LG HBLG1004C Owner’s Manual

MAi i
Please read the operating instructions and safety precautions
carefully and thoroughly before instaliling and! operating your room air co,nditioner.
Por favor lea las instrucciones de op,eraci6,n y las precaucJones de seguridad ,cuJdadosa y totalimente antes de instalar y operar
Manufactured by LG EJectronics
Write the model and seria_ numbers here: _o_e| #
Serial #
You can find them _ a _ab,e_on the side of each un_ D,ea_er'_ IName
Da_e P_rchas_ lib Staple your rec÷ipt to this [page in the event you need it
to ipr_e _te of purchase or for warranty issues.
hside you will find many _[pful hints on how to use and maintain your air conditio_r pro_rty. Just: a little pr_¢entive care on _ur _t can _ve y_._ a great dea_ of time and
money over the _ifeof your air cond_ionero You _11find many answers to. common problems in the chart
of troublesho_ing t:#s. _ifyou review our chart of
Treebleshooting Tips first, you may not _ed to ca_ for
serv_e at aU_
. Co_act the autho_zed _rvice technician for repair
or maintenance of this _nit, Contac_ the instal!_ for _nstall_ion of _his u_it,
The air conditioner is not _n_ndee for use _ young children or invalids without supervision
Young chi|dten sho_|d be ss_rvis_ to ensure _hat they do not p|ay wRh the air conditioner,
, When the power cord _s 1to be replaced, replacement
_rk shah be _rformed by a_thoiriz_ personnel only
esing o_ly genuine ir_lacement parts.
|nstallation wo_ must be performed in _rdance w_h the National E|e_ric _de Iby q_a|iffi_ and
author_z_ perso_ne| o_i_y,
2 Room Air Conditioner
To prevent iniury to the user or other people and property damage, the following
must be followed.
[] Incorrect ,operati,on_ due to ignoring instruction will ,cause harm or damage. The seriousness
is classified _ the following indications.
[] Meanings of symbols used in this manual are as shown _low.
[] Installation
. No installationmay cause fire and ei_ric
. It may cause fire and electric shock.
shock accident.
. It may cause explosion or fire, It may cause failure and ele_ric sho_.
Owner_ Manual 3
[] Operation
, ,_herw[se, it wi]] cause
electric shock or fire due toi heat generation or electric
. _ will cause electric shock or
fire due to heat generation,
It wi]llcause electric shock or fire due to heat generation.
It wi]llcause electric shock or fire due to heat generation
litwill cause ellectr[c shock or fire.
No grounding may cause electric sho,_ (See Installation
. ,_hem_[se it may ,cause fire
and electric shock accident.
4 Room Air Conditioner
It may cause fire and electri,c shock,.,
It will cause electric shock.
. It will cause failure of machine
or electric shock.
i! Installation
It is not: designed to _ol the enfire house.
It may _use explosion, fire, and burn.
, They are sharp and may
cause injury.
. litmay cause injury. _tmay _use ellectdc shock
_ may cause failiureof
appliance or accident.
and damage,.
If leaving appliance damaged,
there is _,ncern of damage
due to the falling of product.
Prevent accidental sta_up and
the _ssibility of injury.
Owner_ Manual 5
[] Operation
. There is danger of fire or
Since the fan rotates at: high sp,e_ during o,_ration, it may cause injury.
This co,uld injure the pet or
.,.Water may enter the unit and
degrade the insulation. It may cause an electric shock.
, It is an air _ndiitioner, not a
precision refrigeration system,
. ,Operationwithout filters will
6 Room Air Conditioner
The apFearan,ceof the air
cond_ioner may deteriorate, change color, or ,develop
surface flaws.
It contains ,containments and will make you sick./This
could damage your health.
1i' Contact an installation specialist for installation.
2. Plug in the power plug properly.
3. Use a dedicated circuit.
4. Do not use an extension cord.
5. Do not staWstop operation by plugging!unplugging the power cord. 6;. If the cord/plug is damaged, replace it with only an authorized replacement
1i_ Being exposed to direct airflow for .an extended period o,ftime could b,e
hazardous to your health, Do not expose occupants, pets, or plants to direct
airflow for extended periods of time.
2i_Due to the possibility of oxygen deficiency, ventilate the room when used
together with stoves or other heating device&
3 Do not use this air conditioner for non-specified special purposes (e.g.
preserving precision devices, food, peR, plan_, and art objects). Such usage could damage the, items.
1 Do not touch the metal parts of the unit when removing the filter, lquries can
occur when handling sharp metal edges.
2. Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner. Exposure to water can destroy the insulation, leading to possib, le electric shock.
3. When cleaning the unit:, first make sure that the power and breaker are turned off. The fan rotates at a very high speed during operation. There is a
possibility of injury if the unit's power iis accidentally triggered on while cleaning inner parts of the unit.
For repair and maintenance, contact your authorized service dealer.
Owner_ Manual 7
+ 14 hidden pages