Lennox AAH051, AAH041, AQUA4 AAH Series, AAH071, AAH081 Application Manual

Polyvalent air cooled heat pump
50 330 kW

1 Table of Contents

1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ 1
2 MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 2
3 KEY CUSTOMER BENEFITS ................................................................................................ 3
3.1 THE AQUA4 P ................................................................................................................ 3
3.2 THE AQUA4 M ................................................................................................................ 3
3.3 BENEFITS ...................................................................................................................... 3
4 FEATURES AND BENEFITS ................................................................................................ 4
4.1 STANDARD EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................... 4
4.2 INNOVATIONS PRODUCT: SOLVING THE DEF ROSTING PROBLEM.................................................. 5
4.3 STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................... 5
4.4 REFRIGERANT CIRCUIT...................................................................................................... 5
4.5 COMPRESSORS ............................................................................................................... 5
4.6 BRAZED PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERS ..................................................................................... 5
4.7 CONTROL BOX ................................................................................................................ 5
4.8 CONTROL AND COMMUNICATION ......................................................................................... 6
5 OPTIONS AND ACCE SSORIES ............................................................................................ 7
6 APPLICATION ................................................................................................................... 10
7 OPERATING COMBINATION DEPENDING ON THE THERMAL LOAD: ................................. 14
8 OPERATING LIMITS .......................................................................................................... 16
9 TECHNICAL DATA - PERFORMANCES .............................................................................. 17
10 OVERVIEW DIAGRAMS ..................................................................................................... 42
11 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 45
11.1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE THE USER AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL. .................................. 45
11.2 PRE LIMINARY PROCEDURES ............................................................................................. 45
11.3 WATER CONNECTIONS .................................................................................................... 46
11.4 EL ECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................. 48
11.5 EL ECTRIC CONNECTIONS OF THE CIRCULATION PUMP ............................................................ 48
11.6 USE OF GLYCOL SOLUTIONS ............................................................................................ 48
11.7 OPERATING AND STORAGE LIMITS ..................................................................................... 48
La déclaration de conformité accompagne chaque unité
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Déclaration de conformité
1 = 2 compressors / 2 circuits 4 = 4 compressors / 2 circuits
M= 2 pipes P= 4 pipes
S= standard noise level L= Low noise level


The AQUA4 units are identi fied by the followi ng codes: Example AAH081MS
A Air Cooled
H Heat Pump
08 Nominal Cooling c apacity x10 [kW] (ex.: 08 = 80 kW)
1 M S
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Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Cooling + Heating
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Circuit 1
Hot water
Cooling + Hot water (DHW)
Heating + Hot water (DHW)
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Circuit 2
Circuit 2
Circuit 1
Circuit 1


Nominal cooling capacity @ 12/7°C and 35°C air ambient: 50 to 330kW Nominal heating capacity @ 40/45°C and 7°C air ambient: 50 to 340kW

3.1 The AQUA4 P: unique concept for thermal comfort with less energy consumption.

The polyvalent heat pump AQUA4 P units are designed to meet the requirements of simultaneous and independent cooling and heating for air c onditioning in the m ost efficient way. The AQUA building and are more commonly called 4 pi pe system.
P units provide a hot water circuit and a cold water circuit to the entire

3.2 The AQUA4 M: hot water all the year at a lower cost.

The polyvalent heat pump AQUA4 M units are designed to m eet the requirement s of cooling and / or heati ng in the most effic ient way. The units have the abil ity to provide hot water simultaneously or independently of cooling and heating needs. The AQUA generally call ed 2 pipe units because two hydraulic pipes are connected to the t erminal building, the other two hydraul ic pipes are generally dedicated to hot sanitary water.
production (DHW)
M units are

