Leroy-Somer digitax st, unidrive sp, affinity, mentor mp digidrive sk User Manual

t t
o O
4442 en - 2009.11 / a
This manual is to be given
to the end user
Solutions module forSolutions module for
Send next
telegram to
OUT word 0
Send first telegram
to OUT word 0
Read IN
word 0
Tx_Stamp_No = Rx_Stamp_No?
= 2?
Check status
of ERR bit
ERROR. Check paramter exists, data
is in correct range, and parameter is
Send telegram 3 to
OUT word 0
Read IN
word 0
Tx_Stamp_No = Rx_Stamp_No?
Store data
= 6?
data value
Send next
telegram to
OUT word 0
fieldbus communication fieldbus communication
User guide
General Information
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional parameters of the equipment or from mismatching the variable speed drive with the motor. The contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product or its performance, or the content of the guide without notice. All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including, photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Environmental Statement
LEROY-SOMER is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of its manufacturing operations and of its products throughout their life cycle. To this end, we operate an Environmental Management System (EMS) which is certified to the International Standard ISO
14001. The electronic variable speed drives manufactured by LEROY-SOMER have the potential to save energy and (through increased machine/process efficiency) reduce raw material consumption and scrap throughout their long working lifetime. In typical applications, these positive environmental effects far outweigh the negative impacts of product manufacture and end-of-life disposal. Nevertheless, when the products eventually reach the end of their useful life, they must not be discarded but should instead be recycled by a specialist recycler of electronic equipment. Recyclers will find the products easy to dismantle into their major component parts for efficient recycling. Many parts snap together and can be separated without the use of tools, whilst other parts are secured with conventional fasteners. Virtually all parts of the product are suitable for recycling. Product packaging is of good quality and can be re-used. Large products are packed in wooden crates, while smaller products come in strong cardboard cartons which themselves have a high­recycled fibre content. If not re-used, these containers can be recycled. Polythene, used on the protective film and bags from wrapping product, can be recycled in the same way. LEROY­SOMER' packaging strategy prefers easily recyclable materials of low environmental impact, and regular reviews identify opportunities for improvement. When preparing to recycle or dispose of any product or packaging, please observe local legislation and best practice.
Software Statement
This Solutions Module (SM) is supplied with the latest software version. When ret ro-fit ting t o an existing system, all software versions should be verified to confirm the same functionality as Solutions Modules of the same type already pres ent. This also applies to products returned fro m LEROY-SOMER. If there is any doubt please contact the supplier of the product. The software version of the Solutions Module can be identified by looking at Pr MM.02 and Pr MM.51, where MM is the relevant menu number for the Solutions Module slot being used. See Pr MM.02 and Pr MM.51 description later in this manual for more information. The software version takes the form of xx.yy.zz, where Pr MM.02 displays xx.yy and Pr MM.51 displays zz (e.g. for software version 01.01.00 Pr MM.02 will display 1.01 and Pr MM.51 will display 0).
REACH legislation
EC Regulation 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) requires the supplier of an article to inform the recipient if it contains more than a specified proportion of any substance which is considered by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to be a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and is therefore listed by them as a candidate for compulsory authorisation. For current information on how this requirement applies in relation to specific LEROY-SOMER products, please approach your usual contact in the first instance.
Issue Number : 9
1 Safety information ............................................................................6
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes......................................................................................6
1.2 Electrical safety - general warning.................................................................................6
1.3 System design and safety of personnel.........................................................................6
1.4 Environmental limits ......................................................................................................7
1.5 Compliance with regulations..........................................................................................7
1.6 Motor .............................................................................................................................7
1.7 Adjusting parameters.....................................................................................................7
2 Introduction.......................................................................................8
2.1 What is PROFIBUS-DP?...............................................................................................8
2.2 What is SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1?.................................................................................10
2.3 General specification...................................................................................................10
2.4 Solutions Module identification....................................................................................11
3 Mechanical installation...................................................................12
3.1 General Installation......................................................................................................12
4 Electrical installation......................................................................13
4.1 Terminal descriptions ..................................................................................................13
4.2 PROFIBUS-DP connectors .........................................................................................13
4.3 PROFIBUS-DP cable ..................................................................................................14
4.4 Cable shielding............................................................................................................14
4.5 General grounding considerations...............................................................................14
4.6 Network termination.....................................................................................................14
4.7 Maximum network length / device loading...................................................................15
4.8 Node addressing .........................................................................................................15
4.9 Spurs...........................................................................................................................15
4.10 Minimum node to node cable length............................................................................15
5 Getting started ................................................................................16
5.1 Conventions used in this guide....................................................................................16
5.2 Minimum software versions required...........................................................................16
5.3 Set-up flow chart..........................................................................................................17
5.4 Node address..............................................................................................................18
5.5 Network data rate........................................................................................................18
5.6 Data format..................................................................................................................19
5.7 Network operating status.............................................................................................19
5.8 Re-initializing the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1....................................................................20
5.9 Re-initialize all Solutions Modules...............................................................................20
5.10 Saving parameters to the drive....................................................................................20
5.11 Network compatibility mode.........................................................................................21
6 GSD Files.........................................................................................22
6.1 What are GSD Files?...................................................................................................22
6.2 Data consistency.........................................................................................................22
6.3 Data configuration .......................................................................................................23
6.4 GSD compatibility........................................................................................................23
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7 Cyclic data.......................................................................................24
7.1 What is cyclic data?.....................................................................................................24
7.2 Data formats................................................................................................................24
7.3 Mapping conflicts.........................................................................................................27
7.4 Cyclic data mapping errors..........................................................................................27
7.5 Mapping limitations......................................................................................................28
7.6 Disabling mappings.....................................................................................................28
8 Non-cyclic data ...............................................................................29
8.1 What is non-cyclic data?..............................................................................................29
8.2 Configuration using non-cyclic data.............................................................................29
8.3 PROFIBUS DP-V1 Compatibility.................................................................................29
8.4 PROFIBUS DP-V1 Overview.......................................................................................30
8.5 Setting the non-cyclic mode (non-cyclic over cyclic) ...................................................31
8.6 Mode 1 - CT Single Word mode..................................................................................32
8.7 Reading parameters using CT Single Word................................................................34
8.8 Mode 2 - PPO 4 Word mode.......................................................................................42
9 Control and status words...............................................................49
9.1 What are control and status words?............................................................................49
9.2 Control word................................................................................................................49
