Lenze IMSS500+ User Manual

SS504A SS508A SS604A SS608A SS604A-3P SS608A-3P SS610A SS612A-3P SSi1004A SSi1008A SSi1010A SSi1012A-3P
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
Copyright ©2001 by AC Technology Corporation
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from AC Technology Corporation. The information and technical data in this manual are subject to change without notice. AC Technology Corporation and its Divisions make no warranty of any kind with respect to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of its merchantability and fitness for a given purpose. AC Technology Corporation and its Divisions assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual and make no commitment to update or to keep current the information in this manual.
MotionView, SimpleServo, and all related indicia are either registered trademarks or trademarks of AC Technology Corporation in the United States and other countries.
This document printed in the United States of America.
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................7
2 SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................................................8
2.1 Electrical Characteristics............................................................................................................................8
2.2 Environment.................................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Dimensions and Weight .............................................................................................................................9
2.4 Operating Modes SS500/600 drives ........................................................................................................9
2.5 Operating Modes SSi1000 drives.............................................................................................................9
2.6 SSi1000 drives features...........................................................................................................................10
2.7 Connections and I/O.................................................................................................................................11
3 DIMENSIONS.................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 SS500 Series Dimensions.......................................................................................................................12
3.2 SS604/SS608/SSi1004/SSi1008 Series Dimensions..........................................................................13
3.3 SS610/SS612-3P/SSi1010/SSi1012-3P Dimensions with Heat Sink Fan Kit Installed..................14
3.4 Suggested Clearance for Cooling Air Circulation (All Models)...........................................................15
4 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................16
4.1 Start Up.......................................................................................................................................................17
4.2 Mounting.....................................................................................................................................................17
4.3 Wiring.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Shielding and grounding ..........................................................................................................................18
4.4.1 General guidelines .................................................................................................................... 18
4.4.2 EMI Protection ...........................................................................................................................18
4.4.3 Enclosure.................................................................................................................................... 18
4.5 Line filtering................................................................................................................................................18
4.6 Heat sinking ...............................................................................................................................................19
4.7 Line fusing..................................................................................................................................................19
5 SIMPLESERVO CONNECTIONS..................................................................................................... 20
5.1 External Connectors .................................................................................................................................20
5.1.1 TB501 - Power, Motor, and Fuse Connections ....................................................................20
5.1.2 TB502 - Analog/Digital I/O Terminal Block............................................................................ 21
5.1.3 Encoder feedback .....................................................................................................................23
5.1.4 TB504 - Motor Feedback Input ...............................................................................................23
5.1.5 TB505 - Serial Communications Port..................................................................................... 25
5.1.6 TB506 - Controller Interface (SS500/600 drives) ................................................................. 26
5.1.7 TB506 - Encoder repeat and analog input connections (SSi1000 drives)........................27
5.1.8 Connectors and Wiring Notes .................................................................................................28
5.2 Digital I/O details (SS500/600 drives)....................................................................................................29
5.2.1 Step and Direction/ Master Encoder Inputs ..........................................................................29
5.2.2 Digital outputs ............................................................................................................................ 29
5.2.3 Digital inputs ..............................................................................................................................30
5.3 Digital I/O details (SSi1000 drives).........................................................................................................32
5.3.1 Digital inputs ..............................................................................................................................32
5.3.2 Digital outputs ............................................................................................................................ 32
5.4 Analog I/O details......................................................................................................................................35
5.4.1 Analog reference input .............................................................................................................35
5.4.2 Analog output............................................................................................................................. 35
5.5 Communication interfaces (SS500/600 drives) ....................................................................................35
5.6 Communication interfaces (SSi1000 drives).........................................................................................35
5.6.1 RS232 interface......................................................................................................................... 35
5.6.2 RS485 interface......................................................................................................................... 36
5.6.3 Ethernet interface...................................................................................................................... 37
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
5.7 Motor Selection .........................................................................................................................................38
5.7.1 Setting Up motor .......................................................................................................................38
5.8 Using custom motor..................................................................................................................................39
5.8.1 Setting custom motor parameters...........................................................................................39