3.3 Benefits :

Conserving and optimizing energy consumption
- High energy ratio at part load and full load (EER/COP/ESEER)
- Simultaneous or independent demands for heating and cooling
- Constantly balanced heating and cooling needs to obtain ma ximum Total Efficiency Ratio : TER*
- 100% heat recovery at any conditions
- Advanced programmable pCO1 with a local control inter face PGD1
Secure operatin g m ap as standard
- Winter cooling operation down to -15°C ambient.
- Heating operation down to -10°C ambient wi th 45°C outlet wate r temperature
- Heat recovery or production of hot water temperature fr om 25°C to 55°C
- High ambient operating up to 45°C
Quieter unit
- -8 dB(A) noise level reduction vs traditional heat pump in standard
- Jump to -12dB(A) noise level reduction with low noise version
- Innovative hybri d structure of fan blades
- Unique sound proof cabinet enclosing all components to r educe radiated sound levels
Defrost without impacting comfor t
- Hydrophilic tr eatment on coil
- Dynamic control on defrost
- Circuits defrost completely independently
- Integrated water tank up to 765 litres
(*) TER : Total Efficiency Rat io is the total energy ef ficiency of the unit s when there is a produc tion of chilled water and hot water simultaneously. Cold water and hot wat er are valuated to the total power consumpt ion of the unit: TER = (cooling capacity + recovered heating capacity) / total power consum ption. Energy ratio TER of polyvalent heat pumps are si gnificantly higher than the standard EER and COP demonstr ating considerable energy savings during inter-season per iods (version P) or dom estic hot water production (M version).
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4.1 Standard equipment

R410A refrigerant
Two ref rigerant circuits
ISO 9001 certification.
Compli ant with CE norms (P ED directive 97'23)
Galvanized steel base fr am e powder coated RAL70 31
Galvanized steel cabinet powder coated panels RAL9002
Main di sconnect switc h w ith lock
Ventilated electrical control panel
High efficiency scr oll compressors mounted in a closed technical box
High efficiency braze plate heat exchangers insulated
Thermostatic expansion valves
Axial fans with innovative hybrid structure of blades
Speed var iation on ventilation, modulatio n phase cut out
Copper tubes and aluminum f ins coils with hydrophilic coating
Grouved water connections (Victaulic type)
Paddl e w ater flow switch
Low nois e version: Low speed on fan with sound insulation of the entire technical box.
Advanced control programm able pCO1 with local interface
Other s components :
Note : the low noise versions have a fully soundproofed technica l casing and include l ow fan speed
o PGD1 unit display o Scheduling o Defrost system independent of each c ircuit o Water set-point offset based on outdoor air temperature. o Operating time equalisation of the compressors and pumps o Master/slave or cascade control .
o Filter driers m olecular sieve o Liquid moisture i ndicator o Tanks and liquid separators with mar king complies wit h EE C D irective 97/23 PED o High and low press ure switch o Solenoid valves o Schrader valves
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4.2 Innovations Product: solving the defrosting problems

Thanks to two indepe ndent thermodynamic circuits, the AQUA4 unit is essential on the market as an exclusive solution t hat can continue to produce hot water for heating or sanitary uses while simultaneously performing a defrosting cycle.
During winter, especially in the -3°C - +3°C range, the high rel ative air humidity condenses water around the coil fins. Since the coil is at a lower temperature than the air, any water that touches it solidifies and blocks the exchange of heat nec essary for the system to correctly operat e. The defrost cycle is a temporary reversal of the thermodynamic cycle operat ing the appliance in cooling mode and is used to melt ice present between the fins. This phase is of course problematic but AQUA following innovat ions:
Hydrophilic coils are installed. These reduce the size of the wate r drops along with ice blockage between fins. Due to the
lower surface tension, water tends to slide away due to gravity, thus preventing the formation of frost at low temperatures.
Software management minim ises defrosting cycle time, allowing cycle operation onl y w hen necessary. Fans operate at
maximum power only wh en the ice is no longer attached to the fins. It can then be pushed out from the coil.
The two thermal circuits in AQUA
machine operating, with basically no t hermal discomfort for the user.
M and AQUA4 P are completely independent. Whil e one defrosts, the other keeps the
system can mitigate this problem thr ough the

4.3 Structure

All AQUA4 series units have a load bearing base and paneling in galvanized sheet metal paint ed with polyester pow ders and polymerized in the oven at 180°C. The unit is attractivel y designed and when all door s are closed all the components are inac cessible. This, along with t he extensive use of s oundproofing material inside the compartment and around the compressors (available for the low-noise versi on), reduces sound to e xceptionally low level s. The water/cool er connections are on the back (when looki ng at the electric panel) reducing the space required for installation. The unit is fully accessible as all the panels can be removed (except the one with the water connections). Routine maintenance however only requires access from the front.

4.4 Refrigerant circuit.

The cooling circuit is manufactured i n our factory, with top brand component s by operatives trained, according t o D irective 97/23, on al l the brazing operati ons.

