LG 50LB561U-ZC, 32LB5610-ZC, 50LB561U-ZE, 32LB628V-ZB, 55LB561V-ZE User Manual

* LG LED TV applies LCD screen with LED backlights.
Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.
LB55** LB56** LB62**
P/NO : MFL68003802 (1401-REV00) Printed in Korea
A-3 Attaching the stand
A-4 Antenna connection A-6 Satellite dish connection A-7 Euro Scart connection A-10 Other connections
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands Ελληνικά Slovenščina
Image shown may differ from your TV.
(Only LB56**-ZT / ZQ, LB62**-ZE)
Attaching the stand
(Only LB55**, LB56**-ZE / ZC, LB62**-ZA / ZB)
A Stand Base
B Stand Base
M4 x L14
(Only 32LB55**, 32LB56**-ZE / ZC, 32LB62**-ZA / ZB)
M4 x L20
A Stand Base
B Stand Base
M4 x L14
(Only 32LB56**-ZT / ZQ, 32LB62**-ZE)
M4 x L20
yWhen attaching the stand to the TV set, place
the screen facing down on a cushioned table or flat surface to protect the screen from scratches.
This section on MAKING CONNECTIONS mainly uses diagrams for the 47LB561V models.
Antenna connection
Wall Antenna
Connect the TV to a wall antenna socket with an RF cable (75 Ω).
yUse a signal splitter to use more than 2 TVs. yIf the image quality is poor, install a signal
amplifier properly to improve the image quality.
yIf the image quality is poor with an antenna
connected, try to realign the antenna in the correct direction.
yAn antenna cable and converter are not supplied. ySupported DTV Audio: MPEG, Dolby Digital,
Dolby Digital Plus, HE-AAC
*Not Provided
Schließen Sie das TV-Gerät mit einem HF-Kabel (75 Ω) an eine Wandantennenbuchse an.
yBei Verwendung von mehr als 2 TV-Geräten
verwenden Sie einen Signalsplitter.
yIst das Bild schlecht, installieren Sie einen
Signalverstärker, um die Bildqualität zu verbessern.
yWenn die Bildqualität bei angeschlossener
Antenne schlecht ist, richten Sie die Antenne richtig aus.
yAntennenkabel und Verstärker sind nicht im
Lieferumfang enthalten.
yUnterstützter DTV-Ton: MPEG, Dolby Digital,
Dolby Digital Plus, HE-AAC
Connectez la TV à une prise d’antenne murale avec un câble RF (75 Ω).
yUtilisez un séparateur de signaux pour
utiliser plus de deux téléviseurs.
ySi la qualité d’image est mauvaise, installez
correctement un amplificateur de signaux pour l’améliorer.
ySi vous utilisez une antenne et que la qualité
d’image est mauvaise, essayez de réaligner l’antenne dans la bonne direction.
yLe câble et le convertisseur d’antenne ne sont
pas fournis.
yTechnologies audio TNT prises en charge :
MPEG, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, HE-AAC
Collegare il televisore all’antenna centralizzata con un cavo RF (75 Ω).
yUtilizzare uno sdoppiatore del segnale per
usare più di 2 televisori.
ySe la qualità dell’immagine è scarsa, installare
correttamente un amplificatore del segnale per migliorarla.
ySe la qualità dell’immagine è scarsa con
un’antenna collegata, provare a riallineare l’antenna nella direzione corretta.
yIl cavo e il convertitore dell’antenna non sono in
yAudio DTV supportato: MPEG, Dolby Digital,
Dolby Digital Plus, HE-AAC
Conecte la TV a una toma de pared de antena con un cable RF (75 Ω).
yEmplee un divisor de señal cuando desee utilizar
más de dos TV.
ySi la imagen es de poca calidad, instale un
amplificador de señal correctamente para mejorar la calidad de imagen.
ySi la imagen es de poca calidad con una antena
conectada, intente volver a orientar la antena en la dirección adecuada.
yNo se suministran el cable de antena ni el
y Audio DTV admitido: MPEG, Dolby Digital, Dolby
Digital Plus, HE-AAC
Ligue a TV a uma tomada de antena de parede com um cabo RF (75 Ω).
yUtilize um separador de sinal se quiser utilizar
mais de 2 TVs.
ySe a qualidade de imagem for fraca, instale um
amplificador de sinal para melhorar a qualidade de imagem.
ySe a qualidade de imagem for fraca mesmo que
tenha uma antena ligada, tente orientar a antena para a direcção correcta.
yO cabo da antena e o conversor não são
yÁudio DTV suportado: MPEG, Dolby Digital,
Dolby Digital Plus, HE-AAC
Συνδέστε την τηλεόραση σε μια υποδοχή κεραίας στον τοίχο με ένα καλώδιο RF (75 Ω).
yΧρησιμοποιήστε ένα διαχωριστή σήματος για τη
χρήση περισσότερων από 2 τηλεοράσεων.
yΑν η ποιότητα της εικόνας δεν είναι καλή,
εγκαταστήστε έναν ενισχυτή σήματος για τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας εικόνας.
yΑν η ποιότητα της εικόνας δεν είναι καλή μετά
τη σύνδεση της κεραίας, δοκιμάστε να αλλάξετε τον προσανατολισμό της κεραίας στη σωστή κατεύθυνση.
yΔεν παρέχεται καλώδιο κεραίας και μετατροπέας. yΥποστηριζόμενος ήχος DTV: MPEG, Dolby
Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, HE-AAC
Televizor priključite v stensko antensko vtičnico s kablom RF (75 Ω).
yČe želite uporabljati več kot 2 televizorja,
uporabite razcepnik za signal.
yČe je kakovost slike slaba, jo izboljšajte tako, da
ustrezno namestite ojačevalnik signala.
yČe je kakovost slike slaba in uporabljate anteno,
usmerite anteno v ustrezno smer.
yKabel antene in pretvornik nista priložena. yPodprte oblike zvoka za DTV: MPEG, Dolby
Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, HE-AAC
Sluit de TV met behulp van een RF-kabel (75 Ω) aan op een antenneaansluiting op de muur.
yGebruik een signaalsplitter om meer dan twee
TV’s te gebruiken.
yAls de beeldkwaliteit slecht is, installeert u
een signaalversterker om de beeldkwaliteit te verbeteren.
yAls de beeldkwaliteit slecht is terwijl een antenne
is aangesloten, probeert u de antenne in de juiste richting te draaien.
yAntennekabel en converter worden niet
yOndersteunde DTV-audio: MPEG, Dolby Digital,
Dolby Digital Plus, HE-AAC
Satellite dish connection
(Only satellite models)
*Not Provided
Connect the TV to a satellite dish to a satellite socket with a satellite RF cable (75 Ω).
