LevelOne FCS-5008, FCS-5004 User Manual

CamCon Camera Server
FCS-5004 / FCS-5008
User Manual
CamCon Camera Server
and LevelOne® are trademarks of Digital Data
Communications Co.,Ltd.
, Windows® and Internet Explorer® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc. All other brand or product names are trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
In no event shall LEVELONE’s liability exceed the price paid for the product from direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential software, or its documentation. LEVELONE offers no refunds for its products. LEVELONE makes no warranty or representation, expressed, implied, or statutory, with respect to its products or the contents or use of this documentation and all accompanying software, and specifically disclaims its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. LEVELONE reserves the right to revise or update its products, software, or documentation without the obligation to notify any individual or entity.
The LEVELONE CamCon Camera Server has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which is found by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment or device Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver’s Consult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistance
Read Instructions Before the unit is operated, please read all the safety and operating instructions.
Power Sources Only operate this unit with the type of the power source specified by the manufacturer.
Servicing Please contact qualified technicians for any service requests. Do not attempt to service the unit yourself, as opening the cover may expose you to dangerous voltage and other hazards.
Warning To prevent fire or shock, do not expose this equipment to rain or moisture. Do not place heavy items on the unit.
Copyright 2002-2003, All Rights Reserved.
Part I CamCon Camera Server ……………………………….. 5
1.1 About CamCon Camera Server(CCS)......................................... 6
1.2 Features ............................................................................... 7
1.3 System Requirements............................................................. 7
1.4 Package Contents .................................................................. 9
1.5 System Overview................................................................. 10
11.. IInnssttaalllliinngg CCaammCCoonn CCaammeerraa SSeerrvveerr............................................................112
2.1 Default Network Configuration of the Server ............................ 12
2.2 Installing the CamCon Camera Server..................................... 12
22.. IInnssttaalllliinngg CCaammCCoonn CCaammeerraa SSooffttwwaarree....................................................117
33.. UUssiinngg CCaammCCoonn CCaammeerraa SSeerrvveerr........................................................................221
4.1 Entering the Monitoring Page................................................. 21
4.2 Display Mode....................................................................... 23
4.3 Recording Videos ................................................................. 23
4.4 Taking Snapshots................................................................. 23
4.5 Miscellaneous Messages........................................................ 24
4.6 System Warnings ................................................................. 24
4.7 Playback Video Files ............................................................. 25
4.8 Other Function Buttons......................................................... 27
44.. CCoonnffiigguurriinngg CCaammCCoonn CCaammeerraa SSeerrvveerr....................................................228
5.1 Accessing the Administration Page.......................................... 28
5.2 System Configuration ........................................................... 30
5.3 Quick Configuration.............................................................. 31
5.4 System Settings .................................................................. 31
5.5 Network Settings ................................................................. 32
5.6 IP Security.......................................................................... 34
5.7 User Management................................................................ 35
5.8 Camera Settings .................................................................. 36
5.9 Recording Settings ............................................................... 37
5.10 Snapshot Settings................................................................ 39
5.11 Event Handling .................................................................... 41
5.12 Event Action Settings ........................................................... 41
5.13 Statistics and Logs ............................................................... 41
5.14 System Tools....................................................................... 42
UUssiinngg CCaammCCoonn WWaattcchheerr//AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr//BBrroowwsseer
6.1 Using CamCon Watcher......................................................... 45
6.2 Using CamCon Administrator ................................................. 46
6.3 Using CamCon Browser......................................................... 48
66.. CCaammCCoonn CCaammeerraa SSeerrvveerr CClliieenntt VViieewweerr AAccttiivveeXX CCoonnttrrooll449
7.1 System Requirements........................................................... 49
7.2 Installation Instruction.......................................................... 49
7.3 Un-installation Instruction..................................................... 49
7.4 Usage ................................................................................ 50
7.5 Object Interface................................................................... 52
7.6 Web Support....................................................................... 52
7.7 Object Interface List............................................................. 55
77.. MMaaiinntteennaannccee..............................................................................................................................558
8.1 Shutdown/Restart the Server................................................. 58
