LG 3828A20535J Owner's Manual

Air Conditioner
website lmp:/i_ ww.1
and thoroughly
future referent, after
You can find them o.na _abel!on the side of each un_. _aler's Name
Da_ Purchased Ill Staple your receipt to this. _ inthe eve_ .you need
itto prove d_te of purchu_ or for warranty issues.
[inside you will fi_ many heipf_i hin_s on how to use
and maintain your air co_itio_r pr_rlly Just a littt_e preventive care on your pa_ can _e you a great deai et time ar,d men,uy o.ve_the lile of yeu_ air cien.di|io_|@r.
You'll find many answers to common problems in 'the chart of troubleshooting tips_ ff you review ou_ cha_ of
Troub_eshoot_ngi Tips first, you may r_t need to call fer _rv_e at ulL
- Contact the a_horized service technician for repair or malntensnce of this unlt.
Contact the insta|ler for installation ot _is unit,
The air conditioner is not intended for use by you_ children or Inwllds without supervision,
Young ehil,dren should _ su_rvised to e_sure
that they do not pi_y w_h the air condi_o_err..
When the power cord is to be replaced, replacement work sh_ll be performed by
_uthorlzed p,erso._nel only _sin_ only genuine replacement _s.
|_stal|atio_ work m_st be per|ormed i_ _ccordance with the National Electric 'Code by q_lified snd suthonzed _reonneil _ly.
2 Room Air Conditioner
To prevent the iniu_ of the u_r or other pe_,le and property _mage, the fo,llllowingi_4ructions m_t be followed
[] i_orrect _erafion due to ignori_ inst_c_io_ wili cause, harm or damage, T_ sefi_sness is cfassffied
by the following indications.
I WARNING This symbo_indicates'thepossibili_ofd,eathorseriousiniury
[] _e meanings of the symbols u_d in this manua_are as shown I_.
CAUTION Thi,0y_boliodi0o_o0thepo,,ibili_jofi_iu_'orda_ago_op_opo,io,.0_ly.
_, sure not to do. "1
su_ to follow the instruction,
[] Installation
There is risk _: fire or ele_ic shock.
'There is risk of fi_ or el,ec4dc _ock.
There is risk of:elect_c sh_k,
There is n_lko_fi_. or electric shock,
There is.nsk of fire or electdc _ock,
There is risk _ fire, electric shock, explosion, oir iniuR/,
Owner's Manua! 3
Sa'te_ Precautions
° Sharp _ges could cause injury.,
Be espedaHy careful of t_ case e_es and t_-__ns.on Me _n_nser and evaporator.
°ff the baseoollapses_the air
_nditioner couldfall with it _using
propertydamage_pr_u,_ failure,, a_d _rsona_ it_ju_,
There is dsk of fire, ele_ic shock, expl_ion,, or iniu_.
, Moi_ure may condense and
wet or dama_ furnishing&
° iltmay _u_ injury, accident, or
dama_ fo t_ product,
m Operation
There is dsk of fire or electrical shock.
4 Room A# Conditioner
There is dsk of fire _ electric shock.
- There,is dsk of fire or electrical s_hock.
Safety Precautions
There iisdsk of fire or e_ectdcal shock.
off may cau_ There is risk of
fin, _ailureofthe produ_, or e_ectr_cshock,
There is ri_ of fire o: e:ectrical s_¢k.
There is risk of fire o_f_llu_ pr_uct..
There is risk of fire and e_ectric shock.
°Oxygen deficiencycouldoccur,
_ere is.risk of expl_ion or fire,
There is risk of electrical s_ck or fire
° _ere is risk of prope_
damage, failure _ product, or electdc shock.
Owners Manual 5
Sa'fe_ Precautions
There is nsk _ ph'ysi_l injury, elecJric _ock, or iPr_uct
There is nsk _ electnca_ shock_
There isriskofprodu_ damage
failure,or unintended
There is ffsk of fire _ e_ec_ical sheik,
'This could result in pJersona_ injurt and product damage_
m Installa4ion
Low refdgeran4 _eveUsmay _use failure of pr_uct
6 Room Air Conditioner
A bad conne_iion may cau_ water _eakage.
'Toavoid vibration or water leakage.
Safety Precautien,s
it may cause a problem for your f_ighbors,
"Avoid pemo_l injury
[] Operation
- This could ,damage,your health. - There, is,dsk of damage or loss
of pi_i_rty,,
it may cause corrosion on the product Corrosion, p,a_cularhjon the conder_er and evaporator fins,
ceuld cause product mal_nction or i_fficient operation.
. it may cause product failure,,
There is dsk of fire, e,_ec_ic s_,ck, or damage to the, pllastic
i_rts _ the proud,
'There is dsk of per._r_al injury. There is ri_ of person_ injury and failure of p,rodu,_,,
Owner's Manual 7
, A dirty lifter reduces t_
efficien W of fhe air conditioner and could cau_ product
malfunction or damage
- Be careful and avoid i_rson_ inju_.,
Them are sha_ and moving parts t_t could cause personal inju_.
Them is risk of fire or explosi_
It is no'_sanita_ and _uld cau_ sed_s heallth is_es.
I Disuse
- They may bum or explode.
8 Room A# Conditioner
The chemicals in batteries could cause burn_ or o_er heaffh ha_rds
Prior to O_ration
1, Contact an installati_ specialist for installation, 2, Plug in the power plug properly,
3,..Use a dedicated circuit,
4. Do not use,an extensi_ _rd.
5. Do not s_rt/stop operation by p,Juggin_unplugging the power cord. 6, If the co,rd/p,fugiis.damaged, _pilace it with only an authorized replacement pa_i,
1.13eir@exp_ed to,dired airfl_J for a Io,ng time may _ hazard,s to your heaffh. Do n@ exp_e occupants, pets, o,r plant_ to direct air[low for a Ilongtime.
2, Due to the p_sibility of oxygen deficiency, ve_ilate the _m when using the applia_e together with
sto_es or o#'_r heating ,devices.
3..Do not use 'this air condffioner for non-specified special p,u_ose (e.g. pre_rvi_ precision devices,
food, pets, plants, or a_ obiects).. Such use may d_age your prope_ies.
1. Do not touch the metal parts of 'the unit when removing the filter. Injury can o_ur.
2..Do not use water to c_ean inside the air condffioner. Exp_ure to water can destroy tlk_ insulation, leading to e_ectdcsh_k.
3, When cleaning the unit, first make sure,that the,power and breaker are turned off, The,fan rotates _ a
very high speed dudng operation, There is a p_s.ibility of injury if the unit's, pc_,_eris triggered whi_e
cteaning inner pa_ of the unit,
For repaiir and main_enan_, oon_ct your authorized _P¢ice dealer.
Owner's Manua! 9i
This symbol alerts you to, the risk of el_tric shock,
This symbol alerts you to, hazards that may cause harm to the air conditio, ner,
This symbol indicates sp,_iall notes,
WARNING: This ap,plia_e sh_lid _ instali_ in accordance with n_io_l wiling
regul_ions. Dis guide a_s _ a guide to help to exp|ain _oduct features.
Air inlet
Air Discharge
_ase i
10 Room Air Conditioner
+ 21 hidden pages