Levil Technology Corp. reserves the right to alter any specifications and
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Contact Information
Address: 1704 Kennedy Point
Ste 1124
Oviedo, FL 32765
Telephone: 407-542-3971
Fax: 407-542-3971
e-mail: info@levil.com
Technical Support: Monday to Friday 10:00am – 5:00pm Eastern (EST)
1. General ......................................................................... 4
I. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 4
II. Safety Precautions ......................................................................................................................... 4
III. Warm Up .......................................................................................................................................... 5
IV. Coolant ............................................................................................................................................. 5
V. Treatment of Waste ....................................................................................................................... 6
I. APC warning and “DS0300 APC alarm: Need Ref Return” ..................................................... 35
II. Aligning the spindle head and the tool turret......................................................................... 37
III. Ball Screw Lubrication Procedure ............................................................................................. 38
IV. Linear Guide Way Lubrication Procedure ................................................................................ 41
V. Servo Adjustment ......................................................................................................................... 42
VI. Cleaning the Machine .................................................................................................................. 43
VII. Coolant system ............................................................................................................................. 44
VIII. Wiring Diagrams .................................................................................................................... 45
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
1. General
I. Introduction
This manual specifies the proper maintenance and operation of the TL-F20 CNC
lathe. It benefits both experienced and beginner CNC machine operators and
should be read thoroughly by all users.
All guidelines included in this manual should be studied and understood to
ensure the safety of the operator and to prevent any substantial damage to the
II. Safety Precautions
1) Operators should not touch any high-voltage terminals such as those found
in control panels, transformers, motors, or junction boxes. Severe electric
shock will be sustained otherwise. Electric shock may also result from
touching a switch with wet hands.
2) The emergency stop button’s location should be well known so that it can
be pressed as soon as possible in case a critic situation.
3) Power off the machine before switching a fuse.
4) Do not operate this machine during violent thunderstorms. Lightning can
cause equipment failure
5) Do not work with long hair that can be caught in the machine, keep it out of
the way with a net or by tying it at the back.
6) Provide enough working space around the machine to avoid falls.
7) Since water and oil can make the floor slippery, all floors should be kept
clean and dry.
8) Never touch a switch accidentally. If operating a switch, make sure it is the
right one.
9) Do not handle coolant with bare hands since it may cause some irritation.
10) Do not remove or tamper with safety devices such as stop dogs, limit
switched, or interlocks in order to increase the range of axis travel.
11) Keep a fire extinguisher at hand in case of fire or explosion due to cutting
flammable materials. Please ask your material provider for safety guidelines
when cutting volatile materials.
12) Hold work-pieces securely inside the chuck.
13) Stop machine operation before adjusting the coolant nozzle tip.
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
14) To remove a work-piece from the machine, stop the spindle and provide
plenty of space from the work-piece to the tool turret.
15) Do not operate the machine with the safety front door open.
16) Stop machine operation before installing or removing a tool.
17) Never wear loose or baggy clothing when operating the machine.
18) Never operate the machine under the influence of alcohol or any other
19) The operator should wear safety glasses to avoid flying debris or coolant
from making contact with his/her eyes.
20) Keep the machine clean. Do not let too many metal chips accumulate in the
work area.
21) Check the chip filter in the coolant tank, if too many chips accumulate, the
coolant will overflow and leak on the ground, resulting in a slip hazard.
22) Before leaving the machine at the end of the day, press the emergency
button, turn off the power button, and the main switch on the back of the
23) Keep hands clear of the pinch area around the X axis servo motor. Serious
injury can result from pinched hand and/or fingers.
III. Warm Up
1) Every day before use, warm up the machine by turning on the spindle for 10
minutes at about 1000-1500 rpm. Failure to do so may result in a shorter
lifespan of the spindle bearings.
2) If the machine is used right after being started, following a long idle period,
sliding parts may wear down due to lack of even lubrication. Furthermore,
thermal expansion of the machine components may jeopardize machining
accuracy. To prevent these outcomes, always warm up the machine before
daily operation by moving each axis through their entire travel at 50% of the
machine’s rapid speed for 10 minutes.
