ARIA-AGU-1209-E Page 5
Physical and electrical data
ARIA Size 10 Size 20 Size 30 Size 40
Nominal air flow L/sec 139 130 222 228
Available static pressure Pa 50 50 50 50
Total cooling capacity (1) kW 1,94 3,11 4,77 5,68
Sensible cooling capacity (1) kW 1,64 2,4 3,74 4,26
Heating capacity (2) kW 2,36 3,52 5,44 6,16
Electrical supply Single phase – 50 Hz – 230V +/- 10%
Forward action
simple wheel
Forward action
double wheel
Forward action
double wheel
Forward action
double wheel
Air flow at maximum speed L/sec 160 155 340 345
Available static pressure Pa 80 65 75 80
Fan number 1 1 2 2
Asynchronus type 230V-1-50
2 poles with internal overload protection, permanent capacitor
Winding insulation class B, varnish class F, IP20
Maximum absorbed power W 197 196 403 407
Nominal current A 0,90 0,90 1,85 1,90
Starting current A 1,1 1,1 2,2 2,3
Water coil
3/8 " copper tubes – Aluminium fins 2 rows / 1 pipe 4 rows / 2 pipes 4 rows / 3 pipes 4 rows / 4 pipes
Water content L 0,5 0,94 1,6 2,25
Operating pressure kPa 16 16 16 16
Test pressure kPa 24 24 24 24
Electric heater
Electrical supply "UDH" bare wire resistive type, single phase – 50 Hz – 230 V +/- 10%
Manual reset thermostat (reset by switching off the power)
Trigger temperature 75°C thermo fusible link; breaks at 152 °C
500 500 500 500
800 800 800 800
1200 1200 1200 1200
1200 1500 1500 1500
1500 2 x 800 2 x 800
Power (+5% / -10%) not including fan W
1500 2 x 1500 2 x 1500
Minimum air flow L/sec 92 92 92 / fan 92 / fan
Air filter
95% gravimetric efficiency (G3 following EN 779) throwaway type
M1 fire rating, metal wire frame
Dimensions mm 415 x 225 x 10 415 x 225 x 10 715 x 225 x 10 1015 x 225 x 10
Weight and dimensions
Length x width x height (3) mm 886 x 428 x 233 886 x 428 x 233 886 x 728 x 233 886 x 1028 x 233
Weight Kg 16 16 28 35
(1) : Based on water entering temperature of 7 °C and a water temperature difference of 5 °C at nominal conditions, air at 27 °C dry
bulb, 50 % relative humidity
(2) : Based on water entering temperature of 50°C and a water temperature difference of 10° at nominal conditions, air at 20°C
(3) : Dimensions refer to a unit with return and supply spigot, without any condensate drain tray.