Schließen Sie das TV-Gerät mit einem Satelliten­HF-Kabel (75 Ω) an eine Satellitenschüssel und an eine Satellitenbuchse an.
700mA Max
Satellite IN
Sluit de TV met behulp van een RF-satellietkabel (75 Ω) aan op een satellietschotel.
Συνδέστε την τηλεόραση σε μια δορυφορική κε­ραία, μέσω μιας δορυφορικής υποδοχής με δορυ­φορικό καλώδιο (75 Ω).
S kablom RF za satelit povežite televizor s satelitskim krožnikom prek vtičnice za satelit (75 Ω).
Connectez la TV à une parabole satellite ou à une prise satellite à l’aide d’un câble satellite RF (75 Ω).
Collegare la TV a un’antenna satellitare e a una presa satellitare con un cavo RF satellitare (75 Ω).
Para conectar la TV a una antena parabólica, enchufe un cable de RF de satélite a una toma de satélite (75 Ω).
Ligue a TV a uma antena parabólica a uma tomada de satélite com um cabo RF para satélite (75 Ω).
Euro Scart connection
*Not Provided
Transmits the video and audio signals from an external device to the TV set. Connect the external device and the TV set with the euro scart cable as shown.
Current input mode
Digital TV
Analogue TV, AV
1 TV Out : Outputs Analogue TV or Digital TV signals.
yAny Euro scart cable used must be signal
yWhen watching digital TV in 3D imaging mode,
only 2D out signals can be output through the SCART cable. (Only 3D models)
(TV Out1)
Digital TV
Analogue TV
Überträgt Video- und Audiosignale von einem externen Gerät an das TV-Gerät. Verbinden Sie das externe Gerät, wie in der folgenden Abbildung gezeigt, mithilfe des Euro-Scart-Kabels mit dem TV-Gerät.
Aktueller Eingangsmodus
Analog-TV, AV
1 TV-Ausgang: Ausgang für analoge und digitale
yDas Euro-Scart-Kabel muss signaltechnisch
abgeschirmt sein.
yBei digitalem Fernsehen im 3D-Modus können
nur 2D-Ausgangssignale über ein SCART-Kabel ausgegeben werden. (Nur 3D-Modelle)
Transmet les signaux audio et vidéo d’un appareil externe au téléviseur. Raccordez l’appareil externe et le téléviseur à l’aide d’un câble péritel comme illustré ci-dessous.
Type de sortie
Mode d'entrée actuel
TV numérique
TV analogique, AV
1 Sortie TV : sortie de signaux en mode TV analogique
ou en mode TV numérique.
(Sortie TV1)
TV numérique
TV analogique
yTous les câbles Euro scart utilisés doivent être
des câbles de signal blindés.
yQuand le mode 3D est sélectionné sur la TV
numérique, seuls les signaux de sortie 2D peuvent être émis via le câble péritel. (modèles
3D uniquement)
Consente la trasmissione dei segnali audio e video da un dispositivo esterno al televisore. Collegare il dispositivo esterno e il televisore con il cavo Euro Scart come mostrato nell’illustrazione di seguito.
Tipo di uscita
Modalità di ingresso corrente
TV digitale
TV analogica, AV
1 Uscita TV: uscite segnali TV analogica o TV digitale.
(Uscita TV1)1)
TV digitale
TV analogica
yI cavi Euro Scart devono essere schermati. yQuando si guarda il TV digitale in modalità immagini
3D, solo i segnali di uscita 2D possono passare attraverso il cavo SCART. (Solo modelli 3D)
Transmite las señales de audio y vídeo de un dipositivo externo a la TV. Use el cable euroconector para conectar el dispositivo externo a la TV, tal y como se muestra en la siguiente ilustración.
Tipo de salida
Modo de entrada
TV digital
TV analógica, AV
1 Salida de TV: salida de señales de TV analógica o
(Salida de TV1)
TV digital
TV analógica
yTodo cable euroconector que se emplee deberá
estar blindado.
yCuando visualice la TV digital en modo de
imagen 3D, sólo podrá utilizar el euroconector para las señales de salida 2D. (Solo para los modelos 3D)
Transmite os sinais de vídeo e áudio de um dispositivo externo para a TV. Ligue o dispositivo externo à TV com o cabo Euro Scart, conforme demonstrado na ilustração seguinte.
Tipo de saída
Modo de entrada actual
TV Digital
TV Analógica, AV
1 Saída TV: Sinais de Saída de TV Analógica ou
(Saída TV1)
TV Digital
TV Analógica
yQualquer cabo Euro scart utilizado terá de ser
yQuando estiver a ver TV digital no modo de
imagem em 3D, apenas os sinais de saída 2D poderão ser emitidos através do cabo SCART. (Apenas em modelos com 3D)
U kunt de video- en audiosignalen vanaf een etern apparaat naar de TV zenden. Sluit het externe apparaat en de TV op elkaar aan met behulp van de Scart-kabel, zoals aangegeven in de volgende afbeelding.
Huidige invoermodus
Digitale TV
Analoge TV, AV
1 TV Uit: voert analoge TV-signalen of Digitale
TV-signalen uit.
