Lenze I-O system 1000 User Manual

PLC Designer
I/O system 1000 - Modular I/O system_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commissioning guidelines


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1 About this documentation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
1.1 Conventions used _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
1.2 Terminology used _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5
1.3 Definition of notes used _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6
2 System and product description _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
2.1 The "Controller-based automation" system _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
2.2 Features of the I/O system 1000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8
2.3 Device architecture _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9
2.4 Available bus coupler modules _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10
2.5 Available I/O compound modules _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10
3 Establish communication _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12
3.1 Establishing communication with the L-force Controller _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12
3.2 Establish a connection between L-force Controller and I/O system 1000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13
4 Mapping the real station structure in the »PLC Designer« _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
4.1 Creating a new project in the »PLC Designer« _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
4.2 Configuring the I/O modules at the backplane bus of the L-force Controller _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16
4.3 Configuring I/O modules on the EtherCAT bus coupler module _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19
4.4 Configuring I/O modules on the CANopen bus coupler module _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22
4.4.1 Special features of the CANopen bus coupler module (EPM-S110) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26
4.4.2 Restart _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28
4.4.3 Example: Commissioning of a counter (EPM-S601) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29
4.5 Setting the cycle time for access to the I/O modules _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34
5 Parameterising I/O modules in the »PLC Designer« _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35
5.1 Parameterising I/O modules at the backplane bus of the L-force Controller _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35
5.2 Parameterising I/O modules on the EtherCAT bus coupler module _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36
5.3 Parameterising I/O modules on the CANopen bus coupler module _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37
6 Error messages (backplane bus) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39
Index _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41
Your opinion is important to us _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42
2 Lenze · I/O-System 1000 · Inbetriebnahme-Leitfaden für den PLC Designer · DMS 1.2 EN · 11/2012 · TD05

1 About this documentation

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1 About this documentation
This documentation supplements the system manual for the I/O system 1000 by information on how to configure and parameterise the I/O system with the »PLC Designer« engineering tool.
First, read the I/O system 1000 system manual before you start working.
The system manual includes safety instructions which must be observed!
Target group
This documentation is directed at all persons who would like to parameterise, configure, and diagnose the L-force I/O system 1000 using the L-force »PLC Designer« engineering tool.
Information regarding the validity
The information provided in this documentation is valid for the following standard devices:
Product series Type designation Version
I/O systems I/O system 1000 From hardware version 1B or software version 10
Screenshots/application examples
All screenshots in this documentation are application examples. Depending on the firmware version of the device and the software version of the installed »PLC Designer«, the screenshots in this documentation may differ from the screen display.
Document history
Version Description
1.2 11/2012 TD05 General revision of the document structure, extension of the module overview by
1.1 07/2012 TD06 Extended by the "Commissioning of a counter" example
1.0 11/2011 TD11 First edition
I/O compound modules EPM-S406 and EPM-S408.
Information and tools all about the Lenze products can be found in the Internet:
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1 About this documentation

1.1 Conventions used

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.1 Conventions used
This documentation uses the following conventions for the distinction between different types of information:
Type of information Highlighting Examples/notes
Decimal separator Point Generally the decimal point is used.
Example: 1234.56
Version info Text colour blue All pieces of information that only apply to or from a certain
Program name » « The »PLC Designer« Lenze PC software...
Window Italics The Message window... / The Options ... dialog box
Variable name By setting bEnable to TRUE...
Control element Bold The OK... button / The Copy... command / The Properties...
Sequence of menu commands
Shortcut <bold> Use <F1> to open the online help.
Program code Courier
Keyword Courier bold
controller software version are identified accordingly in this documentation.
Example: This function extension is available from software
version V3.0 onwards!
tab / The Name ... input field
If several commands must be used in sequence to carry out a function, the individual commands are separated by an arrow: Select File
If a shortcut is required for a command to be executed, a "+" has been put between the key identifiers: With <Shift>+<ESC> ...
IF var1 < var2 THEN a = a + 1 END IF
Open to...
Hyperlink Underlined
Symbols Page reference (4) Optically highlighted reference to another page. In this
Step-by-step instructions
Highlighted reference to another topic. In this online documentation activated with a mouse-click.
online documentation activated by means of a mouse-click.
Step-by-step instructions are marked by a pictograph.
All data that only apply to or from a certain software version of the I/O system are identified accordingly in this documentation.
Lenze · I/O system 1000 · commissioning guidelines for the PLC Designer · DMS 1.2 EN · 11/2012 · TD05
1 About this documentation

