Lenze 2112 Operating Instructions Manual

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Operating Instructions
Fieldbus module type 2112 INTERBUS-LOOP
These Operating Instructions are valid for fieldbus modules with the following nameplates:
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2112 IB. VA. 0.1 (INTERBUS-Loop)
In connection with the unit series as from the nameplate data:
820X E. 2x. 1x. (8201 - 8204) 820X E./C. 2x. 1x. Vxxx (8201 - 8204) 821X E. 2x. 2x. (8211 - 8218) 821X E./C. 2x. 2x. Vxxx (8211 - 8218) 822X E. 1x. 1x. (8221 - 8225) 822X E. 1x. 1x. Vxxx (8221 - 8227) 82EV VA 0x 8200 vector 82EV 1x 0x 8200 vector 93XX E. 2x. 1x. (9321 - 9333) 93XX E./C. 2x. 1x. Vxxx (9321 - 9333)
Typ e
Design: E = Built-in unit IP20 IB = Module
Hardware version and index
Software version and index
Va ri a nt
Explana tion
Important: These Operating Instructions are only valid together with the corresponding Instructions for 82XX, 8200 vector or 93XXcontrollers.
1998 Lenze GmbH &Co KG
Without written approval of Lenze Lenze GmbH & Co KG no part of these Instructions must be copied or given to third parties.
All information given in this documentation have been checked for compliance with the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, deviations and mistakes cannot be ruled out. We do not take any responsibilityorliability for damages which might possibly occur. Necessarycorrections will be included in the next edition.
Version 1.0 03/00


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1 Preface and general information 1-1...........................................
1.1 About these Operating Instructions 1-1....................................................
1.1.1 Terminology used 1-1.........................................................
1.2 Items supplied 1-1...................................................................
1.2.1 Legal regulations 1-2..........................................................
2 Safety information 2-1......................................................
2.1 Persons responsible for safety 2-1.......................................................
2.2 General safety information 2-1..........................................................
2.3 Layout of the safety information 2-2......................................................
3 Technical data 3-1.........................................................
3.1 Features 3-1.......................................................................
3.2 General data and application conditions 3-1................................................
3.3 Rated data 3-2......................................................................
3.4 Dimensions 3-2.....................................................................
3.5 Protocol data 3-2....................................................................
3.6 Communication data 3-3..............................................................
3.6.1 Processing time of the controller 3-3..............................................
3.6.2 Number of participants 3-3.....................................................
4 Installation 4-1............................................................
4.1 Connections of the fieldbus module 2112 4-1...............................................
4.2 Mechanical installation 4-2.............................................................
4.3 Electrical installation 4-2..............................................................
4.3.1 Voltage supply 4-2............................................................
4.3.2 Features: 4-2................................................................
5 Commissioning 5-1........................................................
5.1 Configuration of the host for communication with the 2112 fieldbus module 5-1......................
5.2 Commissioning of 2112 fieldbus modules 5-1...............................................
5.3 Drive control via INTERBUS-Loop 5-2.....................................................
5.4 Enable controller via INTERBUS-Loop 5-3..................................................
5.4.1 Standard unit control 5-3.......................................................
5.4.2 DRIVECOM control 5-4......................................................... Create DRIVECOM compatibility (C0009 ` 11, 12) 5-4.......................
5.4.3 User defined control profile 5-5..................................................
5.5 Special features with 82XX, 8200 vector und 93XX 5-5........................................
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6 Parameter setting 6-1......................................................
6.1 Process data 6-1....................................................................
6.1.1 Process data assignment 6-1.................................................... General information 6-1.............................................. Process-data assignments for 82XX 6-2.................................. Process-data assignment for 8200 vector 6-3.............................. Process-data assignment for 93XX 6-4...................................
6.1.2 Unit control (C0009 = 11) 6-8................................................... Control word 6-8................................................... Status word 6-10....................................................
6.1.3 DRIVECOM control (C0009 ` 11, 12) 6-12........................................... DRIVECOM status machine 6-12......................................... Control word 6-16................................................... Status word 6-17....................................................
6.1.4 User defined control profile (C0009 = 12) 6-18.......................................
6.2 Process data monitoring 6-18............................................................
6.2.1 Process data monitoring time 6-18.................................................
6.2.2 Process data monitoring selection code 6-18.........................................
7 Troubleshooting and fault elimination 7-1.......................................
7.1 Controller is inhibited 7-2..............................................................
7.2 Check INTERBUS-Loop 7-4.............................................................
7.3 Activate fieldbus module 7-5...........................................................
7.4 Reset fault (TRIP) 7-6.................................................................
8 Appendix 8-1.............................................................
8.1 Accessories 8-1.....................................................................
8.2 List of abbreviations 8-2...............................................................
8.3 Glossary 8-3.......................................................................
8.4 Table of keywords 8-4................................................................
Preface and general information
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1 Preface and general information