4.5 Compressors

Only top-quality Scroll compressor s are used on AQUA4 units. Scroll compressors are the bes t solution in terms of reliability and efficiency. T hey also provide the lowest amount of sound emissions. Process optimisation, along with a carefull y selected intrinsic volumetric com pression ratio (RVI), clearly improves the isentropic compression performance and reduces energ y losses. The use of a scroll compressor allows low visc osity oils to be used. Thi s, in comparison t o higher viscosity oils, reduces ther mal resistance at the evaporator. It also increases the evap oration temperature by over 1.5°C (EER increases by more than 5.5%) compared to other solutions. Compressor motors are protected against overheating, overloads and high delivery gas tempera tures. They are mounted on anti­vibration rubber , complete with oil charge and inserted in a soundproof compartment with sound-absorbing material . They are also equipped with an automatic crankcase heater that, when the compressor st ops, prevents the oil from being diluted by the r efrigerant.

4.6 Brazed plate heat exchangers

Only brazed plate heat exchangers ar e used, made of austenit ic stainless steel AISI 316, with AISI 316L connections. These feature a reduced carbon content that favours brazing operations. The brazed plate heat exchanger represents state-of-the-art technology in terms of thermal exchange efficiency and allows a strong reduction of the refrigerant load compared to standard solutions. The high degree of turbulence generated by internal plate corrugat ion, along with plat e smoothness, m akes it difficult for dirt to accumulate or for limescale to build up on the condenser circuit. These heat exchangers also make it possible to use R410A fl uid which, thanks to the high-level of its thermal conductivity in its liquid phase and to its azeotropic behaviour, enhances thermal exchange during evaporation. The performances are improved over other methane-deriv ative fluids of t he H FC group.
- NOTE: due to thermal ins ulation the data plat e (in compliance wi th PED CE 97/23) is not legible. However, the serial number of the heat exchanger and the declaration of conformity are both recorded during production and are an i ntegral part of the company archive.

4.7 Control box

The electric panel is built and wired in accordance with standard EN 60204-1. The electric panel is accessed from the front of the machine. Before it can be accessed, t he unit must be disconnec ted from the power suppl y using the mains di sconnect switch, which also functions as a door-lock. All the remote controls are implemented with low voltage 24 V signals, powered by an isolation transformer inside the electric panel. All the control boards have an air circulation system wi th auxiliary fans. The position of the main switch makes wir ing operations in the work site easier. This avoids several difficult operations as well as having to twist the power cords. All the ut ilities are protec ted against surges and short circuits. The circuit breaker set-up can be configure d for any load
AQUA4–AGU-1405-E - 5 -
(optional). Ther m al protection, however, is carried out by thermistor chains. These are set in the windings of each elec tric motor and are controlled by onboard electronics. All units are equipped as standard with a phase sequence relay w hich inhibits compressor operation if the phase sequence is not carried out: only one direction of rotation is possible for scroll compr essors, as well as for the screw and Rotary compressors. The unit is s uitable for outdoor i nstallation.

4.8 Control and communication

The AQUA4 series units come complete with Advanced Carel, pCO series microprocessor control, in addition to the f unctions descri bed below, it is possible to customise the software to meet all system requests. T hese include cascade management of the units with ‘’step-control’’ or ‘’cascade’’ logic. The microprocessor on board the unit controls the various operating parameters with an electric panel keypad:
Compressor connecti on/disconnection to maintain the set -point of the chiller inlet water T
Alarm management
Alarm signals
Dis play of operating parameters
Evapor ator anti-freeze pr otection
Contr ol of maximum number of compressor starts
RS232, RS485 serial output control (optional)
Inc orrect phase sequence ( not viewed on display, prevents the compressor from st arting)
Concerning interface communication, Modbus ®, BacNE T ® (RS485 or TCP / IP) or LonWorks ® (optional) interface communication cards are provided for connection to BM S systems as an option.
o High / low pressure o Anti-freeze o Flow switch o Pump alarm
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Features and Benef its
Power supply

