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WHO NEED THE ICISYSTEM ...................................................................................................................................... 7
APPLICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................................................................... 8
FRONT PANEL ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
GETTING STARTED ......................................................................................................................................... 12
WEB MANAGEMENT INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................... 12
SYSTEM MAIN PAGE .............................................................................................................................................. 13
ICON BAR ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
MAIN PAGE -TOTAL THROUGHPUT STATISTICAL REPORT .............................................................................................. 15
INTERNET CONTENT RECONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................................... 22
Webmail Sent ................................................................................................................................................ 32
UT Chat Room ............................................................................................................................................... 48
Gtalk (in HTTP Gmail) ................................................................................................................................... 50
Internet Relay Chat – IRC .............................................................................................................................. 51
FILE TRANSFER ...................................................................................................................................................... 52
File Transfer Protocol - FTP ........................................................................................................................... 52
Peer to Peer File Sharing – P2P ..................................................................................................................... 54
HTTP Link ...................................................................................................................................................... 55
Online Games ................................................................................................................................................ 71
VoIP (Optional Purchase License) ................................................................................................................. 72
SYSTEM SETTING ................................................................................................................................................... 75
DNS Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 81
Shutdown and Reboot .................................................................................................................................. 81
System Time Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 82
Disk Space Control ...................................................................................................................................... 101
SYSTEM STATUS .................................................................................................................................................. 102
Port Number ............................................................................................................................................... 102
Online IP ...................................................................................................................................................... 104
Login List ..................................................................................................................................................... 112
SYSTEM TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................... 117
Delete Data ................................................................................................................................................. 117
AD Import ................................................................................................................................................... 126
DATA SEARCH ..................................................................................................................................................... 131
Full Text Search ........................................................................................................................................... 131
Similar Search ............................................................................................................................................. 133
Data Search – Conditional or Parameter Search ........................................................................................ 134
Association Search ...................................................................................................................................... 145
Captured File List ........................................................................................................................................ 147
SEND MAIL SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................. 151
Alert with Content ....................................................................................................................................... 151
Alert Mail Box ............................................................................................................................................. 152
Top Websites Report ................................................................................................................................... 164
TERM MODIFIERS ................................................................................................................................................ 177
Range Searches ........................................................................................................................................... 178
Boosting a Term .......................................................................................................................................... 178
AND ............................................................................................................................................................. 179
NOT ............................................................................................................................................................. 179
FIELD GROUPING ................................................................................................................................................. 180
ESCAPING SPECIAL CHARACTERS ............................................................................................................................. 180
LevelOne Internet Content Inspector, ICI empowers your business security and operations teams
by providing granular data m onitor ing and prec ise packet and session reconstruction capabilities. The
solution is designed to combine process and technology into a single effective system for network
forensics. Business can for the first time embrace Web 2.0 and maintain complete visibility and
control, while significantly reducing total cost of ownership through device consolidation. ICI offers
real innovation by enabling unprec e dent ed vis ibi lity and control of applications and content with no
performance degradation. It identify applications accurately - regardless of port, protocol, evasive
tactic or SSL encryption – and scan content to stop threats and prevent data leakage.
It intercepts, captures and reconstruct Internet activities such as Email (POP3, SMTP, IMAP),
Webmail Read and Sent (Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail, Seednet etc.), Instant
Messaging or Chat (Yahoo, Windows Live Messenger or MSN, ICQ, AOL, QQ, UT Chat Room, IRC,
Gtalk, Skype Voice Call Duration Log), HTTP (URL Link, Content, Upload and Download, Vide o
Streaming), File Transfer (P2P File Sharing, FTP), Online Games, VoIP (Yahoo Messenger) and
Webcam (Yahoo Messenger and Windows Live Messenger - MSN), VoIP (RTP Voice Call) and
Telnet sessions. ICI system encourages efficiency, prevents company network resource from abuses
by employees, tracing culprits of information and confidential data leakage, and monitors activities
and online behaviour of employees.
Ethernet LAN interception is an important approach to gather information of communications and
digital evidence. Ethernet LAN interception solutions capture all the traffic on the LAN network and
monitor the Internet activities. It is capable of live intercepting with real time capturing and
decoding/reconstruction, category classifying, behaviour analysing, data mining, reporting with
statistics etc.
