dition: May 15, 2007
he following paragraph does not apply to an y country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:
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mplied warranties in certain transacti ons; therefor e, this statement ma y not apply to you.
his publi cation could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Chang es are peri odically made to the
nformation her ein; these changes will be inco rporat ed in later editions . Improvements or changes in the products or the
rograms descri bed m ay be made at any time.
omments may be addressed to Lexmark Int ernational, Inc., Department D22A/032-2, 740 West New Circle Road,
exington, Kentucky 40550, U .S.A or e-mail at ServiceInfoAndTraining@Lexmark .com. Lexmark may use or distribute an
f the inf ormati on you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
eferences in this pub lication to products, progr am s, or services do not imply that the manufacturer intends to mak e thes
vailable in all countries in whic h it operates. Any reference to a product, program, or service is not intended to state or
mply that only that pr oduct, progr am, or service may be used. Any functi onall y equiv alent pro duct, progr a m, or service tha
oes not infringe any existing intellectual property right may be used instead. Evaluation and verification of operation in
onjunction with other products, programs, or service s, except those expressly desi gnated by the manufacturer, are the
ser’s responsibil ity.
exmark, Le x mark with diam ond desi gn, M arkNet a nd MarkVisi on are t rademarks of Lex mark I nternational , I nc. , regist er e
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ictureGrade is a trademark of Lexmark Int ernational, Inc.
CL® is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-P ackard Company.
ll other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
2006 Lexmark International, Inc.
All rights reserved.
his softwar e and any accompanying documentation pro vided under this agreemen t are commercial computer sof tware
nd documentation developed exclusively at private expense.
The foll owing laser notice label s m ay be affixed t o this printer.
Laser no tice
The printer is certified in the U .S. to confo rm to the requir ements of DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J for Class I (1)
laser product s, and elsewhere is certified as a Class I laser product conforming to the requirements of IEC
Class I laser products are not consi dered to be hazardous. The pri nter contains internal ly a Class IIIb (3b) laser
that is nominally a 5 milliwatt galli um arsenide laser operati ng in the wav elength region of 770-795 nanometers.
The laser system and printer are designed so there is never an y hum an access to laser radiation ab ove a Class
I level during normal operation, user maintenance, or pr escri bed service condition.
Der Drucker erfüllt gemäß amtlicher Bestätigu ng der USA die Anforderungen der Bestimmung DHHS
(Department of Health and Human Services) 21 CFR Teil J für Laserprodukte der Klasse I (1). In anderen
Ländern gilt der Drucker als Laserprodukt der Klasse I, der die Anforderungen der IEC (International
Electrotechnical Commission) 60825-1 gemäß amtlicher Bestäti gung erfüllt.
Laserprodukte der Klasse I gelten als unschädlich. Im Inneren des Druckers befindet sich ein Laser der Klasse
IIIb (3b), bei dem es sich um einen Galliumarsenlaser mit 5 Milliwatt handelt, der Wellen der Länge 770-795
Nanometer ausstrahlt. Das Lasersystem und der Drucker sind so konzipiert, daß im Normalbetrieb, bei der
Wartung durch den Benutzer oder bei ordnungsgemäßer Wartung durch den Kundendienst Laserbestrahlung,
die Klasse I überstei gen würde, Menschen k einesfall s err eicht.
Avis relatif à l’utilisation de laser
Pour les Etats-Unis : cette imprimante est certifi ée conforme aux provisions DHHS 21 CFR alinéa J concernant
les produits laser de Classe I (1). Pour les autres pa ys: cette imprimante répond aux normes IEC 60825-1
relatives aux produits laser de Classe I.
Les produits laser de Classe I sont considérés comm e des produits non dangereux. Cette imprimante est
équipée d’un l aser de Classe IIIb (3b) (arséniure de gall ium d’une puissance nominale de 5 milliwatts) émettant
sur des longueurs d’onde comprises entre 770 et 795 nanomètres. L’imprimante et son sys tème laser sont
conçus pour impossible, dans des conditions normales d’uti lisation, d’entretien par l’utilisateur ou de révision,
l’exposition à des rayonnements lase r supérieurs à des rayonnements de Classe I .