9.3 Status word..................................................................................................................51
10 Diagnostics....................................................................................53
10.1 Module ID code ........................................................................................................ 53
10.2 Module firmware version ...........................................................................................53
10.3 PROFIBUS-DP node address ...................................................................................54
10.4 Network data rate......................................................................................................54
10.5 Data format................................................................................................................55
10.6 Operating status........................................................................................................55
10.7 Mapping status..........................................................................................................56
10.8 Drive trip display codes .............................................................................................58
10.9 Module error code .....................................................................................................58
10.10 Module serial number................................................................................................59
10.11 Troubleshooting.........................................................................................................59
11 PROFIdrive profile (V4).................................................................61
11.1 What is PROFIdrive profile?......................................................................................61
11.2 Standard Telegram 1.................................................................................................61
11.3 Main Setpoint.............................................................................................................62
11.4 Main Actual Value......................................................................................................63
11.5 PROFIdrive (V4) State Machine................................................................................64
11.6 Normal Run Sequence..............................................................................................64
11.7 Stopping the motor using PROFIdrive.......................................................................67
11.8 Jogging......................................................................................................................67
11.9 PROFIdrive control word...........................................................................................68
11.10 PROFIdrive status word ............................................................................................69
11.11 PROFIdrive PNU access...........................................................................................70
11.12 Fault Buffer................................................................................................................71
11.13 Drive Identification.....................................................................................................72
11.14 Identification and Maintenance Functions .................................................................72
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12 Advanced features........................................................................73
12.1 Network loss trip........................................................................................................73
12.2 SYNC and FREEZE Mode ........................................................................................73
12.3 Data endian format....................................................................................................74
12.4 Inter-option communication timing.............................................................................75
12.5 Cyclic data compression............................................................................................75
12.6 Block mapping...........................................................................................................76
12.7 Direct data mapping ..................................................................................................78
12.8 Custom data formats .................................................................................................79
12.9 Restore defaults ........................................................................................................80
12.10 Storing SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 parameters (backup) ...............................................80
12.11 Restore previous SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 configuration ............................................81
12.12 Menu 60 - Local Solutions access.............................................................................82
12.13 Mapping to SM-Applications parameters...................................................................82
12.14 EVENT task trigger in SM-Applications.....................................................................83
12.15 Multi-master operation...............................................................................................84
13 Legacy features.............................................................................85
13.1 Network compatibility mode.......................................................................................85
13.2 PPO Types................................................................................................................86
13.3 Configuring the Profile...............................................................................................87
13.4 PROFIdrive control word...........................................................................................88
13.5 PROFIdrive status word ............................................................................................89
13.6 Main setpoint.............................................................................................................90
13.7 Main Actual Value......................................................................................................90
13.8 PROFIdrive (V2) state machine diagram...................................................................91
14 Quick reference.............................................................................94
14.1 Complete parameter reference..................................................................................94
14.2 Operating status codes..............................................................................................96
14.3 Mapping error codes..................................................................................................96
14.4 Error codes................................................................................................................98
15 Glossary of terms .........................................................................99
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1 Safety information
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes
A Warning contains information, which is essential for avoiding a safety hazard.
A Caution contains information, which is necessary for avoiding a risk of damage to the
product or other equipment.
A Note contains information, which helps to ensure correct operation of the product.
1.2 Electrical safety - general warning
The voltages used in the drive can cause severe electrical shock and/or burns, and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent to the drive.
Specific warnings are given at the relevant places in this User Guide.
1.3 System design and safety of personnel
The drive is intended as a component for professional incorporation into complete equipment or a system. If installed incorrectly, the drive may present a safety hazard.
The drive uses high voltages and currents, carries a high level of stored electrical energy, and is used to control equipment which can cause injury.
Close attention is required to the electrical installation and the system design to avoid hazards either in normal operation or in the event of equipment malfunction. System design, installation, commissioning and maintenance must be carried out by personnel who have the necessary training and experience. They must read this safety information and this User Guide carefully.
None of the drive functions isolate dangerous voltages from the output of the drive or from any external option unit. The supply must be disconnected by an approved electrical isolation device before gaining access to the electrical connections.
With the sole exception of the SAFE TORQUE OFF (SECURE DISABLE) function on Unidrive SP and Digitax ST, none of the drive functions must be used to ensure safety of personnel, i.e. they must not be used for safety-related functions.
The SAFE TORQUE OFF (SECURE DISABLE) function is only available on Unidrive SP and Digitax ST. The Digidrive SK, Affinity and Mentor MP drives do not have either of these features.
Careful consideration must be given to the functions of the drive which might result in a hazard, either through their intended behavior or through incorrect operation due to a fault. In any application where a malfunction of the drive or its control system could lead to or allow damage, loss or injury, a risk analysis must be carried out, and where necessary, further measures taken to reduce the risk - for example, a fail-safe mechanical brake in case of loss of motor braking.
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The SAFE TORQUE OFF (SECURE DISABLE) function meets the requirements of EN954-1 category 3 for the prevention of unexpected starting of the drive, which allows it to be used in a safety-related application. The system designer is responsible for
ensuring that the complete system is safe and designed correctly according to the relevant safety standards.
1.4 Environmental limit s
Instructions regarding transport, storage, installation and use of the drive must be complied with, including the specified environmental limits. These instructions can be found in the relevant drive documentation. Drives must not be subjected to excessive physical force.
1.5 Compliance with regulations
The installer is responsible for complying with all relevant regulations, such as national wiring regulations, accident prevention regulations and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. Particular attention must be given to the cross-sectional areas of conductors, the selection of fuses or other protection, and protective earth (ground) connections.
Instructions for achieving compliance with specific EMC standards may be found in the relevant drive documentation.
Within the European Union, all machinery in which this product is used must comply with the following directives:
98/37/EC: Safety of machinery. 2004/108/EC: Electromagnetic Compatibility.
1.6 Motor
Ensure the motor is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Ensure the motor shaft is not exposed.
Standard squirrel cage induction motors are designed for single speed operation. If it is intended to use the capability of the drive to run a motor at speeds above its designed maximum, it is strongly recommended that the manufacturer is consulted first.
Low speeds may cause the motor to overheat because the cooling fan becomes less effective. The motor should be fitted with a protection thermistor. If necessary, an electric forced vent fan should be used.
The values of the motor parameters set in the drive affect the protection of the motor. The default values in the drive should not be relied upon.