ICI comes with wide variety of management and administrative functions. It provides you various
types of report with Top-Down View. Reports that can be created include Total Throughput Statistical
Report, Network Service Report (Daily, Weekly basis), Top Websites etc. All statistics can be
displayed in per IP Address or per User Account basis.
ICI also provides varieties of search functions. It provides Free Text Search (search by Key Words
with Boolean suppor t), C on dit ion al Sear ch, Similar Search and Association with Rela tions hi p Searc h.
It also comes with Alert and Notification (Throughput, Conditional and Key Words Alert) functions that
allow the network Administrator to setup different alert rules and parameters. This allows alert to be
triggered (email to be sent to Administrator) once the specified content is found in the captured and
reconstructed content.
Backup function allows user to back up the captured raw data files or reconstructed contents. User
can setup auto backup to backup these files to external drive (NAS or SAN) through FTP upload
method. Besides, user can opt for manually backup these files by burning them into CD/DVD or even
downloaded them to a local hard drive/PC.
Other functions available are like Bookmark, Capture File List (Comparing the content of two files),
Online IP List, Authority Assignment, Syslog Server etc. Others functions include hashed export
(backup), file content comparison etc.
Who Need the ICI System
•Financial, Banking and Inves tment Organisations where all Internet transactions and
communications need to be archived (Record Keeping).
•Marketing organizations, design house, h igh tec hn ol o g y and R&D firms where critical
confidential information need protected.
•Schools, colleges, institutions and universities that would like to monitor students and staffs
online activities and behaviour.
•Government agencies and ministries such as Police Intelligence, Military Intelligence, Secret
Service Agencies, National Security Agencies, Criminal Investigation Agencies, C o unter
Terrorism Agencies etc.
•Any company or organization that wants to monitor, backup and archive their daily Internet
transaction and data.
Application and Implementation
The diagram below is a common ICI application and implementation diagram which can be applied to
any organization networks. ICI uses sniffer technology to sniff or capture network Internet packets
through a port-mirroring capable switch (normally a smart switch or layer 2/3 switch; a HUB can be
used too as HUB broadcast traffic to all ports). It then parses (decodes and reconstructs) the captured
raw data packets, store them in system database and displays the reconstructed data with reports in
original and readable format in the Web GUI.
Ethernet LAN Organization Network Monitoring and Interception
ICI can also be implementation at network with huge volume of traffic throughput such as mass
interception and lawful interception at Telco or ISP networks. This implementation is normally for
lawful enforcement agencies (LEA) such as cyber sec u rit y agenc ies, national security agencies,
criminal investigation bureau, police and military intelligence. Please contact LevelOne sales team for
more details
Telco or ISP lawful Internet Interception
Unpacking & Installing
1 2 1 2 3 4 5
Packing Checklist
19 inch 1U Rack mountable Server x 1
Quick Installation Guide x 1
CD Manual x 1
Mounting Bracket set x 1
Power Cord x 1
Front Panel
1. Power LED
Rear Panel
1. Power Socket
2. Power Supply Unit
3. PS/2 KB & Mouse (for local console)
4. VGA Display (for local console)
5. Monitor Ethernet Port
6. Management Ethernet Port
000000 (six zero)
In order to get the ICI to capture your network activities successfully, a Port-Mirroring feature on the
network Ethernet switch is must. User can monitor traffic from any source port to a target port for realtime analysis. Attach the ICI to the target port and study the traffic crossing the source port in a
completely unobtrusive manner. Most the Web Smart and fully Managed Layer2 Ethernet switches
support the Port-Mirroring feature
Web Smart or Fully Managed Layer2/3 Switch with Port-Mirroring feature
For the best performance and keep disruption minimal, we introduce the Mirror mode implementation
only which provides the Real-time Reconstruction and keep disruption minimal at the same time. The
captured packets are saved in PCAP format
1. Connect the power cord to ICI power socket on the rear panel
2. Patch lead between Switch Mirror port and ICI Monitor port
3. Patch lead between Switch port (any available port) and ICI Management port
Default Settings
Note: Internet Explorer (IE ver6, 7 and 8) are recommended web browser for Web GUI management access of ICI system.
