LG Kimchi GR-K24PS User Manual

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Kimchi refrigerator
Model" GR-K24PS
Please read this User's Guide carefully before operating and keep it handy for reference at "alltimes.
Service center
P,O. 8ox240007
Huntsville, AL 35824
P/No. MFL31452701
® With a nice design to fit well wtth any
place in the kitchen, the refrigerator can be installed any Iliocationwhere tlhere
You can separatelyselect to store and _ason the lid lefdright anddrawer
eft!right:com_rtment, tBut:drawer
® The Kimchi storage @ntainer with
high usability and _al _11 keep the Kim@i flavor fresh.. (The shape of the
Kim@i storage container can differ depending on the model).
You can __otonly store and fermen_ i_Jmchibut also s_ore Chungukian9
and u_ exclusively 6orfr_zing to expand your variety d f_d to store.
Wroth de'vi_ attached
o an absorption to
the door, the door can _, lightly
/ opened and slowly closed to minimize
the impact_
e Beth left:and right compartments have a
.separatelyinstalied "d@dodze¢ to
reduce the smetl of Kimchi.When the
deodorizing effect is r_uced, clean the
internal sides of the refrigerator and reuse the deodonzer. (Refer to page 41
for methods on cieaning the refrigerator and reusing the deodorizer.}
® You @n easily make and store the
Chungkukiang which is good for health.
® You @n make the Old Kimchi _na
month, which ittakes in general a ,/ear e,rlonger to,ferment
o The refrigerant in
the inside of the door makes the inside temperature,
whi@ be@me hot ,dueto opening the door, be stable quickly..
Safes/pre@utions must be obsewed to prevent accident or injury.
K_p this manual in a convenie_ p_ where _ k r_dily available for
Thb symbol ind_ates a warning about a specific event or condition.
To avoidanyacc_ents, careful_read andfoJlowthiswarning.
Usea_ted dmu_
Plugging in several products to the outlet
can cause a fire, [his @rl activate the circuit breake_ to
c_use the f_d togo _d.
Unplug_ appliar|__ dea_ it, Donotpullt_ co_ _ handle_ el_tr_
cord_ damp_.
The_e is adanger o_eL_ctnc _,hockor rite
:sum_at _ powercordiscon_
pm_rly andis r_t pinchedbyhavi_i_e applian_ pJshedagainstit.
DO not allow tihe ptug to become damaged
or get wet. It could " ÷
_t _ _e powercordfordbly,
sumit is not_maged by_ng u_r
The pewe_ cord may be damaged and cause a fife e_ eiec_riGsl shock,
' }
_t ex_d orm_i_ theler_h _ the
po_ plug.
Unplugthea_ian_ a_ wipet_ co_
_th adPjclotha_ plugitinfi_ly.
....There is adanger of:eMectric
shot of fire from e!ectdca! damage to
r'_tda_, process,fo_fully _nd,
pullor_t t_ pow°.,4co_,
Dar_ged power cord can @use a fire or
an electric shock.
iJfthe ,cordo[ plug are dustv er we_, or has a poor _snecT_on. it can _use a_re arid electnca_shock
W_n pushi_ in therefrigerator unpiling the_er plugduring
instal_on, makesurethe powercordisi _t crushedor p_ un_r the
It can cause a fire or an electric shock.
Dor_otu_ _ storefiredevils and
f_mmab_ produc_ (et_r, _ene,
al_hol, c_mical, LP_s, _mmable spry, co_ti_ etc,)neart_
There is a danger of explosion or fire.
notuse_ applian_ foranyother
_rpo_ thanh_ _se_(Donot _sefor
s_ p_a_tJ_ls or_,-st_terial or
forshippi_ c_in_,)
This appliance is made for household use
only When it is used as a shipping confiner, unexpected accidents (electrical shot, fire etc.) may occur as a resu!t of high
tempe_at:ure or moisture, vibration etc.
When pharmaceuticals
Donots_re an_ir_ _t: mid _ak wa_r orotherfluid su_ asfl_r vase,
cup,c_met_, _emical e_.
Itcan cause a fire or electricai shock or
cause an injuw from fal ing off,.
_t u_ sha_ t_ tod_mst or
remwe_ _omt_ appliance.
The product may be damaged, resulting
in fire or e!_trica! shock,
o !#the reff gerant is !caked,, it can cause
function resuiting in ovedy seasoned
Donetspry waterorwi_ _ benzene, thinr_re_, i_ide or ou_i_ _e
it may degrade the insuiation
of electrical _
and cause an _!_
injun¢,fi_e or
S ......,
Onlya pro_dy _ain_ ser,_ @nt
exw_ in_ngerator s_uld di ruble,repairor_, _is
Ifgas_aks_ _e applia_, don't
touch_e applia_ orits plug,i_ad
ven_latet_ a_ imm_iate_j,
_en dis_i_ _e oldapp!_n,_, besure
deta_ t_ _m.
