Lenze MCH Series User Manual

MCH Series Drives
LonWorks Communications Guide
About These Instructions
This documentation applies to the use of an MCH Series Variable Frequency Drive with LonWorks protocol and should be used in conjunction with the MCH Series Installation and Operation Manual (Document MH01) that shipped with the drive. These documents should be read in their entirety as they contain important technical data and describe the installation and operation of the drive.
LON®, LonTalk® and LonWorks® are registered trademarks of the Echelon Corporation, San Jose CA 95126, http://www.echelon.com; support@echelon.com.
Anybus® and ABS-S® are registered trademarks of HMS Industrial Networks AB, Sweden, USA, Germany and other countries, http://www.anybus.com.
Modbus ™ is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric, founder of Modbus-IDA, http://www.modbus-IDA.org.
© 2003 AC Technology Corporation
No part of this documentation may be copied or made available to third parties without the explicit written approval of AC Technology Corporation. All information given in this documentation has been carefully selected and tested for compliance with the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be ruled out. AC Tech does not accept any responsibility nor liability for damages that may occur. Any necessary corrections will be implemented in subsequent editions.
1 Safety Information .............................................................................................................1
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes ..............................................................................1
1.1.1 General ....................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Application ...............................................................................................1
1.1.3 Installation ...............................................................................................1
1.1.4 Electrical Connection ................................................................................2
1.1.5 Operation .................................................................................................2
2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................3
2.1 Hardware Description ...........................................................................................3
2.2 LED Status Indicators ............................................................................................4
2.3 Serial Communications Wiring ..............................................................................5
3 Drive Setup and Programming ...........................................................................................6
3.1 Added Programming Parameters ..........................................................................6
3.2 Bus Configuration Parameters ...............................................................................7
3.3 Omitted Parameters and Selections ......................................................................9
3.4 Modified Parameters and Selections .....................................................................9
3.5 Serial Communication Setup .................................................................................10
4 MCH LonWorks® Network Variables .................................................................................12
4.1 LonWorks® Network Variable Map .......................................................................12
4.2 Supported Input Network Variables .......................................................................13
4.3 Supported Output Network Variables .....................................................................15
4.4 Supported Configuration Network Variables ..........................................................19
4.5 LonWorks XIF Files ...............................................................................................23

1 Safety Information

1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes

1.1.1 General

Some parts of Lenze controllers (frequency inverters, servo inverters, DC controllers) can be live, moving and rotating. Some surfaces can be hot.
Non-authorized removal of the required cover, inappropriate use, and incorrect installation or operation creates the risk of severe injury to personnel or damage to equipment.
All operations concerning transport, installation, and commissioning as well as maintenance must be carried out by qualified, skilled personnel (IEC 364 and CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100 and IEC report 664 or DIN VDE0110 and national regulations for the prevention of accidents must be observed).
According to this basic safety information, qualified skilled personnel are persons who are familiar with the installation, assembly, commissioning, and operation of the product and who have the qualifications necessary for their occupation.

1.1.2 Application

Safety Information
Drive controllers are components designed for installation in electrical systems or machinery. They are not to be used as appliances. They are intended exclusively for professional and commercial purposes according to EN 61000-3-2. The documentation includes information on compliance with EN 61000-3-2.
When installing the drive controllers in machines, commissioning (i.e. the starting of operation as directed) is prohibited until it is proven that the machine complies with the regulations of the EC Directive 98/37/EC (Machinery Directive); EN 60204 must be observed.
Commissioning (i.e. starting drive as directed) is only allowed when there is compliance to the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC).
The drive controllers meet the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC. The harmonised standards of the series EN 50178/DIN VDE 0160 apply to the controllers.
The availability of controllers is restricted according to EN 61800-3. These products can cause radio interference in residential areas. In the case of radio interference, special measures may be necessary for drive controllers.