1.1 About these Operating Instructions

These Operating Instructions are intended for safety-relevant working on and with the 2112
fieldbus module. They contain safety information which must be observed.
All personnel working on and with the 2112 fieldbus module must have these Operating
Instructions available and observe the information and notes relevant for them.
The Operating Instructions must always be complete and perfectly readable.
TheseOperating Instructions inform about themost important technicaldataand theinstallation of the 2112 fieldbus module. They are only valid in combinationwith theOperating Instructions of the corresponding controller.
1.1.1 Terminology used
Controller In the following, the t erm ”controller” is used for ”93XX servo inverters” or ”82XX frequency inverters”. Drive system In the following the term ”drive system” is use d for drive systems with f ieldbus modules and other Le nze
Fieldbus module In the f ollowing t ext, the te rm ”fieldbus module” is used for the fieldbus module type 2112 INTERBUS-Loop.
(xx-yyy) Cross reference (chapter - page)

1.2 Items supplied

Items supplied Important
1 2112 fieldbus module with housing (enclosure IP20)
2 2-pole connection plugs for INTERBUS-Loop connection
drive compone nts.
After the delivered has been received, check immediately whether the i accept any liability for deficiencies claimed subsequently.
visible transport damage immediately to the forwarder
isible deficiencies/incompleteness immedia telyt
Preface and general information
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1.2.1 Legal regulations
App lication as directed
Nameplate CE mark Manufacturer
Lenze 2112 fieldbus modules a re unambiguously identified by their nameplates.
2112 fieldbus module
Conforms to the EC Low Voltage Directive Lenze GmbH & Co KG
Postfach 101352 D-31763 Hameln
Operate the fieldbus module only under the conditions prescribed in the se Operating Instructions.
The fieldbus module is an additiona l module and can be optionally attached to the Le nze controlle r series 82XX, 8200, and 93XX. The 2112
fie ldbus module links Lenze controllers wi th the fast serial communication syste m INTERBUS.
The fie ldbus module must be attached and electrica lly connecte d so that it complies with its function and does not cause any hazards when
being attached a nd opera ted as inst ructed.
Observe a ll notes given in cha pter “ Safety information“ (
2-1) ).
Plea se obse rve all information give n in these Operating Instructions.Thi s means:
Read these Operating Instructions carefully be fore you start to work with the system.These Opera ting Instructions must always be available during operation of the fieldbus module .
Any other use shall be deemed inappropriate!
Liabilit y The information, data, and notes in the se instructions met t he state of the a rt at t he time of pri nting. Claims referri ng to drive syst ems
which have a lready bee n supplie d cannot be derived from the inf ormation, illustrations, and descriptions given in these Operating Instruct ions.
The specifica tions, processes, and circuitry described in these Operating Instructions are for guidance only and must be adapted to your
own spe cific application. Lenze does not take responsibility for the suitability of the process and circuit proposals.
The indications given in these Operating Instructions describe the features of the product without warranting them.
Lenze does not accept any liability for damage and operating interference caused by:
disregarding these Instructionsunauthorized modifications to the controlleroperating faultsimproper working on and with the controlle r
Warranty Warranty conditions: see Sales and Delivery Conditions of Lenze GmbH & Co KG.
Warranty claims must be made to Lenze immediately after detecting the deficiency or fault.
The warranty is void in all cases where liability claims cannot be made .
Material recycle dispose
Me ta l
Pla sti c
Printe d-board asse mblies
Short Instructions/Operating Instructions
Safety information
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2 Safety information

2.1 Persons responsible for safety

An ope rator is a ny natural or legal person who uses the drive system or on behalf of whom t he drive system is used.
The operator or his safety personne l is oblige d
to ensure the compliance wi th all re levant re gulations, instructions a nd legislat ion.to ensure that only skilled personnel work s on and with the2102IB fieldbus module.to ensure that the pe rsonnel ha s the Opera ting Instructions ava ilable for all corresponding work .to ensure that a ll unqualified personne l are prohibited from work ing on a nd with the drive system.
Qualified p ersonnel
Qualified personnel are pe rsons who - be cause of their e ducation, experie nce, instructions, and knowledge about corresponding sta ndards a nd regulations, rules for the prevention of accidents, a nd opera ting conditions - are authoriz ed by the person responsible for the sa fety of the plant to perform the require d actions a nd who are able to recognize pot ential ha zards. (Definition for qua lifie d personne l to VDE 105 or IEC 364)

