There is no ”right way” to read to your baby, so it is most important that you
both just have fun with it! Here are some ideas for getting the most out of your
Let your child set the pace.
While it might seem logical to read from beginning to end without interruption, when
you read to your child, let your child call the shots. Sometimes your child will want to
start in the middle of the book and spend time with a favorite page. Sometimes your
child will want to go slow and sometimes fast. Anything goes! By allowing your child
to choose pages and the pace, you will be focusing on the parts of the book that are
most interesting for your child. This is the best way to foster a love of reading.
Read aloud to your child every day.
Even if it is just for a few minutes, the benefits of reading together are enormous. By
beginning a reading routine early, your child will begin to look forward to this special
time each day.
Communicate as you read.
The LITTLETOUCH LEAPPAD books are designed to foster communication between
you and your child. Here are some ways to communicate during your LITTLETOUCH
LEAPPAD reading experience.
• Be a role model. In the early months, your child will communicate by imitating
you. While you read a story, bring your face close to your baby’s face and move
your mouth to encourage imitation. Look for on every page, and touch it to
participate in early learning activities. Even before your child is able to fully
participate, it is valuable for him to watch you do the activities. Be patient if he
doesn‘t join in right away. He will catch on soon enough and can learn by simply
watching you!
• Add gestures. By adding movement and gestures, you can liven up familiar songs or
indicate certain animals. This will give your child another way to communicate with you
(even before doing so verbally) and will add an element of fun to your experience!
• Ask questions. Use the story as a launching board to ask relevant questions about your
child’s own experiences. This will bring the reading experience back to an emotional level
and will lead to greater interest in the book.
Grin and bear it.
Agree to read the same story over and over again. When your child latches on to a favorite
story, you’ll know it. Although this can be tiresome for a parent, repeating the same story is
actually good for children. By reading the same story more than once, you’re providing your
child with more chances to learn the story and to develop long-term memory skills. So, pick
up that all-too-familiar book with real enthusiasm, and pay attention to how much more
your child knows each time you do!
Nurture your child’s independence.
Spending time reading together is absolutely critical. The time you spend
with your child enjoying the reading experience will lead to your child’s
future reading success. However, there will also come a time when
your child wants to have time alone with the LITTLETOUCH LEAPPAD
learning system. You’ll want to foster this self-confidence by
allowing your child to learn on his own (as well as with you).
Activity cards are included with every book, and are meant
for an independent “play and learn” experience!