LG GL-B201RPZD Owner’s Manual

2015 - 2019
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Mobile Application
'LG Service India Mobile App' available at Google Play
Regd. Office: LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd., A Wing (3rd Floor), D-3, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110017
1- tc bl dkVs x;s ifg;s okys fcu dk fpº+u fdlh midj.k
vkSj blds vkWijsVj dh iqfLrdk ds lkFk layXu gksrk gSa rks bldk vFkZ gS bls bZ&vif'k"V ¼izca/ku vkSj gFkkyu½ fu;e
2011 ds vUrxZr lfEefyr fd;k x;k gS] vkSj bls
uohuhdj.k] fo?kVu vkSj fuiVku ds fy, cuk;k x;k gSA
2- djsa& d& midj.k dks flQZ vf/kd`r iqu% uohuhdj.kdrkZ dks gh
fuiVkj.k djus gsrq gLrkaUrfjr djsaA
midj.k ls gksus okyh nq?kZVukvksa ls cpk tk ldsA
uk djsa&
d& bl midj.k dks Lo;a@[kqn ugh [kksyuk pkfg,! midj.k dks dsoy vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh ds
}kjk gh [kksyk tkuk pkfg,A
[k&bl midj.k dks iqu% fcdzh ds fy, fdlh Hkh dckM+hokyk@Hkaxkj&okyk @vukf/kd`r
laLFkk dks u nsaA
x& bl midj.k dks fdlh ?kjsyw vif’k"V lkeku ds lkFk feykdj u j[ksaA ?k& midj.k ds cnys gq, ;k vkarfjd iqjtksa dks [kqys +{ks= esa u j[ksaA 3- ;fn fdlh vukf/kd`r foHkkx ;k O;fDr ds }kjk fuiVkj.k fd;k tkrk gS rks ;g i;kZoj.k
¼lqj{kk½ /kkjk 1986 ds vUrxZr vkrk gSA
4- nq?kZVukxzLr VwV QwV rFkk vO;ofLFkr j[k&j[kko ls cpko A d&jsÝhtjsUV ¼ R134a½ ;fn lEidZ esa vf/kd vkrk gS rksa] pDdj vkuk o ,dkxzrk esa ck/kk
mRiUu gks ldrh gS] rjy inkFkZ dk lh/kk lEidZ] 'khrna’k o tyu dk dkj.k gks ldrk gSA blh izdkj jsÝhtjsUV ¼R 600a½ dk ikbZiksa ls fjlko gksus ls vkx yx ldrh gS rFkk vk¡[ks Hkh [kjkc gks ldrh gSA
[k& lkbDyksisUVsu vR;Ur Toyu’khy rjy o ok"ih; gksus ds dkj.k mf)r thou ds fy,
dkQh uqDlku nsg gks ldrk gSA rjy inkFkZ ds lEidZ esa vkus ij B.Mh Tkyu rFkk ckj ckj lEidZ esa vkus ls Ropk 'kq"d gks ldrh gSA
5- ;g mRikn bZ&vif'k"V ¼izca/ku vkSj gFkkyu½ fu;e 2011 ds vUrxZr 13¼1½ ,oa ¼2½ ds
rgr fufnZ"V [krjukd inkFkksZa dh vko';drk dk ikyu djrk gSA
6- mijksDr inkFkksZ ds fuiVkj.k ds fy, utnhdh fuiVkj.k laLFkku ¼ladh.kZ {ks=½ esa dkWy
djsaA vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy, gekjs Vksy Ýh uacj 1800-315-9999 / 1800-180-9999 ij dkWy djsa] lHkh laxzg.k dsUnz o fid&vi dh lqfo/kk,W fdlh FkMZ& ikVhZ tks LG
Electronics India Pvt. Ltd dks viuh lsok,a iznku dj jgh gksa] ls djok,aA
Risk of Fire and Flammable Materials /      
This appliance contains a small amount of isobutane refrigerant (R600a), but it is also combustible. When transporting and installing the appliance, care should be taken to ensure that no parts of the refrigerating circuit are damaged.
bl midj.k esa vkblksC;wVsu (R600a)dh ,d vYi ek=k 'kkfey gS]ysfdu ;g Hkh Toyu’khy gSA dgha ys tkrs le; vkSj midj.k dks baLVky djrs le; bl ckr dk /;ku lqfuf’pr djuk pkfg, fd jsfÝtjsafVx lfdZV ds fdlh Hkh Hkkx dks uqdlku uk gksA
If a leak is detected, avoid any naked flames or potential sources of ignition and air the room in which the appliance is standing for several minutes. In order to avoid the creation of a flammable gas air mixture if a leak in the refrigerating circuit occurs, the size of the room in which the appliance is used should correspond to the amount of refrigerant used. the room must be 1m in size for every 8g of (R600a) refrigerant inside the appliance.
;fn fjlko dk irk pyrk gS] fdlh Hkh uXu yiVksa ;k izToyu ds laHkkfor L=ksrksa ls cpsa vkSj ml dejs dks gok nsa ftlesa midj.k dbZ feuVksa ds fy, j[kk gS] jsfÝtjsfVax lfdZV esa ;fn fjlko gksrk gS rks ,d Toyu’khy xSl vkSj gok ds feJ.k ds fuekZ.k ls cpus ds fy, mi;ksx fd, x;s jsfÝtjsVj ds vuq:i gksuk pkfg,A midj.k ds vUnj (R600a) lnZ ds fy, izR;ssd ds fy, dejs dk vkdkj gksuk pkfg,A
When positioning the appliance, ensure the supply cord is not trapped or damaged.
midj.k dh fLFkfr ds nkSjku] lqfuf’fpr djsa fd vkiwfrZ dkWMZ Qal ;k {kfrxzLr ugha gSA
Do not locate multiple portable socket-outlets or portable power supplies at the rear of the appliance.
midj.k ds fiNys fgLls esa dbZ iksVsZcy lkWdsV&vkmVysV ;k iksVsZcy fctyh dh vkiwfrZ ugha gksuh pkfg,A
(LG WhatsApp No.) (LG WhatsApp No.)
This symbol alerts you to flammable materials that can ignite and cause a fire if you do not take care.
;g izrhd vkidks Toyu’khy inkFkks± ds fy, lpsr djrk gS tks izTofyr gks ldrs gS vkSj vkx dk dkj.k cu ldrs gS vxj vki /;ku ugha nsrs gSA
8g 1m
T;knk tkudkjh ds fy, ns[ksa osclkbV % http://www.lg.com/in
[k& tc midj.k dk;Zjr u gks rks bls vyx {ks= esa j[ksa rkfd
For disposal of the product it is required to be handed over to authorized recycler only.
mRikn ds fuiVku ds fy, bls dsoy vf/kd`r fjlkbDyj dks lkSaiuk vko’;d gSA