It is essential that the correct value is entered in the motor rated current parameter: This affects the thermal protection of the motor.
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
1.7 Adjusting parameters
Some parameters have a profound effect on the operation of the drive. They must not be altered without careful consideration of the impact on the controlled system. Measures must be taken to prevent unwanted changes due to error or tampering.
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Glossary of
2 Introduction
2.1 What is PROFIBUS-DP?
PROFIBUS-DP (Decentralized Peripheral) is a networking system that falls into the generic category of fieldbus. Fieldbuses are generally defined as industrial networking systems that are intended to replace traditional wiring systems. Figure 2-1 shows the traditional cabling requirements to transfer signals between 2 slaves and a master.
Figure 2-1 Traditional cable layout
Hardwired master
Digital 1A Digital 1B Digital 2A Digital 2B
Analog 1 Analog 2
Digital 1ADigital 1B
Analog 1 Analog 2
Digital 2A Digital 2B
Slave Number
Slave Number
Table 2.1 details how the wiring is used to communicate data between the master and the slaves. Each signal that is communicated requires one signal wire giving a total of 66 signal wires plus a 0V return.
Table 2.1 Traditional wiring details
Number of
16 digital Inputs slave 1 to master status signals 16 digital outputs master to slave 1 control signals
1 analog output master to slave 1 control signal 16 digital inputs slave 2 to master status signals 16 digital outputs master to slave 2 control signals
1 analog output master to slave 2 control signal
A fieldbus topology such as PROFIBUS-DP allows the same configuration to be realized using only two signal wires plus a shield. This method of communication saves significantly on the amount of cabling required and can improve overall system reliability as the number of interconnections is greatly reduced.
Type Source / Destination Description
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Figure 2-2 shows a typical PROFIBUS-DP network system transferring the same signals as given in the traditionally wired example. The signals are now transmitted by converting them into a serial data stream which is received by the master as if they were connected using traditional wiring. The data stream on SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 allows up to 64 (32 input and 32 output) independent values to be sent or received by the master, in addition to a single channel allowing for random access to drive parameters.
Figure 2-2 PROFIBUS DP cable layout
Analog 1 Analog 2
Digital 2A Digital 2B
Analog 2
Slave Number
Digital 1A Digital 1B Digital 2A Digital 2B
Digital 1ADigital 1B
Analog 1
status words
Control and
Slave Number
Table 2.2 Data mappings for SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1
Number of
1 digital Inputs slave 1 to master status signals
1 digital outputs master to slave 1 control signals
1 analog output master to slave 1 control signal
1 digital inputs slave 2 to master status signals
1 digital outputs master to slave 2 control signals
1 analog output master to slave 2 control signal
Table 2.2 details the number of data words used to communicate the signals using the PROFIBUS-DP network. It can be seen that the resulting reduction in cabling is significant.
PROFIBUS-DP can transfer data using two distinct modes. The first of these modes is cyclic where signals are sent in predefined blocks at regular intervals. This is the equivalent of the hard-wired example in Figure 2-1.
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Type Source / Destination Description
profile (V4)
Glossary of
The second method of transfer is called non-cyclic data and is used for sending values that only need to be changed occasionally or where the source or destination of the signal changes. This is the equivalent of a temporary patch lead that is removed after use.
2.2 What is SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1?
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 is a fieldbus Solutions Module that can be fitted to the expansion slot(s) in any of the following drives to provide PROFIBUS DP-V1 slave connectivity:
Unidrive SP
•Digidrive SK
•Digitax ST
•Mentor MP
With the exception of the Digidrive SK drive, it is possible to use more than one SM­PROFIBUS DP-V1 or a combination of SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 and other Solution Modules to add additional functionality such as extended I/O, gateway functionality, or additional PLC features.
Figure 2-3 SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1
2.3 General specification
2.3.1 Features
The following section gives a brief overview of the functionality available within SM­PROFIBUS DP-V1.
Supported data rates (bit/s): 12M, 6.0M, 3.0M, 1.5M, 500k, 187.5k, 93.75k,
45.45k, 19.2k, 9.6k.
Maximum of 32 input and 32 output cyclic data words supported
PROFIdrive profiles (V2 and V4) supported
Non-cyclic data channel supported
Parallel acyclic/cyclic data communication
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 is powered from the host drive’s internal power supply.
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2.3.2 Main differences between DP-V0 and DP-V1
The main differences between DP-V0 and DP-V1 supported by SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 are:
PROFIdrive profile V4 support, which consists of
Standard Telegram 1
PROFIdrive PNU Access
Drive Identification
Fault Buffer
Identification and Maintenance Functions
Non-cyclic data channel access
2.4 Solutions Module identification
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 can be identified by:
1. The label located on the underside of the Solutions Module.
2. The color coding across the front of the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 (purple).
Figure 2-4 SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 labels
Solutions Module
Hardware issue number
Issue: 2.00
Ser No : 3000005001
2.4.1 Date code format
The date code is split into two sections: a letter followed by a number. The letter indicates the year, and the number indicates the week number (within the
year) in which the Solutions Module was built. The letters go in alphabetical order, starting with A in 1991 (B in 1992, C in 1993 etc.).
Example: A date code of R15 would correspond to week 15 of year 2008.
2.4.2 Unidrive SP: Backup / Auxiliary Supply
The Unidrive SP can be connected to a back-up power supply. This keeps the control electronics and Solutions Module powered up, allowing the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 to continue communicating with the PROFIBUS DP-V1 master controller when the main supply to the Unidrive SP is switched off. For every SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 fitted allow for an extra 70mA of supply current to be drawn from the backup supply.
This feature is only available on the Unidrive SP.
and date code
Serial number
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
Glossary of
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3 Mechanical installation
Before installing or removing a Solutions Module in any drive, ensure the AC supply has been disconnected for at least 10 minutes and refer to Chapter 1 on page 6. If using a
3.1 General Installation
DC bus supply ensure this is fully discharged before working on any drive or Solutions Module.
The installation of a Solutions Module is illustrated in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 Fitting a Solutions Module
The Solutions Module connector is located on the underside of the module (1). Push this into the Solutions Module slot located on the drive until it clicks into place (2). Note that some drives require a protective tab to be removed from the Solutions Module slot. For further information, refer to the appropriate drive manual.
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4 Electrical installation
4.1 Terminal descriptions
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 has a standard 9-way female D-type connector for the PROFIBUS-DP network.