1.1.3 Installation

Ensure proper handling and avoid excessive mechanical stress. Do not bend any components and do not change any insulation distances during transport or handling. Do not touch any electronic components and contacts. Controllers contain electrostatically sensitive components, which can easily be damaged by inappropriate handling. Do not damage or destroy any electrical components since this might endanger your health! When installing the drive ensure optimal airflow by observing all clearance distances in the drive's user manual. Do not expose the drive to excessive: vibration, temperature, humidity, sunlight, dust, pollutants, corrosive chemicals or other hazardous environments.
Safety Information

1.1.4 Electrical Connection

When working on live drive controllers, applicable national regulations for the prevention of accidents (e.g. VBG 4) must be observed.
The electrical installation must be carried out in accordance with the appropriate regulations (e.g. cable cross-sections, fuses, PE connection). Additional information can be obtained from the regulatory documentation.
The regulatory documentation contains information about installation in compliance with EMC (shielding, grounding, filters and cables). These notes must also be observed for CE-marked controllers.
The manufacturer of the system or machine is responsible for compliance with the required limit values demanded by EMC legislation.

1.1.5 Operation

Systems including controllers must be equipped with additional monitoring and protection devices according to the corresponding standards (e.g. technical equipment, regulations for prevention of accidents, etc.). You are allowed to adapt the controller to your application as described in the documentation.
• After the controller has been disconnected from the supply voltage, do not touch the live
components and power connection until the capacitors have discharged. Please observe the corresponding notes on the controller.
• Do not continuously cycle input power to the controller more than once every three minutes.
• Close all protective covers and doors during operation.
Network control permits automatic starting and stopping of the inverter drive. The system design must incorporate adequate protection to prevent personnel from accessing moving equipment while power is applied to the drive system.
Table 1: Pictographs used in these instructions
Pictograph Signal word Meaning Consequences if ignored
Warning of Hazardous Electrical
Impending or possible danger
for persons
Possible damage to equipment Damage to drive system or its surroundings
Useful tip: If observed, it will
make using the drive easier
Reference to an imminent danger that may
result in death or serious personal injury if the
corresponding measures are not taken.
Death or injury

2 Introduction

This document explains how to connect an MCH Drive to a LonWorks® network. It is intended as a serial communications supplement only and will not discuss normal drive operations. For more information regarding normal drive setup and functionality, refer to the MCH Installation and Operation Manual (MH01).
LonWorks® technology is a complete platform for implementing control network systems. These networks consist of intelligent control devices or nodes that interact with their environment and communicate with each other using a common, message based protocol (LonTalk®). A LonWorks® network can consist of up to 32,385 nodes divided into 255 subnets (127 nodes/subnet).

2.1 Hardware Description

To connect to a LonWorks® network, the MCH Drive utilizes an Anybus-S® Drive Profile Embedded Interface Card that supports Version 1.1 of the LonMark® 6010 Functional Profile for Variable Speed Motor Drives. This Anybus-S LonWorks (ABS-LON®) module is located inside of the bypass or option box that is attached to the MCH Drive.
The ABS-LON® module communicates according to the LonTalk® protocol. This means that it can communicate with all LonWorks® nodes that comply with this protocol, but it does not necessarily mean that all services available in the LonTalk® protocol are supported.
The ABS-LON® module uses the FTT-10A (Free Topology Twisted Pair) transceiver from Echelon Corporation. This is the most commonly used twisted-pair media in building automation and this architecture supports star, bus and loop wiring. The FTT-10A transceiver connects to a twisted pair cable with a baud rate of 78 kbit/s. The FTT-10A transceiver appears as a high impedance to the network when unpowered, and does not interfere with network communications when powered down.
Figure 1 identifies the components of the communications module intended for user interaction.
Watchdog LED
Socket for LonWorks Bus Connector
Service Pin Pushbutton
LED Status Indicators
Figure 1: MCH LonWorks® Comm Module
Drive Setup & Programming

