Przedłużka 2” /
Удлинитель 2’’ /
2-дюймове розширення
Digital Camera Conguration / Kongurace s digitálním fotoaparátem /
Konguration für Digitalkameras / Konguracja do użytku z aparatem
cyfrowym / Конфигурация с цифровым фотоаппаратом / Стандартна
візуальна конфігурація
3. DC 12V power jack for cooling fans / Konektor napájení 12V
DC pro chladící větráčky / 12-V-Gleichstrombuchse für die Lüfter
/ Gniazdko 12 V DC – wentylatory / Разъем для подключения
питания (12В) / Гніздо 12 В для підключення вентиляторів
Levenhuk Ra Ritchey-Chrétien Optical Tubes
Congratulations on your purchase of a high-quality Levenhuk telescope!
These instructions will help you set up, properly use, and care for your telescope. Please read them thoroughly
before getting started.
CAUTION! Never look directly at the Sun – even for an instant – through your telescope or nderscope without a professionally made solar lter that completely covers the front of the instrument, or permanent
eye damage may result. To avoid damage to the internal parts of your telescope, make sure the front end
of the nderscope is covered with aluminum foil or another non-transparent material. Children should use
the telescope under adult supervision only.
All parts of the telescope will arrive in one box. Be careful when unpacking it. We recommend keeping the
original shipping containers. In the event that the telescope needs to be shipped to another location, having
the proper shipping containers will help ensure that your telescope survives the journey intact. Make sure all
the parts are present in the packaging. Be sure to check the box carefully, as some parts are small. No tools are
needed other than those provided. All screws should be tightened securely to eliminate exing and wobbling,
but be careful not to overtighten them, as that may strip the threads.
During assembly (and anytime, for that matter), do not touch the surfaces of the optical elements with your
ngers. The optical surfaces have delicate coatings on them that can easily be damaged if touched. Never remove mirrors from their housing, or the product warranty will be null and void.
Telescope assembly
Your Ritchey-Chrétien optical tube comes ready to use right out of the box. The focuser is attached to the optical tube, ready to accept additional accessories. The kit also includes three individual extension rings. These
extension rings allow visual or astrophotography accessories to reach focus. Extension rings are designed to
thread directly onto the optical tube. Therefore, the focuser has to be removed before attaching an extension
ring. It may be useful to experiment with different combinations during the day before heading out into the
eld. Choose a target over a half mile away to simulate distant focus.
If the focuser is fully extended and you are still unable to focus the view, you will need to install additional
extension rings between the focuser and the optical tube. In order to install the necessary extension ring, the
focuser has to be removed from the optical tube rst. Be careful not to strip the thread when attaching acces-
1. Remove the focuser by gently turning the grip ring with both hands counterclockwise;
2. Attach the extension ring of choice to the optical tube;
3. The male thread on extension rings matches the thread of the OTA, so that you can install additional extension rings or re-attach the focuser;
4. Re-attach the focuser once you have added the desired number of extension rings.
The wide variety of stargazing accessories means that you will have to experiment with extension rings as nec-
essary. Individual setups will require different combinations of extension rings, which have to be determined by
trial and error. Some of the most common examples are shown on the pictures , .
To use a digital camera – and for most visual applications – 2” worth of extension is required. Larger 2” eyepieces may only require 1” of extension.
Finderscope assembly
A nderscope is a small wide-eld telescope used to help locate and center objects in the eld of view of the
optical tube. A nderscope usually has a crosshair reticle to help you center the desired object in the eld of
view. On some models, the crosshair is replaced with a red LED dot.
A nderscope dovetail mount is already attached to your OTA, making it easier to use a nderscope of any
brand and make that has a similar bracket. Assembling a nderscope is very simple:
1. Loosen the thumbscrew on the side of the dovetail mount;
2. Insert the bracket into the dovetail mount from the rear end of the optical tube;
3. Once the nderscope is in place, retighten the thumbscrew to secure it.
Star diagonal assembly
A star diagonal is a prism that turns the light at a specic angle to the eyepiece, allowing you to observe the
celestial sphere from a more comfortable position. To insert a star diagonal (not included in the kit), simply
loosen the thumbscrew on the side of the focuser, insert the star diagonal, and retighten the thumbscrew. The
brass compression ring of the focuser provides for a secure assembly and does not scratch the chrome surface
of the star diagonal.
