LEGRAND 675 20 User Manual

Software for the Configuration
of the 675 20 Burglar Alarm Unit
User manual
November 09 PC
7.1.1 Data input procedure 14
7.2.1 Receiving configuration parameters 16
7.2.2 Sending configuration parameters 17
7.2.3 Receiving the history of events 19
7.3.1 Zones 22
7.3.2 Automations 26
7.3.3 User Preferences 32
7.3.4 Installer Preferences 33
7.3.5 Key management 34
7.3.6 Scenarios 36
7.4.1 Telephone number directory 38
7.4.2 Setting up calls 39
7.4.3 Telephone functions 40
7.4.4 Block (Lock) 42
7.4.5 Protocol - ADEMCO 43
7.4.6 Line test 44
7.4.7 Telephone commands 45
8.2.1 Sending voice messages 47
8.2.2 Listening to messages from the Unit loudspeaker 48
8.2.3 Receiving voice messages 48
8.3.1 Importing an audio file 49
8.3.2 Emitting a voice message 49
8.3.3 Recording a voice message 49
8.3.4 Retrieving voice messages 49
1. Hardware and Software requirements
Please note:
The SecurityConfig program is the
essential tool for the configuration
of the 675 20 Burglar alarm Unit.
The content of this program is
under the exclusive rights
of Legrand.
Hardware requirements
Personal Computer with Pentium processor > 400 MHz
256 MB RAM
SVGA graphics card with resolution 800 x 600
CD-ROM unit
Software requirements
Windows XP or higher - Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
Space used on hard-disk
91 Mbyte
2. Installation
Follow this procedure to install the SecurityConfig program:
1. Insert the CD-ROM in the drive.
2. After displaying the main page in the web format, select “Install SecurityConfig”.
3. The installation program will now copy the system files necessary for the execution of the SecurityConfig program.
3. Basic concepts
Please note:
For proper functioning of the
software, the 675 20 Burglar
Alarm Unit must be installed
according to the indications
specified in the installation
manual supplied
with the device.
The SecurityConfig software is used for the configuration of the 675 20 Burglar alarm Unit which combine the burglar alarm and telephone dialling device into one device.
After opening the program, the following screen will appear:
Depending on the technician and user’s needs, it is possible to begin with a new configuration or change an existing configuration.
In this manual the various screens will refer to the second mode.
Creating a new configuration
Start SecurityConfig
Execute and save the configuration
Send data to the Unit
Modifying an existing configuration
Execute the system auto-learning function from the Unit
Receive data from the Unit with SecurityConfig
Edit, if required
Send data to the Unit
In order to perform a proper configuration, it is necessary to execute the system auto-learning function before connecting the Unit to the PC.
Using the Firmware Update function, with the SecurityConfig it is also possible to update the permanent Control Unit Software, using new issues published by Legrand.
3.1 Menus and general buttons for selecting functions
The main functions that can be executed with SecurityConfig can be selected by using the icons in the toolbar or by opening drop-down menus, thus selecting the various options.
Quick keys can also be used for some functions, like: to create a new project, it is possible to select New from the File drop-down menu, from the toolbar and from the keyboard by using the keys Ctrl + N.
The followings functions are included in the toolbar:
Save the current project
Create a new project
Opens an existing project
The followings functions are included in the drop-down menus:
“File” menu
Opens the Parameters section
Opens the Voice message section
Executes connection to the Unit
Selects the serial port of the PC to which the Unit is connected
Select the interface language
Executes connection to the Legrand website
New Creates a new project
Open Opens an existing project
Save Saves the current project
Save as (with name) Saves the project after requesting a file name
Export configuration Exports the project thus creating a file with
extension .csv which can be imported into Microsoft Excel®
Exit Exits the program
“Edit” menu
Import messages from project Imports all voice messages from an existing
Import configuration data from project
Imports all configuration data from an existing
Load pre-defined audio messages Retrieves voice messages set up for the Unit
Select all messages Selects all messages of the project
Select all fixed messages Selects all fixed messages of the project
“Tools” menu
Parameters Opens the Parameters section
Messages Opens the Messages section
Receive configuration Receives the configuration from the Unit, it is active only
when connecting to the Unit
Send configuration Sends the configuration to the Unit, it is active only when
connecting to the Unit
Update Firmware Starts the Unit firmware update procedure
Connection to Unit Enables connection between the PC and the Unit
“Language” menu
“?” menu
Select the SecurityConfig interface language
About… Displays information on the SecurityConfig program
Supported versions Displays information on SecurityConfig, hardware and
software versions of the Unit
The status bar shows the following information:
Current data
Loaded project file
Current time
Type of Unit
4. Importing data from an existing project
It is possible to import data (configuration parameters and voice messages) from a previously saved project file.