5.8.2 Autophasing ...............................................................................................................................40
5.8.3 Custom Motor Data Entry ........................................................................................................40
6 SS500/600 PROGRAMMABLE FEATURES AND PARAMETERS ................................................45
6.1 Motor Group...............................................................................................................................................45
6.2 Parameters Group ...................................................................................................................................45
6.2.1 Drive operating modes .............................................................................................................45
6.2.2 Current Limit ..............................................................................................................................47
6.2.3 Peak current limit.......................................................................................................................47
6.2.4 Analog input scale( Current scale) .........................................................................................47
6.2.5 Analog input scale (Velocity scale)......................................................................................... 48
6.2.6 ACCEL/DECEL Limits (Velocity mode only) .........................................................................48
6.2.7 Reference (Velocity mode only)............................................................................................. 48
6.2.8 Reset Option .............................................................................................................................. 48
6.2.9 Steps per Revolution (Step and Direction mode only).........................................................48
6.2.10 Step input type (Step and Direction mode only) .................................................................. 48
6.3 I/O Group....................................................................................................................................................49
6.3.1 Programmable digital input...................................................................................................... 49
6.3.2 Programmable digital output....................................................................................................49
6.3.3 Analog output............................................................................................................................. 49
6.3.4 Analog output current scale (Volt/amps) ..............................................................................49
6.3.5 Analog output velocity scale (mV/RPM) ................................................................................ 50
6.3.6 Analog input offset parameter .................................................................................................50
6.3.7 Analog input dead band ...........................................................................................................50
6.3.8 Adjust analog voltage offset ....................................................................................................50
6.4 Velocity Limits Group................................................................................................................................50
6.5 Position limits.............................................................................................................................................50
6.6 Compensation group ................................................................................................................................51
6.6.1 Velocity Loop Filter ...................................................................................................................51
6.6.2 Position Loop Filter ...................................................................................................................51
6.7 Faults Group ..............................................................................................................................................52
6.8 Tools Group ...............................................................................................................................................52
6.8.1 Run Panel................................................................................................................................... 52
6.8.2 Drive monitor.............................................................................................................................. 52
6.8.3 Oscilloscope tool .......................................................................................................................52
7 SSI10XX PROGRAMMABLE FEATURES AND PARAMETERS ...................................................53
7.1 Motor folder................................................................................................................................................53
7.2 Parameters.................................................................................................................................................53
7.2.1 Drive mode................................................................................................................................. 53
7.2.2 Current Limit ..............................................................................................................................53
7.2.3 Peak Current Limit .................................................................................................................... 53
7.2.4 Autoboot .....................................................................................................................................53
7.2.5 Feedback loss detection ..........................................................................................................53
7.2.6 RS485 configuration .................................................................................................................53
7.2.7 Group ID .....................................................................................................................................54
7.2.8 IP properties (command button) ............................................................................................. 54
7.3 I/O................................................................................................................................................................54
7.3.1 Outputs 1,2,3,4 functions........................................................................................................54
7.3.2 Hard limit switches action. .......................................................................................................54
7.4 Limits...........................................................................................................................................................54
7.4.1 Position Limits............................................................................................................................ 54
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
7.5 Compensation ...........................................................................................................................................55
7.5.1 Velocity Loop filter.....................................................................................................................55
7.5.2 Position Loop filter.....................................................................................................................55
7.6 Indexer Program .......................................................................................................................................56
7.7 Security.......................................................................................................................................................56
7.8 Faults Group ..............................................................................................................................................56
7.9 Tools ...........................................................................................................................................................56
7.9.1 Drive monitor.............................................................................................................................. 56