Avvertenze sui prodotti laser
Questa stampant e è certificata negli St ati Uniti per ess ere conforme ai requisiti del DHHS 21 CFR Sottocapitolo
J per i prodotti las er di classe 1 ed è certificata negli altri Paesi come prodotto laser di classe 1 conf orme ai
requisiti del la norma CEI 60825-1.
I prodotti laser di class e non sono con sider ati pericol osi. La stampan te contiene al suo interno un l aser di classe
IIIb (3b) all’arseniuro di gallio dell a potenza di 5mW che opera sulla lunghezza d’onda compresa t ra 770 e 795
nanometri. Il sistema laser e la stampante sono stati progettati in modo tale che le persone a contatto con la
stampante, durante il normale funzio namento, le operazioni di servizio o quelle di assistenza tecnica, non
ricevano radiazioni laser superiori al livello della classe 1.
Notices and saf ety information vii
Avisos sobre el láser
Se certifica que, en los EE.UU., esta impresora cumple los requisitos para los productos láser de Clase I (1)
establecidos en el subcapítulo J de la norma CFR 21 del DHHS (Departamento de Sanidad y Servicios) y, en
los demás países, reúne todas las condiciones expuestas en la norma IEC 60825-1 para productos láser de
Clase I (1).
Los productos láser de Clase I no se consideran pel igrosos. La impre sora contiene en su interior un láser de
Clase IIIb (3b) de arseniuro de galio de funcionamiento nomin al a 5 miliv atios en una longi tud de onda de 770 a
795 nanómetros. El sistema láser y la impresora están diseñados de for ma que ninguna persona pueda verse
afectada por ningún tipo de radiac ión láser superior al nivel de la Clase I durante su uso normal, el
mantenimiento realizado por el usuario o cualquier otra situaci ón de servic io técnico.
Declaração sobre Laser
A impressora está ce rtificada no s E. U .A. e m conf ormidade co m os r equi sito s da reg ulamenta ção DHHS 2 1 CFR
Subcapítulo J para a Cla sse I (1) de produt os laser. Em outros locais, está certifi cada como um produto lase r da
Classe I, em conf ormidade com os requisitos da norma IEC 60825-1.
Os produtos lase r da Classe I não sã o conside rados peri gos os. I nternamente , a impr esso ra cont ém um produ to
laser da Classe IIIb (3b), designado laser de arseneto de potássio , de 5 milliwatts ,oper ando numa faixa d e
comprimento de onda entre 770 e 795 nanómetros. O sistema e a impressora laser foram concebidos de forma
a nunca ex ist ir qualquer possiblidade de acesso humano a radi ação laser superior a um nív el de Classe I
durante a operação normal, a manutenção feita pelo utilizador ou condições de assist ência prescritas.
De printer v oldoet aan de eis en die ges teld w orde n aan ee n laserprodukt v an klass e I. Voor de Ver enigde Stat en
zijn deze eisen vastgelegd in DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J, voor andere landen in IEC 60825-1.
Laserprodukten van klasse I worden nie t al s ongevaarlij k aangemerkt. De printer is voor zien van een laser van
klasse IIIb (3b), dat wil zeggen een gallium arsenide-laser van 5 milliwatt met e en g olflengte van 770-795
nanometer . Het laser gedeelt e en de printer zij n zo ont worpen dat bij normaal gebru ik, bij onde rho ud of repar atie
conform de voorschriften, nooit blootstelling mogelijk is aan laserst raling boven een niveau zoals
voorgeschreven is voor klasse 1.
Printeren er godkendt som et Klasse I-laserprodukt, i overenstemmelse med kravene i IEC 60825-1.
Klasse I-laserprodukter betragtes ikke som farlige. Printeren indeholder internt en Klasse IIIB (3b)-laser, der
nominelt er en 5 milliwatt galliumarsenid laser, som arbejder på bølgelængdeområdet 770-795 nanometer.