1.2 Terminology used

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1.2 Terminology used
Term Meaning
Engineering tools Software solutions for easy engineering in all phases
»EASY Navigator« – ensures easy operator guidance
• All practical Lenze engineering tools at a glance
• Tools can be selected quickly
• The clarity makes the engineering process easy right from the start
»EASY Starter« – easy-to-use tool for service technicians
• Especially designed for commissioning and maintaining Lenze devices
• Graphic surface with very few icons
• Easy to run online diagnostics, set parameters and perform commissioning
• No risk of accidentally changing an application
• Loading off-the-shelf applications onto the device
»Engineer« – multi-device engineering
• For all products in our L-force portfolio
• Practical user interface
• Graphic interfaces make it easy to navigate
• Can be applied in every phase of a project (project planning, commissioning, production)
• Parameter setting and configuration
»PLC Designer« – for programming processes
• The ability to create your own programs
• The ability to program logic & motion in accordance with IEC 61131-3 (AWL, KOP, FUP, ST, AS and CFC-Editor), based on CoDeSys V3
• Function blocks certified according to PLCopen Part 1 + 2
• Graphic DIN 66025 editor (G code) with DXF import
• Integrated visualisation for simple presentation of processes
• All important information at a glance during commissioning
L-force Controller The L-force Controller is the central component of the automation system, controlling
the Logic and Motion functionalities (by means of the runtime software). The L-force Controller uses the fieldbus to communicate with the field devices.
Engineering PC The Engineering PC with the installed engineering tools serve to configure and
parameterise the system. The Engineering PC communicates with the L-force Controller via Ethernet.
EtherCAT® EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology licenced by the Beckhoff
Automation GmbH, Germany.
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1 About this documentation

1.3 Definition of notes used

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1.3 Definition of notes used
The following signal words and icons are used in this documentation to indicate dangers and important information:
Safety instructions
Structure of safety instructions
(characterises the type and severity of danger)
(describes the danger and gives information about how to prevent dangerous situations)
Pictograph Signal word Meaning
Danger! Danger of personal injuries through dangerous electrical voltage
Danger! Danger of personal injury through a general source of danger
Stop! Danger of damage to material assets
Application notes
Pictograph Signal word Meaning
Note! Important note to ensure troublefree operation
Reference to an imminent danger that may result in death or serious personal injury if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Reference to an imminent danger that may result in death or serious personal injury if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Reference to a possible danger that may result in damage to material assets if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Tip! Useful tip for easy handling
Reference to other documentations
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2 System and product description

2.1 The "Controller-based automation" system

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2 System and product description
2.1 The "Controller-based automation" system
Central control technology is increasingly finding its way into automation technology. Due to their scaling possibilities and the possibilities to combine visualisation and control in one device, industrial PCs have clear advantages for many applications.
The L-force Controllers are available with the following software programs:
• L-force Controller as control system
• L-force Controller as visualisation system (depending on the model, an additional panel may be required)
• L-force Controller as component, on request with operating system, without any further software
The "Controller-based automation" system enables the central control of Logic and Motion systems.
Further information on parameter setting and configuration of the individual bus
systems can be found in the following communication manuals:
• CANopen control technology - Commissioning & Configuration
• EtherCAT control technology - Commissioning & Configuration
• PROFIBUS control technology - Commissioning & Configuration
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2 System and product description

2.2 Features of the I/O system 1000

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Lenze provides coordinated system components:
• L-force Controller as control and visualisation system
• The L-force Controller is the central component of controller-based automation, controlling the Logic and Motion functionalities by means of the runtime software.
• The L-force Controller uses the fieldbus to communicate with the field devices.
• Engineering tools for the Engineering PC
• The Engineering PC communicates with the L-force Controller via Ethernet.
• The different engineering tools are used to configure and parameterise the system.
•Field devices
2.2 Features of the I/O system 1000
The I/O system 1000 is suitable for the implementation of complex automation applications consisting of the following components: bus coupler module, I/O compound modules, and backplane bus.
• Modular system
• I/O compound module 109×76.5×12.5mm
• Bus coupler module 109 × 76.5 × 48.5 mm
• Mounting on standard DIN rail (35 mm)
• Shield connection to standard metal rail (10 × 3 mm)
• The two-piece structure (separation of electronics and process integration) enables a quick exchange of modules in the event of service
• Wiring level via spring terminal (max. 1.5 mm²)
• Operation at DC 24 V (DC 20.4 … DC 28.8 V)
• Supply voltage of electronics and process level are separated
• Number of I/O compound modules
• A bus coupler can contain up to 64 modules
• Individual labelling by insertable labels (item designation)
• Electrical wiring diagrams are directly printed on the module
• Electrical isolation to the fieldbus and the process level
• Creation of electrical isolations by power supply modules
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2 System and product description
64... ...