IV. Coolant
1) Use water-soluble coolant. If oil-based coolant is used, the coolant
temperature will rise, causing thermal distortion of the machine. Oil-based
coolants are also flammable so more care must be taken to avoid fires.
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
2) Make sure that the coolant used has no adverse effects on the human body.
Since water-based coolants often cause poisoning, pay sufficient attention
to the hygiene of the operator.
3) Make sure that the coolant does not cause curing or expansion of rubber or
plastic products, or chemical products.
4) Make sure to maintain the water-soluble coolant at the right concentration
for best results, otherwise the solution can become stale.
V. Treatment of Waste
1) Deposit metal chips and left over work-piece metal in a bucket. Appoint a
local qualified scrap metal company to dispose of it.
2) Store waste coolant and lubricant in separate containers to be disposed of
by some qualified recycling or sewage treatment company.
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
1) Control Enclosure
11) Coolant Power
2) Manual Pulse
Generator (MPG)
12) Machine Power
3) Machine Enclosure
13) Main Electronics
4) Work Area Access
14) Main Switch
5) Coolant Return
Hose Connection
15) Access panel to
electronic enclosure
6) Machine Legs
16) Compressed Air
7) Machine Control
17) Z axis Servo
8) Operator Panel
18) X axis Servo
9) Access Panel to
Spindle and drivers
19) Access to control
10) Machine Serial
2. Machine Specifications
I. General Specifications
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
II. Dimensional Drawings
The following figure represents a side view and a front view of the machine with their
respective measurements.
Fig. 3 TL-F20 CNC lathe dimensions from side view (right) & front view (left)
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
III. Working Space Required
The following top view drawing of the machine depicts the necessary working
space required for easy operation and maintenance of the machine.
Fig. 4 Top view of working space, all dimensions in mm
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
Moving parts can crush and cut.
Do not operate with guard
Follow lockout procedure before
Flying objects.
Wear approved eye protection
when operating this equipment.
Pinch Point.
Keep hands clear during operation.
IV. Caution Labels on the Machine
Caution labels provide the operator with safety related information that must
be strictly observed. These labels can be found in the outlined locations given
in Fig. 1-2.
Table I: Safety label picture and instruction.
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
Electrical Hazard.
110 VAC and 220 VAC running
through the system.
Do not operate without guards in
Only 110 VAC are to be supplied
through this cable.
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
CNC Turning Certification Cart
Swing over bed
220 mm (8.6")
Max cutting diameter
38 mm (1.5”)
Max bar diameter
19 mm (3/4”)
X Axis
180 mm (7")
Z Axis
160 mm (8.5")
0.001mm (0.00004")
0.005mm (0.0002")
0.01mm (0.0004")
Spindle (LS-32)
Spindle Chuck
4” dia, self-centering 3 jaws
Spindle Speed
100 – 3,000 rpm
Drive Method
Direct Drive
Spindle Motor Power
Spindle Torque
1.5 Nm
Alternative Spindle Options
100 – 4,000 rpm, 2HP, 220 VAC
Rapid Feed (X, Y & Z)
10,200 mm/min (400 ipm)
Cutting Feed (X, Y & Z)
6,120 mm/min (240 ipm)
BTP-50 Turret
Number of Tools
Tool Change Method
Turret rotation
External Tool Shank
12.7 mm (1/2”)
Internal Tool Shank diameter
19.01 mm (3/4")
Machine Weight
Basic Setup
204 kg (450 lbs)
Air Consumption
87 L/min (3 cfm)
110V, 20A
V. Machine Specifications
Table II: Machine specifications and capacity.
TL-F20 CNC Lathe User’s Manual
VI. Standard Accessories
1) Coolant system
2) Metal chip filter
3) Through turret coolant
4) Splash guard
5) 8 Position tool turret with 4 ID tool holders for ¾” shank dia.