Lasersystem et og printeren er udformet således, at mennesk er aldrig udsættes for en laserstråling over Klasse
I-niveau ved normal drift, brugervedligeholdelse eller obligatoriske servicebetingelser.
viii Service Manual
Tämä tulostin on sertifioitu Yhdysvalloissa DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J -standardin mukaiseksi luokan I (1) lasertuotteeksi j a m uualla IEC 60825-1 -standardin mukaiseksi luo kan I l asertuot teeksi.
Luokan I lasertuottei ta ei pidet ä hai talli sina. Tulostimen sisäl lä on luo kan IIIb (3b) laser, joka on nimellisteholt aan
5 mW:n galliumarsenidilaser ja toimii 770 - 795 nanometrin aallonpituuksilla. Laserjärjestelmä ja tulostin ovat
rakenteeltaan sellaisi a , et tä käyttäjä ei joudu alt ti iksi luokkaa 1 suuremmalle säteilylle normaalin käytön,
ylläpidon tai huollon aikana.
Huomautu s las er laittees ta
Tämä kirjoi tin on Yh dysv alloi ssa lu okan I ( 1) lase rlait teide n DHHS 21 CFR Subchapt er J -mää rityks en muk ainen
ja muualla luo kan I l aserl aitteiden IEC 60825-1 -määri tyksen mukainen.
Luokan I las e r la itt e id e n e i ka ts o ta ol evan vaarallis ia käyttä jä lle . K irjoittim e s sa on si säinen luok a n IIIb (3 b ) 5
milliwatin galliumarsenidilaser, joka toimii aaltoalueella 770 - 795 nanometriä. Lase rjärjestelmä ja kirjoitin on
suunnitelt u siten, että käyttäj ä ei al tistu luokan I määrityksi ä voimakkaammalle säteilylle kirjoittimen normaalin
toiminnan, käyttäjän tekemien huoltotoimien tai muiden huoltotoimien yhteydessä.
VARO! Av attaessa ja suojalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina näky mättömälle lasersäteilylle. Älä katso
VARNING! Osynlig laserst rålning när denna del är öppnad och spärren är urkopplad. Betrakta ej strålen.
Denna skrivare är i USA certifierad att motsvara kraven i DHHS 21 CFR, underparagraf J för laserprodukter av
Klass I (1). I andra länder uppfyller skriv aren kraven för laserprodukter av Kl ass I enligt kraven i IEC 60825-1.
Laserprodukter i Klass I anses ej hälsovådliga. Skrivaren har en inbyggd laser av Klass IIIb (3b) som består av
en laserenhet av gallium-arsenid på 5 milliwatt som arbetar i våglängdsområdet 770-795 nanometer.
Lasersystem et och skrivaren är utformade så att det aldrig finns ris k för att någon person utsätts f ör
laserstrå lning över Klass I-ni vå vid normal användning, underhåll som utförs av användaren eller annan
föreskriv en serviceåtgärd.
Skriveren er godkjent i USA etter kra vene i DHHS 21 CFR, underkapittel J, for klasse I (1) laserprodukter , og er
i andre land godkjent som et Klasse I-laserprodukt i samsvar med kravene i IEC 60825-1.
Klasse I-la serprodukter er ikke å betrakte som f arlige. Skriveren inneholder internt en klasse IIIb (3b)-laser, som
består av en gallium-arsenlaserenhet som avgir stråling i bølgelengdeområdet 770-795 nanometer .
Lasersystem et og skriveren er utformet slik at personer al dri utsettes for laserstråling ut over klasse I-nivå under
vanlig bruk , vedlikehol d som utf øres av brukeren, eller foreskrevne serviceoperasjoner.
Notices and safety information ix
Avís sobre el Làser
Segons ha estat certificat al s Estats Units , aquesta impressor a complei x els req uisits de DHHS 21 CFR, apartat
J, pels productes làser de classe I (1), i segons ha estat certificat en altres llocs, és un producte làser de classe
I que compleix els requisits d’IEC 60825-1.
