5 {_e midopoint is a _od sta_ng _sition)_
If the room tempera_Jre is not sa_sfactory after a
reason_le time, adjust the control to a coo_eror
warmer setting, as appropriate
1 T_Jrrl#3e MODE Knob to the LOW COOL setting
2 Setthe TEMP control as needed
1 Turn the MODE K_ob to the N_COOL
2 Set the TEMP control to _e h ghest 8
temperature mark....