Be sure to re ad the Reg ulator y Notice fo r your co untry o r
region b efore us ing the wi reles s device s conta ined in yo ur
VIBE. To obtain a P DF versi on of the Re gulator y Notice, refer to
the “Downloading publications” section below.
Downloading publications
To download the publications for your VIBE, go to: and follow the instructions on the
Getting support
For support on network service and billing, contact your
wireless network operator. For instructions on how to use your
VIBE, go to:
Legal notices
Lenovo an d the Leno vo logo are t radema rks of Len ovo in the
United S tates, oth er count ries, or b oth.
Other c ompany, prod uct, or se rvic e names m ay be trade marks
or ser vice ma rks of othe rs.
First glance.....................................................................................1
Installing the SIM card.................................................................... 2
Charging the battery ...................................................................... 3
If you want to change the network type of the SIM card , go to:
Settings > System > SIM management > SUPER NETWORK
Insert the SIM eject tool that comes with your VIBE
Step 1.
into the hole in the SIM-card tray.
Pull out the SIM-card tray and position the SIM card
Step 2.
into the tray in correct orientation.
Carefully insert the tray with the installed SIM card
Step 3.
back into the slot.
Always turn off your VIBE first before you insert or remove a SIM card.
Insert or remove a SIM card with your VIBE on may damage your
SIM card or VIBE permanently.
Charging the battery
Charge the battery as shown.
Method 1.
Connect your VIBE to a power outlet using the cable
and USB power adapter that come with your VIBE.
Method 2.
Connect your VIBE to a computer using the cable
that comes with your VIBE.
Low battery power
Turn on
Press and hold th e On/Off butto n for a few se conds.
Turn off
Press and hold th e On/Off butto n for a few se conds, t hen
tap Power off.
Press and hold th e On/Off butto n for a few se conds, t hen
tap Reboot.
Your VIBE ha s a built-in rech argeab le batte ry. For more
informat ion abou t batter y safety, see the “Buil t-in recharge able
batter y notice”. The bat tery of yo ur VIB E isn’t user re placea ble; it
can be repl aced onl y by an auth orized s ervi ce provid er.