(TV Uit1)
Digitale TV
Analoge TV
yVoor elke Scart-kabel moet het signaal zijn
yTijdens het kijken naar digitale TV in de modus
voor 3D-beelden kunnen alleen 2D-uitsignalen worden uitgevoerd via de SCART-kabel. (Alleen 3D-modellen)
Μεταδίδει τα σήματα εικόνας και ήχου από μια εξωτερική συσκευή στην τηλεόραση. Συνδέστε την εξωτερική συσκευή και την τηλεόραση με το καλώ- διο Euro Scart, όπως φαίνεται στην παρακάτω ει- κόνα.
Τύπος εξόδου
Τρέχουσα λειτουργία εισόδου
Ψηφιακή τηλεόραση
Αναλογική τηλεόραση, AV
1 Έξοδος TV : Έξοδοι αναλογικού σήματος τηλεόρασης
ή ψηφιακού σήματος τηλεόρασης.
(Έξοδος TV1)
yΚάθε καλώδιο Euro scart που χρησιμοποιείται
πρέπει να διαθέτει θωράκιση σήματος.
yΌταν παρακολουθείτε ψηφιακή τηλεόραση στη
λειτουργία απεικόνισης 3D, μόνο τα σήματα εξόδου 2D μεταδίδονται μέσω του καλωδίου SCART. (Μόνο σε μοντέλα 3D)
Prenaša video in avdio signale iz zunanje naprave na televizor. Povežite zunanjo napravo in televizor z evro scart kablom, kot je prikazano na naslednji sliki.
Vrsta izhoda
Trenutni način vhoda
Digitalna TV
Analogna TV, AV
1 TV-izhod : Izhod za analogne in digitalne televizijske
Digitalna TV
Analogna TV
yKabel Euro Scart mora biti signalno zaščiten. yPri gledanju digitalne televizije v 3D-načinu je
mogoče po kablu SCART oddajati le 2D-izhodne signale. (samo 3D-modeli)
Other connections
(Only LAN PORT models)
700mA Max
Sat ellite IN
DVD/ Blu-Ray / HD Cable Box / HD STB / PC
(Only Satellite models)
Digital Audio System
( )
DVD/ Blu-Ray / HD Cable Box / VCR
DVD/ Blu-Ray / HD Cable Box
HDMI 2 port position
IN 2 (MHL)
varies by model.
Only LB56**, LB62** series
Connect your TV to external devices. For the best picture and audio quality, connect the external device and the TV with the HDMI cable as shown. Some sepa­rate cable is not provided.
Verbinden Sie Ihr Fernsehgerät mit externen Geräten. Wenn Sie beste Bild- und Tonqualität wünschen, verbinden Sie das externe Gerät und das Fernsehgerät mit dem HDMI-Kabel wie in der Abbildung gezeigt. Es wird kein separates Kabel mitgeliefert.
Connecter votre téléviseur à des périphériques externes. Pour une qualité d’image et de son optimale, connectez le périphérique externe et le téléviseur à l’aide du câble HDMI tel qu’indiqué. Certains câbles ne sont pas fournis.
Collegare il TV ai dispositivi esterni. Per una migliore qual­ità audio e delle immagini, collegare il dispositivo esterno e il TV utilizzando il cavo HDMI come indicato di seguito. Alcuni cavi separati non sono forniti con il prodotto.
Mobile phone
Conecte la TV a los dispositivos externos. Para con­seguir la mejor calidad de imagen y sonido, conecte el dispositivo externo y la TV con el cable HDMI tal como se muestra. Algunos cables no se incluyen.
Ligue a TV a dispositivos externos. Para a melhor qualidade de imagem e áudio, ligue o dispositivo externo e a TV com o cabo HDMI, conforme indicado. Alguns cabos separados não são fornecidos.
Sluit uw TV aan op externe apparaten. Sluit het externe apparaat voor de beste beeld- en geluidskwaliteit op de TV aan met de HDMI-kabel zoals weergegeven. Bepaal­de kabels worden niet als accessoire meegeleverd.
Συνδέστε την τηλεόρασή σας με εξωτερικές συσκευές. Για την καλύτερη δυνατή ποιότητα εικόνας και ήχου, συνδέστε την εξωτερική συσκευή και την τηλεόραση με το καλώδιο HDMI, όπως φαίνεται στην εικόνα. Δεν παρέχεται ξεχωριστό καλώδιο.
Televizor priključite na zunanje naprave. Za najboljšo kakovost slike in zvoka zunanjo napravo in televizor povežite s kablom HDMI, kot je prikazano. Nekateri ločeni kabli niso priloženi.
Connect various external devices to the TV and switch input modes to select an external device. For more information of external device’s connection, refer to the manual provided with each device. Available external devices are: HD receivers, DVD players, VCRs, audio systems, USB storage devices, PC, gaming devices, and other external devices.
yThe external device connection may differ from
the model.
yConnect external devices to the TV regardless of
the order of the TV port.
yIf you record a TV programme on a DVD recorder
or VCR, make sure to connect the TV signal input cable to the TV through a DVD recorder or VCR. For more information of recording, refer to the manual provided with the connected device.
yRefer to the external equipment’s manual for
operating instructions.
yIf you connect a gaming device to the TV, use the
cable supplied with the gaming device.
yIn PC mode, there may be noise associated
with the resolution, vertical pattern, contrast or brightness. If noise is present, change the PC output to another resolution, change the refresh rate to another rate or adjust the brightness and contrast on the PICTURE menu until the picture is clear.
yIn PC mode, some resolution settings may not
work properly depending on the graphics card.