Getting Started
This chapter shows how to manage the ICI system via standard Web Browser over local network,
also a quick guide about each function button from menu bar, as well as the examples of feature-rich
of report feature.
Web Management Interface
1. Use Internet Explorer (IE) Web Browser to access ICI system web management site. ICI system
uses port 443 for secure web access. Please remember to key in https://x.x.x.x, for example (which is the default login).
2. Before you use this system, please make sure you have Java applet installed. Read the
instruction on “Before You Use This System” at the login page.
3. Username: root & Password: 000000 (six zero)
4. Choose your preferred language [Traditional Chinese] or [English] and then click on the login
Note: Internet Explorer (IE ver6, 7 and 8) are recommended web browser for Web GUI management acc ess of ICI system.
System Main Page
The navigation icon bar is on the top section of the Web Management GUI. ICI Homepage provides
information on the Total Throughput Statistical Report (as shown in diagram below) with Top-Down
and Drilled-Down capabilities.
Icon Bar
Main Page - Total Throughput Statistical Report
Total Throughput Statistical Report provides Dail y, W eek l y and Total Traffic statistic of different
Internet service categories for the organization network. It shows the total traffic amount usage by the
entire network as well as breaks them out into different service categories. Online User List will show
the List of users (IP Address and Account).
Mail Report allows Administrator to send different reports such as Total Throughput Statistical Report,
Online IP List etc. to the specific Email account immediately or either by hour l y, dail y, weekl y or
monthly basis as shown below.
Example 1:
Click on the Email - POP3 Quantity of Daily Traffic, it will List down the entire POP3 Emails in the
Example 2:
Click on the HTTP – HTTP Content weekly traffic throughput (KB), it will display the bar chart of the
HTTP Content traffic for the entire week (7 days). By clicking bar chat (specific day), it will lead you to
that day details content.
Example 3:
Click on the Daily Traffic – Summary Report, it will pop out Statistical Report List window and you can
select to click Throughput Statistical Report or Top N report. Click on the Top N, it will display the
User Daily Traffic Top N by Listing the top user IP with information such as Who is?, Throughput (KB)
and Statistical Report which includes Protocol Daily, Weekly and Summary Report.
Click on Who is ? This will display the user (IP) relationship with username, user login etc. Click on
Protocol, it will display all applications and throughput (KB) used by this user (IP).
Besides generating report by IP, Administrator can also generate report by Account basis.
Click on the Daily, Weekly or Summary Statistical Report of the particular user (IP), it will pop out a
window display statistical on bar chart.
Internet Content Reconstruction
ICI system captures and reconstructs Email content back to its original content view format. Various
Email protocol types supported are as follow:
1. POP3 (Incoming)
2. IMAP (Incoming)
3. SMTP (Outgoing)
4. Webmail (Read)
5. Webmail (Sent)
Post Office Protocol 3 or POP3 (Incoming) Email obtainable information includes Date-Time, Account
(with IP/MAC), Sender, Receiver, CC, Subject with Email content (with attachment if any) and Size.
Features in this POP3 GUI:
• POP3: Refresh the page content.
• Delete: Delete the Email (that has been checked or ticked).
• Account List: This section shows all the Email Account List.
• Search: Search for Email based on the specified parameters such as Date, Time, IP, Receiver,
Sender, CC, Subject and Account.
• Source, Destination IP Address and MAC Address by pointing the mouse to the account column.
• Display the number of record per page
• [•] Source Code: Shows the Email source and path.
• [•] Convertor: Convert the subject name to another language to be readable. T his conver t or
• Subject: Click on Email subject to view the content of the Email.
Checkbox: Check or tick the checkbox for deleting
Attachment: This symbol shows there is attachment in the Email
Shows the IP address
Forward Email: Forward the Email to a specific Email account
coverts the character in different coding formats such as zh-ch (Chinese), zh-sg (Singapore), zhtw (Taiwan), en (English), utf-8, JP (Japanese).
• Similar Search: Search for Email with similar content
Whois: Provide information of Source and Destination IP and Hostname. It allows you to
search for the IP Address information through the Internet.
View Email Content
Click on the Email subject and Administrator can choose to open and view the Email content or save
it into the hard drive of the Administrator PC.