Els productes l àser de classe I no es consideren perillosos. Aquesta impressora conté un làse r de cl asse IIIb
(3b) d’arseniür de gal.li, nominalment de 5 mil.liwats, i funciona a la regió de longitud d’ona de 770-795
nanòmetres. El sistema làser i la impressora han sigut concebuts de manera que mai hi hagi exposició a la
radiació làser per sobre d’un niv ell de classe I durant una oper ació normal, durant les tasques de manteniment
d’usuari ni durant els serveis que satisfacin les condicions prescrites.
x Service Manual
Notices and safety information xi
xii Service Manual
Safety information
•The safety of this product is based on testi ng and approvals of t he original design and specific
components . The manufacturer is not responsibl e for safety in the event of use of unauthorized
replacement parts .
•The maintenance information for this product has been prepared for use by a professional service person
and is not intended to be used by others.
•There may be an increased risk of electric shoc k and personal injury during disassem bly and servicing of
this product . Pro fessional service personnel should understand this and take necessary precautions.
•CAUTION: When you see th is symbol , ther e is a danger f rom hazard ous v olt age in the ar ea of the
product where y ou ar e working . Unplug the product bef ore you beg in, or use c autio n if t he produc t
must receive power in order to perform the task.
Consignes de sécurité
•La sécurité de ce produit repose sur des tests et des
agréations portant sur sa conception d'origine et sur des composants particulier s. Le fabricant n'ass ume
aucune respon sabilité concernant la sécurité en cas d'utilisation de pièces de rechange non agréées.
•Les consignes d'entretien et de répar ati on de ce produit s'adressent uniquement à un personnel de
maintenance qualifié.
•Le démontage et l'entretien de ce produit pouvant présenter certains risques électriques, le personnel
d'entretien qualifié devra prendre toutes les précautions nécessai res.
•ATTENTION : Ce symbole indique la présence d'unetension dangereuse dans la partie du
produit sur laquelle vous tra vaillez. Débranchez le produit a vant de commencer ou f aites preuve
de vigilance si l' exécution de la t âche exige que le produit reste sous tension.
Norme di sicurezza
•La sicurezza del prodotto si basa sui test e sull'approvazione del progetto originale e dei componenti
specifici. Il produttore non è responsabile per la sicurezza in caso di sostituzion e non autorizzata delle
•Le informazioni riguardanti la manutenzione di questo prodotto sono indirizzate soltanto al personale di
assistenza autorizzato .
•Durante lo smontaggio e la manutenzione di questo prodotto,
il rischio di subire scosse elettriche e danni al la persona è più elev ato. Il per sonale di assistenza
autorizzato deve, quindi, adottare le precauzioni necessarie.
•ATTENZIONE: Questo simbolo indica la presenza ditensione pericolosa nell'area del prodotto.
Scollegare il pr odotto prima di iniziare o usare cautela se il prodotto deve essere alimentato per
eseguire l'intervento.
Safety information -xiii
•Die Sicherheit di eses Produkts basiert auf Tests und Zulassungen des ursprüngl ichen Modells und
bestimmter Baut eil e. Bei Verwendung nicht genehmigter Ersatztei le wi rd vom Hersteller kei ne
Verantwortung oder Haft ung für die Sicherheit übernommen.
•Die Wartungsinformationen für dies es Produkt sind ausschließlich für die Verwendung durch einen
Wartungsfachmann bestimmt.
•Während des Auseinandernehmens und der Wartung des Geräts besteht ein zusät zliches Risiko eines
elektrischen Schlags und körperlicher Verletzung. Das zus tändige Fachpersonal sollte entsprechende
Vorsichtsmaßn ahm en treffen.
•ACHTUNG: Dieses Symbol weist auf eine gefährliche elektrische Spannung hin, die in diesem
Bereich des Produkts auftreten kann. Zie hen Sie vor den Arbeiten am Gerät den Netzstecker des
Geräts, bzw. arbeiten Sie mit großer Vorsicht, wenn das Produkt für die Ausführung der Arbeiten
an den Strom angeschlossen sein muß.