8.2 Reset the Administrator Password & Network Settings............... 58
8.3 Update the System .............................................................. 59
8.4 Restore to Factory Defaults ................................................... 59
PPaarrtt IIII CCaammCCoonn MMaannaaggeerr..............................................................................................660
11.. OOvveerrvviieeww ooff tthhee CCaammCCoonn MMaannaaggeerr..........................................................661
1.1 About CamCon Manager........................................................ 61
1.2 Features ............................................................................. 63
22.. IInnssttaalllliinngg CCaammCCoonn MMaannaaggeerr..............................................................................665
33.. UUssiinngg CCaammCCoonn MMaannaaggeerr..........................................................................................667
3.1 Start Using CamCon Manager ................................................ 67
3.2 Configure Viewing Page ........................................................ 72
3.3 Other Function Buttons......................................................... 72
3.4 Sorting and Removing Cameras ............................................. 73
3.5 Switching Modes and Changing Username/Password ................. 74
3.6 Adding and Deleting Video Server .......................................... 74
3.7 Modify Multiple CamCon Camera Server System Settings........... 76
3.8 Warning Messages ............................................................... 77
44.. EE--MMaapp FFuunnccttiioonn....................................................................................................................779
4.1 Adding a New Map ............................................................... 80
4.2 Deleting a Map .................................................................... 80
4.3 Modifying a Map .................................................................. 80
Adding Cameras and GPIO Devices......................................... 81
4.5 Removing Cameras and GPIO Devices..................................... 82
4.6 Adding an Electronic Map Shortcut ......................................... 83
4.7 Removing an Electronic Map Shortcut ..................................... 84
4.8 Viewing Monitoring Cameras.................................................. 85
4.9 Viewing GPIO Devices Status................................................. 86
4.10 Event Handling .................................................................... 88
AAppppeennddiixx AA:: TTeerrmmss aanndd GGlloossssaarryy............................................................................889
AAppppeennddiixx BB:: RReeggiisstteerriinngg aa DDyynnaammiicc DDoommaaiinn NNaammee......................991
AAppppeennddiixx CC:: CCoonnnneecctt aa PPeerrssoonnaall CCoommppuutteerr ttoo tthhee CCaammCCoonn
CCaammeerraa SSeerrvveerr....................................................................................................................................995
AAppppeennddiixx DD:: CCoonnnneeccttiinngg wwiitthh tthhee RRSS--442222//448855PPoorrtt....................998
AAppppeennddiixx EE:: CCaammCCoonn AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr................................................................11000
AAppppeennddiixx FF:: UUssiinngg CCaammCCoonn CCaammeerraa SSeerrvveerr wwiitthh IIPP SShhaarriinngg RRoouutteerr 11001
Part I
CamCon Camera Server
FCS-5004 FCS-5008
1.Overview of CamCon Camera Server
1.1 About CamCon Camera Server(CCS)
CamCon Camera Server is the next generation of digital, modular, and
networked remote surveillance system. Besides providing functions
such as real time monitoring, video recording, snap shooting and video
playback, CCS also enables the expansion of external storage devices
via network connection, making dynamic increase of the storage
capacity extremely easy.
Digitalizing remote surveillance systems is the trend of the market
since it provides lots of benefits to the end users. With digitalized
image files, users can now process, store, analyze and utilize enormous
amount of information in the ways which were not possible before.
Because of the networked nature of the server, all major tasks,
including monitoring the cameras, administering the server, and
storing image files, can now be performed via the ubiquitous web
browser. In addition, the CCS can be setup to use ADSL and DDNS
services, and allow the administrator to monitor and administer the
server remotely via the Internet.
Remote surveillance system’s functions can be modularized to three
major parts: image capturing, data storing, and monitoring. The
combination of a CamCon Camera Server with a remote storage device,
and a remote monitoring center provides a solution that makes the
most effective use of hardware.
CamCon Camera Server FCS-5004: A 4-Channel Surveillance
Server with management functions.
CamCon Camera Server FCS-5008: A 8-Channel Surveillance
Server with management functions.
Note: Unless specified for some reason, the CamCon Camera Server
mentioned below applies to CamCon Camera Server FCS-5004.
Please regard FCS-5008 as a combination of two FCS-5004 plus one
CamCon Manager FCS-9002 software. Please refer to the features of
FCS-5004 and CamCon Manager FCS-9002.
1.2 Features
Surveillance over IP in a plug and play way
Operates with a CamCon Manager to create a complete network
surveillance system
Superior image quality (30 fps max for one camera)
Supports up to 4 surveillance cameras or PTZ cameras
Records digital images up to 30 seconds before the alarm is triggered
Supports 1/16x to 16x playback speed
Supports multicast mode
Uses IE (version 5.0 or above) to quickly complete the system
Supports remote system software upgrade
1.3 System Requirements
CamCon Camera Server
Black and white or color camera (NTSC or PAL standard)
Networking Requirements
RJ-45 Ethernet connection and a dynamic or static IP address
Client side personal computer requirements:
Pentium II or above desktop or laptop computer
VGA card (Recommended resolution: 1024x768 pixels)
Microsoft Windows 98 SE or above
Internet Explorer version 5.0 or above
Note: In Internet Options of Internet Explorer, Security level for this
zone has to be set to Medium or lower.
