Figure 9.1:Dimensions of the VDB 14B evaluation unit............................................................... 33
Figure 9.2:Capacitive sensor DB 14 K ........................................................................................ 34
Figure 9.3:Ultrasonic transducer DB 18 UP ................................................................................ 34
Figure 12.1: Critical case 1............................................................................................................. 47
Figure 12.2: Critical case 2............................................................................................................. 47
Figure 12.3: Critical case 3............................................................................................................. 48
Figure 12.4: Critical case 4............................................................................................................. 48
Leuze electronicDB 14B3
General information
1General information
1.1Explanation of symbols
The symbols used in this operating manual are explained below.
Pay attention to passages marked with this symbol. Failure to heed this information can lead
to injuries to personnel or damage to the equipment.
This symbol indicates text passages containing important information.
1.2Declaration of conformity
The DB 14B double sheet testing unit sensor system has been developed and manufactured subject to the applicable European standards and directives.
The corresponding declaration of conformity can be requested from the manufacturer.
The manufacturer of the product, Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG in D-73277 Owen/Teck,
possesses a certified quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001.
4DB 14BLeuze electronic
2Safety notices
2.1Safety standards
The DB 14B double sheet testing unit has been developed subject to the applicable safety
standard IEC 947-5-2.
2.2Approved purpose
The DB 14B double sheet testing unit has been conceived as a monitoring device mainly for
paper working machines. It monitors incoming paper sheets and is used to detect and signal
double sheets in the sheet feeder during operation.
The double sheet testing unit is not a safety module acc. to EU machinery directive!
The protection of machine and the device cannot be guaranteed if the device is operated in
a manner not corresponding to its intended use.
Access to or changes on the device, except where expressly described in this operating
manual, is not authorised.
2.3Areas of application
Safety notices
Double sheets of the following materials with thicknesses from 20 g/m2 airmail paper to 2mm
thick cardboard can be recognised reliably by the DB 14B:
• Paper
• Paperboard
• Cardboard
• Plastic foil
2.4Organisational measures
All entries in this operating manual must be heeded, in particular those in the sections
"Safety Notices" and "Commissioning".
Carefully store this operating manual where it is accessible at all times.
Safety regulations
Observe the locally applicable safety regulations.
Qualified personnel
Mounting, commissioning and maintenance of the device must only be carried out by qualified personnel.
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TNT 35/7-24V
Description of the device and system
DB 14 K
DB 18 UP
VDB 14B/4 and
VDB 14B/2
to machine control system
3Description of the device and system
3.1Set-up of the DB 14B
The basic version of the DB 14B double sheet testing unit consists of the evaluation unit
VDB 14B/4 (PNP) or VDB 14B/4 (NPN), one transmitter DB 18 U, one receiver DB 18 U,
and a connection cable for the machine control system. It can be additionally equipped with
a capacitive sensor DB 14 K.
The capacitive sensor DB 14 K is required if double sheets of thick material, sheets with air
pockets or material with low transmission for ultrasonic signals should be recognised.
Figure 3.1:DB 14B system set-up
3.2Performance features of the DB 14B
The DB 14B is a system which detects multiple sheets of paper. It is characterised by the
following features:
• A large measuring range from 20 g airmail paper to 2mm thick, homogeneous cardboard (capacitive >150g normal paper)
• Insensitive to printing and fluttering of paper
• Manual self-calibration
• Automatic readjustment during operation
• Extensive diagnostic options via 2-digit, 7 segment display
6DB 14BLeuze electronic
3.3Function description DB 14B
The double sheet testing unit DB 14B is a computer-assisted system for the recognition of
multiple sheets of paper or cardboard and is applicable for use in clock-controlled machines.
After storing a material-specific reference value, the system can recognise multiple sheets
of paper and thus prevent damage to the machine.
The DB 18 UP ultrasonic sensors consists of a transmitter and a receiver and perform two
functions. They recognise the presence of a sheet of paper by the interruption of the sound
level and at the same time measure the signal level for the given type of paper. After calibration to the reference sheet, it can be determined whether zero, one or two sheets of paper
are in the ultrasonic beam. The double sheet testing unit can optionally be switched to
perform a capacitive measurement of the double sheet. In this operating mode, however,
the ultrasonic sensors remain necessary for sheet detection (start of measurement).
The reference value is always corrected to the current conditions by automatic readjustment
during operation. The testing of the sheet overlap is allowed by the possibility of an additional second inquiry at a time when two sheets should be at the measurement position and
to give a warning signal should the second sheet be missing.
The perfect operation of the double sheet testing unit is checked by an integrated self-test
after power-on of the DB 14B.