Internet Message Protocol (IMAP) obtainable information includes Date-Time, Account (with IP/MAC),
Sender, Receiver, CC, Subject with Email content (with attachment if any) and Size.
Features in this IMAP GUI:
• IMAP: Refresh the page content.
• Delete: Delete the Email (that has been checked or ticked).
• Account List: This section shows all the Email Account List. (Refer to 2.1.1)
• Search: Search for Email based on the specified parameters such as Date, Time, IP, Receiver,
Sender, CC, Subject and Account.
• Source, Destination IP Address and MAC Address by pointing the mouse to the account column
• Display the number of record per page
• Checkbox: Check or tick the checkbox for deleting
• Attachment: This symbol shows there is attachment in the Email
• Shows the IP address
• Forward Email: Forward the Email to a specific Email account
• [•] Source Code: Shows the Email source and path.
• [•] Convertor: Convert the subject name to another language to be readable. This convertor
coverts the character in different coding formats such as zh-ch (Chinese), zh-sg (Singapore), zhtw (Taiwan), en (English), utf-8, JP (Japanese).
• Subject: Click on Email subject to view the content of the Email.
• Similar Search: Search for Email with similar content
• Whois: Provide information of Source and Destination IP and Hostname. It allows you to
search for the IP Address information through the Internet.
View Email Content
Click on the Email subject and Administrator can choose to open and view the Email content or save
it into the hard drive of the accessing PC.
SMTP (Outgoing)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or SMTP (Outgoing) obtainable information includes Date-Time,
Account (with IP/MAC), Sender, Receiver, CC, BCC, Subject with Email content ( with attac hment if
any) and Size.
Features in this SMTP GUI:
• SMTP: Refresh the page content.
• Delete: Delete the Email (that has been checked or ticked).
• Account List: This section shows all the Email Account List. (Refer to 2.1.1)
• Search: Search for Email based on the specified parameters such as Date, Time, IP, Receiver,
Sender, CC, Subject and Account.
• Source, Destination IP Addr es s and MAC Addr es s by pointing the mouse to the account column
• Display the number of record per page
• Checkbox: Check or tick the checkbox for deleting
• Attachment: This symbol shows there is attachment in the Email
• Shows the IP address
• Forward Email: Forward the Email to a specific Email account
• [•] Source Code: Shows the Email source and path.
• [•] Convertor: Convert the subject name to another language to be readable. This convertor
coverts the character in different coding formats such as zh-ch (Chinese), zh-sg (Singapore), zhtw (Taiwan), en (English), utf-8, JP (Japanese).
• Subject: Click on Email subject to view the content of the Email.
• Similar Search: Search for Email with similar content
• Whois: Provide information of Source and Destination IP and Hostname. It allows you to
search for the IP Address information through the Internet.
View Email Content
Click on the Email [Subject] link and you can choose to open and view the Email content or save it
into the hard drive of your PC.
Webmail Read
Webmail supported includes Yahoo Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, Gmail etc. Webmail (Read)
obtainable information includes Date-Time, Account (with IP/MAC), Sender, Subject (with content)
and Webmail Type.
Features in this Webmail (Read) GUI:
• Webmail (Read): Refresh the page content.
• Delete: Delete the Email (that has been checked or ticked).
• Account List: This section shows all the Email Account List. (Refer to 2.1.1)
• Search: Search for Webmail based on the specified parameters such as Date, Time, IP, Receiver,
Sender, CC, Subject and Account.
• Source, Destination IP Address and MAC Address by pointing the mouse to the account column
• Display the number of record per page
• Checkbox: Check or tick the checkbox for deleting
• Attachment: This symbol shows there is attachment in the Email
• Shows the IP address
• Forward Email: Forward the Email to a specific Email account
• [•] Source Code: Shows the Email source and path.
• [•] Convertor: Convert the subject name to another language to be readable. This convertor
coverts the character in different coding formats such as zh-ch (Chinese), zh-sg (Singapore), zhtw (Taiwan), en (English), utf-8, JP (Japanese).
• Subject: Click on Email subject to view the content of the Email.
• Similar Search: Search for Email with similar content
• Whois: Provide information of Source and Destination IP and Hostname. It allows you to
search for the IP Address information through the Internet.
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