Figure 4-1 SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 terminals
Figure 4-2 SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 D-Type pin out
RxD/TxD-P (Red
0V ISO (for termination only)
RxD/TxD-N (Green)
for termination onl
Table 4.1 D-Type connections
Terminal Function Description
3 RxD/TxD-P Positive data line (B) - Red 8 RxD/TxD-N Negative data line (A) - Green 6 +5V ISO +5V isolated, use only for termination resistors 5 0V ISO 0V isolated, use only for termination resistors 4 CNTR-P RTS line
1, Shell Shield Cable shield connection
LEROY -SOMER recommend using connectors approved by Profibus International at all times.
4.2 PROFIBUS-DP connectors
There are many manufacturers of PROFIBUS-DP connectors. Always ensure that any connectors used on the network are fully approved for use with PROFIBUS-DP. Some of the connector types available include built in termination that allows the network to be isolated, this can be very useful when fault finding. For data rates above 1.5Mbs connectors fitted with integrated inductors should be used.
5 2 1
4 3
79 8 6
able screen (braided shield
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
Glossary of
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4.3 PROFIBUS-DP cable
PROFIBUS-DP networks can run at high data rates and require cable specifically designed to carry high frequency signals. Low quality cable will attenuate the signals, and may render the signal unreadable for the other nodes on the network. Cable specifications and a list of approved manufacturers of cable for use on PROFIBUS-DP networks are available on the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganization (PNO) web site at www.profibus.com.
LEROY-SOMER can only guarantee correct and reliable operation of the SM­PROFIBUS DP-V1 if all other equipment on the PROFIBUS-DP network (including the network cable) has been approved by the PNO and is correctly installed.
4.4 Cable shielding
Correct shielding of the PROFIBUS-DP cable is required for reliable operation at high data rates, this can be achieved by exposing the cable shield of each PROFIBUS-DP cable and ensuring that they are clamped to the drive grounding metalwork as close as possible to the drive termination, contact LEROY-SOMER for more information.
Unless there are specific reasons for not grounding the network it is recommended that all drive network connections are correctly grounded. Failure to do so may reduce the noise immunity of the system. If there are specific issues with grounding, alternative methods of connection should be considered such as the use of fibre optic cable.
4.5 General grounding considerations
It is essential that good grounding is provided not only for network stability but more importantly electrical safety. In all inst ances electrical regulations should be adhered to. As a guide the network cable should be grounded at least once per cabinet, ideally on each drive.
4.6 Network termination
It is very important in high-speed communications networks that the network communications cable is fitted with the specified termination resistor network at each end of each segment. This prevents signals from being reflected back down the cable and causing interference.
Most ranges of connectors provide specific parts that incorporate the termination network. Such connectors derive the power from the host device and if the host device is switched off the termination will be lost. To avoid this situation a separate termination device is available that is powered independently of the network devices. For more information go to www.profibus.com.
Failure to terminate a network correctly can seriously affect the operation of the network. If the correct termination networks are not fitted, the noise immunity of the network is greatly reduced. Each network segment must be correctly terminated.
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4.7 Maximum network length / device loading
The maximum number of devices that can be connected to a single PROFIBUS-DP network segment is 32, this includes all nodes and any repeaters. The maximum lengths of cable for a segment depend on the data rate and are shown in Table 4.2.
Repeaters or fiber optic segments can be used to extend the network, allowing more than 32 nodes to be connected on the network. The maximum number of nodes on a single network is 125.
For full details on designing and installing a PROFIBUS-DP network, refer to Installation Guidelines for PROFIBUS-DP/FMS. This document is available from the PROFIBUS
web site at www.profibus.com.
Table 4.2 PROFIBUS-DP maximum network lengths
Data rate (bit/s) Maximum trunk length (m)
12M 100
6.0M 100
3.0M 100
1.5M 200 500k 400
187.5k 1000
93.75k 1200
45.45k 1200
19.2k 1200
9.6K 1200
4.8 Node addressing
SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 has a valid address range of 1 to 125. Addresses 126 and 0 are reserved for system use and should not be used. The addressing scheme used is at the discretion of the end user however it is recommended that nodes are numbered in order as they appear on the physical network. It is not necessary to use consecutive numbers and gaps in the addressing scheme may be left to allow for future expansion.
4.9 Spurs
The PROFIBUS-DP specification allows spurs at data rates less than 1.5Mbits/s. At data rates below 1.5Mbits/s there are specific requirements for capacitance and length of cable allowed when using spurs. LEROY-SOMER recommend that spurs are not used as extreme care is required at the design stage to avoid network problems. More information on spurs can be found on the PROFIBUS web site at www.profibus.com.
4.10 Minimum node to node cable length
The minimum recommended node to node distance is one metre of network cable. This distance is necessary to avoid multiple nodes generating a single large reflection on the network, using less than one metre of cable between nodes can have serious implications for network reliability.
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
Glossary of
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5 Getting started
This section is intended to provide a generic guide for setting up SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 and a master controller. Figure 5-1 is intended as a guide only and is provided to detail the stages that are required to achieve a functioning network. It is recommended that all of this chapter is read, before attempting to configure a system.
5.1 Conventions used in this guide
Due to the large number of PLCs/masters that support PROFIBUS-DP only generic details can be provided. Support is available through your supplier or LEROY-SOMER.
Before contacting your supplier or LEROY-SOMER for support ensure you have read Chapter 10 on page 53 of this manual and check you have configured all parameters correctly.
Ensure the following information is available before calling:
A list of all parameters in SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1.
The drive firmware version (see the relevant drive user guide).
The SM-Profibus DP-V1 firmware version.
The configuration of the host drive and Solutions Module is done using menus and parameters. A menu is a logical collection of parameters that have similar functionality. In the case of a Solutions Module, the parameters will appear in menu 15 for the Digidrive SK, and in menu 15, 16, or 17 for the Unidrive SP, Affinity, Mentor MP and Digitax ST depending on the slot the module is fitted in to.
The menu is determined by the number before the decimal point and the parameter by the number following the decimal point.
The method used to determine the menu or parameter is as follows:
•Pr MM.xx - Menu corresponding to the Solution Module and any parameter.
•Pr xx.00 - signifies parameter number 00 in any menu.