Cooling fans
There are three 1.5” fans built into the rear end of the Levenhuk Ra 250RC F8 OTA. These will reduce the time
it takes the primary mirror to adapt to the outside temperature. The fans are powered by 8 AA batteries (not
included in the kit), or an external 12V battery. Please allow additional time for cooling if there is a substantial
difference between the indoor and outside temperatures. Once the telescope has adapted to the outside temperature, you can turn off the cooling fans to reduce vibration of the optical tube.
Eyepiece assembly
An eyepiece magnies the image produced by the OTA. The eyepiece may be installed either into the focuser
directly or into a star diagonal. Eyepieces are commonly referred to by their focal length and barrel diameter.
The focal length of each eyepiece is printed on the eyepiece shell. The longer the focal length, the lower the
eyepiece magnication, and vice versa. The total power of the telescope setup may be calculated with the following formula:
Magnication = Focal Length of Telescope (mm) / Focal Length of Eyepiece (mm)
To install an optional eyepiece:
1. Loosen the screw on the star diagonal or the focuser;
2. Slide the eyepiece into the star diagonal or the focuser;
3. Retighten the screw to secure the eyepiece in place.
Image orientation
The image orientation changes depending on the eyepiece assembly. When using the star diagonal, the image is
upright but mirrored left to right. If inserting the eyepiece directly into the focuser without the star diagonal,
the image will be inverted and mirrored left to right.
One of the exciting new features of Levenhuk optical tubes is the inclusion of the new dual-speed Crayford
focuser. Unlike the traditional Crayford focuser with a spring-loaded shaft to hold the focus tube, the new linear
ball bearing focuser allows you to easily use heavier accessories, such as larger eyepieces, cameras, imagers,
guiders, etc. It also reduces image shake and completely eliminates backlash.
During celestial observations, out-of-focus images of dim stars may be very diffuse, making it difcult to focus
on such objects. Choose a brighter celestial body (such as the Moon) as your rst observation object, and focus
your view. With a 10:1 ne focus adjustment (meaning that 10 turns of the ne focus knob equal 1 turn of the
coarse focus knob), you can adjust the focus of your view with great precision. Use the coarse focus knob to
adjust the view until your object is as close to focus as possible, and then make ne adjustments with the ne
focus knob.
• Always purchase the correct size and grade of battery most suitable for the intended use.
• Always replace the whole set of batteries at one time; taking care not to mix old and new ones, or batteries of
different types.
• Clean the battery contacts and also those of the device prior to battery installation.
• Make sure the batteries are installed correctly with regard to polarity (+ and -).
• Remove batteries from equipment that is not to be used for an extended period of time.
• Remove used batteries promptly.
• Never attempt to recharge primary batteries as this may cause leakage, re, or explosion.
• Never short-circuit batteries as this may lead to high temperatures, leakage, or explosion.
• Never heat batteries in order to revive them.
• Remember to switch off devices after use.
• Keep batteries out of the reach of children, to avoid risk of ingestion, suffocation, or poisoning.
Care and maintenance
• Never, under any circumstances, look directly at the Sun through this device without a special lter, or look
at another bright source of light or at a laser, as this may cause PERMANENT RETINAL DAMAGE and may lead to
• Take necessary precautions when using the device with children or people who have not read or who do not
fully understand these instructions.
• Do not try to disassemble the device on your own for any reason, including to clean the mirror. For repairs and
cleaning of any kind, please contact your local specialized service center.
• Protect the device from sudden impact and excessive mechanical force.
• Do not touch the optical surfaces with your ngers. To clean the telescope exterior, use only special cleaning
wipes and special optics cleaning tools from Levenhuk.
• Store the device in a dry, cool place away from hazardous acids and other chemicals, away from heaters, open
re and other sources of high temperatures.