1.4 Package Contents
CamCon Camera Server
CamCon Camera Server
Power Cord
One CAT-5 Ethernet Cable
CamCon Administrator/Watcher/Browser (CD-ROM)
1.5 System Overview
CamCon Camera Server 5004
Front View
Rear View
Power Reset Switch
Network Indicator
Power Indicator
RJ-45 Network
GPIO Connector
Video Input Connector
RS-232 Port
Power Connector
VGA Port
RS-422/485 Port
PS/2 Port
Configuration Reset Switch
The “VGA Port” and the “PS/2 port” connectors are used only to
maintain the server.
Starting from the top, the “Video Input Connectors” are for camera 1 to
camera 4.
“RS-232 Port” is only used to connect PTZ cameras. Please refer to
Appendix D for further information.
There are two standards for television communication -- NTSC
(National Television Standards Committee) and PAL (Phase Alternate
Line). Therefore, if the cameras connected to the system have been
replaced, please reboot the system.
1. Installing CamCon Camera Server
2.1 Default Network Configuration of the Server
By default, the CCS is set up to obtain its IP address and other TCP/IP
network protocol settings from a DHCP server. If no DHCP server is
found on the network, the CamCon Camera Server will use the following
default settings instead:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Please login in the server with the default administrator account using
the following information:
User name: administrator
Password: admin
If you want to reset the administrator password and network
configuration to the factory default settings, use a sharp object to press
the configuration reset switch located in the front of the server for 5
seconds. You will hear beeps when the reset has been completed.
2.2 Installing the CamCon Camera Server
Connect cameras to the CamCon Camera Server first, and then follow the
instructions to install your server. If you are not familiar with network
settings, consult your Internet service provider (ISP) or network
administrator to get the details of the network configuration.
Connecting the server to a LAN with DHCP server
i. Please connect the server to the LAN with the enclosed CAT-5
Ethernet cable.
ii. Connect the power cord and turn on the server.
iii. Please run the CamCon Administrator utility in the enclosed
iv. Click on the “Refresh” button located at the bottom of the window.
v. If there are several CamCon Camera Servers in the LAN, choose the
correct device and double click it.
vi. When you connect to the CamCon Camera Server successfully, the
web page will automatically prompt you for the user name and the
password. Please enter the default user name and password:
User name: administrator
Password: admin
Connecting the server to a LAN by the assigned static IP address
Please connect the CamCon Camera Server to the Hub or Router in the LAN
with the accompanying CAT-5 Ethernet cable.
i. Connect the power cord and turn on the server.
ii. Run the CamCon Administrator utility located in the enclosed
iii. Click on the “Refresh” button, and select the server you wish to
iv. Click on the “Configure” button to configure the server.
v. Enter the user name and password. (The default password is
vi. Select “Use Fixed IP Address” and enter the TCP/IP networking
vii. Click on the “OK” button and restart the server.
viii. Start the web browser and enter the CamCon Camera Server’s IP
address in the location field.
Connecting to the Internet using ADSL service
i. If the CamCon Camera Server connects to the Internet through ADSL
(i.e. dynamic IP is used), it is recommended that you use the
Dynamic DNS service in order to connect to the CamCon Camera
Server with an easy-to-remember Internet server name. Please
register for an account name on www.dyndns.org
to obtain a user
name, password and a domain name. (For the detailed step-by-step
tutorial, please refer to Appendix B).
ii. Please refer to “Appendix C - Connect a Personal Computer to the
CamCon Camera Server” section to connect the CamCon Camera
Server to the personal computer.
iii. Click on the setting icon located on the left column of the screen. In
the setup page, choose the “Network Settings” and select the “Use
broadband connection to the Internet (PPPoE)”, and then enter the
correct user name and password to connect to the ADSL.
iv. Check the “Enable Dynamic DNS Service” box, and enter the user
name, password, and host name. Select “dynamic IP address”.
v. Click on the “OK” button and wait a few seconds for the CamCon
Camera Server to apply the new network configuration.
vi. Shut down the server and use a network cable to connect the
CamCon Camera Server and the ADSL modem.
vii. Restore your personal computer’s network settings and restart the
CamCon Camera Server.
viii. Enter the host name you have registered at www.dyndns.org
in the
web browser. When you have completed the settings for the
CamCon Camera Server successfully, you can access the CamCon
Camera Server administration page.
Installing CamCon Camera Software
Follow the steps below for installing CamCon Browser:
Step 1
Browse the CD-ROM for CamCon Browser installation. Click CamCon
Browser on the screen.
Step 2
Select the language for CCS: English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional
Chinese. Then click OK.
Step 3
Follow the instructions of all pop-up screens and click Next to proceed.
Then click Finish to complete the setup.
