- 3 -
1. General Description........................ 5
2. Performance .................................... 6
2.1 Product Name ......................................... 6
2.2 Supporting Standard................................6
2.3 Main Parts : GSM Solution...................... 6
2.4 HW Feature..............................................7
2.6 Technical Specification ..........................12
3. Circuit Description........................ 17
3.1 General Description .............................. 17
3.2 RF Part.................................................. 17
3.3 Digital Baseband....................................24
3.4 Analog Baseband.................................. 32
3.5 Bluetooth Interface................................ 40
4. TROUBLE SHOOTING .................. 43
4.1 RF Part Technical Brief......................... 43
4.2 RF Part Trouble shooting...................... 49
4.3 Bluetooth Trouble Shooting .................. 57
4.4 Baseband Part Troubleshooting ........... 61
4.5 LCD Display Trouble............................. 68
4.6 Camera Trouble Shooting..................... 73
4.7 Flash LED Trouble Shooting................. 79
4.8 SIM Detect Trouble Shooting................ 82
4.9 Slide Up/Down and Trouble Shooting... 85
4.10 Speaker/Receiver Trouble Shooting
(Common Path)................................... 87
4.11 Speaker/Receiver Trouble Shooting
(Acoustic Path).................................... 90
4.12 MIC Trouble Shooting ......................... 91
4.13 Ear-Mic Jack Detection
Trouble Shooting................................. 93
4.14 Ear-Mic Hook Detection
Trouble Shooting................................. 94
4.15 Ear-Mic Headset MIC
Trouble Shooting................................. 95
4.16 Ear-Mic Headset HSOR/HSOL
Trouble Shooting..................................96
4.17 FM-Radio Trouble Shooting.................98
4.18 Transflash Trouble Shooting................99
4.19 Main Key Backlight LED Trouble
4.20 Slide Key Backlight LED Trouble
4.21 Vibrator Trouble Shooting..................104
5. Downloading Software ............... 105
5.1 The purpose of downloading software 105
5.2 The Environment of Downloading
Software.............................................. 103
5.3 Download Procedure ...........................107
6. BLOCK DIAGRAM ....................... 114
7. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ..................... 117
8. PCB LAYOUT............................... 128
9. RF Calibration
9.1 What’s the Rx Calibration?
9.2 What’s the Tx Calibration?
9.3 Calibration program - HOT_KIMCHI ..140
12.1 EXPLODED VIEW ............................ 145
12.2 Replacement Parts
<Mechanic component>.................... 147
<Main component> ........................... 151
12.3 Accessory ......................................... 166
Table of Contents