This documentation describes the function blocks that are contained in the
"LenzeIo1000Drv" function library. These function blocks enable the access of Lenze PLC
products (e.g. 9400
ServoPLC) to the decentralised I/O system 1000.
The "LenzeIo1000Drv" is exclusively suitable for Lenze-PLCs the project planning
environment of which is not
Functional survey
Loading of the default setting of the L-force I/O system 1000
Parameter setting of the I/O compound modules (analog inputs and outputs,
temperature measurement, counters, encoder evaluation, pulse width modulation)
Function library "LenzeIo1000Drv"
About this documentation
provided with an *.eds import!
Setting of the communication-relevant parameters in the I/O system
Coordination of the process communication between PLC and I/O system
Validity information
The information given in this documentation is valid for the following function library:
Function libraryFrom version
Document history
1.007/2011TD05 First edition for LenzeIo1000DrvV10.lib
The "LenzeIo1000DrvVxx.lib" library version can be queried via the following global
• C_wLenzeIo1000DrvVersionER: Enabled major version
• C_wLenzeIo1000DrvVersionEL: Enabled minor version
• C_wLenzeIo1000DrvVersionIR: Internal minor version
• C_wLenzeIo1000DrvVersionBN: Internal build number
DMS 1.0 EN - 07/2011 - TD05L3
Function library "LenzeIo1000Drv"
About this documentation
Conventions used
1.1Conventions used
This documentation uses the following conventions to distinguish between different types
of information:
Type of informationWritingExamples/notes
Decimal separatorPointThe decimal point is always used.
Program name» «The Lenze PC software »PLC Designer«...
WindowItalicsThe Message window ... / The Options dialog box...
Variable identifierBy setting bEnable to TRUE...
Control elementBoldThe OK button... / The copy command... / The
Sequence of menu
Shortcut<Bold>Press <F1> to open the online help.
Program codeCourier
KeywordCourier bold
Example: 1234.56
Properties tab... / The Name input field...
If several commands must be used in sequence to
carry out a function, then the individual commands
are separated by an arrow: Select File
If a key combination is required for a command, a "+"
is inserted between the key identifiers: Use
IF var1 < var2 THEN
a = a + 1
Open to...
Page reference ( 4)Optically highlighted reference to another page. It is
Step-by-step instructions
Optically highlighted reference to another topic. It is
activated with a mouse click in this online
activated with a mouse click in this online
Step-by-step instructions are indicated by a
4LDMS 1.0 EN - 07/2011 - TD05
1.2Definition of notes used
The following signal words and symbols are used in this documentation to indicate
dangers and important information:
Safety instructions
Layout of the safety instructions:
(characterises the type and severity of danger)
(describes the danger and gives information about how to prevent dangerous
Function library "LenzeIo1000Drv"
About this documentation
Definition of notes used
PictographSignal wordMeaning
Danger!Danger of personal injury through dangerous electrical voltage
Danger!Danger of personal injury through a general source of danger
Stop!Danger of property damage
Application notes
PictographSignal wordMeaning
Note!Important note to ensure trouble-free operation
Reference to an imminent danger that may result in death or serious personal
injury if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Reference to an imminent danger that may result in death or serious personal
injury if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Reference to a possible danger that may result in property damage if the
corresponding measures are not taken.
Tip!Useful tip for simple handling
Reference to another document
DMS 1.0 EN - 07/2011 - TD05L5
Function library "LenzeIo1000Drv"
System requirements
2System requirements
The function library can be used with the following Lenze software:
ProductType designationVersion
Drive PLC Developer StudioESP-DDS2-x2.x
PLC Designer V22.2 or higher
PLC Designer V3ESPEVPDxxxxxx3.x
Supported target systems
Product rangeType designationHardware versionFrom software version
Drive PLCEPL-102001A or higher2.x
9300 Servo PLCEVS93xx-EI
ECSECSxA1B or higher7.x
9400 ServoPLCE94AxPExxxx2A or higher2.x
2M or higher2.x
Required libraries for use in »Drive PLC Developer Studio«
with Drive PLC/9300 Servo PLC/ECS:
Unless already available, insert the following libraries into the library management (menu
WindowLibrary management):
LenzeConversionBoxV10.lib (optional)
Before the "LenzeTICan9300V10.lib" library is inserted into the library manager,
the CAN_Management system block must be implemented into the Control configuration.