Verbinden Sie mehrere externe Geräte mit dem TV-Gerät, und wechseln Sie die Eingangsmodi, um ein externes Gerät auszuwählen. Weitere Informationen zum Anschluss von externen Geräten entnehmen Sie bitte dem Handbuch des jeweiligen Gerätes. Verfügbare externe Geräte sind: HD-Receiver, DVD-Player, Videorekorder, Audiosysteme, USBSpeichergeräte, PCs, Spielkonsolen und weitere externe Geräte.
yDer Anschluss für externe Geräte kann von
Modell zu Modell unterschiedlich sein.
yVerbinden Sie externe Geräte unabhängig von
der Reihenfolge der Anschlüsse mit dem TV-Gerät.
yWenn Sie eine Fernsehsendung über DVDPlayer
oder Videorekorder aufnehmen, vergewissern Sie sich, dass das TV-Gerät über das Eingangskabel für das TV-Signal mit dem DVD­Player oder Videorekorder verbunden ist. Weitere Informationen zu Aufnahmen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Handbuch des verbundenen Gerätes.
yAnweisungen zum Betrieb finden Sie im
Handbuch des externen Gerätes.
yWenn Sie eine Spielekonsole mit dem TVGerät
verbinden, verwenden Sie das mit der Konsole mitgelieferte Kabel.
yIm PC-Modus kann es hinsichtlich Auflösung,
vertikalem Muster, Kontrast oder Helligkeit zu Rauschen kommen. Wenn Rauschen auftritt, stellen Sie den PC auf eine andere Auflösung ein, ändern Sie die Bildwiederholrate, oder passen Sie Helligkeit und Kontrast im Menü „BILD“ an, bis das Bild optimal ist.
yAbhängig von der Grafikkarte funktionieren
im PC-Modus einige Auflösungseinstellungen möglicherweise nicht ordnungsgemäß.
Connectez divers périphériques externes à la TV et changez de mode de source d’entrée pour sélectionner un périphérique externe. Pour en savoir plus sur le raccordement d’un périphérique externe, reportez-vous au manuel fourni avec ce dernier. Les périphériques externes disponibles sont les suivants : récepteurs HD, lecteurs DVD, VCR, systèmes audio, périphériques de stockage USB, PC, consoles de jeu et autres périphériques externes.
yLe raccordement du périphérique externe peut
différer du modèle.
yConnectez des périphériques externes à la TV
sans tenir compte de l’ordre du port TV.
ySi vous enregistrez un programme TV sur un
enregistreur de DVD ou un magnétoscope, veillez à raccorder le câble de source d’entrée du signal de la TV à la TV via un enregistreur de DVD ou un magnétoscope. Pour en savoir plus sur l’enregistrement, reportez-vous au manuel fourni avec le périphérique connecté.
yVeuillez consulter le manuel de l’équipement
externe contenant les instructions d’utilisation.
ySi vous connectez une console de jeu à la TV,
utilisez le câble fourni avec la console de jeu.
yEn mode PC, un bruit peut être associé à la
résolution, au modèle vertical, au contraste ou à la luminosité. En présence de bruit, changez la résolution de la sortie PC, changez le niveau du taux de rafraîchissement ou réglez la luminosité et le contraste dans le menu IMAGE jusqu’à ce que l’image soit nette.
yEn mode PC, certains réglages de la résolution
peuvent ne pas fonctionner correctement en fonction de la carte graphique utilisée.
Collegare diversi dispositivi esterni al televisore e modicare la modalità di ingresso per selezionare un dispositivo esterno. Per ulteriori informazioni sul collegamento di un dispositivo esterno, consultare il manuale fornito in dotazione con ciascun dispositivo. È possibile collegare i seguenti dispositivi esterni: ricevitori HD, lettori DVD, VCR, sistemi audio, periferiche di archiviazione USB, PC, console per videogiochi e altri dispositivi esterni.
yIl collegamento del dispositivo esterno può
variare in base al modello.
yCollegare i dispositivi esterni al televisore a
prescindere dall’ordine della porta del televisore.
ySe si registra un programma TV su un
registratore DVD o VCR, accertarsi di collegare il cavo di ingresso del segnale al televisore attraverso un registratore DVD o VCR. Per ulteriori informazioni sulla registrazione, consultare il manuale fornito in dotazione con il dispositivo collegato.
yConsultare il manuale dell’apparecchiatura
esterna per le istruzioni operative.
ySe si collega una console per videogiochi alla
TV, utilizzare il cavo fornito con il dispositivo.
yIn modalità PC, possono essere presenti
interferenze relative alla risoluzione, schemi verticali, contrasto o luminosità. In caso di interferenze, modificare la modalità PC impostando un’altra risoluzione o modificando la frequenza di aggiornamento oppure regolare luminosità e contrasto sul menu IMMAGINE finché non si ottiene un’immagine nitida.
yA seconda della scheda grafica utilizzata, alcune
impostazioni di risoluzione potrebbero non essere adatte alla modalità PC.
Puede conectar varios dispositivos externos a la TV y cambiar entre los modos de entrada para seleccionar un dispositivo externo. Para obtener más información sobre la conexión de dispositivos externos, consulte el manual que se incluye con cada dispositivo. Los dispositivos externos disponibles son: receptores HD, reproductores de DVD, vídeos, siste­mas de audio, dispositivos de almacenamiento USB, PC, consolas de juegos, etc.
yLa conexión de dispositivos externos puede
variar entre distintos modelos.
yConecte los dispositivos externos a la TV
independientemente del orden de los puertos de la TV.
ySi graba un programa de TV en un grabador
de DVD o un vídeo, asegúrese de conectar el cable de entrada de señal de TV a la TV a través del grabador de DVD o del vídeo. Para obtener más información sobre la grabación, consulte el manual que se incluye con el dispositivo que se conecte.
yConsulte el manual del equipo externo para
obtener las instrucciones de funcionamiento.
ySi conecta una consola de juegos a la TV,
emplee el cable proporcionado con el dispositivo en cuestión.
yEn el modo PC, puede que se genere ruido
asociado a la resolución, al patrón vertical, al contraste o a la luminosidad. Si se produce ruido, cambie la salida PC a otra resolución, cambie la frecuencia de actualización o ajuste la luminosidad y el contraste del menú IMAGEN hasta que la imagen se muestre más clara.
yEn el modo PC, puede que algunos ajustes de
la resolución no funcionen correctamente en función de la tarjeta gráfica.