7.9.2 Oscilloscope tool .......................................................................................................................56
8 DIAGNOSTICS .................................................................................................................................57
8.1 Diagnostic LED’s....................................................................................................................................... 57
8.1.1 Front panel LEDs ......................................................................................................................57
8.1.2 Bottom side LEDs .....................................................................................................................57
8.2 Faults ..........................................................................................................................................................58
8.2.1 Fault Event .................................................................................................................................58
8.2.2 Fault Reset................................................................................................................................. 58
9 OPERATION .....................................................................................................................................59
9.1 Minimum Connections..............................................................................................................................59
9.2 Configure the SS500/600 SimpleServo drives .....................................................................................59
9.3 Configure SSi1000 SimpleServo drives ................................................................................................60
9.4 Enabling the SS500/600 drives. .............................................................................................................62
9.5 Enabling SSi1000 drives..........................................................................................................................63
9.6 Tuning in velocity mode ...........................................................................................................................64
9.7 Tuning in position PVFF mode................................................................................................................65
9.8 Tuning in position P+V mode. .................................................................................................................66
10 SAMPLE MOTOR RESPONSES FOR VARIOUS GAIN SETTINGS .............................................. 67
10.1 Motor response to gain settings (Velocity mode).................................................................................67
10.1.1 Low P-gain.................................................................................................................................67
10.1.2 Right P-gain...............................................................................................................................68
10.1.3 I-gain too high ...........................................................................................................................69
10.1.4 Correct P-gain and I-gain........................................................................................................ 70
10.2 Motor response to gain settings (Position Mode).................................................................................71
10.2.1 PVFF mode P-gain / D-gain relationship. Non-optimal setting.......................................... 71
10.2.2 PVFF mode P-gain / D-gain relationship. Optimal setting. ................................................72
10.2.3 VFF gain effect .........................................................................................................................73
11 SYSTEM CONNECTION EXAMPLES .............................................................................................75
11.1 System with external motion controller..................................................................................................75
11.2 Simple Torque and Velocity System ......................................................................................................76
11.3 Position Follower.......................................................................................................................................78
11.4 Indexer connections options for position follower ................................................................................79
12 TROUBLESHOOTING...................................................................................................................... 80
13 WARRANTY AND OTHER INFO ..................................................................................................... 82
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
Safety Warnings
• The symbol shown at left indicates an important safety consideration. Please read this manual carefully before performing any of the procedures contained herein. Failure to follow these instructions may result in equipment damage, fire, severe injury, or fatality.
• Have a qualified electrical maintenance technician install, adjust and service this equipment. Follow the National Electrical Code and all other applicable electrical and safety codes, including the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), when installing equipment.
• The symbol shown at left indicates additional information, shortcuts, or tips that do not affect the safe operation of the drive.
• Reduce the chance of an electrical fire, shock, or explosion by proper grounding, over­current protection, thermal protection, and enclosure. Follow sound maintenance procedures.
• It is possible for a drive to run at full speed as a result of a component failure. Please ensure that a master switch has been placed in the AC line to stop the drive in an emergency.
WARNING! Hazard of electrical shock! Circuit potentials are at 115 VAC or 230 VAC above earth
ground. Avoid direct contact with the printed circuit board or with circuit elements to prevent the risk of serious injury or fatality. Disconnect incoming power and wait 60 seconds before servicing drive. Capacitors retain charge after power is removed.
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
1 General Information
The AC Tech SimpleServo family of servo amplifiers is an economical solution to today’s complex motion-control needs. The SimpleServo combines a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), controller, heat sink and power supply in one standalone, DIN-rail mountable or panel-mounted unit. The SimpleServo can be operated as a stand-alone unit or as a digital amplifier.
The SimpleServo controls brushless motors with a high switching (carrier) frequency for virtually silent operation. Most servo motors used today require high precision control and a smooth, sinusoidally commutated signal. An on-board DSP provides commutation by generating the three-phase sine wave, using feedback information from an optical encoder.
The SimpleServo will accept feedback from an encoder that includes Hall sensor feedback information. It accepts commands from a variety of sources, including analog voltage, PWM and internal reference signals. The control will operate in current (torque) mode, velocity mode, or position (step and direction) mode. Upon initial start up, the motor is commutated using the hall sensors—for the first two or three mechanical degrees of motor rotation—to map the encoder; the Hall-effect information is unnecessary thereafter.
The SimpleServo’s built-in RS-232 serial communications port and SimpleServo control program, MotionView™, make programming extremely simple. In fact, you could be up and running in less than thirty minutes! Each SimpleServo unit is an amplifier, power supply, controller and heat sink integrated into a single standalone package. The SimpleServo will only accept an encoder with Hall or an encoder with hall-commutation tracks encoded on the feedback device.
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
2 Specifications
2.1 Electrical Characteristics
SSX04 6A 4 8 90 – 240 SSX08 12A 8 14 90 – 240 SSX10 15A 10 20 90 – 240
SSX12-3P 19A 12 20 90 – 240
“-3P” = 3-phase input power models
* Phase RMS current. Peak current allowed for up to 2 Sec.