Chiidren _ouid accidenta!ly
inan abandone_]
_t: instil theap_ia_ ina_mp
p_ orwhere_ter _11s_er,
Water will degrade the insulation,
posing a shock hazar
ffy_ smellsomethi_ burningor
smoke_om_ r_rator, imm_i_ly
unplug_e po'_r andcon_t theservi._
It @n cause a fire.
notst_e any dnnksinglassbottS.,
Wf'you store a drink in glass bottle/aicohol,
cider, juice etc.) and the drink freeze,
the bottle can break
and cause an i_j_J_
_t I_a _le insidetherefrigerator
toremovet_ small.
There isa danger of
an explosion or a fire.
_t climbon_p _ ther_g_tor,
The refrigerator can fall down or the person
can fall from the refrigerator. Es_cialb', children should be careful.
Youshouldal_ys _t _rvice _ore _ing if therefrigeratorhas_n
submer=_un_r wa_er.
litcan cause a fire o,ran electric shock
ify_ willn_ beusi_ meappliar_.,efora !or__n_ of_, unplugt_ _wer plug
and_en reusir_,_it mo_ _n 5 minu_s_o_ plugging.
This @n cause electrical shock, leakage or fire from damaged insulation, and _use problems i_ operating [he freezing @c!e
A_er 6 minutes
Donotputliveani_l insi_ the
_ st_kyourhandorame_!r_ onthe !_ _rt oru_er theappliance,iCli_ _ the door_ _ insMeafter_ening _ door,
Be®use the _tt_ d the refrigeratorisa metal place,it can@usean eleddc shockor inj_Jry
If you installthe refrigerator on the veranda,
there isadanger of the child fallingoff from
the veranda,.
There _sa danger d
a childbeing t_ap_d and suffocating inside
the _drigerator
Whenoperaflr__ doors,besureto avddplating your_s _,¢ere_ doors
_ld c!_ ont_emo
The hinge mechanism inciud_ a buffer [hat _uses the door to ciese aulzor_8_tic.a!iy
when it:reaches an ang!e
of 20° Having your
hands in the
way could _esult
Ift_ _r cordorplusisdama_, or
_ o_et isI_e, don= plugin.
It can cause an electric
shock or short circuit,
As Kimchi is fermente¢ _tincreasesin volume and the juice can oveff!ow_ Also if the contaher lid is oF_non one end, the Kimchi wil!turn soJJrq_icklv .'
and moid may febm. Fi!!the centaine_on!y upte 80% and firml,¢c_esethe
iid ff you use a p_asticwrap or clean phstic wrap on _optithe Kimchi
su!_ace,you can store K_mchifor a io_ger peried
The amount of salt s:i_snificant:!yaffects the erment!ng speed_ A sma!! amount of
Kimshi intended _el immediate consumption can be p_epa_edwith little _t. But largequantities d Kimchi to be stored for longer perieds must contain more salt _
} ]
Groundpropedydud_ ins_llaUon.
electdca_shock wn
Itcan caLse
case of a probbm or leakage, o
_ notinstallt_ appliance_e_ it _ toohotorissu_ to_
Install the appliance where _ne ambient temperature s between 5 to 43_C;_tf the temperature of
the installation _ocatton _s _oo hioh._
the function
oroblerns _:o arid change
the color of the refr gerator.
_en _shing _ appliancein,
makesum_e powr co_ is n_ p bythe_ttom or backof
it can cause fi_e or e_ecmoal
shock tf you hang _e power corn to the hanger on the back el the
o_Oduc:t, you wt_l b_ ableto reouce
_e possibility, d the power core being pressed.
P_ ce_rd!_nger
Installthe applianceon aflm_and level _on
® Main_in asuP_blec_a_nce
arou_ _e a_l_,
Maintain suitable dearan,ce around the appliance as shown in the figure, If there is
cl_rance, the appliance
peff®rmance deteriorates and the electncity cost viii increase.
If the floor ISuns._ab!e,the vibration
_y cause noise and functional
if the appliance is not leveled, use the horizonta! adjusting leg to leve!the product.
When ins®ll the alpp_ianceon a
carpeted floor or on the wooden fioo_, place a piece ®f plT_d or
Ground Safe_,
_nnect _e _wer #ug to the d_i_ted _tJet.
Putthe food in the refrigerator3-4hours _er the in_lation.
When tra pofing
Remove all fo_ from the a_l_ance and secure the Kimchi containers and doors with tape,
Turn the horizontaWadjusting leg
counterclockwise( } all the way and
tighten it.
Hang the power cord to the hanger on the back
tithe appliance and tape it.