2.2 General safety information

These safety note s do not claim t o be complete. In case of questions and problems please contact your Lenz e representat ive.
At the time of delivery the fieldbus module meets the sta te of the a rt and ensures ba sically safe opera tion.
The indications given in the se Operating Instructions refer to the st ated hardware and software versions of the fieldbus module s.
The fieldbus module is hazardous if:
unqualified personnel works on and with t he fieldbus module.the fieldbus module is used ina ppropriately.
The processing notes and circuit sections shown in the se Operating Instructions are proposa ls which ca nnot be transferred to other applica tions without being
tested and checked.
Ensure by a ppropriate me asures that neither personal injury nor damage to property ma y occur in the event of failure of the fieldbus module.
The drive syste m must only be operated when no faults occur.
Retrofitti ngs, modificat ions, or redesigns are basically prohibite d.Lenze must be contacted in all case s.
The fieldbus module is electrica l equipment intended for use in industria l high- power plants. The fieldbus module must be tightly screwed to the corresponding
controller during operation. In addition, all measures described in the Operating Instructions of the controller used must be taken. Example: Fasten cove rs to ensure protection aga inst contact.
Safety information
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2.3 Layou t of the safety information

All safety information has a uniform layout:
– The icon characterizes the type of danger. – The signal word characterizes the severity of danger. – The note text describes the danger and gives information on how to prevent dangerous
Signal word
Icons used Signal words
Wa rn i ng o f damage to persons
Wa r n i n g o f hazardous e lectrical volta ge
Danger! Wa r n s o f impending dangeU.
Consequences if disregarded: Death or severe injuries.
Warning of a general danger
Wa rn i ng o f damage to material
Other no tes Tip! This note de signates general, use ful not es.
Warning! Wa r ns of potential, very hazardous situations.
Possible consequences if disregarded: Death or severe injuries.
Caution! War n s o f potential, hazardous situations.
Possible consequences if disregarded: Light or minor injuries.
Stop! Wa r n s o f potential damage to material.
Possible consequences if disregarded:
Damage of the controller/drive system or its environment.
If you observe it, handling of the cont roller/drive system i s made easier.
Technical data
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3 Technical data

3.1 Features

Attachable additional module for Lenze controller series 82XX, 8200 vector, and 93XX
Bus connection via remote bus to RS485 standard
Maximum distance between participants: 20 m
Max. loop length: 200 m
Variable process d ata configuration

3.2 General data and application conditions

Field Values
Order designation EMF2112IB
INTERBUS pa rticipa nt Slave
Drive profile DRIVECOM profile 20
Baud rate 500 kbit/s
Ambient temperature During operation: 0Cto55C
Transport: -25 Storage: -25
Permissible humidity Class 3K3 to EN 50178 (without conde nsation, average relative humidity 85%)
Cto 70C
Cto 60C
Technical data
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3.3 Rated data

Field Values
Communication me dium ASIC LPCII Supply voltage Voltage supply via INTERBUS- Loop. Insulat ion voltage - bus systems:
to PE 50 V AC
to e xternal supply (terminal 39/59) 0V (no electrical isolation)
to power stage
820X / 821X 270 V AC (single basic insulation)822X / 93XX / 8200 vector 270 V AC (double basic insulation)
to the control terminals
8200 vector 100 V AC (single basic insulation)820X 0V (no electrical isolation)821X 50 V AC (electrical isolation)822X / 93XX 270 V AC (single basic insulation)
to e xternal bus system 0V (no electrical isolation)
Degree of pollution VDE 0110 part 2 pollution degree 2

3.4 Dimens ions

Fig. 3-1 Dimensions of the 2112 fieldbus module

3.5 Protocol data

Field Values
Maximum number of controllers with InterBus-Loop 2112 36 Process- data words (PCD): 2 words (32 bit) INTERBUS-Loop identification 179 (decimal) or B3 (hex) Baud rate 500 kbit/s