Applies to all models: AC Output Voltage Range (Sinusoidal, Three-Phase) 0–240 VAC RMS Minimum Output Voltage Range 0 – 340 VAC Acceleration Time Range (Zero to Max Speed) 0.1 – 5000000 Rpm/sec Deceleration Time Range (Max Speed to Zero) 0.1 – 5000000 Rpm/sec Speed Regulation (typical) ± 1 RPM Input Impedance (+REF to COM and +REF to -REF) 47 kohms Power Device Switching Frequency (sinusoidal commutation) 16 kHz Encoder power supply (max) +5 VDC @ 300 mA Maximum encoder feedback frequency 2.1 MHz
2.2 Environment
SS500 Series 0.1 G (all frequencies) SS600 and SS1000 Series 0.5G max (20 – 50 Hz)
0.1G max (>50 Hz)
Ambient Operating Temperature Range 0 to 40ºC Ambient Storage Temperature Range -10 to 70ºC Humidity 5 90% non-condensing Altitude 1500 m/5000 ft (derate by 1% per 300m
Current (AC in)
(1000 ft) above 1500m (5000 ft))
(AC Amps)
(AC Amps)
Input Voltage
(±10%, 50-60 Hz)
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
2.3 Dimensions and Weight
Height (inches) 6.50 7.80 6.50 7.80 7.80 7.80 Width (inches) 2.60 2.60 3.80 3.70 4.50 4.50 Depth (inches) 7.50 6.80 7.50 6.80 6.80 6.80 Weight (lbs) 2.5 4.0 3.5 5.0 5.6 5.6
Model Dimension Height (inches) 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 Width (inches) 2.60 3.70 4.50 4.50 Depth (inches) 6.80 6.80 6.80 6.80 Weight (lbs) 4.0 5.0 5.6 5.6
SS504A SS604A SS508A SS608A SS610A SS612-3P
SSi1004 SSi1008 SSi1010 SSi1012-3P
2.4 Operating Modes SS500/600 drives
Reference 0 ± 10 VDC or 0 to 10 VDC, scalable Torque Range 100:1 Current-Loop Bandwidth up to 3 kHz
Reference 0 ± 10 VDC or 0 to 10 VDC Accuracy ± 1 RPM Velocity-Loop Bandwidth up to 400 Hz Speed Range up to 5000:1 ppr encoder
Reference Step and direction signals or Master Encoder full quadrature signal (software
selectable). Minimum Pulse Width 250 nanoseconds Reference Max frequency 2 MHz Position-Loop Bandwidth Up to 400 Hz Accuracy ±1 encoder count
2.5 Operating Modes SSi1000 drives
Position PIVFF, Position P+V (inner velocity loop)
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
2.6 SSi1000 drives features
Index resolution 64 bit Index (position) range from -2
Index generation control Language statements or Host Interface commands Indexing Incremental, absolute, registered and segmented moves Motion Queue 32 levels deep
Acceleration/deceleration Linear or S-curved Move profiles Trapezoidal, Triangular, S-curved Gearing mode Dedicated inputs for quadrature master encoder reference, Programmable “on the fly” Gear Ratio and Master Encoder
Scanned events period 256 uS Registration 2uS reaction time. Current position capture.
User Program
User programming language Statements based.
Program control All major construction: DO-WHILE, WHILE, IF-THEN-ELSE GOTO, GOSUB. Subroutines supported.
Types supported Typeless. All operands are 64 bit. 32.32 format
Operands representation Floating point.
Translation Multipass compiler
Program Object Bytecode
Execution Java-like virtual bytecode machine
Host Interface support
to 231 User Units
PPR via interface or User Program.
Velocity mode Velocity reference, Accel, Decel programmable on the fly via
interface or User Program
Scanned events event on any valid logic expression. Expression can include any
internal System and User variables , I/O states , Flags, arithmetic and logical expression results.
Tools for program Full featured IDE integrated in MotionView software. Single
Development Step execution capability, Breakpoints, status and variable
WATCH on the fly debug window.
Host Interface transports RS232/485 addressable (32 devices on network), 10/100
Host Interface commands Unified Set for all interface transports. Could be executed
concurrently with User Program statements.
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
Internal format 64 bit Number of User Variables 64 Variables resolution 64 bit System variables resolution 64 bit
Arithmetic and logic functions
Arithmetic functions Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Logic and bitwise functions AND, OR, XOR, NOT
2.7 Connections and I/O
All models
RS232 serial interface Standard 9-pin D-shell (DCE) Encoder Feedback Standard 15-pin D-shell Encoder buffered repeat in 25-pin D-shell Power 8-pin removable terminal block (9-pin for 3-P models)
SS500/600 drives
Digital Inputs 1 dedicated (ENABLE), 1 programmable.
