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Only for training and service purposes
LGE Internal Use Only
4. Component 480i/1080p RGB
1080p Adjustment
Component 480i/1080p RGB 1080p adjustment to set the
black level and the Gain to optimum.
4-1. Test Equipment
(1) Service R/C
(2) 801GF(802B, 802F, 802R) or MSPG925FA Pattern
Generator (480i/1080i The Horizontal 100% Color Bar
Pattern adjust to within 0.7±0.1Vp-p)
[ Because the above pattern can differ by the model and
pattern for each device, you must check the pattern first.
4-2. ADC 480i Component1 Adjustment
(1) Check the connection Component1 to the Test Equipment.
(MSPG-925FA => Model: 209, Pattern: 65)
(2) Select Component1 as the input with 100% Horizontal
Color Bar Pattern(HozTV31Bar) in 480i Mode and select
‘Normal’ in screen.
(3) After receiving signal for at least 1 second, press the ADJ
Key on the Service R/C to enter the ‘Ez - Adjust’ and select
the ‘3. ADC 480i Comp1’.
Pressing the Enter Key to adjust automatically.
(4) When the adjustment is over, 'ADC Component1 Success’
is displayed.
(5) If the adjustment has errors, 'ADC Component1 480i Fail’
is displayed. And error massage(‘Component1 Not
Connected’ or ‘Not Valid Format’ or ‘Check Signal Status’)
is displayed for 1 second.
4-3. ADC 1080i Component1/RGB
(1) Check the connection Component1, RGB to the Test
Equipment (MSPG-925FA => Model: 225, Pattern: 65)
(2) Select Component1 as the input with 100% Horizontal
Color Bar Pattern(HozTV31Bar) in 1080i Mode and select
‘Normal’ in screen.
(3) After receiving signal for at least 1 second, press the ADJ
Key on the Service R/C to enter the ‘Ez - Adjust’ and select
the ‘4. ADC 1080i Comp1/RGB’.
Pressing the Enter Key to adjust automatically component1.
(4) When the adjustment is over, 'ADC Component1 Success’
is displayed. If the adjustment has errors, 'ADC
Component1 1080i Fail’ is displayed.
(5) After the Component1 adjustment is over, convert the
RGB-DTV Mode and start RGB adjustment.
When the adjustment is over, 'ADC RGB 1080P Success’
is displayed.
(6) Readjust after confirming the case Pattern or adjustment
condition where the adjustment errors.
Error massage is ‘Component1 Not Connected’ or ‘Not
Valid Format’ or ‘Check Signal Status’.
(7) After adjustment is complete, exit the adjustment mode by
pressing the ADJ KEY.
5. EDID(The Extended Display
Identification Data)/DDC
(Display Data Channel) Download
It is the feature to implement the “Plug and Play” which
automatically reconfigures the user’sl environment to directly
use by exchanging information without any command directly
to the PC or the monitor by the user, which is established by
the VESA
5-1. HDMI EDID Data Input
(1) Required Test Equipment
1) PC, Jig for adjusting DDC. (PC serial to D-sub
Connection equipment)
2) S/W for writing DDC(EDID data write & read)
3) D-Sub cable
4) Jig for HDMI Cable connection
(2) Preparation for Adjustments &
Setting of Device
1) Set devices as below and turn on the PC and JIG.
2) Open S/W for writing DDC (EDID data write & read).
(operated in DOS mode)
<Fig. 1> Adjustment Pattern: 480i/1080i 60Hz Pattern