2.3 Device architecture

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2.3 Device architecture
Device architecture of the I/O system 1000
Bus coupler module
•CANopen: EPM-S110
•EtherCAT: EPM-S130
I/O compound modules, max. 64
n Connection to the bus system (CANopen/EtherCAT)
• CANopen, PROFIBUS: via a 9-pole Sub-D plug (see illustration)
• EtherCAT: RJ45, double
o Internal backplane bus for communication between the bus coupler module and the I/O compound modules
• Side-by-side mounting of the module feet of the I/O compound modules provides for the electrical connection to the bus coupler module.
p Supply voltage DC 24 V, max. 10 A for consumers at output modules
• Side-by-side mounting of the module feet of the I/O compound modules provides for the electrical connection to the bus coupler module.
q Supply voltage DC 24 V for the electronics
• Side-by-side mounting of the module feet of the I/O compound modules provides for the electrical connection to the bus coupler module.
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2 System and product description

2.4 Available bus coupler modules

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2.4 Available bus coupler modules
Type designation Short designation Description Process data
EPM-S110 CANopen CANopen bus coupler module -
EPM-S120 PROFIBUS PROFIBUS bus coupler module -
EPM-S130 EtherCAT EtherCAT bus coupler module -
EPM-S140 PROFINET PROFINET bus coupler module -
EPM-S150 DeviceNet DeviceNet bus coupler module -
EPM-S160 Modbus TCP Modbus TCP bus coupler module -

2.5 Available I/O compound modules

Type designation Short designation Description Process data
EPM-S200 DI2, DC 24V 2 digital inputs 2 bits
EPM-S201 DI4, DC 24V 4 digital inputs 4 bits
EPM-S202 DI8, DC 24V 8 digital inputs 8 bits
EPM-S203 DI4, DC 24V 4 digital inputs
• Three-wire conductor connection
EPM-S204 DI2, NPN, DC 24V 2 digital inputs, npn 2 bits
EPM-S205 DI4, NPN, DC 24V 4 digital inputs, npn 4 bits
EPM-S206 DI8, NPN, DC 24V 8 digital inputs, npn 8 bits
EPM-S207 DI2 time stamp, DC 24V 2 digital inputs ENP 8 bytes, writing
EPM-S300 DO2, DC 24V, 0.5A 2 digital outputs, 0.5 A 2 bits
EPM-S301 DO4, DC 24V, 0.5A 4 digital outputs, 0.5 A 4 bits
EPM-S302 DO8, DC 24V, 0.5A 8 digital outputs, 0.5 A 8 bits
EPM-S303 DO2, NPN, DC 24V, 0.5A 2 digital outputs, npn 2 bits
EPM-S304 DO4, NPN, DC 24V, 0.5A 4 digital outputs, npn 4 bits
EPM-S305 DO8, NPN, DC 24V, 0.5A 8 digital outputs, npn 8 bits
EPM-S306 DO2, DC 24V, 2A 2 digital outputs, 2 A 2 bits
EPM-S308 DO2, relay 230V, 3A 2 relay outputs 2 bits
EPM-S309 DO4, DC 24V, 2A 4 digital outputs, 2 A 4 bits
EPM-S310 DO2 time stamp, DC 24V 2 digital outputs, 0.5 A, ENP 8 bytes, reading
Analog I/O
EPM-S400 AI2, 12BIT, DC 0…10V 2 analog inputs, 0 … 10 V DC 4 bytes
EPM-S401 AI4, 12BIT, DC 0…10V 4 analog inputs, 0 … 10 V DC 8 bytes
EPM-S402 AI2, 12BIT, DC 0/4…20mA 2 analog inputs, 0/4 … 20 mA 4 bytes
EPM-S403 AI4, 12BIT, DC 0/4…20mA 4 analog inputs, 0/4 … 20 mA 8 bytes
EPM-S406 AI2, 16BIT, DC +/-10V 2 analog inputs
for voltage measurement ±10 V
EPM-S408 AI2, 16BIT, DC 0/4…20mA 2 analog inputs
for current measurement
EPM-S500 AO2, 12BIT, DC 0…10V 2 analog outputs, 0 … 10 V DC 4 bytes
EPM-S501 AO4, 12BIT, DC 0…10V 4 analog outputs, 0 … 10 V DC 8 bytes
4 bits
2 bytes, writing
4 bytes
4 bytes
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2 System and product description
2.5 Available I/O compound modules
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Type designation Short designation Description Process data
EPM-S502 AO2, 12BIT, DC 0/4…20mA 2 analog outputs, 0/4 … 20 mA 4 bytes
EPM-S503 AO4, 12BIT, DC 0/4…20mA 4 analog outputs, 0/4 … 20 mA 8 bytes
Temperature measurement
EPM-S404 AI2, 16bits, resistor 4 analog inputs
for resistance measurement
EPM-S405 AI2, 16bits, thermo 2 analog inputs
for thermocouple measurement
EPM-S600 Counter 1, DC 24V 1 counter 32 bits, 24 V DC
(reading, setting, comparing)
EPM-S601 Counter 2, DC 24V 2 counters 32 bits, 24 V DC
(reading, setting)
EPM-S602 Counter 1, DC 5V 1 counter 32 bits, 5 V DC
(reading, setting)
EPM-S603 Counter 2, DC 24V 2 counters 32 bits, 24 V DC
Encoder evaluation
EPM-S604 SSI 1 SSI absolute value encoder 6 bytes, reading
Pulse width modulation
EPM-S620 PWM 2, DC 24V 2 digital outputs, 0.5 A PWM 12 bytes, reading
EPM-S640 RS232 RS232 module -
EPM-S650 RS422/RS485 RS485 module -
4 bytes
4 bytes
12 bytes, reading 10 bytes, writing
12 bytes, reading 12 bytes, writing
8 bytes, reading 10 bytes, writing
12 bytes, reading 4 bytes, writing
4 bytes, writing
I/O compound modules EPM-S207/EPM-S310
• If, for instance, motor positions are to be evaluated via these modules, additional modules with ticker function as e.e.g. EPM-S600 (HTL), EPM-S602 (TTL) or EPM-S604 (SSI) are required for detecting the encoder signals.
• Only if the modules EPM-S207 and EPM-S310 are connected to the backplane bus of the L-force Controller: The following modules are available in the "L_SM3_DriveUtil.lib" function library for the I/O system 1000:
• L_SMC_AbortTrigger_FastIO
• L_SMC_TouchProbe_FastIO
• More information can be obtained from the online help for the function library.
I/O compound modules EPM-S640/EPM-S650
• For using the modules EPM-S640 and EPM-S650, the "L_COM_EPMS640" function library is available.
• More information can be obtained from the online help for the function library.
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3 Establish communication