If the CAN_Management system block is missing or implemented subsequently,
a compilation error may be caused during the project compilation.
implement the CAN_Management system block and re-insert the library into
the library manager.
Remove "LenzeTICan9300V10.lib" library from the library manager,
6LDMS 1.0 EN - 07/2011 - TD05
Function library "LenzeIo1000Drv"
System requirements
Required libraries for use in the »PLC Designer« with 9400 ServoPLC:
Unless already available, insert the following libraries into the library management (menu
Project planning concept
Parameterisation and process data blocks
3Project planning concept
The user is provided with suitable function blocks by the "LenzeIo1000Drvlib" library to
enable support of the decentralised I/O system through Lenze PLC products These function
blocks are implemented in an IEC 61131 program and serve both for parameterising the I/
O system and for process data processing. They provide digital and analog input and
output information of the I/O system. Configurations of the user via user codes are not
3.1Parameterisation and process data blocks
The "LenzeIo1000Drvlib" library contains two types of function blocks:
1. Parameterisation blocks
2. Process data blocks
Parameterisation blocks
Parameterisation blocks allow the modification of index information in the decentralised
I/O system and the transmission of specified data. These data are transmitted only once to
the I/O system during the initialisation phase..
The parameterisation blocks for modules and monitoring functions are required for
individual parameter setting of analog modules, communication monitoring, etc.
The parameterisation blocks communication settings (L_io1000ParPDO15
) are mandatory for data exchange between PLC and I/O system.
In case of parameterisation blocks with the same bus node address at the
byNodeAdr input, the bExecute inputs must not be set to TRUE at the same time.
The parameter setting of the modules and the communication settings of a bus
coupler have to be started successively.
Process data blocks
Process data blocks are required for transmitting and receiving I/O data between PLC and
I/O system. The process data blocks L_io1000Data15
evaluate and process the current process data information of the inputs of the I/O system
in the PLC program. Information and data of the PLC control can be transmitted to the
process via the output modules of the I/O system.
and L_io1000Data610 serve to
8LDMS 1.0 EN - 07/2011 - TD05
3.2Initialisation of the CAN driver
The "LenzeIo1000Drv.lib" function library for the L-force I/O system 1000 is based on a
library for transmitting and receiving CAN objects. Depending on the PLC version, the "CAN
on board" or an optional fieldbus card can be used as communication channel.
9400 ServoPLC
For using the "LenzeCanMsg.lib" library, an initialisation of the CAN driver with L_CanInit
function block call is required. This function block must only be called once. Thus, best use
the "PLC_START" system event for calling this function.
The L_CanInit function block outputs information on the communication channel used via
its dwHandle output. This information must be provided to the blocks of the
"LenzeIo1000Drv.Lib" via the dwHandle input.
Drive PLC, 9300 Servo PLC, ECS
For using the "LenzeCanDrv.lib" library, an initialisation of the CAN driver with the
L_CanInit function call is required. This function must only be called once. Thus, best use
the system POU "PLC_ColdStart" for calling this function.
Function library "LenzeIo1000Drv"
Project planning concept
Initialisation of the CAN driver
The L_CanInit function returns information on the communication channel used via the
dwHandle variable. This information must be provided to the blocks of the
"LenzeIo1000Drv.Lib" via the dwHandle input.
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Function library "LenzeIo1000Drv"
Project planning concept
Minimum configuration
3.3Minimum configuration
For implementing the I/O system, a minimum configuration must be carried out. It consists
of a parameterisation block L_io1000ParPDO15
relationships and a process data block L_io1000Data15
The parameterisation block must be connected to the process data block as follows:
for parameterising the communication
for evaluation the input/output
The parameterisation block does not have to be executed in the same task as the
process data block. In this case, the outputs of the parameterisation block must be
connected to the inputs of the process data block.
10LDMS 1.0 EN - 07/2011 - TD05
4Function blocks
Function blockFunction
L_io1000Data610Process data transfer PDO6 ... PDO10