TV Display Interface
301 Fulling Mill Road, Suite G
Middletown, PA 17057
Phone (800) 321-2343 / Fax (717) 702-2546
The On-Q/Legrand TV Display Interface, P/N HA5201-xx, is a wall-mounted single gang decorator
style strap available in white, light almond, or brown that facilitates delivery of On-Q Camera
Subsystem images or Unity graphical user interface access via the homeowner’s television display. It
is provided with an IR target (P/N AC1016) and On-Q Universal Remote Control (P/N AU1060) to
further enhance its functionality (see Figure 1).
The TV Display Interface features:
• Extends Camera System functionality to TV without need for modulation
• Controllable by included On-Q Remote Control
• Robust and inconspicuous IR Target included
• Provides same functionality as LCD Display on local TV
• Designed for future On-Q/Legrand integration products
Figure 2 shows an example installation. Images from all three Studio Cameras (P/N CM5002/3-xx)
are routed over Cat 5 cable to the Camera Module (P/N CM1011) in the enclosure. RCA jumpers are
then used to connect to the LCD Display Module (P/N CM1010) in the enclosure. Cat 5 cable is again
used to connect to the LCD Panel Displays (P/N HA5000-xx) and also to the TV Display Interfaces
(P/N HA5201-xx). RCA cables are then used for connection to the homeowner TV. The On-Q
Universal Remote Control (P/N AU1060) is used in conjunction with the Universal IR Target (P/N
AC1016) to control the TV and which camera image is displayed.
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IS-0429 Rev. O
Figure 1
Figure 2

TV Display Interface
301 Fulling Mill Road, Suite G
Middletown, PA 17057
Phone (800) 321-2343 / Fax (717) 702-2546
As shown in Figure 3 a single Cat 5 cable is run during “rough-in” from the enclosure to the intended location of each TV Display
Interface. The Cat 5 is terminated with an RJ45 plug following the T568A specification (see Figure 4).The Cat 5 cable is then
plugged into the rear of the TV Display Interface and it may then be mounted (during “trim-out”) in a low voltage bracket or electrical
box. RCA cables are used for connection to the Homeowner’s TV. The AC1016 Universal IR Target is plugged into the bottom jack
on the front of the TV Display Interface (see Figure 5 for pinout). The LED next to the connector (see Figure 6) is normally green to
indicate power is available to the TV Display Interface and blinks red when there is IR activity.
IS-0429 Rev. O
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 3
IR signal
Figure 6
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