Pautas de Segu ridad
•La seguridad de este prod ucto se basa en pruebas y aprobaciones del diseño original y component es
específico s. El fabricante no es responsable de la seguridad en caso de uso de piezas de repuesto no
•La información sobre el mantenimiento de este producto está dirigida exclusivamente al personal
cualificado de mantenimiento.
•Existe may o r riesg o de de scarga el éctrica y de dañ os person al es duran te e l desmont aj e y la r eparac ión de
la máquina. El personal cualificado debe ser consciente de este peligro y tomar las precauciones
•PRECAUCIÓN: este símbolo indica que el voltaje dela parte del equipo con la que está
trabajando es peligroso. Antes de empezar, desenchufe el equipo o tenga cuidado si, para
trabajar con él, debe conectarlo.
Informações de Segurança
•A segurança deste produto baseia-se em testes e aprovações do mode lo original e de componentes
específico s. O fabricante não é responsável pela segunrança, no caso de uso de peças de substituição
não autorizadas.
•As informações de segurança relativas a este produto dest inam-se a profissionais destes serviços e não
dev em ser utilizadas por outr as pessoas.
•Risco de choques eléct ricos e ferimentos graves durante a desmontagem e manutenção deste produto .
Os profissio nais destes serviços devem estar avis ados deste facto e tomar os cuidados necessários .
•CUIDADO: Quando vir este sí m bolo, existe a possível presença de uma potencial tens ão
perigosa na zona do produto em que está a trabalhar. Antes de começar, desligu e o produto da
tomada eléctrica ou s eja cui dado so caso o pro duto te nha d e estar liga do à corrent e eléc trica para
realizar a tarefa necessária.
-xiv Service Manual
Inf ormació de Seguretat
•La seguretat d'aquest producte es basa en l'avaluació i apr ovació del disseny original i els components
El fabricant no es fa responsable de les qüestions de
seguretat si s'u tilitzen peces de recanvi no autoritzades.
•La informació pel manteniment d’aquest producte està orientada exclusiv ame nt a professional s i no està
a ningú que no ho sigui.
•El risc de xoc elèctric i de danys personals pot augment ar durant el procés de desmuntatge i de servei
d’aquest producte. El personal professional ha d’estar-ne assabentat i prendre
les mesures con venients.
•PRECAUCIÓ: aquest símbol in dica que el voltatge de la part de l'equip am b la qual esteu
treballan t és perillós . Abans de començar, desendolleu l'equ ip o extremeu les precaucions si, per
treballar amb l'equip, l'heu de connectar.
Safety information -xv
This manual contains maintenance procedures for service personnel. It is divided into t he following ch apters:
1. General in fo rma tion contains a general description of t he printer and the maintenance approach used to
2. Diagn o sti c information contains an error indicator table, symptom tables, and service checks used to
3. Diagn osti c aids contains tests and checks used to locate or repeat symptoms of printer problems.
4. Repair info rma tion provides instructions for making printer adjustments and removing and installing
5. Connecto r locations uses illustrations to identify the connector locations and test points on the printer.
6. Preventive maintenance contai ns the lubrication specifications and recommendations to prev ent
7. Parts catalog contains illustrations and part numbers for individual FRUs.
repair it. Special tools and test equipment are, as well as general environmental and safety instructions.
isolate failing field replaceable units (FRUs).
Appendix A contains service tips and info rmati on.
Appendix B contains representative print samples.
Note: A note provides addition al i nformation.
Warning: A warning identifies something that might damage the product hardware or software.
CAUTION: A caution identifies something that might cause a servicer harm.
CAUTION: When you see this symbol, there is a danger from hazardous voltage in the area of the
product where you are working. Unplug the product before you begin, or use caution if the product
must receive power in order to perform the task.
-xvi Service Manual
1. General information
The Lexmark™ E450dn is a monochrome laser pr inter designed for single users or small workgroups.