3.1 Establishing communication with the L-force Controller

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3 Establish communication
This chapter describes how to establish a communication between the Engineering PC with the installed »PLC Designer« and the I/O system 1000.
The system manual for the I/O system 1000 contains detailed information on the
communication via the respective fieldbus (CANopen, EtherCAT, ...).
3.1 Establishing communication with the L-force Controller
• Connect the Engineering PC with the L-force Controller via a network cable, as the »PLC Designer« accesses the L-force Controller via Ethernet.
• Make the IP settings with the »PLC Designer«.
Please observe the following predefined IP addresses when commissioning your IPC for the first time:
• Engineering PC:
• L-force Controller:
How to check the communication settings:
1. Double-click the L-force Controller in the Device view to open the settings and properties of the device in the Editor view.
2. Make the desired settings on the Communication settings tab.
•Click the Add gateway button to insert a gateway.
• Enter the desired IP address of the L-force Controller.
3. Click OK to add the L-force Controller as gateway.
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3 Establish communication

3.2 Establish a connection between L-force Controller and I/O system 1000

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4. Double-click the channel to be set as active path for control below the gateway in the Device view.
• Thus, all communication actions directly refer to this channel.
• The channel currently active is displayed in bold in the Device view and marked with the
"(active)" addition:
• A channel represented in italics is set as active path but has not been identified at the last network scan.
Further information can be found in the following documentation:
• L-force Controller - Parameter setting & configuration
3.2 Establish a connection between L-force Controller and I/O system 1000
For a connection via EtherCAT:
• Connect the RJ45 port on the EtherCAT bus coupler module (EPM-S130) to the L-force Controller using a network cable.
• The I/O system 1000 is supplied with DC 24 V for the control electronics.
[3-1] The EtherCAT interface at the L-force Controller 3231 C
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4 Mapping the real station structure in the »PLC Designer«

4.1 Creating a new project in the »PLC Designer«

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4 Mapping the real station structure in the »PLC Designer«
4.1 Creating a new project in the »PLC Designer«
You can create a new project in the »PLC Designer« without having to establish an online connection. After having configured the project, go online with the I/O system 1000 to transfer parameters.
How to create a new project in the »PLC Designer«:
1. Select menu command FileNew project to create a new »PLC Designer« project.
2. Go to the New project dialog window and select the "Standard project" template.
• Go to the Name input field and assign a name for the »PLC Designer« project.
• Select the desired memory location under Location.
3. Confirm the entries by clicking OK.
Lenze · I/O system 1000 · commissioning guidelines for the PLC Designer · DMS 1.2 EN · 11/2012 · TD05
+ 30 hidden pages