5 Options and Accessories

Supply 400V / 3 ph / 50Hz with 230V transform er and fuses Supply without neutr al with a 230V transformer and fuses.
Supply 400V / 3 ph + Neutr al / 50Hz with circuit breakers
Supply 400V / 3 ph / 50Hz with 230V transform er and circuit breakers
Hydraulic module of both water circuits Hydraulic module with low-pressure single pump
Hydraulic module with high-pressure single pump
Hydraulic module with low-pressure twin pumps (parall el operating)
Hydraulic module with high-pressure twin pumps (parallel operating)
Hydraulic module with low-pressure twin pumps (normal/backup switching)
Hydraulic module with high-pressure twin pumps (normal/backup switching)
Supply with neutral, the fuses have been replaced by thermomagnetic circuit breakers.
Supply without neutral but with a 230V transformer and thermomagnetic circuit breakers.
Single pump providing low static pressure with expansion vessel and safety valve
Single pump providing high static pressure with expansion vessel and safety valve
Dual pumps providing low static pres sure with expansion ves sel and safety valve. The two pumps operating simultaneously in parallel.
Dual pumps providing high static pressure with expansion v essel and safety valve. The two pumps operating simultaneously in parallel.
Double pumps providing low static pressure with expansion vessel and safety valve. One pump operates and the second pump is in backup with balancing operation time.
Double pumps providing high static pressure with expansi on vessel and safety valve. One pump operates and the second pump is in backup with bal ancing operation time.
Water tank
Water tank on col d use (4 pipes) / reversible use (2 pipes)
Water tank on hot us e (4 pipes or 2 pipes)
Water tank volume :
- 200 litres for si zes 041-051
- 220 litres for sizes 061-071-081
- 340 litres for si zes 094-104
- 600 litres for sizes 124-144-164-194-214-244
- 765 litres for sizes 274-294-324
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Features and Benef its
Antifreeze protection
Antifreeze protection on exchangers and pipes
Antifreeze protection on exchanger s, pipes, pump(s ) and expansion vessel
Antifreeze protection on exchanger s, pipes, pump(s ), expansion vessel and water tank
Condensing control Electronically controlled modul ating fan speed with EC motors
Remote Control
Remote display (s upplied loose)
Control interf ace
Electrical trace heating and reinforced insulation on the both braze plate heat exchangers and pipes.
Electrical trace heating and reinforced insulation on the brazed plate heat exchangers, pipess, pump(s) and the expansion vessel.
Electrical trace heating and reinforced insulation on the both brazed plate heat exchangers, pipes, pump(s), expansion ves sel and the water tank.
PGD1 user interf ace allows performanc e of all operations of the program, displaying the status of the unit and changing settings. It can be located up to a maximum of 50 meters from the unit with a standard telephone cable and up to a maximum of 200 meters from the unit with a shielded cable.
Modbus communic ation interface RS485
LonWorks® communication interface FTT10
pCOweb - Modbus/BACnet/SNMP communication interfac e TCP/IP
Anti-vibration i solation
Rubber anti-vibr ation mounts (supplied loose)
Spring anti-vibration mounts (s upplied loose)
Communication card using ModBus or Carel protocol RS485. Communication int erface with a buildi ng management system.
Communication card using LonWorks® FTT10. Communication interface wit h a building management system.
Communication card using Modbus/BACnet®/SNMP TCP/IP. Communication int erface with a buildi ng management system.
4 or 8 rubber anti-vibration isolator s are supplied depending on the type of unit. They wil l be inserted between the floor and the unit to prevent vibration.
4 or 8 spring anti-vibration isolators are supplied depending on the type of unit. They wil l be inserted between the floor and the unit to prevent vibration.
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Features and Benef its
Power factor Cor rection
Capacitors f itted into unit. Cos phi correction up to 0.95 t o reduce current and energy consumption.
Electronic soft starter included in the contr ol panel. Reduces t he peak starting current by up to 40%. T hey also partici pate in the
Soft starter
installation design optimization of the electric al cables and reduce the mechanical stresses on the compr essors. In addition, they assure that the unit will not start operating in case of overvoltage, under voltage, phase reversal fault or phase failure.
Victaulic coupl ing parts (x4) Four Victaulic couplings (suppli ed loose)
Set point and temper ature offset and display. Allows to offset
External temperatur e sensor for set point offset
chilled water set point temperature based on either outside air, chilled water return or zone temperature.
Pressure gauges LP / H P Reading low and high pressures with gauges. Filter dryer maintenance kit
This kit includes one solenoid valve and ball valve per circuit for maintenance of dryer filters.
Two lifting tubes are supplied to be inserted in the round holes on the base frame identified by sticker s.
- 2 x tubes Ø1"1/2 (38mm), thickness =2,9m m , Length=1370mm
Lifting tubes ( x2)
on size 041 to 104
- 2 x tubes Ø1"1/2 (38mm), thickness =2,9m m , Length=1840mm on size 124 to 324 + 4 x bolt M16 Inox (as stops at the end of the tube)
Coils protecti on guards
Water Y filters (x2) (supply loose)
The condenser coi l protection grills prevent light damage to the coil when shipping, installation and oper ation.
This option incl udes two Y water filters supplied loose:
- 2'' GAS (screwed) on size 041 to 104
- 3'' GAS (screwed) on size 124 to 194
- 4'' Flange on size 214 t o 324 Note that the connec tions of the units are victaulic. We can supply the adapt ers : Victaulic / Gas or Victaulic / Flange via a Non Standard Request
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Circuit 1
Hot water
Cooling + Hot water (DHW)
Heating + Hot water (DHW)
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Circuit 2
Circuit 2 Circuit 1
Circuit 1