Digital Outputs 1 dedicated (READY) , 1 programmable.
Analog Inputs 1 differential analog input. Full range +/- 10V single ended
and +/- 5V differential .Analog input is used for Torque or Velocity reference.
Analog Outputs 1 single ended analog output. +/- 10 V full scale range. Analog output can
be assigned to various drive’s signals.
I/O Controller 15-pin removable terminal block or 25-pin D-shell
Standard 25-pin D-shell
SSi10XX drives
Digital Inputs 5-24V rated 12 digital optically isolated inputs separated into 4 groups.
Each group has common terminal for the group. 2 of 12 inputs are suitable
for connection of master encoder with up to 2 MHz signals’ rate.
Digital Outputs 4 +1 dedicated optically isolated digital outputs. 20mA capability suitable for
24V system control voltages. Both collector and emitter available for each
output at the terminal.
Dedicated output assigned for “READY” function.
Analog Inputs 1 differential analog input. Full range +/- 10V single ended and +/- 5V
differential. Analog Input can be read via System Variable “AIN”.
Analog Outputs 1 single ended analog output. +/- 10 V full scale range. Analog output can
be set by User Program (System Variable AOUT) or via Host Interface.
I/O Connections 25-pin D-shell for digital I/O and 15-pin removable terminal block for analog
input/output connections.
RS-485 4-pin removable terminal block
Ethernet 10/100 RJ-45 modular jack (if equipped)
Windows® Software: MotionViewTM (Windows 95, 98, NT,2000)
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
3 Dimensions
3.1 SS500 Series Dimensions
SS504 2.60 [66] (NO HEATSINK NECESSARY) SS508 3.80 [97]
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
3.2 SS604/SS608/SSi1004/SSi1008 Series Dimensions
SS604/ssi1004 2.60 [66] SS608/ssi1008 3.54 [94]
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
3.3 SS610/SS612-3P/SSi1010/SSi1012-3P Dimensions with Heat Sink
Fan Kit Installed
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
3.4 Suggested Clearance for Cooling Air Circulation (All Models)
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
4 Installation
• Hazard of electrical shock! Circuit potentials are at 115 VAC or 230 VAC above earth ground. Avoid direct contact with the printed circuit board or with circuit elements to prevent the risk of serious injury or fatality. Disconnect incoming power and wait 60 seconds before servicing drive. Capacitors retain charge after power is removed.
• The SimpleServo must be mounted vertically for safe operation at the maximum current rating.
• Printed circuit board components are sensitive to electrostatic fields. Avoid contact with the printed circuit board directly. Hold the SimpleServo by the case only.
• Protect the control from dirt, filings, airborne particles, moisture, and accidental contact. Provide sufficient room for access to the terminal block.
• Mount the control away from other heat sources. Operate within the specified ambient operating temperature range. Additional cooling with an external fan may be recommended in certain applications.
• Avoid excessive vibration to prevent intermittent connections
• DO NOT connect incoming power to the output motor terminals (U, V, W)! Severe damage to the SimpleServo will result.
• Do not disconnect any of the motor leads from the SimpleServo unless power is removed or the control is disabled. Opening any one motor lead may cause failure.
• The DIN-rail mounting tab is designed to bear only the weight of the SimpleServo and heat sink. Make sure enough slack exists in the wire routing to ensure that the cables do not tug or pull downward against the DIN-rail mounting tab.
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
4.1 Start Up
Step-By-Step StartUp instructions are covered in Section 9 “Operation”.
4.2 Mounting
Note: It may be necessary to add shock-absorbing “bumpers” to the back of the SS500.
1. Mount the SimpleServo vertically in the panel as shown in Figure 5.
2. Ensure that a 30 mm (1.2 inch) DIN rail is installed horizontally in the rear of the panel prior to mounting the SS500.
3. Ensure that the upper mounting tab on the back of the SS500 is in the UP position.
4. Hook the SS500’S lower mounting tab under the DIN rail as shown in Figure 4a. The tab fit should be snug.
5. Rotate the SS500 upward, flush against the DIN rail, ensuring that the lower mounting tab remains engaged by the DIN rail.