Ligue vários dispositivos externos à TV e mude os modos de entrada para seleccionar um dispositivo externo. Para mais informações sobre a ligação de dispositivos externos, consulte o manual fornecido com cada dispositivo. Os dispositivos externos disponíveis são: receptores HD, leitores de DVD, videogravadores, sistemas de áudio, dispositivos de armazenamento USB, PC, dispositivos de jogos e outros dispositivos externos.
yA ligação do dispositivo externo pode ser
diferente da do modelo.
yLigue dispositivos externos à TV
independentemente da ordem da porta da TV.
ySe gravar um programa de televisão num
gravador de DVD ou num videogravador, não se esqueça de ligar o cabo do de entrada do sinal de TV à TV através do gravador de DVD ou do videogravador. Para mais informações sobre a gravação, consulte o manual fornecido com o dispositivo ligado.
yConsulte o manual do equipamento externo
sobre instruções de funcionamento.
ySe ligar um dispositivo de jogos à TV, utilize o
cabo fornecido com o dispositivo de jogos.
yNo modo PC, poderá ser produzido um ruído
associado à resolução, padrão vertical, contraste ou luminosidade. Se se verificar ruído, altere a saída do PC para outra resolução, altere a frequência de actualização para outra frequência ou ajuste a luminosidade e o contraste no menu IMAGEM até a imagem ficar nítida.
yNo modo PC, algumas definições de resolução
podem não funcionar correctamente, dependendo da placa gráfica.
U kunt diverse externe apparaten aansluiten op de TV en de invoerbron wijzigen om het externe apparaat te kiezen. Zie voor meer informatie over het aansluiten van externe apparaten de handleiding die bij elk extern apparaat is geleverd. De mogelijke externe apparaten zijn: HDontvangers, DVD-spelers, videorecorders, audiosystemen, USB-opslagapparaten, PC‘s, game-apparaten en andere externe apparaten.
yDe aansluiting van externe apparaten kan per
model verschillen.
ySluit externe apparaten aan op de TV, ongeacht
de volgorde van de TV-poort.
yAls u een TV-programma opneemt op een
DVD-recorder of videorecorder, moet u ervoor zorgen dat de TV-signaalinvoerkabel via de DVD-recorder of videorecorder op de TV is aangesloten. Zie voor meer informatie over het opnemen de handleiding die bij het aangesloten apparaat is geleverd.
yRaadpleeg de handleiding bij het externe
apparaat voor bedieningsinstructies.
yAls u een game-apparaat aansluit op de TV,
gebruik dan de kabel die bij het gameapparaat is geleverd.
yHet is mogelijk dat in de PC-modus de
resolutie, het verticale patroon, het contrast of de helderheid niet goed worden weergegeven. Wijzig in dat geval de PCuitvoer in een andere resolutie, verander de vernieuwingsfrequentie in een andere frequentie of pas de helderheid en het contrast in het menu BEELD aan tot het beeld duidelijk is.
yAfhankelijk van de grafische kaart werken
bepaalde resolutie-instellingen in de PCmodus mogelijk niet juist.
Για να επιλέξετε μια εξωτερική συσκευή, συνδέστε διάφορες εξωτερικές συσκευές στην τηλεόραση και αλλάξτε λειτουργίες εισόδου. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη σύνδεση εξωτερικών συσκευών, ανατρέξτε στο εγχειρίδιο που παρέχεται με κάθε συσκευή. Οι διαθέσιμες εξωτερικές συσκευές περιλαμβάνουν δέκτες HD, συσκευές αναπαραγωγής DVD, VCR, ηχοσυστήματα, συσκευές αποθήκευσης USB, υπολογιστές, παιχνιδομηχανές και άλλες εξωτερικές συσκευές.
yΗ σύνδεση εξωτερικών συσκευών ενδέχεται να
διαφέρει ανάλογα με το μοντέλο.
yΜπορείτε να συνδέσετε εξωτερικές συσκευές
στην τηλεόραση, ανεξάρτητα από τη σειρά της θύρας της τηλεόρασης.
yΓια να εγγράψετε ένα τηλεοπτικό πρόγραμμα σε
μια συσκευή εγγραφής DVD ή VCR, βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε συνδέσει το καλώδιο εισόδου τηλεοπτικού σήματος στη συσκευή εγγραφής DVD ή VCR. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την εγγραφή, ανατρέξτε στο εγχειρίδιο που παρέχεται με τη συνδεδεμένη συσκευή.
yΓια οδηγίες λειτουργίας, ανατρέξτε στο εγχειρίδιο
του εξωτερικού εξοπλισμού.
yΓια να συνδέσετε μια παιχνιδομηχανή στην
τηλεόραση, χρησιμοποιήστε το καλώδιο που παρέχεται με την παιχνιδομηχανή.
yΣτη λειτουργία PC, ενδέχεται να υπάρχει θόρυβος
λόγω της ανάλυσης, του κάθετου πλέγματος, της αντίθεσης ή της φωτεινότητας. Εάν υπάρχει θόρυβος, αλλάξτε την ανάλυση στη λειτουργία PC ή το ρυθμό ανανέωσης ή ρυθμίστε τη φωτεινότητα και την αντίθεση στο μενού ΕΙΚΟΝΑ, μέχρι να είναι καθαρή η εικόνα.
yΣε λειτουργία PC, ορισμένες ρυθμίσεις ανάλυσης
ενδεχομένως να μην λειτουργούν σωστά, ανάλογα με την κάρτα γραφικών.