5.2 Minimum software versions required
Table 5.1 Minimum software versions required for use with SM-PROFIBUS
Product Software Version SM-PROFIBUS Version
Unidrive SP V01.06.00 or later V01.00.00 or later
Affinity V01.00.00 or later V03.00.00 or later
Digitax ST V01.00.00 or later V03.00.00 or later
Digidrive SK V01.06.00 or later V03.00.00 or later
Mentor MP V01.02.00 or later V03.02.00 or later
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5.3 Set-up flow chart
Figure 5-1 Set-up flow chart
Connect all drives
together using
cable /
connectors / repeaters
Ensure all segments
correctly terminated
and termination
Ensure segment
lengths are no longer
than the maximum
Ensure a minimum
node to node cable
distance of 1m
Ensure no more than
32 devices per segment
(including repeaters)
Ensure there are no
more than 125
addressed devices on
the network
Perform cable tests
See Section 4
See Section 4
See Section 4
See Section 4
See Section 4
See Section 4
A dedicated
tester is
Set data size on node
(Pr MM.05)
Reset and save parameters (Pr
MM.32=1 & Pr xx.00 =
1000 + reset)
Set mapping parameters in the drive (Pr MM.10 - Pr MM.29)
Set data size in master
for each node (use
GSD file if required)
Map data to master
program variables
Start master and ensure
there are no errors
See Section 5
See Section 5
See Section 7
See master
and Section 6
See master
See master
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
Configure each node
address on the system
Pr MM.03)
Ensure all third party
devices use the same
data rate
Perform a network scan
using the master or
See Section 5
See Section 5
A dedicated
tester is
Check data flow in both
See master
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Glossary of
5.4 Node address
Pr MM.03
Every node on a PROFIBUS-DP network must be given a unique network node address. To activate a change in the node address value the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 must be re-initialized (Pr MM.32 = ON). This parameter is also available in menu 0 on the Digidrive SK (Pr 00.52). Addresses 0 and 126 are reserved for system use.
Default 126 Range 0 to 126
Access RW
5.5 Network data rate
Table 5.3 PROFIBUS-DP data rate
Pr MM.04
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 will automatically detect the PROFIBUS-DP network data rate and synchronize to it. Pr MM.04 will indicate the data rate that has been detected by the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1. This parameter is also available in menu 0 on the Digidrive SK (Pr 00.53).
A value of -1 indicates that the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 has not detected any activity on the PROFIBUS-DP network, and is waiting for the master controller to start communicating.
Default N/A Range -1 to 9
Access RO
node address
The PROFIBUS-DP data rate parameter can be changed, but this will not affect the data rate at which the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 communicates. The data rate display will be updated when SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 is re-initialized.
Table 5.4 Network data rate status
Pr MM.04 bit/s
-1 Auto-detecting 0 12M
31.5M 4 500k 5 187.5k
745.45k 8 19.2k
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5.6 Data format
Default 4
Pr MM.05
Ranges 0 to 32,100 to 131, 200 to 228 Access RW
The default data format is four cyclic words, each cyclic data channel is mapped to a drive parameter. The default mappings are shown in Table 5.6.
The maximum number of 16-bit data words that is possible is 32 with only cyclic data, 31 with Mode 1 non-cyclic data and 28 with PPO4 word mode.
Table 5.6 Default data mapping
Cyclic word Data word Default mapping status
IN channel 0 word 0, 1 Pr 10.40, status word
IN channel 1 word 2, 3 Pr 2.01, post-ramp speed reference OUT channel 0 word 0, 1 Pr 6.42, control word OUT channel 1 word 2, 3 Pr 1.21, digital speed reference 1
Other data formats are also supported. For further details see section 7.2 Data formats on page 24. The directions specified in Table 5.6 relate to the data direction as seen by the master.
data format
5.7 Network operating status
Table 5.7 Network operating status
Pr MM.06
The PROFIBUS-DP network activity can be monitored in the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 operating status parameter, Pr MM.06. When the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 is communicating successfully with the PROFIBUS-DP master controller, Pr MM.06 will give an indication of the number of cyclic data messages that are being processed per second. This parameter is also available in menu 0 on the Digidrive SK (Pr 00.54).
Table 5.8 Network operating status codes
Pr MM.06 Parameter Description
>0 Network healthy Indicates the number of processed cyclic messages per second.
-1 Initialised
-3 Configuration error
If a mapping configuration error (see section 10.7 Mapping status ) or network error (see section 10.9 Module error code ) is detected, the drive may trip.
Default N/A Range -3 to 9999 Access RO
Indicates that the PROFIBUS-DP master has established
Network healthy,
no data transfer
communications with the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1. If operating status changes briefly to -1 and returns to 0, the slave configuration does not match the configuration in the master controller.
Indicates that the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 has initialized correctly, and is waiting for the PROFIBUS-DP master to initialize communications.
Internal hardware
Indicates that part of the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 initialisation sequence was not successful. If this fault persists after a power cycle, replace the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1.
Indicates an invalid setting in the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 configuration parameters. Parameters Pr MM.49 and Pr MM.50 will contain additional information.
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
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5.8 Re-initializing the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1
Default 0 (OFF)
Pr MM.32
Range 0 (OFF) to 1 (ON) Access RW
Changes to the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 configuration in menu 15, 16 and 17 parameters will not take effect until the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 has been re-initialized.
To re-initialize SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1:
•Set Pr MM.32 to ON.
When the sequence has been completed, Pr MM.32 will be reset to OFF.
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 will re-initialise using the updated configuration. This sequence does NOT store the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 configuration parameters in the drive or the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 FLASH memory. This will change back to 0 immediately and as such the change may not be visible on the display.
5.9 Re-initialize all Solutions Modules
To re-initialize all Solutions Modules fitted on a drive:
•Set Pr xx.00 to 1070. (See note regarding Digidrive SK).
Reset the drive.
On Digidrive SK drives, Pr 00.00 is not available. This sequence does NOT store the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 configuration parameters in
the drive or the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 FLASH memory.
5.10 Saving parameters to the drive
To avoid loss of the configured settings when the drive is powered down it is necessary to write 1000 to Pr xx.00 followed by pressing the reset button to perform a drive save.
To store drive parameters:
•Set Pr xx.00 to 1000. (See note regarding Digidrive SK).
Reset the drive.
On Digidrive SK drives, Pr 00.00 is not available. The drive will store all the drive parameters (except applications menu 20) but the
operation of the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 will not be affected. Any changes made to the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 configuration parameters (mapping etc.) will not take effect until the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 module is reset.