6. Once the SS500 is flush against the DIN rail, push down on the mounting tab atop the drive (Figure 4b). The mounting tab will latch onto the top of the DIN rail.
Install the bumpers as follows:
1. Peel off the adhesive cover from the clear bumper. Apply to the DIN rail tab of the SimpleServo (the moveable tab on the rear of the control that clamps onto the top of the DIN rail).
2. Mount the drive as indicated above.
3. Peel off the adhesive cover from the black bumper. Lift the bottom of the control (while it is still clamped to the DIN rail) to open a slightly larger air gap between the SimpleServo and the enclosure.
4. Apply the black bumper to the back of the SimpleServo (the side facing the enclosure) approximately one inch above the bottom. Release the drive. It should come to rest on the newly applied black bumper.
4.3 Wiring
• Hazard of electrical shock! Circuit potentials are at 115 VAC or 230 VAC above earth ground. Avoid direct contact with the printed circuit board or with circuit elements to prevent the risk of serious injury or fatality. Disconnect incoming power and wait 60 seconds before servicing drive. Capacitors retain charge after power is removed.
• Under no circumstances should power and control wiring be bundled together. Induced voltage can cause unpredictable behavior in any electronic device, including motor controls.
Use 18-28 AWG wire for reference and analog signal wiring. Use 12-16 AWG wire for AC line (L1 and L2) and motor (Phase U, V and W) wiring.
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
4.4 Shielding and grounding
4.4.1 General guidelines
AC Technology Corporation recommends the use of single-point grounding (SPG) for panel-mounted controls. Serial grounding (a “daisy chain”) is not recommended. The SPG for all enclosures must be tied to earth ground at the same point. The system ground and equipment grounds for all panel-mounted enclosures must be individually connected to the SPG for that panel using 14 AWG (5.5 mm) or larger wire. Refer to Figure 6 for wiring guidelines.
In order to minimize EMI, the chassis must be grounded to the mounting panel (Figure 6). Use 14 AWG (1.6 mm) or larger wire to join the enclosure to earth ground. A lockwasher must be installed between the enclosure and ground terminal. To ensure maximum contact between the terminal and enclosure, remove paint in a minimum radius of 0.25 in (6 mm) around the screw hole of the enclosure.
AC Technology Corporation recommends the use of the special SimpleServo cables provided by AC Technology Corporation. If you specify cables other than those provided by AC Technology Corporation, please make sure all cables are shielded and properly grounded.
It may be necessary to earth ground the shielded cable (Figure 6). Ground the shield at the SimpleServo end and at the motor end.
If the SimpleServo continues to pick up noise after grounding the shield, it may be necessary to add an AC line filtering devices and/or an output filter (between drive and servo motor).
4.4.2 EMI Protection
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is an important concern for users of digital servo control systems. EMI will cause control systems to behave in unexpected and sometimes dangerous ways. Therefore, reducing EMI is of primary concern not only for servo control manufacturers such as AC Technology Corporation, but the user as well. Proper shielding, grounding and installation practices are critical to EMI reduction.
4.4.3 Enclosure
The panel in which the SimpleServo is mounted must be made of metal, and must be grounded using the SPG method outlined above. Proper wire routing inside the panel is critical; power and logic leads must be routed in different avenues inside the panel .
If you use drives that output over 8 amps, you must ensure that the panel contains sufficient clearance above and below for the cooling fan to circulate air. Refer to Figure 3 for minimum suggested cooling air clearance.
4.5 Line filtering
In addition to EMI/RFI safeguards inherent in the SimpleServo design, external filtering may be required. High frequency energy can be coupled between the circuits via radiation or conduction. The AC power wiring is one of the most important paths for both types of coupling mechanisms. There are many AC line filter manufacturers whose filters can be successively integrated. AC Tech recommends Schaffner filters based on our test results.
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
In order to comply with EN50081-1 and EN50082-2, the following filters must be installed within 20cm of the drive power inputs:
SimpleServo P/N Schaffner AC filter P/N
SS504 FN350-8 SS508 FN350-12 SS608(-3P) FN350-12 (FN351-8
) SS1008(-3P) FN350-12 (FN351-81) SS610 FN350-20 SS1010 FN350-20 SS612-3P FN351-16
SS1012-3P FN351-161
For 3-phase (-3P) models
Line filters should be placed inside the shielded panel. Connect the filter to the incoming power lines immediately after the safety mains and before any critical control components (Figure 6). Wire the AC line filter as close as possible to the SimpleServo. If you add separate fuses, add them after the AC line filter.