Priključite različne zunanje naprave na televizor in vklopite vhodne načine, da izberete zunanjo napravo. Za dodatne informacije o priključitvi zunanje naprave glejte navodila za uporabo, ki so priložena posamezni napravi. Zunanje naprave, ki so na voljo, so: HDsprejemniki, DVD-predvajalniki, videorekorderji, zvočni sistemi, pomnilniki USB, računalniki, igralne konzole in druge zunanje naprave.
yPovezava z zunanjo napravo je lahko odvisna od
yZunanje naprave priključite na priključke
televizorja v poljubnem zaporedju.
yČe televizijski program snemate na
DVDsnemalnik ali videorekorder, morate DVDsnemalnik ali videorekorder priključiti na televizor s signalnim vhodnim kablom za televizor. Za dodatne informacije o snemanju glejte navodila za uporabo, ki so priložena priključeni napravi.
yNavodila za uporabo si oglejte v priročniku
zunanje opreme.
yČe želite na televizor priključiti igralno konzolo,
uporabite kabel, ki je bil priložen igralni konzoli.
yV načinu računalnika se lahko pojavi šum, ki
je povezan z ločljivostjo, navpičnim vzorcem, kontrastom ali svetlostjo. Če se pojavi šum, spremenite izhodno ločljivost računalnika, spremenite hitrost osveževanje ali v meniju SLIKA prilagodite svetlost in kontrast, dokler slika ni jasna.
yV načinu računalnika nekatere nastavitve
ločljivosti morda ne bodo delovale pravilno (odvisno od grafične kartice).
* LG LED TV applies LCD screen with LED backlights.
Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.
Supported licenses may differ by model. For more information about licenses, visit www.lg.com.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Denition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.
ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX® is a digital video format created by DivX, LLC, a subsidiary of Rovi Corporation. This is an ofcial DivX Certied® device that has passed rigorous testing to verify that it plays DivX video. Visit divx.com for more information and software tools to convert your les into DivX videos.
ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: This DivX Certied® device must be registered in order to play purchased DivX Video-on-Demand (VOD) movies. To obtain your registration code, locate the DivX VOD section in your device setup menu. Go to vod.divx.com for more information on how to complete your registration.
“DivX Certied® to play DivX® video up to HD 1080p, including premium content.”
“DivX®, DivX Certied® and associated logos are trademarks of Rovi Corporation or its subsidiaries and are used under license.”
“Covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents : 7,295,673; 7,460,668; 7,515,710; 7,519,274”
To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL and other open source licenses, that is contained in this product, please visit http://opensource.lge.com. In addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available for download. LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution (such as the cost of media, shipping and handling) upon email request to opensource@lge.com.
This offer is valid for three (3) years from the date on which you purchased the product.
Please read these safety precautions carefully before using the product.
yDo not place the TV and/or remote control in the following environments:
- A location exposed to direct sunlight
- An area with high humidity such as a bathroom
- Near any heat source such as stoves and other devices that produce heat
- Near kitchen counters or humidifiers where they can easily be exposed to steam or
- An area exposed to rain or wind
- Near containers of water such as vases
Otherwise, this may result in re, electric shock, malfunction or product deformation.
yDo not place the product where it might be exposed to dust.
This may cause a fire hazard.
yMains Plug is the TV connecting/disconnecting device to AC mains electric supply.This
plug must remain readily attached and operable when TV is in use.
yDo not touch the power plug with wet hands. Additionally, if the cord pin is wet or
covered with dust, dry the power plug completely or wipe dust off. You may be electrocuted due to excess moisture.
yMake sure to connect Mains cable to compliant AC mains socket with Grounded earth
pin. (Except for devices which are not grounded on earth.) Otherwise possibility you may be electrocuted or injured.
yInsert power cable plug completely into wall socket otherwise if not secured completely
into socket, fire ignition may break out.
yEnsure the power cord does not come into contact with hot objects such as a heater.
This may cause a fire or an electric shock hazard.
yDo not place a heavy object, or the product itself, on power cables.
Otherwise, this may result in fire or electric shock.
yBend antenna cable between inside and outside building to prevent rain from flowing in.
This may cause water damaged inside the Product and could give an electric shock.
yWhen mounting TV onto wall make sure to neatly install and isolate cabling from rear of
TV as to not create possibility of electric shock /fire hazard.
yDo not plug too many electrical devices into a single multiple electrical outlet.
Otherwise, this may result in fire due to over-heating.
yDo not drop the product or let it fall over when connecting external devices.
Otherwise, this may result in injury or damage to the product.
yKeep the anti-moisture packing material or vinyl packing out of the reach of children.
Anti-moisture material is harmful if swallowed. If swallowed by mistake, force the patient to vomit and visit the nearest hospital. Additionally, vinyl packing can cause suffocation. Keep it out of the reach of children.
yDo not let your children climb or cling onto the TV.
Otherwise, the TV may fall over, which may cause serious injury.
yDispose of used batteries carefully to ensure that a small child does not consume them.
Please seek Doctor- Medical Attention immediately if child consumes batteries.
yDo not insert any metal objects/conductors (like a metal chopstick/cutlery/screwdriver)
between power cable plug and input Wall Socket while it is connected to the input terminal on the wall. Additionally, do not touch the power cable right after plugging into the wall input terminal. You may be electrocuted. (Depending on model)
yDo not put or store inflammable substances near the product.
There is a danger of combustion/explosion or fire due to careless handling of the inflammable substances.
yDo not drop metallic objects such as coins, hair pins, chopsticks or wire into the
product, or inflammable objects such as paper and matches. Children must pay particular attention. Electrical shock, fire or injury can occur. If a foreign object is dropped into the product, unplug the power cord and contact the service centre.
yDo not spray water on the product or scrub with an inflammable substance (thinner or
benzene). Fire or electric shock accident can occur.
yDo not allow any impact, shock or any objects to fall into the unit, and do not drop
anything onto the screen. You may be injured or the product can be damaged.
yNever touch this product or antenna during a thunder or lighting storm.
You may be electrocuted.
yNever touch the wall outlet when there is leakage of gas, open the windows and
ventilate. It may cause a fire or a burn by a spark.
yDo not disassemble, repair or modify the product at your own discretion.
Fire or electric shock accident can occur. Contact the service centre for check, calibration or repair.
yIf any of the following occur, unplug the product immediately and contact your local
service centre.