When transporting, package the device so that it is protected against collision and humidity.
Optimal protection is achieved when using the original packaging. Heed the required environmental conditions specified in the technical data.
Check the packaging for any damage. If damage is found, notify the post office or ship-
ping agent as well as the supplier.
Check the delivery contents using your order and the delivery papers:
• delivered quantity
• device type and model as indicated on the nameplate
• accessories
• operating instructions
Keep the original packaging in case the device should be stored or transported at some
future time.
Please contact your supplier or your Leuze distributor to answer any questions (see inside
of the front cover of these operating instructions).
Observe the local regulations regarding disposal of packaging material.
Leuze electronicDB 14B9
TNT 35/7-24V
The components of the DB 14B should be mounted in the following order:
1.Ultrasonic and capacitive sensors
2.Evaluation unit
As long as the sensors are aligned according to the following instructions, the fitting position
of all components is arbitrary.
The following arrangement is, however, recommended:
First, the ultrasonic sensors should be covered in the direction of paper travel and
then the capacitive sensor should be covered.
The space requirements of the individual components can be found in the dimensioned
drawings in chapter 9.
Figure 4.1:Example for the sensor arrangement
The transmitter and receiver of the ultrasonic sensors must be mounted on the feeder platform at a position where a single sheet is present for at least 2ms during normal operation.
10DB 14BLeuze electronic
20 … 40 mm
5 … 15 mm
Feeder platform
When aligning the transmitter and receiver, take care
to ensure the most exact alignment possible. To ensure proper function, the sensors must be inclined by
the angle B towards the vertical.
Sheet material
Recomm. angle of inclination B
0°15°… 25 ° 25°… 35 °
Standard paper up to 150g/m
BAngle of inclination
CSheet material
Machine direction
Mounting the DB 18 UP ultrasonic sensors
The transmitter and receiver (DB 18 UP) are identical in construction and are to be mounted
according to the table in figure 4.2 at an angle which is inclined relative to vertical. A larger
angle of inclination increases the flutter range; e.g. with a 35° pitch, flutter is permissible
within 50% of the measurement field.
The recommended distance is 20 … 40mm. The maximum distance is 60mm. The ultrasonic transmitter should be installed from below, approx. 5mm below the table top. The
receiver should be installed above the platform top.
Ensure that alignment is exact (±1°). If the alignment does not run along the axis, the
working range is reduced.
Figure 4.2:Mounting the ultrasonic sensors
In order to measure, the capacitive sensor requires an electrically conductive grounding
plate for the opposite pole which is at least as large as itself. Usually the (metallic) feeder
platform serves this function.
Leuze electronicDB 14B11
TNT 35/7-24V
Paper sheet
Feeder platform
7mm ± 0.5mm
at DB 14 K - 712mm ± 0.5 mm
at DB 14 K - 12
foundation plate
VDB 14B/4
and VDB 14B/2
DB 14 K
Grounding plate
DB 18 UP
Potential equalisation cable
to machine control system
Mounting the capacitive sensor
The capacitive sensor should be mounted parallel to the feeder platform/grounding plate at
a distance of 7mm ± 0.5 mm (DB 14 K - 7) or 12mm ± 0.5 mm (DB 14 K - 12), respectively.
It is usually not necessary to readjust the sensor - grounding plate distance afterwards.
Fix a grounding plate in a non-metallic feeder platform, taking care that the sheet movement
is not disturbed.
Figure 4.3:Mounting the capacitive sensor
Connect the capacitive sensor and grounding plate with a potential equalisation cable. This
is absolutely necessary for a correct measurement. The potential equalisation cable must
also be connected to the machine foundation plate as well as to the VDB 14B.
Figure 4.4:Potential equalisation and connection
VDB 14B evaluation unit
Use four M4 screws to mount the evaluation unit close to the sensors.
12DB 14BLeuze electronic
Connect all individual components to the VDB 14B evaluation unit.
The 26-pin Sub-D socket of the connection cable to the machine control as well as all
DB 18 U… and DB 14 K sensors must only be plugged in while in a voltage-free state.
If the DB 14 K capacitive sensor is plugged in or unplugged during operation, this is
not detected by the VDB 14B evaluation unit!
Ultrasonic transmitter DB 18 U...
Ultrasonic receiverDB 18 U...
Capacitive sensor DB 14 K K1
Machine control system 26-pin SUB-D connector with shielded cable
The following table describes the pin assignments of the 26-pin connector.
1redsupply +18 … 30VDC (+UB)
2bluesupply 0V DC (GND)
3violet1st inquiry, single sheet check
4white-green 2nd inquiry, second sheet check (last sheet recognition)