Note: Before usingthisinformationandtheproductitsupports,readtheinformationin
“Service and Support” on page 9 and “Lenovo Statement of Limited Warranty” on page
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Commercial Computer Software–Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227-19, when applicable, or under Rights in
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vi Gemplus GemPC Smart Card Reader from Lenovo: User ’s Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction
The Gemplus GemPC Smart Card Reader from Lenovo incorporates smart cards
into IBM compatible PC’s equipped with a PC Card slot. The smart card reader
writer is a high-performance, compact and lightweight device that can handle a
wide range of functions for various applications, such as computer security,
network security, banking, and telecommunications.
The Gemplus GemPC Smart Card Reader from Lenovo supports most memory and
microprocessor cards currently on the market and because of its general-purpose
architecture, embossed cards can be used. The smart card reader writer is
compatible with all cards that meet ISO 7816-1, -2, -3, and 7811 standards
(embossed card) with T=0 and T=1 protocols. With its Plug and Play installation,
the smart card reader writer is ready for use with Microsoft
Windows 2000 Professional.
The device driver supports the following operating systems:
2 Gemplus GemPC Smart Card Reader from Lenovo: User ’s Guide
Chapter 2. Installation
This chapter provides instructions for installing the Gemplus GemPC Smart Card
Reader from Lenovo and the Gemplus SmartDiag diagnostic tool. This chapter also
includes instructions on updating the device driver.
Installing the Gemplus GemPC Smart Card reader writer
This section contains instructions for installing the Gemplus GemPC smart card
reader writer for Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional.
Note: To verify ifnewerversionsofthisinstallationsoftwareareavailable,visit
the Lenovo Web site at for the latest
software and documentation.
Windows XP and Windows 2000
To install the Gemplus GemPC smart card reader writer for Windows XP or
Windows 2000, complete the following procedure:
comes with your option in the computer.
opens. On the left side of the screen, click Software.
Installer Window will pop up.
Installing and using the Gemplus SmartDiag diagnostic tool
The Gemplus SmartDiag diagnostic tool reports software or hardware problems
and provide troubleshooting information. If the displayed information does not
solve the problem, you can generate a diagnostic report for technical support.
The diagnostic tool verifies the availability of the following:
v Operating system services that support smart cards
v Gemplus GemPC Smart card readers
v Gemplus GemPC Smart cards