The ground connection from the filter must be wired to solid earth ground, not machine
If the end-user is using a CE-approved motor, the AC filter combined with the recommended SimpleServo motor and encoder cables, is all that is necessary to meet the EMC directives listed herein. The end user must use the comparable filter (see table above), to comply with CE specifications. The OEM may choose to provide alternative filtering that encompasses the SimpleServo and other electronics within the same panel. The OEM has this liberty because CE is a machinery directive.
4.6 Heat sinking
SimpleServos contain sufficient heat sinking in their basic configuration. There is no need for additional heat sinking. However, drives that output more than 8 amps incorporate a heat sink cooling fan; you must ensure that there is sufficient clearance for the cooling fan to circulate air (Figure 3). As a minimum, you must allow an air gap of 1 inch above and below the drive.
4.7 Line fusing
External line fuses must be installed on all SimpleServos. Connect the external line fuse in series with the AC line voltage input. Table 3 lists the recommended line fuse sizes. Use fast acting fuses rated for 250 VAC or higher, and approximately 200% of the maximum phase current.
Model Number Line Fuse Size (AC Amps)
15 25 30
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
5 SimpleServo Connections
The standard SimpleServo control contains five connectors: two quick-connect terminal blocks and three subminiature type “D” connectors. These connectors provide power, communications and external feedback to the motor, SimpleServo control, and host controller (Figure 8). Prefabricated cable assemblies may be purchased from AC Technology Corporation to facilitate wiring the control, motor and host computer. Contact your SimpleServo Sales Representative for assistance.
5.1 External Connectors
5.1.1 TB501 - Power, Motor, and Fuse Connections
TB501 is an 8-pin quick-connect terminal block used for motor, power and fuse connections. Refer to Table 3 for connector pin assignments. Where referenced in the table below, refer to Connector Wiring Notes for more information.
• Hazard of electrical shock! Circuit potentials are at 115 VAC or 230 VAC above earth ground. Avoid direct contact with the printed circuit board or with circuit elements to prevent the risk of serious injury or fatality. Disconnect incoming power and wait 60 seconds before servicing drive. Capacitors retain charge after power is removed.
• DO NOT connect incoming power to the output motor terminals (U, V, W)! Severe damage to the SimpleServo will result.
All conductors must be enclosed in one shield and jacket around them. The shield on the amplifier end must be terminated at TB501 pin 6 (chassis ground); the other end should be properly terminated at the motor shield. To satisfy CE requirements, AC Technology Corporation recommends that you purchase SimpleServo cables for both the motor and AC line. Contact your SimpleServo representative for assistance.
Wire size
If current draw is less than 8 amps: 16 AWG (1.0 mm) or 14 AWG (1.6 mm) If current draw is greater than 8 amps but less than 12 amps: 14 AWG (1.6 mm) or 12 AWG (2.6 mm) If current draw is greater than 12 amps: 12 AWG (2.6 mm)
TABLE 3 TB501 PIN ASSIGNMENTS (single phase models)
Terminal Block Pin # Name Function
1 W (T) Motor Power Out
2 V (S) Motor Power Out
3 U (R) Motor Power Out
4 DUMP+ Dump resistor out
5 DUMP- Dump resistor out
6 GND Chassis ground
7 L1 AC Power In
8 L2 AC Power In
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
TABLE 4 TB501 PIN ASSIGNMENTS (3 phase models)
Terminal Block Pin # Name Function
1 W (T) Motor Power Out
2 V (S) Motor Power Out
3 U (R) Motor Power Out
4 DUMP+ Dump resistor out
5 DUMP- Dump resistor out
6 GND Chassis ground
7 L1 AC Power In
8 L2 AC Power In
9 L3 AC Power In

5.1.2 TB502 - Analog/Digital I/O Terminal Block

TB502 is a 15-pin quick-connect terminal block used for analog and digital I/O functions in standalone mode.