On drives with multiple option module slots, the applications menu 20 may be saved if an SM-Applications module is fitted, menu 20 is stored in the SM-Applications module’s memory. See the SM-Applications documentation for more information. If the drive is running on backup supply only, Pr xx.00 must be set to 1001 to perform a save.
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5.11 Network compatibility mode
Table 5.10
Pr MM.41
A backwards compatibility mode has been added in SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 firmware V03.01.00 and later. Pr MM.41 can be used to allow the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 module to appear as either a UMV 4301 / DMV 2322/2342 or a Digidrive SE, this only applies to the network and not the control/status words and parameter sizes. The module must be configured to match the existing network settings of the drive it is replacing (including any parameter mappings).
Table 5.11 Compatibility mode settings
Pr MM.41 Description
Network compatibility mode
Default 0 (SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1) Range 0 to 2 Access RW
0 SM-Profibus DP-V1 (default) 1 UMV 4301 / DMV 2322/2342 2 Digidrive SE
Using the compatibility mode allows the replacement of drives on a PROFIBUS-DP network, without having to make any changes to the master network configuration, it changes the identity code of the module so that the master believes that a different drive is present for a particular node.
When using the compatibility mode, the correct GSD file for the simulated drive must be used and not the SM-Profibus DP-V1 GSD file.
When network compatibility mode (Pr MM.41) is set to a non-zero value, DP-V1 functionality is disabled.
Depending on the application, an SM-Applications module may be needed on the drive to account for any changes between the functionality of the two drives (i.e. any changes between the control and status words).
This mode only changes the network to emulate the Digidrive SE or UMV 4301/DMV 2322/2342 on the network. Changes to the control method and data size differences must still be considered. This mode does NOT allow direct replacement.
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
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6 GSD Files
6.1 What are GSD Files?
GSD files are text files that are used by the PROFIBUS-DP network configuration software tools. They contain information about the device timings, supported features and available data formats for the PROFIBUS-DP device. Drive icon files are also supplied for use with the PROFIBUS-DP configuration software. GSD files are available from your supplier, LEROY-SOMER or the LEROY-SOMER website (www.leroy­somer.com).
6.2 Data consistency
There is a potential problem with data skew when transferring blocks of data to and from a PROFIBUS-DP master controller. Data skew happens when a value is spread across multiple words; when this occurs it is possible that only half of the correct value reaches the destination. Consider the following example:
The PLC has a value of 0xFFFFFFFF to send to the drive.
The drive currently has a value of 0x00000000 in a 32-bit parameter.
The master sends the word without consistency.
The drive receives one 16-bit word and now has the value 0x0000FFFF.
The drive receives the next 16-bit word and now has the value 0xFFFFFFFF.
To prevent data skew PROFIBUS-DP has a feature known as ‘data consistency’. Consistent data defines a block of data words that must ALL be updated before ANY of the new data values are transmitted. Consequently, the message sent over the PROFIBUS-DP network will have a true representation of the required data. Some PLCs have special functions available to transfer blocks of consistent data to a PROFIBUS-DP master controller and guarantee that data skew cannot occur.
6.2.1 Limitations of non-cyclic data Mode 1 - CT Single Word with GSD
CT Single Word non-cyclic data uses only 1 word of data, however when used without data compression (see section 12.5 Cyclic data compression ) this requires two 16-bit words (a single 32-bit word). When used without compression only the lower 16-bits of the 32-bit word are used.
6.2.2 Using non-cyclic data Mode 2 - PPO 4 Word
Data consistency is important when using PPO4 word (Mode 2) non-cyclic data as each non-cyclic message consists of four words. If there is data skew between any of the non-cyclic words this could result in the wrong data value being written to the wrong parameter.
The GSD file provides the PPO 4 Word which consists of four IN/OUT words with consistency.
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6.3 Data configuration
The GSD file describes the modules of input or output words that may be combined to configure the input and output configuration for a specific node. The complete input and output configuration for the node is built by adding the required modules until all of the node’s inputs and outputs are defined.
A module consists of a block of input or output data. Put simply this is a logical collection of data words.
If non-cyclic data is required and the DP-V1 non-cyclic channel is not used then the non­cyclic CT Single Word and/or the PPO 4 Word modules must be selected. A total of eight different modules can be selected to configure the input and output configuration of the node.
The number of input or output words configured in the drive must match the number of input or output words defined in the master; if the master has eight IN and four OUT words the drive must use the same settings to communicate correctly.
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 module uses Pr MM.05 to set the number of input and output words (16-bit) where there are the same number of input and output words, alternatively Pr MM.39 and Pr MM.40 may be used to independently set the number of input and output words. See section 12.8 Custom data formats for more details.
The definition of a data word is 16-bits. By default SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 casts all data as long words/ double words (32-bits), data compression can be used to reduce this size, see section 12.5 Cyclic data compression for more information.
6.4 GSD compatibility
For Profibus DP-V1 features to be available to the PLC, the appropriate DP-V1 GSD file must be installed and the drive configured in the master PLC as a ‘DPV1’ slave.
If a DP-V0 GSD file is installed then the DP-V1 features of SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 will not be available.
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
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7 Cyclic data
7.1 What is cyclic data?
Cyclic data transfer is a method of transferring data on a regular time period, often known as ‘polled data’. High-speed data transfer is achieved by transmitting only data bytes over the PROFIBUS-DP network and using local mapping information within the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 and PROFIBUS-DP master controller to ensure that the correct data is sent to the correct locations. The flexibility of the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 means that each cyclic data OUT channel can be directed to any read/write drive parameter. Similarly each cyclic data IN channel can use any drive parameter as a source of data.
7.2 Data formats
The term OUT data refers to data that is transmitted out of the master to the slave.
The term IN data refers to data that is returned from a slave into the master.
Cyclic data mapping cannot be changed dynamically, as changes to the configuration (mapping parameters, etc.) will only take effect during initialisation of the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1.
The maximum number of 16-bit mappings that is possible is: 32 with only cyclic data, 31 with CT Single Word (Mode 1) non-cyclic data and 28 with PPO4 Word (Mode 2). This requires data compression to be enabled, see section 12.5 Cyclic data compression for more information.
The maximum number of 32-bit mappings that is possible is: 16 with only cyclic data, 15 with CT Single Word (Mode 1) non-cyclic data and 14 with PPO4 Word (Mode 2).
See section 12.5 Cyclic data compression for information on using data compression with 16-bit parameters.