• Replace the dust cap over the front end of the telescope whenever it is not in use. This prevents dust from
settling on the mirror or lens surfaces.
• Seek medical advice immediately if a small part or a battery is swallowed.
Levenhuk Limited Warranty
All Levenhuk telescopes, cameras for telescopes, microscopes and binoculars are warranted to be free of
defects in materials and workmanship for three years from date of retail purchase. All Levenhuk accessories
are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for six months from date of retail purchase.
Levenhuk will repair or replace such product or part thereof which, upon inspection by Levenhuk, is found to
be defective in materials or workmanship. As a condition to the obligation of Levenhuk to repair or replace such
product, the product must be returned to Levenhuk together with proof of purchase satisfactory to Levenhuk.
A Return Authorization (RA) Number must be obtained in advance of return. Contact the local Levenhuk branch
to receive the RA number to be displayed on the outside of your shipping container. All returns must be accompanied by a written statement setting forth the name, address and telephone number of the owner, including a
description of any claimed defects. Parts or products for which replacement is made will become the property
of Levenhuk.
The customer will be responsible for all costs of transportation and insurance to and from Levenhuk or its authorized dealers and will be required to prepay such costs.
Levenhuk will use reasonable efforts to repair or replace any product covered by this warranty within thirty
days of receipt. If a repair or replacement will require more than thirty days, Levenhuk will notify the customer
accordingly. Levenhuk reserves the right to replace any product that has been discontinued from its product line
with a new product of comparable value and function.
This warranty does not apply to any defects or damages resulting from alteration, modication, neglect, misuse, usage of improper power sources, damage in transportation, abuse, or any cause other than normal use, or
to malfunction or deterioration due to normal wear.
Levenhuk disclaims all warranties, express or implied, whether of merchantability or tness for a particular use,
except as expressly set forth herein. The sole obligation of Levenhuk under this limited warranty will be to repair or replace the covered product, in accordance with the terms set forth herein. Levenhuk disclaims liability
for any loss of prots, loss of information, or for any general, special, direct, indirect or consequential damages
which may result from breach of any warranty, or arising out of the use or inability to use any Levenhuk
product. Any warranties which are implied and which cannot be disclaimed will be limited in duration to a term
of three years for telescopes, cameras for telescopes, microscopes and binoculars or six months for accessories
from the date of retail purchase.
Some states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you
may have other rights which vary from state to state or province to province.
Levenhuk reserves the right to modify or discontinue any product without prior notice.
NOTE: This warranty is valid to USA and Canadian customers who have purchased this product from an author-
ized Levenhuk dealer in the USA or Canada. Warranty outside the USA or Canada is valid only to customers who
purchased from an authorized Levenhuk dealer in the specic country or international distributor. Please contact them for any warranty service.
If warranty problems arise, or if you need assistance in using your product, contact the local Levenhuk branch:
Levenhuk Worldwide:
Purchase date ___________________________ Signature __________________ Stamp
Levenhuk Ra Ritchey-Chrétien Optické Tubusy
Blahopřejeme vám k nákupu vysoce kvalitního teleskopu značky Levenhuk!
Tento návod vám ukáže, jak teleskop sestavit, správně používat a pečovat o něj. Proto si jej nejprve důkladně
VÝSTRAHA! Nikdy – ani na okamžik - se přes teleskop nebo pointační dalekohled (hledáček) nedívejte přímo
do slunce, aniž byste použili odborně vyrobený solární ltr, který bude zcela překrývat objektiv přístroje.
Nedodržením tohoto pokynu se vystavujete nebezpečí trvalého poškození zraku. Abyste zabránili poškození
vnitřních součástí svého teleskopu, zakryjte čelní stranu pointačního dalekohledu (hledáčku) hliníkovou fólií
nebo jiným neprůhledným materiálem. Děti by měly teleskop používat pouze pod dohledem dospělé osoby.
Všechny součásti teleskopu jsou dodávány v jediné krabici. Při jejím vybalování postupujte opatrně.