6 Application

The AQUA4 units allow creating installations with 2 or 4 pipes. The designation 2 or 4 pipe refers to the system of the water distribution for each building system. A 2 pipe system comprises a single supply and a single hydraulic line back to the unit. The terminal units of a system to 2 pi pes are characterized by a single exchanger having the coil function of heating or cool ing depending on the op erating mode. The 4 pipe configur ation includes hot water supply (wi th the corresponding return lines) and col d w ater (with the corresponding return lines) simultaneously.
Operating modes available for AQUA
- Circuit 1, reversible system: produc tion of chilled wat er for cooling or hot water for heating.
- Circuit 2, hot water per production or total heat recovery for hot water sanitary type for example.
M units can be mounted on a 2-pipe system:
production (DHW)
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Example of 2 pipe installation for H otel and Hospital:
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Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Cooling + Heating Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Operating modes available for AQUA4 P units will all ow provision of hot and cold water simultaneously.
- Circuit 1: Production of cold water for cooling
- Circuit 2: Hot water production or total heat recover y for heating or preheating hot water for example.
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Example of 4 pipe ins tallation for office or residential buildings:
Below is shown an example of an inertial tank with double cycle inversion (on demand) for winter and sum mer air conditioning, in combination with a 2-pipe heating system. The double cycle inversion valve ( automatically c ontrolled by onboard microprocessor) provides the best performance as i t favours tank strati fication in both summer and winter modes.
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o 100% Cooling
o 25% Cooling
o 100% Heating
o 25% Heating
o 100% Cooling + 50% to 100% DHW
o 25% Cooling + 25% to 75% DHW
o 100% DHW
o 25% DHW
o 100% DHW
o 25% DHW

7 Operating combination depending on the thermal load:

The following tables show the possible operating regimes of the AQUA4 units at partial loads. The units ar e equipped with two thermodynamic circuits and two or four compressors that combine their operations t o m eet the changing demands of the heating system. For example, in heating mode, the units AQUA domestic hot wat er.
- AQUA M (2 pipe) units : 2 compressors / 2 thermodynamic circuits :
Summer: Cooling mode Winter : Heating m ode
o 100% Cooling o 50% Cooling
M (2 pipe) are able to shar e their heating capac ity with 50% heating and 50%
o 100% Heating o 50% Heating
o 100% Cooling + 50% to 100% DHW o 50% Cooling + 50% to 100% DHW
o 100% DHW o 50% DHW
- AQUA M (2 pipe) units : 4 compressors / 2 thermodynamic circuits :
Summer: Cooling mode Winter : Heating m ode
o 75% Cooling o 50% Cooling
o 75% Cooling + 25% to 75% DHW o 50% Cooling + 25% to 100% DHW
o 75% DHW o 50% DHW
- AQUA P (2 pipe) units : 2 compressors / 2 thermodynamic circuits :
All the year : Summer to winter
o 50% Heating + 50% DHW
o 100% DHW o 50% DHW
o 75% Heating o 50% Heating
o 25% Heating + 25% to 50% DHW o 50% Heating + 25% to 50% DHW
o 75% DHW o 50% DHW
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o 100% Cooling o 50% Cooling
o 100% Cooling + 50% to 100% Heating o 50% Cooling + 50% to 100% Heating
o 100% Heating
50% Heating
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