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 can be configured with up to sixteen 32-bit or thirty-two 16­bit cyclic IN and OUT data words. IN and OUT cyclic data words are mapped using ten mapping (pointer) parameters, one for each mapping.
To utilize the full range of thirty-two cyclic IN and OUT data words the ‘block mapping’ mode must be used (see section 12.6 Block mapping ).
By default all drive parameters are cast as 32-bit (two 16-bit words) therefore thirty-two cyclic words gives sixteen possible drive parameters. Data compression reduces the number of cyclic words required for drive parameters of 16-bit (or less) to 16-bits thus allowing for thirty-two possible 16-bit parameters. Any 32-bit parameters mapped will still require two 16-bit words even with compression turned on.
In addition to cyclic data, non-cyclic data (see section 8.1 What is non-cyclic data? ) exchange is also possible by the following methods:
DP-V1 parameter access mode.
Mode 1 - CT single word mode
Mode 2 - PPO 4 Word mode.
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For Modes 1 and 2 operation, the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 data format is specified as NNCC, where NN is the non-cyclic data mode, and CC is the number of cyclic data words.
Table 7.1 Valid PROFIBUS-DP data formats
Pr MM.05 N CC Non-cyclic mode Cyclic words
1 to 32 0 1 to 32 None 1 to 32 100 to 131 1 0 to 31 CT Single Word 1 to 31 200 to 228 2 0 to 28 PPO 4 Word 1 to 28
The method used to map data to and from the PROFIBUS-DP network is similar to the method used in the drive for mapping analog and digital I/O. The reference for the source or target parameter is entered in the mapping parameter in the form MM.PP, where:
MM = menu number of the target/source parameter PP = parameter number of the target/source parameter.
Table 7.2 SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 mapping parameters
IN channel Mapping parameter OUT channel Mapping parameter
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Pr MM.10 Pr MM.11 Pr MM.12 Pr MM.13 Pr MM.14 Pr MM.15 Pr MM.16 Pr MM.17 Pr MM.18 Pr MM.19
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Pr MM.20 Pr MM.21 Pr MM.22 Pr MM.23 Pr MM.24 Pr MM.25 Pr MM.26 Pr MM.27 Pr MM.28 Pr MM.29
A cyclic data channel does not use decimal points. For example, in Open Loop mode, digital speed reference 1 (Pr 1.21) has units of Hertz, accurate to 1 decimal place. To write a value of 24.6Hz to Pr 1.21, the value must be transmitted as 246.
Block mapping can be used to map several words to consecutive drive parameters. Full details about block mapping can be found in section 12.6 Block mapping .
When the data format is configured using Pr MM.05, the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 will communicate using the same number of data words for IN and OUT data. It is, however, possible to configure the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 to communicate with different numbers of IN and OUT cyclic data words. Refer to section 12.8 Custom data formats for full details.
If a mapping parameter is set to an invalid value (e.g. destination parameter is read only, or parameter does not exist) the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 will indicate a configuration error in the operating status parameter (Pr MM.06). The reason for the configuration error will be indicated by the mapping status parameter (Pr MM.49). Refer to section 10.7 Mapping status for more details.
The following sections show some example data formats that can be selected, and the parameter mapping that will apply (by default) to each format.
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
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7.2.1 Two cyclic channels only (default - compression off)
This data format provides two cyclic data channels with no non-cyclic data. The total data length is four words in and four words out.
To select this data format, set Pr MM.05 = 4. This data format is selected by default.
Table 7.3 Mapping for four cyclic data words
Data word Parameter Default mapping
IN word 0, 1 Pr MM.10 Pr 10.40, status word
IN word 2, 3 Pr MM.11 Pr 2.01, post-ramp speed reference OUT word 0, 1 Pr MM.20 Pr 6.42, control word OUT word 2, 3 Pr MM.21 Pr 1.21, digital speed reference 1
7.2.2 Three cyclic channels with Mode 1 non-cyclic data (compression off)
This data format provides three cyclic data channels, plus an additional channel for Mode 1 (CT Single Word) non-cyclic data (See section 8.6 Mode 1 - CT Single Word mode ). The total data length is eight words in and eight words out.
To select this data format, set Pr MM.05 = 106.
Table 7.4 Mapping for three cyclic channels with CT Single Word non-cyclic data
Data word Parameter Default mapping
IN word 0, 1 Pr MM.10 Pr 61.50, CT Single Word
IN word 2, 3 Pr MM.11 Pr 10.40, status word
IN word 4, 5 Pr MM.12 Pr 2.01, post-ramp speed reference
IN word 6, 7 Pr MM.13 0, not mapped OUT word 0, 1 Pr MM.20 Pr 61.50, CT Single Word OUT word 2, 3 Pr MM.21 Pr 6.42, control word OUT word 4, 5 Pr MM.22 Pr 1.21, digital speed reference 1 OUT word 6, 7 Pr MM.23 0, not mapped
7.2.3 Five cyclic channels only (compression off)
This data format provides five cyclic data channels, with no non-cyclic data channel. The total data length is ten words in and ten words out.
To select this data format, set Pr MM.05 = 10
Table 7.5 Mapping for five cyclic channels
Data word Parameter Default mapping
IN word 0, 1 Pr MM.10 Pr 10.40, status word IN word 2, 3 Pr MM.11 Pr 2.01, post-ramp speed reference
IN word 4-9 Pr MM.12 to Pr MM.14 0, not mapped
OUT word 0, 1 Pr MM.20 Pr 6.42, control word OUT word 2, 3 Pr MM.21 Pr 1.21, digital speed reference 1
OUT word 4-9 Pr MM.22 to Pr MM.24 0, not mapped
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7.2.4 Eight cyclic channels with Mode 2 non-cyclic data (compression off)
This data format provides eight cyclic data channels, plus an additional four words for Mode 2 (PPO 4 Word) non-cyclic data (See section 8.8 Mode 2 - PPO 4 Word mode ). The total data length is twenty words in and twenty words out. To select this data format set Pr MM.05 = 216.