TABLE 5 TB502 PIN ASSIGNMENTS (all models except SSi10XX)
Terminal Block Pin# Name Function
1 -REF -10V (5mA)
2 IN- Positive (+) of analog signal input
3 IN+ Negative (-) of analog signal input
4 +REF +10V (5mA)
5 AGND Analog ground (attach shield from signal source here)
6 MA+/Step+ Step+ (or master encoder channel A+) input1
7 MA-/Step- Step- (or master encoder channel A-) input1
8 MB+/Dir+ DIR+ (or master encoder channel B+) input
9 MB-/Dir- DIR- (or master encoder channel B-) input
10 Analog Output Programmable analog output
11 AUX INPUT Programmable digital input
12 EN Enable Input2
13 OUT_RDY Ready output O.C.
14 OUT_AUX Programmable Output O.C.
15 GND Logic common
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
Terminal Block Pin # Name Function
1 -Vcc -Vcc (5mA)
2 REF- Negative reference input (differential)
3 REF+ Positive reference input (differential)
4 +Vcc -Vcc (5mA)
5 AGND Analog ground (attach shield from signal source here)
10 Analog output Programmable analog output
15 GND Logic common
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
5.1.3 Encoder feedback
An encoder needs to have power supplied to it. Both front-end controllers and the SimpleServo each have a +5 VDC supply voltage that may be used to power the encoder. The SimpleServo contains patent­pending automated switching circuitry, which will power the encoder from a front-end controller if it is present (through the ENC+ pin). If no supply voltage is present at the ENC+ pin, the SimpleServo will switch its internal power (+5 VDC supply) to the encoder.
Use only +5 VDC encoders. Do not connect any other type of encoder to the SimpleServo
reference voltage terminals. When using a front-end controller, it is critical that the +5 VDC supply on the front-end controller NOT be connected to the +5 VDC supply on the SimpleServo, as this will result in damage to the SimpleServo.
• SimpleServo inputs are compatible with single-ended or open-collector type of hall sensors. If you have these type of hall sensors just connect them to “HA+”, “HB+”, “HC+” and leave “HA-,HB-,HC-“ inputs unconnected. You don’t need to supply pull-up resistors in case the hall sensors are open-collector. Necessary pull-up circuits are already provided inside SimpleServo amplifier.
• Encoder connections must be full differential. SimpleServo doesn’t support single-ended or open-collector type outputs for encoder.
• An encoder resolution of 2000 PPR or higher is recommended for optimum performance.
5.1.4 TB504 - Motor Feedback Input
TB504 is a 15-pin DB connector that contains connections for Hall effect sensors and encoder feedback. Refer to Table 5 for connector pin assignments. Encoder inputs on TB504 have 26LS32 or compatible differential receivers for increased noise immunity. Inputs have all necessary filtering and line balancing components so no external noise suppression networks are needed.
All conductors must be enclosed in one shield and jacket around them. AC Technology Corporation recommends that each and every pair (for example, EA+ and EA-) be twisted. In order to satisfy CE requirements, use of an OEM cable is recommended. Contact your SimpleServo representative for assistance.
The SimpleServo buffers encoder feedback through TB504 to TB506. Encoder channel A on TB506, for example, is buffered channel A pin of TB504 inside the SimpleServo. The Hall sensors from the motor must be wired to the 15-pin connector.
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
"D"-Sub Pin # Name Function3
1 EA+ Encoder Channel A
2 EA- Encoder Channel A Not4
3 EB+ Encoder Channel B
4 EB- Encoder Channel B Not
5 EZ+ Encoder Channel Z
6 EZ- Encoder Channel Z Not
7 GND Drive Common/Encoder Ground
8 SHLD Shield
9 PWR Encoder supply (+5VDC)
10 HA- Hall Sensor A-
11 HA+ Hall Sensor A+
12 HB+ Hall Sensor B+
13 HC+ Hall Sensor C+
14 HB- Hall Sensor B-
15 HC- Hall Sensor C-
SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4

5.1.5 TB505 - Serial Communications Port

TB505 is a 9-pin D-sub connector that is used to communicate with a host computer via standard RS232 interface. This port is present on all SimpleServo drives. All levels must be RS-232C compliant.
TB505 Pin Assignments (all models)
"D"-Sub Pin # Name Function
1 Reserved
2 TX RS232 TX
3 RX RS232 RX
4 Reserved
5 GND Common
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
Do not make any connection to Reserved pins!
If you purchase serial cables from a third party, you must use a pass-through cable, not Null­Modem (not crossover).
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