- The product has been impacted by shock
- The product has been damaged
- Foreign objects have entered the product
- The product produced smoke or a strange smell
This may result in re or electric shock.
yUnplug the TV from AC mains wall socket if you do not intend to use the TV for a long
period of time. Accumulated dust can cause re hazard and insulation deterioration can cause electric leakage/shock/re.
yApparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with
liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
yDo not install this product on a wall if it could be exposed to oil or oil mist.
This may damage the product and cause it to fall.
yInstall the product where no radio wave occurs.
yThere should be enough distance between an outside antenna and power lines to keep
the former from touching the latter even when the antenna falls. This may cause an electric shock.
yDo not install the product on places such as unstable shelves or inclined surfaces. Also
avoid places where there is vibration or where the product cannot be fully supported. Otherwise, the product may fall or flip over, which may cause injury or damage to the product.
yIf you install the TV on a stand, you need to take actions to prevent the product from
overturning. Otherwise, the product may fall over, which may cause injury.
yIf you intend to mount the product to a wall, attach VESA standard mounting interface (optional parts) to the
back of the product. When you install the set to use the wall mounting bracket (optional parts), fix it carefully so as not to drop.
yOnly use the attachments / accessories specified by the manufacturer.
yWhen installing the antenna, consult with a qualified service technician. If not installed
by a qualified technician, this may create a fire hazard or an electric shock hazard.
yWe recommend that you maintain a distance of at least 2 to 7 times the diagonal screen
size when watching TV. If you watch TV for a long period of time, this may cause blurred vision.
yOnly use the specified type of battery.
This could cause damage to the remote control.
yDo not mix new batteries with old batteries.
This may cause the batteries to overheat and leak.
yBatteries should not be exposed to excessive heat. For example, keep away from direct Sunlight , open
fireplace and electric heaters .
yDo not place non-rechargeable batteries in charging device.
yMake sure there are no objects between the remote control and its sensor.
ySignal from Remote Control can be interrupted due to external/internal lighting eg
Sunlight, fluorescent lighting. If this occurs turn off lighting or darken viewing area.
yWhen connecting external devices such as video game consoles, make sure the
connecting cables are long enough. Otherwise, the product may fall over, which may cause injury or damage the product.
yDo not turn the product On/Off by plugging-in or unplugging the power plug to the wall
outlet. (Do not use the power plug for switch.) It may cause mechanical failure or could give an electric shock.
yPlease follow the installation instructions below to prevent the product from overheating.
- The distance between the product and the wall should be more than 10 cm.
- Do not install the product in a place with no ventilation (e.g., on a bookshelf or in a
- Do not install the product on a carpet or cushion.
- Make sure the air vent is not blocked by a tablecloth or curtain.
Otherwise, this may result in re.
yTake care not to touch the ventilation openings when watching the TV for long periods
as the ventilation openings may become hot. This does not affect the operation or performance of the product.
yPeriodically examine the cord of your appliance, and if its appearance indicates damage or deterioration,
unplug it, discontinue use of the appliance, and have the cord replaced with an exact replacement part by an authorized servicer.
yPrevent dust collecting on the power plug pins or outlet.
This may cause a fire hazard.
yProtect the power cord from physical or mechanical abuse, such as being twisted,
kinked, pinched, closed in a door, or walked upon. Pay particular attention to plugs, wall outlets, and the point where the cord exits the appliance.
yDo not press strongly upon the panel with a hand or sharp object such as nail, pencil or
pen, or make a scratch on it, as it may cause damage to screen.
yAvoid touching the screen or holding your finger(s) against it for long periods of time.
Doing so may produce some temporary or permanent distortion/damage to screen.
yWhen cleaning the product and its components, unplug the power first and wipe it with
a soft cloth. Applying excessive force may cause scratches or discolouration. Do not spray with water or wipe with a wet cloth. Never use glass cleaner, car or industrial shiner, abrasives or wax, benzene, alcohol etc., which can damage the product and its panel. Otherwise, this may result in fire, electric shock or product damage (deformation, corrosion or breakage).
yAs long as this unit is connected to the AC wall outlet, it is not disconnected from the AC power source even if
you turn off this unit by SWITCH.
yWhen unplugging the cable, grab the plug and unplug it, by pulling at the plug.
Don’t pull at the cord to unplug the power cord from the power board, as this could be hazardous.
yWhen moving the product, make sure you turn the power off first. Then, unplug the
power cables, antenna cables and all connecting cables. The TV set or power cord may be damaged, which may create a fire hazard or cause electric shock.
yWhen moving or unpacking the product, work in pairs because the product is heavy.
Otherwise, this may result in injury.
yContact the service centre once a year to clean the internal parts of the product.
Accumulated dust can cause mechanical failure.
yRefer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the
apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
yIf the product feels cold to the touch, there may be a small “flicker” when it is turned on.
This is normal, there is nothing wrong with product.
yThe panel is a high technology display product with resolution of two million to six million
pixels. You may see tiny black dots and/or brightly coloured dots (red, blue or green) at a size of 1 ppm on the panel. This does not indicate a malfunction and does not affect the performance and reliability of the product. This phenomenon also occurs in third-party products and is not subject to exchange or refund.
yYou may find different brightness and color of the panel depending on your viewing
position(left/right/top/down). This phenomenon occurs due to the characteristic of the panel. It is not related with the product performance, and it is not malfunction.
yDisplaying a still image (e.g., broadcasting channel logo, on-screen menu, scene from a video game) for a
prolonged time may cause damage to the screen, resulting in retention of the image, which is known as image sticking. The warranty does not cover the product for image sticking. Avoid displaying a fixed image on your television’s screen for a prolonged period (2 or more hours for LCD, 1 or more hours for Plasma). Also, if you watch the TV at a ratio of 4:3 for a long time, image sticking may occur on the borders of the panel. This phenomenon also occurs in third-party products and is not subject to exchange or refund.
yGenerated Sound
“Cracking” noise: A cracking noise that occurs when watching or turning off the TV is generated by plastic thermal contraction due to tempera-ture and humidity. This noise is common for products where thermal deformation is required. Electrical circuit humming/panel buzzing: A low level noise is generated from a high­speed switching circuit, which supplies a large amount of current to operate a product. It varies depending on the product. This generated sound does not affect the performance and reliability of the product.
