Wire Management Systems
V4049/G4049 Device Plate
1. Install lower half of the 4049 Device Mounting Bracket onto 4000
Raceway base. Secure upper half of bracket on leg of base and snap in
using a flat blade screwdriver (Fig. 1). NOTE: If a divider is used, do not
install the 4049 Device Mounting Bracket directly over a G4001D
Divider Clip.
2. Remove plaster ears from device.
3. Wire device per manufacturer's instructions.
4. Install device onto mounting bracket by screwing into device mounting
holes on bracket (Fig 2).
5. Install 4000 Raceway cover. Be sure the cover butts against the mount-
ing bracket, covering the mounting bracket holding tabs (Fig 3).
6. Install trim plate by inserting into snap holes on device mounting brack-
et (Fig 4).
7. Select appropriate device cover plate and secure tightly (Fig 5).
8. To disassemble, remove the device plates first. Then insert a flat blade
screwdriver in the gap between the trim ring and device bracket. Twist
the screwdriver (as shown in Fig. 7). To remove the bracket from the
raceway base, tightly press in corner and twist a flat blade screwdriver.
Do not pry. Repeat all four corners (Fig. 6a, 6b, 6c).
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Figure 1
Trim Plate
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 5
Figure 4
Figure 6a
Figure 7
Figure 6c
Figure 6b
The Wiremold Company, 60 Woodlawn St., West Hartford, CT 06133-2500 • 1-800-621-0049 • FAX 860-232-2062