3.6 Communication data

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3.6.1 Processing time of the controller
The INTERBUS transfer time or cycle time is added to the processing time in the controller. The processing time of the controller depends on the controller series and type. Thecycle time of
the bus system is independent of the processing time of the controller.
Processing time 820X
For the 820X series several processing steps are required. These steps are processed cyclically. A processing cycle consists of:
Writing the control word or setpoint, if the value has changed
Alternating reading of status word and actual value
If the time tolerances caused by cyclic reading of the status word/actual value are too large, the alternating readingof thestatusword and theactual valuecan be suppressed. This is controlled by the bit 15 (PEinhibit) of the DRIV ECOM control word:
PEinhibit = 0: S tatus and actual-value update active
PEinhibit = 1: S tatus and actual-value update inactive
In the following table you will find a list of the processing times:
Processing step Max. processing time in ms Processing tolerance in ms
Setpoint Control word Actual value Status word Setpoint + control word 70 -16 Setpoint + control word +
actual value + status word
35 -8
140 -32
Technical data
Note: A change of the setpoint signal results in writing the control word.
Processing time 821X / 8200 vector / 822X
Process data: approx. 3 ms + 2 ms tolerance
Processing time 93XX
Process data: approx. 3 ms + 2 ms tolerance
3.6.2 Number of participants
The maximum number of participants in the INTERBUS-Loop is 63.
The maximum number of participants is not always possible. The number of fieldbus modules (participants)taking part in the communication is limited by the sum of their partial currents. The sum current limit is I
The INTERBUS-Loop is loaded with approx. 50 mA per controller connected. Here the sum current of I
= 1.8 A is reached when 36 controllers are connected.
Technical data
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4 Installation

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4.1 Connections of the fieldbus module 2112

No. Name/Meaning
Yellow b us LED Stat us: Bus c ommunicati on
ON Fie ldbus module 2112 has been initialized
OFF Fie ldbus module 2112 is not supplied wi th volt age yet.
BLINKING (0. 5 Hz )
Green LED
ON 2112 fieldbus module is suppli ed wi th volt age a nd is conne cted to the cont rolle r.
OFF The 2112 fieldbus modul e is suppl ied via INTERBUS-Loop.X
BLINKING 2112 fieldbus module is suppli ed wi th volt age but i s not c onnected t o the cont roller.
INTERBUS communi cation w ith the mast er is possibl e.
Periphe ral f ault/ open cir cuit Voltage s upply from t he INTERBUS-Loop, but no INTERBUS communica tion.
Voltage s upply if INTERBUS communic ation is a ctive . Error t elegra ms caused by, e. g. open ci rcuit, a re ge nerat ed.
Module not connecte d to t he contr oller or
Voltage s upply (5 V) from INTERBUS-Loop, but no INTERBUS communica tion.
Control ler i s
be ing init ializ ed or
not a vailable
3 4
Fig. 4-1 Name/meaning of the module elements
Green LED or red LED Operating status of the controllers 82XX, 8200 vector and 93XX. (See Operating Instructions for the controller)
Fixing screw for fieldbus module
INTERBUS-Loop input (IN)
INTERBUS-Loop out put (OUT)
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4.2 Mechanical installation

If necessary, remove the keypad which was previously attached to the controller before.
Plug the 2112 fieldbus module into the corresponding interface of the controller and fasten it
with the fixing screw (see Fig. 4-1). Tighten t he screws t o ensure a good PEconnection.

4.3 Electrical installation

Thecommunciationof 820X and 821Xcontrollers may be disrupted by electromagnetic radiation. If necessary, use an additional PE screen cable.
4.3.1 Voltage supply
No special or external voltage supplies necessary. The 2112 fieldbus module is supplied via INTERBUS-Loop.
4.3.2 Features:
Communication me dium INTERBUS-Loop
Network topology Ri ng
Possible number of controllers – Max. load capacity of the loops: 1.8 A
Max. loop length 200 m
Distance between fieldbus modules 20 m
Maximum baud rate 500 kbit/s
For an example of the INTERBUS structure, see the drawing ( Fig. 4-2). The accessories required (I NTERBUS Loop terminal) are listed in chapter 8.
– Current consumption per 2112 fieldbus
Max. number of participa nts: 36
50 mA
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Fig.4-2 Wiring examplefor the bus system INTERBUS-Loop
Pos . Element Function
1 Host (e.g. PC or PLC) with INTERBUS
master interface module
2.1 Bus terminal Connects a remote bus to the INTERBUS-Loop terminal
2.2 INTERBUS- Loop terminal Start / end of INTERBUS-Loop
3 Remote bus Connects the INTERBUS master module with t he bus termina l and/or other remote bus modules.
4 INTERBUS-Loop INTERBUS-Loop terminal and periphera l bus participants
4.1 INTERBUS- Loop fie ldbus module Bus participant in the INTERBUS-Loop; e .g. Le nze controlle r with INTERBUS-Loop module 2112
4.2 INTERBUS- Loop cable Conne ction in the loop
Ma ste r
(Max. numbe r of participa nts: 63, ma x. sum current < 1.8 A)
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