When sliding and moving the appiiance_ turn the horizontal adjusting _eg
(............;_}all the way and tighten _.The bg
can scratch the floor or b_ome loose to
be serrated.
After completing the transportation,
turn the horizontal adjusting _eg ci_kvvi_>o( )to level the balance_
_izon_at _ius_sen[ b9
and use the left and right side handle to move the appl_nce.
When transposing _e appliance to a far away location, do not compieteiy
lay the refrigerator on the floor to the side. It can cause problems.
' }
Adjust the height to bvel the appliance when.installing o[ after
moving the app_ance.
Vege!able freshhess:stoI'age¢ontainer
" :': :::,: : ::
Lid Close the }idtightly:
of klmchi¢onf¢iner
_ ,_':.t¢.._ _ ................
Before a_ualily maktng and stortng Kimcht, read _d under.and _e name _d function of ea® b_on,
To u_ the LG IKimchi Refrigerator, you must press the LocWUn_ock button for
Tb_b sha_ of disphy@_/dbe_asged for the_tIe_ perf_an_
Thisprev_ any uninten_ changes_se_ng fromcl'J_ren.
Before Using any function, you must press the Loc!{!Un!,eck button fe_
..................... until _he °Unl_k °butt_onbebw the bck lights up.
When you are finished with the settings in _he Unlock status, press the _¢k/Unl_k button until the °button betow the bck _ightsup to
set to Lssk s_lus.
Youcan_m _tl_ _rof Iid_Jri___ a_dra_ _ __
° When _LJrn_ngoff the _ower of the selected compa_ment_ press the Loc_Jbn_£k
bu_ton for more _han2 _en_ _nti! the Unb:A ette_ _ghts up..Then press the Pc_ver
Jtton tot more than 2 seconds ot the selected _m sartmen! _sturned
off with the I.;tte _P@we_Of_ ] _ti_9 _s.
¢Jhen [urnsngon_heB_wer _ja_n, o[ess the Loc,.iUnbck bu_o_ rot more than 2
seconds _Jntilthe _'Unbck"button _e_[erlights up. [hen oress the Rower button light_.
_, The _lor of lJ!ledls#ay may v_y depending on _e _del,
more than 2 seconds to,unl_k the control.
This,bu_n _ thest_ng f_ andst_ temw_u_ for _ __.
_:o_lidleftc_mDa_ment,youc_s@c_Kl_ _e!___
Foriidright com_rtment, youan sebct wFordrawerleft compartment,
you ®n select
i_:ordrawerdght oompar[ment,you oanselect __l_J_i_e:
Thisbuffon_e_ _e _soni_ _vei_ e_h _mpa_e_
Fo_lidleftand _ght c_mpa_men_ you ca_sel_t
;_ (Drawerleft compartment_es nothavea fermentingfunction for RadishKimchi}
,, D_wer right compaP_en_does r_ethaveafe_qenting function
_;_fouca :7_tt__ c_gl_ o seass)nbg.__._re_,s-ocx;o_tc_@,,dJffer_nt_, to
Thisbutton_in_ins _ _ic_us Ki_chihsh,
Ifyoufeet_at _heflavorisrght du_ingthe stori_sgaridfemlentir®processef the Ki_hi _,,o__n presstheFi_vorK_ping bu_tont:okee_thecurrentflavoiof the K}mchifat onget
T_ce:_l_:flonisavaiaNeonlywhenstori_g* ....... _ _ '
k_s'_r_,radishkmchi,watery_J shkimcti atflse!eftandd@[tid_pattmest
andmatu_nghmch!_suc_aschine_ _age
Before a_ually making and storing Kimchl, read _d runder_and _e name _di functdonof each bu_on,
To use the LG Kmmchi_Refrigerator, you must press the Loc_Unlock button for
_kjUnl_k sta_sdisplay
it indicates the lock:or uniock status. Al!functions can be operated in the un _..k status.
Press the LockJUniockb_ton for mere than 2 sece_
to svwtchto unlock status for other functional ope_ation.
S_s _sp_y by_m_nt
It indicatesthe setting status of
4 compa_men_s (lid left!right compartment c_÷_ _, _o_ and drawer left/right com_ment)
This Kimchi _d_sgeratordoes not show the detaii status d:a!! 4 compaRments at the same time.
it indicates the :storing fcsd tYI_, l,_i_JMid/Max statL s and degree of s,,_,,_:,nn:_:___" _ _s
it ind_tes the sto_g s_atusof thestonng food IiCabb@eKimchi,Radish_,iimc!%BIsothKimchi,
Vege_ab_dF!_si_,Light Reeze,Reeze, O!d Kimchi.
Chu_gukjang,Rice)tithe selected @mpart_ent
i_ the statuswindow of eachcompartment
+ 37 hidden pages