4.1 Importing voice messages
To import voice messages from a project file:
> Select Import messages from project from the Edit menu
The following screen will appear:
Please note:
It is recommend to save the
current configuration file of before
starting the procedure.
> Select the project file (. jai) from where you want to import the messages
> Click the Open button
When the procedure has been completed, the imported messages will appear:
4.2 Importing configuration data
To import a previously saved configuration:
> Select Import configuration data from project from the Edit menu
The following screen will appear:
Please note:
It is recommend to save the
current configuration file of before
starting the procedure.
> Select the project file (. jai) from where you want to import the configuration
> Click the Open button
When the procedure has been completed, the new configuration will appear:
Key program
System test
5. Connecting
to the Unit
To access some functions (e.g. Receive configuration, Send messages, etc.) there must be a connection between the PC where SecurityConfig is installed and the Unit, following the operation described below.
> From the Port menu, select the serial port address of the PC you want to connect the Unit to (COM1,
COM2, etc.)
> Select Connection to Unit from the Tools menu
The following message will appear:
> Execute the required operations and then click OK
Select the maintenance menu of the Unit and start the auto-learning function
Click the OK button
Connect the programming cable to a USB port of the PC and to the 6-way connector of the Unit
Slide switch
Flip the slide switch to off
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At this stage, by clicking the Details button, it is possible to display the list of communication activities between the personal computer and the unit.
When connecting to the Unit, a comparison will be made between the configuration of the Unit which reflects the real system, and the configuration of the current project.
If the configurations are different, the following warning message it will appear:
> Click YES to display the details of the differences found
The data can be exported into a file with extension .csv, which can be imported in Microsoft Excel.
> The following message will appear if click QUIT
> Click YES to load the configuration of the system in the Unit
> Click NO to keep the current project unchanged
However, there will be a connection to the Unit.
At the end of the procedure the Connection button will change into Disconnection.
6. Exchanging data
with the Unit
It is now possible to swap data with the Unit.
Click Disconnection to stop connection.
The following message will appear:
> Disconnect the programming cable from the Unit
> Click the OK button
When the connection to the Unit has been activated, it will be possible to:
Send/receive configuration parameters
Send/receive voice messages
Receive the history of events from the unit
Refer to paragraphs “7.2 Exchanging configuration parameters with the Unit” and “8.2 Exchanging voice messages with the Unit” to carry out these functions.
7. Parameters
In this section it is possible to execute the Unit parameters configurations.
7.1 Work area
In this section all typical parameters for the configuration of the Unit are displayed, represented hierarchically with a tree structure on the left side.
On the right side, a specific template for inputting data and, if the connection is active, for communicating with the Unit can be displayed by selecting each element of the hierarchic structure.
Data input template
Send configuration to the Unit
Displays information
Fixed zone
Receives configuration from the Unit
Receives the history of events from the Unit
Communication bar with the Unit
Data input zone
Help zone
The upper bar includes the commands for communication with the control unit (only active when the connection with established PC); the central section is for data entry, and will vary depending of the selected parameter; the lower bar displays the instructions to guide the user through the data entry procedure.
7.1.1 Data input procedure
Inputting by typing in data
> Click the data input zone
> The text, if any, will be edited (e.g. Input)
> Type in new data
Inputting data with the drop-down menu
> Click the data input zone; the button will appear
> A drop-down menu will appear after clicking the button
> Select any data available
Inputting with an independent window
> Click the data input zone; the button will appear
> An independent window will appear after clicking the button
> Enter the data
> Click OK to close the window
7.2 Exchanging configuration parameters with the Unit
7.2.1 Receiving configuration parameters
This function allows you to receive the configuration parameters from the Unit.
> Execute the Connection to Unit procedure
> Click Receive button
The following screen will appear:
> Click the Yes button
If the current project has not been saved, a reminder appears on the screen.
> Click the Yes button
When the procedure has been completed, the Unit configuration parameters will be available in the relative section for future verifications or changes.
To activate a new configuration the sending procedure, described in the following paragraph, must be completed.
7.2.2 Sending configuration parameters
This function allows you to send the configuration parameters to the Unit.
> Execute the Connection to Unit procedure
> Click Send button
The following screen will appear:
> Click the Yes button
If the current project has not been saved, a reminder appears on the screen.
> Click the Yes button
When sending the parameters, a comparison will be made between the configuration of the Unit and the configuration of the current project, if these are different the following warning message will appear:
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