This book contains information on E450dn. For more information on E250d and E250dn, see the
4512-220, -230 service manual.
minute on letter-size media (29 ppm on A4, 25ppm on legal).
For inf ormation on E350d and 352dn, see the 4512-420, 430 service
Maintenance ap proach
The diagnostic information in this manua l le ads to the correct field replaceable unit (FRU) or part. Use the error
code charts, symptom ind ex, and service checks to determine the symptom and repair the f ailure. See
“Diagnostics info rmation” on page 2-1 for more information. See “Repair information” on page 4-1 to help
identify parts. After completing the repair, perform tests as needed to verify the repair.
General inf ormation 1-1
Overview of the operator panel
The control panel consists of these items:
•A 4-line, liquid crystal display (LCD) that can show both gr aphics and text
A label located on the inside front door shows the control panel butt ons in your language. An additional
translat ed label is included in the print er box.
Zp t
1-2 Se rvice Ma nual
Standard DRAM64MB
Optional SDRAM 32MB✔
Optional SDRAM 64MB✔
Optional SDRAM 128MB✔
Optional SDRAM 256MB✔
Maximum DRAM320MB
Optional flash memory 32MB1
Optional f ont cards (DBCS)1
Lexmark E450dn
Print qua li ty
1200 Image qualit y ¹✔
2400 Image qualit y ²✔
Lexmark E450dn
1200 x 1200 dpi ³✔
600 x 600 dpi✔
300 x 300 dpi
¹ 1200 Image quality defined as 600 dpi with 2 bit IET (image enhancement technology) default mode for all models
² 2400 Image quality defined as 600 and 4 bit IET
³ True 1200 dpi at ½ rated speed.
Although the printer supports the 300 dpi resol ution, it doesn’t supp ort a 300 dpi driver.
Toner cartridge3,000 standard pages ¹
High toner cartridgen/a
Photoconductor kitUp to 30,000
¹ Declared va lue in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752
² Based on approximately 5% coverage; actual yield may vary
Lexmark E450dn
1-4 Se rvice Ma nual
Connectivity and compatibility
Data stream emulations
PCL 6✔
PostScript Level III✔
Host Based Printing (HBP)/GDI Version 1n/a
Host Based Printing (HBP)/GDI Version 2✔
PDF (versio n 1.5)✔
CompatibilityWindows/Macintosh/Linux ¹
Standard local connections
Par allel (IEE 1284 bidirectional)✔
Standard network connections
Ethernet (10/100 Base TX)
Lexmark E450dn
Optional local connections
External print server support✔
Option slots
Memory slots (100-pin DIMM)1
Flas h m emory / op tion ca rd2 ²
* The E450n product is a USB 2.0 certified de vice supporting high-speed (4 80M B/sec.) data transf er.
¹ Linux support for E450dn model is utilizing the PCL data stream.
² Only one slot active for flash memory or font card
General inf ormation 1-5
Types of print media
Ensure tra ys are properly loaded. Never mix media types within a tr ay.
¹ Single sided paper labels are supported for the occasional use of less than 20 pages per month. Labels such as vin yl
labels, pharmacy labels or dual-sided labels are not supported.
² For 20 lb print material, unless otherwise noted.
³ A6 long grain media support/short grain A6 not supported
Card stock up to 90# i ndex. Designed to exit rear door. Short grain is recommended.
20 lb envelopes are recommended
Wrinkling may also occur on the front side, but away from address or return address areas. Slight wrinkling (nit in
address areas) is permitted on 24# enve lopes. Use envelopes that lay flat when individually placed on a table fac edown.
The distance of any edge or corner from the table sh ould be less than 3 mm.
This refers to paper only. Treeing may occur on 16# paper.
Input using manual feeder is reduced to 1/2 speed
1-6 Se rvice Ma nual
Tips on preventing jams
Paper path
*Measurement s are approximate paper lengths (millimeters)
**Sensors are measured at rotation/posi tion which they are tripped
Most paper jams can be avoided by correctly loading paper and specialty media in the printer.
The following hints can help prevent paper jams:
•Do not load wrinkled, cre ased, or damp media.
