one world_one brand_one level_
Multi-WAN Load Balance VPN Router
LevelOne FBR-4000 has four WAN ports that allow you to provide network
connectivity and proven ultimate redundancy for higher performance
improvement. You can join your network to different Internet Service
Providers in order to prevent at any single poi nt of fail ure thus provi di ng better
reliable network interfacings.
Multiple WAN Ports
Contemporary trends towards strongly increased access of graphically rich
Internet web sites and multimedia applications are resulting in higher
consumption of Internet link resources. Thus bandwidth-starving users are
constantly seeking ways to expand their bandwidths. The FBR-4000 enables
up to 4 WAN ports to connect to the Internet for broadband services, based
on users’ network environment, to increase total bandwidth. Also through
bandwidth aggregation, your IT manager can seamlessly combine four WAN
links into a virtual single high bandwidth line to the LAN.
Multi-Homing Structure
The FBR-4000 is able to determine the available bandwidth to a remote subnet
through an access link, assign incoming and outgoi ng Internet traffic to the
available access link, and detect fail ed access links and div ert Internet traffic
around them.
The benefit of FBR-4000’s multihoming feature is to achieve outbound load
balancing and failover with NAT techni ques instead of defining BGP routing
tables or configuring any complicated routing protocols. This process will give
your network administrator an easy way to manage their heavy-duty networks.
Smart WAN Load Balancing and Failover Solution
WAN load balancing is focused on WAN fault tolerance. The FBR-4000 Multi WAN port router can provide reliable outgoi ng Internet access for employees
and incoming access redundancy for public customers. Many load
balancing types allow administrators to manage the load balancing methods
best suited to the LAN environment and to maximize bandwidth across
different connections. These load-balancing methods include: Least load,
auto-learning, priority, round robin and weight round robin. The FBR-4000 also
supports failover functions for connection redundancy. When a
physical/logical link failure occurs or a routing failure happens or whenever
the ISP goes down, FBR-4000 will automatically locate the problem and
redirect the outgoing traffic to the other running WAN Link to ensure
continuation of services.
VPN and QoS
The FBR-4000 provides corporate customers with secure, and end-to-end
private network connection by public access, like I nternet, to connect remote
locations. This device supports IPSec serv er with bri l li ant throughput. There are
different encryption methods to choose from DES, 3DES, GRE with the Autokey
IKE, MD5 or SHA-1 authenticati on while deploying the VPN connections. The
Load Balancer of FBR-4000 also supports QoS and traffic shaping by defining
rules, which designate the minimum and maxi mum bandwidth to be allowed
for traffic. With QoS features, businesses can allocate the bandwidth for
critical traffic or applications.

one world_one brand_one level_
Key Features
Flexible, High-Performance Multi-WAN support.
Integrates Load Balancing and Auto Failover connection
Shares Internet access up to 253 users
High-performance VPN NAT router
Multiple IP address support.
Advanced NAT features to setup DMZ, DDNS, remote
management routing, virtual servers, SNMP, and ARP proxy
5 Groups of Access Filter to LAN users
Support VPN Security up to 40 tunnels
VPN Trunking, VPN Aggregation
Supports for 80,000 concurrent sessions
Provides two dedicated DMZ ports
Supports QoS for critical traffic and applications
Packet filter & block URL
Supports transparent bridge mode
Product Diagram
Fail-over Backup
When a physical/logical link failure occur or a routing failure
happens or whenever the ISP goes down, FBR-4000 will
automatically discover the failure and redirect the outgoing
traffic to the other running WAN Link to ensure continuous
services. The process is totally transparent meaning that your
network user does not notice anything unusual happening.
Load Balancing
The benefit of FBR-4000’s multihoming is to achieve outbound
load balancing and failover with NAT techniques instead of
defining BGP routing tables or configuring any complicated
routing protocols. This process will give your network administrator
an easy way to manage their heavy-duty networks.
The options for controlling the route taken by outgoing traffic
vary, and you can control and distribute your daily traffic by
setting the load balance algorithm based on “Bytes Tx+Rx”,
“Racket Tx+Rx”, “Sessions Established”, “IP Addresses”, “Auto
Learning”, “Fast”, “Priority”, “Round Robin” and “Weighted
Round Robin”