Procedures for submission of coursework
Students, when submitting a major piece of coursework, are required to append to
their work a signed statement confirming that the work is their own. The
minimum information to be included in the statement of original authorship is
specified in the Examinations and Assessment Procedures Handbook, Section 15.
Schools/Departments are required to include the definition of plagiarism in
Programme Handbooks and it is particularly recommended that they remind
students of the definition of plagiarism and its consequences at those times when
students are preparing major pieces of coursework.
It is recommended that Schools/Departments normally issue the form for the
statement of original authorship, at the latest, when the piece of work is set
(rather than when it is submitted) in order that students might be reminded of
good academic practice and the meaning and consequences of plagiarism before
they embark on a piece of work.
Schools/Departments are normally required to issue to students, through
School/Departmental offices, a signed, dated, and (where appropriate) timed
receipt slip in acknowledgement of the submission of dissertations and major
pieces of coursework. Schools/Departments are strongly encouraged to issue
similar receipts for other pieces of coursework.
Editorial and proof-reading services
The University’s policy in relation to students’ use of editorial and proof-reading
services is available in the Guide to Undergraduate Assessment, the Guide to Assessment
for Taught Postgraduate Students, and the Examinations and Assessment Procedures
Handbook, Section 15.
6. Extensions to deadlines for submission of assessed coursework and the
penalties for late submission of assessed coursework
Work for formative assessment (i.e. work which does not contribute to a result)
Work for formative assessment is submitted so that the student can benefit from
feedback. Submitting such work late is discourteous and disrupts the plans staff
will have made in allocating time to provide the feedback. The penalty for late
submission, therefore, is forfeiting any right to feedback. Students may approach
the member of staff who would normally read and comment on the work in
order to apologise, present excuses and request feedback. It is entirely up to the
member of staff to agree or not, and, if agreeable, to determine the time when
such feedback will be given.
Work for summative assessment
(a) Extensions and remission
Students may request extensions in advance in accordance with the University’s
extenuating circumstances procedures (see Examinations and Assessment Handbook,
section 18). If a student wishes to request an extension, he or she must do so in
advance of the deadline for submission of the relevant work. If an extension is