2.2 LED Status Indicators

LED 1 - Drive Communication
This LED indicates the communication status between the comm module and the drive.
LED State Indicates:
Steady Green Link OK
Steady Red Link lost, permanent
Flashing Red Link lost, temporary
LED 2 - Service
This LED indicates the node configuration and application status.
LED State Indicates:
Steady OFF Node configured and installed in network
Steady Green Node not configured, has no application; Error detected by Neuron Self Test routine
Flashing Green Node not configured and not installed in network but node has an application
LED 3 - Wink
This LED indicates receipt of a wink command.
LED State Indicates:
Flashing Red
Steady OFF Normal state
Wink command received on LonWorks
® network
LED 4 - Network Status
This LED indicates the communication status between the module and the LonWorks® network.
LED State Indicates:
Steady OFF No power
Flashing Red Receive heartbeat timeout occurred; Fieldbus communication loss indicated to host: RX_FAIL
Steady Green Module and network are communicating correctly
Watchdog LED (WD)
This LED indicates module, drive and software status.
LED State Indicates:
Flashing Green 1Hz Module initialized and running properly
Flashing Green 2Hz Module not initialized
Flashing Red 1Hz Hardware check fault
Flashing Red 4Hz Drive initialization failed
Steady Orange Software download enabled
Drive Setup & Programming

2.3 Serial Communications Wiring

Figure 2 illustrates one method of wiring the MCH Series LonWorks® Bus Connector with an optional switch to provide remote operation of the service pin.
Optional Switch MCH LonWorks Bus Connector
(For remote operation of
service pin
Figure 2: Wiring the MCH LonWorks® Bus Connector
Net A, Net B This is the 2-wire LonWorks bus designed according to the LonMark® design guidelines.
The bus is of non-polarization character and supports line-powered networks.
Service Pin This pin is used for the (optional) remote functionality of the Service Pin pushbutton. Refer
to Figure 2 for an illustration on how to wire this.
Remote Service Pin
Net A
Net B
Ground This pin is used for the remote Service Pin functionality. Refer to Figure 2.
Shield This pin should be connected to the shield of the LonWorks cable, in cases where such
cable is to be used. The pin is connected to the Ground terminal (2) on the communications module through an RC-filter.
Drive Setup & Programming

3 Drive Setup and Programming

Most drive parameters (including those required for serial communications) are not accessible through the LonWorks® interface. They can only be accessed by entering the Programming Mode of the drive itself. Refer to the MCH Installation and Operation Manual (MH01) for more information. The parameter information in manual MH01 is based on the standard MCH Series Modbus™ Drive. The differences between the drive programming parameters described in the manual and those that exist in the MCH Series LonWorks® Drive are explained in sections 3.1-3.4 herein.

3.1 Added Programming Parameters

60 SERIAL TIMEOUT This parameter makes the serial watchdog timeout period selectable.
(Section 3.5)
86 MOTOR RATED SPEED This parameter allows the user to enter the nominal speed of the motor
in RPM. This value is required for LON parameter nvoSpeedActRpm to function properly. This parameter has a minimum value of 1 RPM and a maximum value of 65000 RPM. The default is 1800 RPM.
89 MOTOR RATED FREQUENCY This parameter allows the user to enter the nominal frequency of the
motor in Hz. This value is required for many LON parameters (including nviDrvSpeedStpt and nvoDrvSpeed) to function properly. This parameter has a minimum value of 0.00 Hz and a maximum value of 650.00 Hz. The default is 60.00 Hz.
125 APP REVISION This parameter allows the user to view the version of the application
software installed in the ABS_LON module. This parameter is used for troubleshooting and to establish compatibility between the drive software and the ABS_LON module. If this parameter is displaying a value of 0104 or 9999, contact AC Tech.
126 CPI REVISION This parameter allows the user to view the version of the common profile
interface software installed in the ABS_LON module. This parameter is used for troubleshooting and to establish compatibility between the drive software and the ABS_LON module. If this parameter is displaying a value of 0124 or 9999, contact AC Tech.
127 CFG REVISION This parameter allows the user to view the version of the AC Tech
configuration software installed in the ABS_LON module. This parameter is used for troubleshooting and to establish compatibility between the drive software and the ABS_LON module. If this parameter is displaying a value of 0001 or 9999, contact AC Tech.
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