Viewing 3D Imaging (Only 3D models)
Viewing Environment
yViewing Time
- When watching 3D contents, take 5 - 15 minute breaks every hour. Viewing 3D contents for a long period of
time may cause headache, dizziness, fatigue or eye strain.
Those that have a photosensitive seizure or chronic illness
ySome users may experience a seizure or other abnormal symptoms when they are exposed to a flashing light or
particular pattern from 3D contents.
yDo not watch 3D videos if you feel nausea, are pregnant and/ or have a chronic illness such as epilepsy, cardiac
disorder, or blood pressure disease, etc.
y3D Contents are not recommended to those who suffer from stereo blindness or stereo anomaly. Double images
or discomfort in viewing may be experienced.
yIf you have strabismus (cross-eyed), amblyopia (weak eyesight) or astigmatism, you may have trouble sensing
depth and easily feel fatigue due to double images. It is advised to take frequent breaks than the average adult.
yIf your eyesight varies between your right and left eye, revise your eyesight prior to watching 3D contents.
Symptoms which require discontinuation or refraining from watching 3D contents
yDo not watch 3D contents when you feel fatigue from lack of sleep, overwork or drinking. yWhen these symptoms are experienced, stop using/watching 3D contents and get enough rest until the symptom
- Consult your doctor when the symptoms persist. Symptoms may include headache, eyeball pain, dizziness,
nausea, palpitation, blurriness, discomfort, double image, visual inconvenience or fatigue.
Viewing Environment
yViewing Distance
- Maintain a distance of at least twice the screen diagonal length when watching 3D contents. If you feel discomfort in viewing 3D contents, move further away from the TV.
Viewing Age
- Usage/ Viewing 3D contents for children under the age of 6 are prohibited.
- Children under the age of 10 may overreact and become overly excited because their vision is in
development (for example: trying to touch the screen or trying to jump into it. Special monitoring and extra attention is required for children watching 3D contents.
- Children have greater binocular disparity of 3D presentations than adults because the distance between the
eyes is shorter than one of adults. Therefore they will perceive more stereoscopic depth compared to adults for the same 3D image.
- Teenagers under the age of 19 may react with sensitivity due to stimulation from light in 3D contents. Advise
them to refrain from watching 3D contens for a long time when they are tired.
- The elderly may perceive less 3D effect compared to the youth. Do not sit closer to the TV than the
recommended distance.
Cautions when using the 3D glasses
yMake sure to use LG 3D glasses. Otherwise, you may not be able to view 3D videos properly. yDo not use 3D glasses instead of your normal glasses, sunglasses or protective goggles. yUsing modified 3D glasses may cause eye strain or image distortion. yDo not keep your 3D glasses in extremely high or low temperatures. It will cause deformation. yThe 3D glasses are fragile and are easily scratched. Always use a soft, clean piece of cloth when wiping the
lenses. Do not scratch the lenses of the 3D glasses with sharp objects or clean/wipe them with chemicals.
yImage shown may differ from your TV. yYour TV’s OSD (On Screen Display) may differ slightly from that shown in this manual. yThe available menus and options may differ from the input source or product model that you are using. yNew features may be added to this TV in the future. yThe TV can be placed in standby mode in order to reduce the power consumption. And the TV should be
turned off if it will not be watched for some time, as this will reduce energy consumption.
yThe energy consumed during use can be significantly reduced if the level of brightness of the picture is
reduced, and this will reduce the overall running cost.
Check your product box for the following items. If there are any missing accessories, contact the local dealer where you purchased your product. The illustrations in this manual may differ from the actual product and item.
yDo not use any unapproved items to ensure the safety and product life span. yAny damages or injuries by using unapproved items are not covered by the warranty. ySome models have a thin film attached on to the screen and this must not be removed.
yThe items supplied with your product may vary depending on the model. yProduct specifications or contents of this manual may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of
product functions.
yFor an optimal connection, HDMI cables and USB devices should have bezels less than 10 mm thick and 18
mm width. Use an extension cable that supports USB 2.0 if the USB cable or USB memory stick does not fit into your TV’s USB port.
10 mm
18 mm
Remote control, batteries (AAA)
Stand Base
(Only LB55**, LB56**-ZE / ZC, LB62**-ZA / ZB)
Stand Screws
4EA, M4 x L20 (Only 32LB55**, 32LB56**, 32LB62**)
Cable holder
(Depending on model)
Owner’s manual Power Cord
Stand Base
(Only LB56**-ZT / ZQ, LB62**-ZE)
Wall Mount Spacers
2EA (Only 42LB55**, 42LB56**, 42LB62**)
Cinema 3D Glasses
The number of 3D glasses may differ depending on the model or country. (Only LB62**)
Stand Screws
4EA, M4 x L14 (Only 42/49LB55**, 39/42/47/50/55/60LB56**, 42/49/55LB62**)
Cable Managements
Separate purchase
Optional extras can be changed or modied for quality improvement without any notication. Contact your dealer for buying these items. These devices only work with certain models.
LG Audio Device AG-F***
Cinema 3D Glasses
Compatibility LB56** / LB55** LB62**
LG Audio device
Cinema 3D Glasses
Dual play glasses
The model name or design may be changed due to the manufacturer’s circumstances or policies.
Dual play glasses
Parts and buttons
(Only LB55**, LB56**-ZE / ZC, LB62**-ZA / ZB)
(Only LB56**-ZT / ZQ, LB62**-ZE)
Joystick Button
(* This button is located below the TV screen.)
Remote control sensor Power Indicator
Joystick Button
(* This button is located below the TV screen.)
Remote control sensor Power Indicator
yYou can set the power indicator light to on or off by selecting OPTION in the main menus.
+ 258 hidden pages