•Nev er mix media types within a tray.
•Flex, fan, and straight en the media stack before loading it.
Note: Make sure the media stack is below the maximum media fill indicators on the 250-sheet tray before
pushing the tr ay into the printer.
•Push all trays snugly into the print er after loading them.
•Make sure paper guides are positioned be fore loading the paper or specialty media.
•Do not remov e tr ays while a job is printing. Wait for a Load Paper light sequence .
•Before loading transparencies, fan the stack to prevent sheets from sticking together.
•Do not use envelopes that:
–Have exces si ve curl
–Are stuck together
–Are damaged in any way
–Contain windows, holes, perforations, cutouts, or embossments
–Have metal clasps , string ties, or metal folding bars
–Have post a ge sta m p s attac hed
–Have any exposed adhesive when the fl ap is i n the sealed position
Use only recommended media. Refer to the Card Stock & Label Guide available on the Lexmark Web site
at www .l exmark.com for more information about whi ch m edia provides optimum results for the curr ent
printing environment.
The remov al and adjustment procedur es require the foll owing tools and equipment:
•Spring hook
•Needle nose pliers
•#1 and #2 Phillips screwd r ive r
•Slotted screwdriver
1-8 Se rvice Ma nual
ACMAutocompensator Mechanism (or paper feed)
ASICApplication Speci fi c Integrated Circui t
CBMComplete Bill Of Material
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
DIMMDual In-Line Memory Module
EEPROMErasable El ectrically Programmab le Read-Only
ENAExternal Network Adapter
FRUField Repl ac ea ble Uni t
HBPHost Based Printing
HVPSHigh Voltage Power Supply
LCDLiquid Crystal Diode
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LSULaser Scanning Unit
LVPSLow Voltage Power Supply
NVRAM Nonvolatile Random Access Memory
PCLPrinter Control Language
PORPower-On Reset
POST Power-On Self Test
PPDS Per sonal Prin ter Data St ream
PRCPeople’s Republic of China
PSOParticipating Standards Organization
RIPRaster Image Processor
TARToner Add Roll
SDRSynchronous Dyna mic RAM
USBUniversal Serial Bus
V ac Volts alternating current
V dcVolts direct current
General inf ormation 1-9
1-10 Service Manual
2. Diagnostics information
CAUTION: Un plug power from the printer before connecting or disconnecting any cable,
assembly, or elect roni c card. This is a precaution fo r personal safety and to prev ent damage to the
Use the service error code, user status message, user error message , symptom table, service checks, and
diagnostic aids in this chapter to determine the cor rective action necessary to repair a malfuncti oning printer .
They will lead you to solutions or service che cks, includi ng use of various tests.
Sympto m tables
If your machine compl etes the “Power–On Self Test (POST) sequence” on page 2-1 without an error and you
have a symptom, go to “ M essages and error codes” on page 2-5. Locate your symptom, and take the
appropriate action.
Servic e er rors (9xx.xx’s)
If a service error code appears while you are working on the machine, go to “Messages and error codes” on
page 2-5, and take the indicated action for that error.
Service error codes are ind icated by a three-digi t er ror code follow ed by a period and additional numbers in the
format XXX.YY. In most cases, five digits are shown.
User status and attendance messages
User status mes sages prov ide the user with information on the cur rent status of the printer. Ready displays
on the first line of the dis pla y unless i nv ok ed, and then Power Saver displays. If a user status message is
displayed, go to “Messages and error codes” on page 2-5.
•User attendance messages are indicated b y a two- or three-digit error code that provides t he user with
information that explains a problem with a print cartridge, paper jam, option, port, and so on. If a user error
message displays, go to “User attendance messages” on page 2-5 and “Paper jam error codes (200-
series)” on page 2-8.
Power–On Self Test (POST) sequence
The foll owing is an example of the events that occur during the POR sequence when the printer is turned on.