Doporučujeme vám uschovat si originální přepravní obaly. V případě, že bude potřeba teleskop přepravit do
jiného místa, mohou správné přepravní obaly pomoci předejít poškození teleskopu při přepravě. Přesvědčte
se, zda jsou v obalu všechny součásti. Obsah důkladně zkontrolujte, neboť některé součásti jsou malé. Kromě
nástrojů, jež jsou součástí dodávky, nepotřebujete žádné jiné pomůcky. Abyste vyloučili deformace a viklání,
musejí být všechny šrouby pevně utaženy, ale dbejte na to, abyste je nepřetáhli, neboť může dojít ke stržení
Během montáže (ani nikdy jindy) se svými prsty nedotýkejte povrchu optických součástí. Povrchy optických
prvků jsou potaženy speciální choulostivou vrstvou, kterou lze při doteku snadno poškodit. Zrcadla nikdy nevyjímejte z jejich pouzdra; nedodržení tohoto pokynu má za následek neplatnost záruky.
Montáž teleskopu
Váš optický tubus konstrukce Ritchey-Chrétien se dodává připravený k použití ihned po vybalení. K optickému tubusu je připevněn okulárový výtah a lze k němu snadno připevnit další příslušenství. Součástí soupravy
jsou dále tři samostatné mezikroužky. Tyto mezikroužky slouží k zaostřování příslušenství určeného k pozorování nebo k astrofotograi. Tyto mezikroužky jsou určeny k přímému našroubování na optický tubus. Proto
se před montáží mezikroužku musí nejprve sejmout okulárový výtah. Dříve než vyrazíte do terénu, může být
užitečné několikrát si vyzkoušet různé kombinace. Vyberte si cíl vzdálený zhruba kilometr, na němž si můžete
zaostřování na dálku nacvičit.
V případě, že je okulárový výtah v krajní poloze a stále nejste schopni obraz zaostřit, budete muset mezi okulárový výtah a optický tubus nainstalovat další mezikroužky. Chcete-li instalovat požadovaný mezikroužek, musíte nejprve z optického tubusu odstranit okulárový výtah. Při instalaci příslušenství postupujte opatrně, abyste
nepoškodili závit.
1. Oběma rukama opatrně otočte upínacím kroužkem proti směru hodinových ručiček a sejměte okulárový
2. K optickému tubusu připevněte vybraný mezikroužek;
3. Šroubový závit na mezikroužku odpovídá závitu na optickém tubusu, takže můžete instalovat další
mezikroužky nebo vrátit zpět okulárový výtah;
4. Jakmile budete mít instalován požadovaný počet mezikroužků, připevněte zpět okulárový výtah.
Díky široké nabídce příslušenství určeného k pozorování hvězd budete muset skladbu mezikroužků stanovit dle
aktuální potřeby. Jednotlivé sestavy budou vyžadovat různé kombinace mezikroužků, jež bude nutno určit metodou pokusu a omylu. Nejběžnější příklady jsou uvedeny a gracky znázorněny na , .
Při použití digitální fotoaparátu – a v případě většiny pozorovacích aplikací – se vyžaduje nastavení o 2”. Větší
2” okuláry mohou vyžadovat nastavení pouze o 1”.
Montáž pointačního dalekohledu (hledáčku)
Pointační dalekohled (neboli hledáček) je malý teleskop se širokým zorným polem určený k lokalizaci objektů
pozorovaných optickým tubusem a jejich umístění do středu zorného pole. Pointační dalekohled je obvykle
vybaven nitkovým křížem, který slouží k vycentrování požadovaného objektu v zorném poli. Na některých modelech je nitkový kříž nahrazen červenou LED tečkou.
Na vašem optickém tubusu je již instalován rybinový držák pointačního dalekohledu, díky čemuž lze snadno
použít pointační dalekohled libovolné značky, který má odpovídající uchycení. Montáž pointačního dalekohledu
je velmi jednoduchá:
1. Uvolněte křídlatý šroub na straně rybinového držáku;
2. Od zadního konce optického tubusu do rybinového držáku zasuňte nástavec pointačního dalekohledu;
3. Jakmile je pointační dalekohled na správném místě, utažením křídlatého šroubu jej upevněte.
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