After the setup process, you will find the shortcuts for CamCon Browser,
CamCon Watcher and CamCon Adminstrator. You can then start using
CamCon Camera Server.
The following table briefly describers the functions of CamCon Browser,
CamCon Watcher and CamCon Administrator. For more detailed
description, please refer to chapters 4-6, Part I of the user manual.
Field Description
CamCon Browser To monitor all cameras of multiple
CamCon Camera Servers
CamCon Watcher To view recorded data of all cameras
CamCon Administrator To find all available CamCon Camera
Servers installed on the system
3. Using CamCon Camera Server
After you have set up the network settings of the CamCon Camera
Server and successfully connected to the network, you can use the web
browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or above; version 5.5
is recommended) to view live video and playback the recorded video
4.1 Entering the Monitoring Page
Users can use one of the following ways to access the monitoring
page of the CamCon Camera Server.
Enter the IP address of the CamCon Camera Server in the web
browser and press Enter.
Start the accompanying CamCon Administrator utility, and
double click on the listed desired server entry.
When the browser displays the CamCon Camera Server login page,
enter the user name and password to login to CamCon Camera
Upon successful login to the server, the following monitoring page
should be displayed on the screen.
Note: If the monitoring page is displayed improperly, shut down the
anti-virus software first (if any), and then refresh the page.
4.2 Display Mode
You can select the desired display mode for the monitoring page.
Field Description
View Single Camera
Adjust Window Size
Full-Screen Mode
Picture in Picture Mode
Quad Mode
Sequential Mode
4.3 Recording Videos
Click on the button to record the selected camera’s live video
to the computer. Click on the
button again to stop the
recording. The recorded files can be saved as ivg or avi format.
Users can play the files with Windows Media Player.
4.4 Taking Snapshots
Click on the button to save a still image file to the computer.
4.5 Miscellaneous Messages
When the server cannot display live video for a particular camera,
the corresponding video window will display an error message. The
possible messages are listed below
If Multicast is enabled, it may take longer to establish a
Make sure that the network cable between the personal
computer and the server is connected.
No Signal
Check the camera’s power supply and the connection to the
No Privilege
The account used to login to the server does not have the
privilege to view the camera, login to the server again using an
account which is authorized to view the cameras.
4.6 System Warnings
When the CamCon Camera Server cannot function normally, the
monitoring page will show a warning icon to inform the system
administrator the current status of the server. Double click the
warning icon to view the detailed description about the warning.
The possible errors include:
System Error
Some system errors may have occurred, restart the server. If
the server still fails to function normally after rebooting, please
contact the technical support for further assistance.
Connection to the Storage Device has been Interrupted
The server fails to send video files to the storage device when
the connection between the server and the storage device is
interrupted. If the connection cannot be resumed in time, the
buffer will overrun and an interruption in the image files stored
will occur.
Storage Device is almost Full
When the storage device is almost full, the system will generate
this warning message to notify the system administrator of the
4.7 Playback Video Files
To playback video files recorded, click on the
button to
enter the video playback page. You should see the following
You can choose the camera you wish to view from the pull-down
menu. For further instructions, please refer to the “Using CamCon
Camera Server – Playback” section.
Select Video Files
You can select the following options to play video files:
Select files stored on the remote storage device by
specified period of time.
Select files recorded due to some certain triggered
Select files stored on this computer.
Save Video Files
After you have selected the files stored on the remote storage
device, you can click on the
button to store the files to this
Play Video Files
You can use the following controls to play the video:
Frame by Frame Playback
Select Playback Rate
4.8 Other Function Buttons
Functional keys of PTZ camera
1. : Adjust focusing lenses to minimize scope.
2. : Adjust focusing lenses to maximize scope.
3. Click other buttons properly can turn PTZ camera lenses.
Adjust PTZ
Camera Focus
Start Recording
Take Snapshots
Adjust PTZ Camera
Viewing Angle
4. Configuring CamCon Camera Server
Once you have installed CamCon Camera Server and other hardware,
and connected it to the network, you can use the web browser to
manage CamCon Camera Server (supports only Microsoft Internet
Explorer 5.0 or above; Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 is
5.1 Accessing the Administration Page
The user can access the CamCon Camera Server administration
page by one of the following methods:
Enter the IP address of the CamCon Camera Server in the
location bar of the web browser and press Enter.
Run CamCon Administrator, and double click on the server you
wish to configure in the list of servers acquired.
When the web browser connects to the CamCon Camera Server
administration page, it will prompt you for the user name and
password of the administrator. Enter the correct information to
continue the administration process.
The default administrator account information is shown below:
User name: administrator
Password: admin
After you have successfully logged in to the server, click on the
located on the left column of the monitoring page to
enter the system configuration page.
+ 72 hidden pages