Lexibook LG1000 User Manual

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Lexibook Electronic Countdown
Model: LG1000
Table of contents
1. Keyboard layout 3
2. Key Usage 4
3. Display and prompts 5
4. User settings 6
5. Back view of product 7
6. Contrast control 7
7. Battery compartment 7
8. Volume control 7
9. 2 player cable link socket 7
10. Auto power off 7
11. Starting and playing 8
12. Game Play 12
13. Playing the games 13
14. One player mode 13
15. Single and contest m ode 15
16. Word Game 15
17. Editing letters/numbers 18
18. Number Game 19
19. Conunrum Game 25
20. 2 player games 26 a. Word game 27 b. Number game 27 c. Conundrum 27
21. Viewing Scores 27
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22. Back button 28
23. Solutions/Expert Button 29 a. Word Game 30
i. Review 30
ii. Solution 30
b. Number game 31
i. Review 31
ii. Solution 32
c. Conundrum 32
i. Review 32
ii. Solution 33 19 Hall of Fame 33 20 Viewing Hall of Fame 35 21 Word verification/word
searching 35 22 Letter distribution 38 23 Speifications 39 24 Batteries 40 25 Care and safety 41 26 Warranty 41 27 Returns address 42 28 Help line 42
Keyboard Layout and key usage
M k E s
Vowel, Constants, numbers and left/right scroll keys
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Maths, Enter and Up/Down scroll keys
Key usage
General keys
On/Off (Icon) Switches the unit on and/or off Expert button Starts Play/Review/Solution menu and starts (Icon) word check mode. Score buton Starts the Hall of Fame for reviewing top (Icon) score list. Delete button For deleting letters/numbers during game play. (icon) Also used for returning to the previous screen
at the end of a game.
keys These are used for entry of letters. Each line above the key indicates the position of a letter. Vowel (icon) For entry of vowels during game play CONS (Icon) For entry of Constantants during game play 1-10 (icon) For entry of numbers 1 to 10 in the number game 25-100 (icon) For entry of large numbers only (25,50,75,100)
For moving left during word entry and for going
back one step at the end of a game, normally to a previous menu.
( ) For entering parenthesises during number game
X For entering multiplication during number game
For entering minus during number game or
scrolling up lists +% For entering plus during number game or scrolling down lists ENT/=(icon) Enter and equals key
For moving right during word entry.
For entering division during number game
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Screen displays and prompts
Screen Display:-
The screen display on the Electronic Countdown consists of 3 lines with some prompts and entry lines. In general lines with “?”’s require some sort of input by the user and sometimes a cursor will flash indicating that the unit is waiting for data to be entered. For example:-
The cursor at this position will flash.
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On some occasions the display will show arrow indicators. When this happens you have the choice of options from the menu displayed and
can pick these options by using the or down and then press the ENT key when you have chosen your option. For example:-
The Electronic Countdown also has several voice messages to prompt you what to do or when to move on.
User Settings
The two main user settings available on the Countdown are operated by external dials. These are the volume control and the LCD display contrast.
Both these controls are rotating dials located on the top side of the unit:
arrow keys to move up
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Back view.
Cable link socket t o al l ow two player
Volume control dial Contrast control dial
Battery compartment.
Also located on the top side of the unit is the special socket for the cable to allow two player games.
Auto Power Off
The Electronic Countdown will turn off after 3 minutes of inactivity to conserve battery power.
If the unit turns off simply press the ON/OFF (icon) button to turn the unit on again.
Any game which has started will be lost and you should start a new game from the beginning again.
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Starting the Electronic Countdown and playing the games
Switch the unit on by pressing the ON/OFF (icon) button. The display will show –
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
and you will hear the part of the Countdown theme. During the starting process the unit will check to see if another Electronic
Countdown is connected to it and if there is no other unit connected then you will see screen 1, if another unit screen 2.
connected then you will see
Screen 1
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
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Screen 2
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
After establishing which type of player mode the unit is in it will ask you to either enter a new name or confirm your name, from a previous game play:-
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
If your name has already been entered previously the unit will ask you to confirm your name with the following display:-
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! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
If this name is correct you simply need to press the letter button corresponding to the letter “Y”. This is the 2 (button 4).
If the name is incorrect or you want to enter a new name press the letter button corresponding to the letter “N” and you will be asked to enter the name details:-
<? ? ? ? ?>
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
The maximum length of a user name is 5 letters so you can either enter proper names which are 5 characters or less or use an abbreviated name.
button in on the 2nd row
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To pick letters use the corresponding buttons underneath each letter. Letters are shown in blocks of 9. As follows:­ ABCDEFGHI – Block 1
JKLMNOPQR – Block 2 STUVWXYZ – Block 3
To access each block of letters use the you right (
corresponding to that letter and when finished press the ENT key to register the name. During entry if you make a mistake you can erase letters by using the DELETE (icon) key and re-enter the correct letter.
Press the ENT/=(icon) key to complete the name entry. Once you have completed this step the unit will go straight into game
play and in single user mode the display will be:-
) and left ( ), select letters by pressing the button
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
keys which will take
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If you are in the two player COMPETITION mode the display will show:-
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
AND say out load “Please select letters”. But first……
The Game Play
In Contest mode Electronic Countdown plays the Countdown game in the same way as the original TV game does. In other words, whether in single or dual player mode, the product will take the player(s) through a full competition game which consists of:-
Three letter games One number game Two letter games One number game and finally …. The conundrum
If you are playing in single player mode you can pick from a choice of the different games from the following list:-
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! ! ! ! !
Use the Up/Down arrow keys ( ) and press ENT key to play the game.
! ! ! !
Playing the games
1 Player Mode
The unit offers you the choice of contest or single game mode –
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
Use the Up/Down arrow keys ( play the relevent game.
) and press ENT/=(icon) key to
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