1. Diamonds are displayed on the operator panel.
2. While code is being loaded into DRAM, dots scroll across the operator panel.
3. A screen is displayed wi th the memory and processor speed. A typical example of this message is :
4. Performing Self Tes t is dis p layed.
5. Busy is displayed.
6. Close Door will be displayed if the cover is open.
7. Any cartridge errors, such as Defective Cartridge, are displayed.
8. Applicable maintenance messages are displayed.
9. Applicable toner low mess ages are displayed.
10. The printer displays Ready.
Diagnostics information 2-1
Overview of the operator panel and menus
The operator panel on your printer is a 4-line, back-lit, grayscale display that can show both graphics and text.
The Back, Menu, and Stop b uttons are located to the le ft of the display, the navigation buttons are located
below the display, and the numeric pad is located to the right of the display.
Indicator light
Navigation buttons
The use of the buttons and the layout of the display panel are described in the following table.
Operator panel
Press the Back button t o return to the last screen you vi ewed.
Note: Changes made on the screen will not be applied if y ou press the Back
Press the Menu button to open the menu index.
Note: The printer must be in the Ready state to access the menu i ndex. A
message indicating the menus are unavailable will appear if the printer is not
Press Stop to stop the mechani cal operation of the printer. After pressing Stop,
the message Stopping is displayed. When the printer has stopped, the status
line in the operator panel will show Stopped, and a li st of options will appear.
2-2 Se rvice Ma nual
Operator panel (Continued)
Nav igati on butt ons
Display panel
The display panel shows messages and graphics describing the current state of
the printer and indicating possible printer problems you must resolve.
The top line of the display is the header line. If applicable, it will contain the
graphic indicating the Back but ton can be used. It will also displ ay the current
status, and the Supp li es (Warnings) stat us. If multiple warnings are present,
each warning will be separated by a comma.
The other three li nes of the displ ay are the body of the screen. This is where you
view printer status, supplies messa ges, show-me scre ens, and make selections.
The Up or Down buttons are used to move up and down li sts.
When navigating through a list using t he Up or Down button, the cursor
moves one line at a time. Pressing t he Down button at the bottom of the
screen changes the screen to the next whole page.
The Left or Right buttons ar e used to move within a screen such as
moving from one men u index item to another. They are also used to
scroll through text that will not fit on the screen.
The Select button is used to initiat e acti on on a selection. Press Select
when the cursor appears next to the selection you want such as
follo w ing a link, submittin g a confi guration item, or when you want to
start or cancel a job.
Diagnostics information 2-3
Diagram of the printer menus
The diagram sho ws the men u ind ex on the operat or pane l and the menus and items a v ailab le unde r each menu.
Not all menus or selections will be available in all situations. These are accessed through the driver.
Paper Menu
Paper Source
Paper Size
Paper Type
Custom Types
Universal Setup
Substitute Size
Paper Texture
Paper Weight
Paper Loading
Post Scri pt Menu
Print PS Error
Font Priority
Finishing Menu
Dupl ex B i n d
Blank Pages
Separator Sheets
Separator Sour ce
Multipage Print
Multipage Order
Multipage View
Multipage Border
PCL Emul Menu
Font Source
Font Name
Point Size
Symbol Set
Lines per Page
A4 Width
Tray Renumber
Auto CR after LF
Auto LF afte r C R
Utilities Menu
Print Menus
Print Stats
Print Net Setup
Print Fonts
Print Directory
Factory Defaults
Format Flash
Defragment Flash
Hex Trace
Setup Menu
Quiet Mode
Printer Language
Pow er Saver
Resource Save
Print Timeout
Wait Timeout
Auto Contin ue
Jam Recovery
Page Pro tect
Display Language
Toner Alarm
Job Menu
Reset P rinter
Quality Menu
Print Resolution
Toner Darkness
Small Font Enh.
Lines per Page
Lines per Inch
Page Format
Character Set
Best Fit
Tray 1 Renumber
Auto CR after LF
Auto LF after CR
2-4 Se rvice Ma nual
Parallel Menu
Std Parallel
Network Menu
Standard Network
USB Menu
Standard USB
+ 128 hidden pages
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