Table 7.6 Mapping for eight cyclic channels with PPO 4 Word non-cyclic data
Data word Parameter Default mapping
IN word 0-3 Pr MM.10 Pr 61.51, Mode 2 non-cyclic data
IN word 4, 5 Pr MM.11 Pr 10.40, status word IN word 6, 7 Pr MM.12 Pr 2.01, post-ramp speed reference
IN word 8-19 Pr MM.13 to Pr MM.19 0, not mapped
OUT word 0-3 Pr MM.20 Pr 61.51, Mode 2 non-cyclic data OUT word 4, 5 Pr MM.21 Pr 6.42,control word OUT word 6, 7 Pr MM.22 Pr 1.21, digital speed reference 1
OUT word 8-19 Pr MM.23 to Pr MM.29 0, not mapped
7.3 Mapping conflicts
Care must be taken to ensure that there are no clashes between mappings in the SM­PROFIBUS DP-V1 cyclic OUT data and other drive parameters such as:
other SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 cyclic OUT channels
mappings from additional SM modules if fitted (Not Digidrive SK)
analog inputs
digital inputs
logic outputs
motorised pot output
comparator outputs
variable selected outputs
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 will not indicate if there is a mapping conflict due to any one of the reasons listed. Should a conflict occur and a parameter is written to from two or more different sources, the value of this parameter will depend entirely upon the scan times for the function and the PROFIBUS-DP network. The result would be that a parameter may appear to be steady at a particular value on the drive display, although an occasional glitch in the displayed value may be seen. However, internally, this value may be changing continuously between two values, leading to unusual behavior from the drive.
7.4 Cyclic data mapping errors
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 module will scan and check the PROFIBUS-DP mapping parameter configuration for errors during initialisation. If an error is detected, then the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 operating status parameter (Pr MM.06) will indicate -3, and the configuration error detected will be indicated in mapping status parameter, Pr MM.49. See section 10.7 Mapping status for full details.
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
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7.5 Mapping limitations
When setting mapping values care should be taken not to exceed the data size set in Pr MM.05 (or Pr MM.39 and Pr MM.40). The data size depends on the size of the mapped parameter and if data compression is turned on or not (see Table 7.7).
Table 7.7 Actual data sizes
Parameter size (bits) Actual data size (bits)
116 32
816 32 16 16 32 32 32 32
Consider the following example:
mapping Pr MM.10 to a 32-bit value and MM.11 to a 16-bit value
mapping Pr MM.20 to a 32-bit value and MM.21 to a 32-bit value
data compression turned on (Pr MM.34 set to ON) would require the following settings:
•Pr MM.39 = 3
•Pr MM.40 = 4
If the size of the input and output mappings are identical then Pr MM.05 can be used to set the mapping length.
compression on
7.6 Disabling mappings
Any unused mapping parameters (Pr MM.10 to Pr MM.19 and Pr MM.20 to Pr MM.29) should be set to 0.
Actual data size (bits)
compression off
Having unmapped channels between valid mapped channels is not permitted and will result in a configuration error (i.e. Pr MM.06 will indicate -3).
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8 Non-cyclic data
8.1 What is non-cyclic data?
Non-cyclic data allows access to any parameter without the need to use cyclic data transfers. This is particularly useful when accessing many different parameters for set­up or archiving of drive settings. There are three methods of using non-cyclic data on the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1:
DP-V1 Parameter Access
Mode 1 - CT Single Word
Mode 2 - PPO 4 Word
8.1.1 DP-V1 Parameter Access
Non-cyclic data is transmitted after all the cyclic data within the PROFIBUS-DP cycle, depending on the length of the non-cyclic data, this may take several cycles to complete.
8.1.2 Mode1 - CT Single Word
This mode uses an additional data word to implement the CT Single Word protocol, allowing access any drive parameter. See section 8.6 Mode 1 - CT Single Word mode for more information.
8.1.3 Mode 2 - PPO 4 Word
This mode uses four data words to access any drive parameter. See section 8.8 Mode 2
- PPO 4 Word mode for more information.
8.2 Configuration using non-cyclic data
The SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 can be configured using the DP-V1 Parameter Access channel, CT Single Word or PPO 4 Word non-cyclic data. This is useful when using a master controller to configure the drive; when a drive is initialized only the node address MM.03 and the data mode MM.05, need to be set manually. The master can now use the desired mode to setup the remainder of the parameters.
The configuration parameters for the slot in which the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 is located can be accessed as Pr 60.PP. Any changes made to the configuration parameters will not take effect until the SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 has been reset. SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 can be reset by writing a value of 1 to Pr 60.32. A brief interruption in PROFIBUS-DP communications may be seen while the reset sequence is in progress.
status words
profile (V4)
Control and
8.3 PROFIBUS DP-V1 Compatibility
The additional features that PROFIBUS DP-V1 provide are only available on drives fitted with SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1, with firmware V03.02.00 or later.
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When network compatibility mode (Pr MM.41) is set to a non-zero value, DP-V1 functionality is disabled.
In order to use the DP-V1 features, the appropriate DP-V1 GSD file must be installed in the master PLC.
Glossary of
8.4 PROFIBUS DP-V1 Overview
The PROFIBUS DP-V1 specification allows for the standard cyclic process data (as defined in the DP-V0 specification) and the additional acyclic parameter data to be transmitted in the same bus cycle.
The DP-V1 message is contained within the acyclic part of the PROFIBUS-DP cycle and uses the slave node address to access the parameter channel.
For further details of the PROFIBUS DP-V1 functionality refer to the official PROFIBUS website at www.profibus.com
The following services will be supported:
Class 1 Master Read and Write
Class 2 Master Read and Write
Class 2 Master Initiate Connection
Class 2 Master Abort Connection
A class 1 master must be in data exchange with the slave before it can perform a request via the DP-V1 channel. A class 2 master must initiate the connection with the slave before sending the DP-V1 message, likewise it must then abort the connection when it is no longer required.
SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 supports the simultaneous connection to one class 1 master and one class 2 master.
SM-PROFIBUS DP-V1 supports the following features:
DP-V1 Parameter Access
PROFIdrive PNU Access (see section 11.11 PROFIdrive PNU access )
Fault Buffer (see section 11.12 Fault Buffer )
Drive Identification (see section 11.13 Drive Identification )
Identification and Maintenance Functions (see section 11.14 Identification and Maintenance Functions )
The maximum DP-V1 message length is restricted to 128 bytes including the four bytes of the DP-V1 header and the four bytes of the PROFIdrive request, this leaves a maximum of 120 bytes for the parameter data; the maximum number of parameters that can be read or written in a single message is shown in Table 8.1.
Table 8.1 Single message parameter limitation
Mode Maximum number of parameters
16-bit 32-bit
Read 20 20 Write 12 10
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