X-431 PAD IV
Quick Start Guide
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Knowledge of X-431 PAD IV
X-431 PAD IV is a ne w sophi sticated And roid- based diagnosti c tool de veloped by L AUNCH . Utilizing highe r hardw are
configurat ion and user-frie ndly in terface, i t inher its LAUNCH’s advance d diagn osing technolog y by cove ring a wide ra nge of
vehicles, fe aturing powerfu l funct ions, and pr ovidi ng precise test res ult.
In addition to t raditional diag nosis , X-431 PAD IV also support s the qui ck vehicle V IN(Veh icle Identifica tion Nu mber) scan ning
technology, remo te diag nosis(ma king re mote request esta blish ed easier an d getti ng repair job fixed f aster ), diagnos tics fo rum(a
platform for t echnicians to sha re repa ir skills an d techn ical exchange), r epair d ata(abun dant re pair informatio n for qui ck retriev al
and referenc e), one-click upd ate and a dd-on modu les, su ch as oscilloscop e, igni tion, sens or and ba ttery test etc.
USB1 port
(For connecti ng it t o VCI modu le to p erform diagnosis)
Reserved jack
(To connect USB devices or add- on mo dul es)
DC-IN jack
(To connect the included powe r ada pto r)
Reset hole
(To reset the X-431 PAD IV)
Volume +/- keys
(To ad jus t the v olu me)
(To connect Ethernet cable fo r wir ed ne twork)
USB2 po rt
Ether net por t
Headphone ja ck
Power /Scre en lock key
TF card s lot
(To insert a TF ca rd for memory extension.)
HDMI po rt
(To connect an external proje cto r or mo nitor with HDMI interface)
HD IV Module
Diagnostic s ocket
(For connecti ng th e diagnostic cable.)
DC-IN power ja ck
(For connecti ng th e power
adaptor or ciga ret te lighter/battery
clamps cable to o bta in power.
For details on co nne ction, please
refer to Sectio n “Pr eparation &
Connection” i n thi s Quick Start
Status of USB co nnection
(When the modul e is co nnected
to the tablet via U SB ca ble,
“ ” appears.)
USB por t
(For connecti ng it t o the
tablet to perfo rm di agnosis.)
Accessory Checklist
inter face de vice, which is desi gned to r ead the vehi cle dat a
and the n send it t o X-431 PAD IV ta blet via Blu etoot h
commu nicat ion and USB connect ion. The mod ule comes
loade d with a 4" d isplay screen, en ablin g you to easil y ident ify
the working st atus of the module an d X-431 PAD IV ta blet.
Note: Remembe r to re move the diagnostic cable or a dap tor c able from the
DLC if it keeps idl e or un used.
Status of vehi cle connection
(If the module is d isc onnected from
the vehicle’s DLC, it w ill d isplay “ ”.)
Status of Blue tooth communica tion
(Once the modul e is in U SB mode,
How to su pply po wer to the VCI module ?
1). Via power ad aptor: Plug one end o f the inc luded powe r adapt or to
the DC-IN jack o f the module, and the o ther en d to the AC outle t.
2). Via cigare tte lighter cable /batt ery clamps c able: P lug one end of
the cigarett e lighter/batte ry clam ps cable to th e DC-IN j ack of the
module, and th e other end to the ciga rette r eceptacl e / vehic le's
it will display “ ” .)
odule works as a v ehicle communic ation
Technical para meters:
Working voltage :9-36V
Working temp.: -1 0℃-55℃
Communicat ion via:
1) Bluetooth o r 2) USB cable
Touch Screen
Camera Flash
Audio s peake r
Front c amera
Rear camera
Adjus table k ickstand
(Flip out it to any a ngl e and
work comforta ble a t your desk,
or hang it on autom oti ve parts)
Common acces sories for each X-4 31 PAD I V are sam e, but for different des tinat ions, the accesso ries of X-431 PAD IV may vary.
Please consu lt from the local age ncy or ch eck the pack ing lis t supplied with X-4 31 PAD I V toget her.
X-431 PAD IV tabl et HD IV module Diagnostic cab le
(A tablet for showing t est r esults.)
(A device for accessi ng ve hicle data.)
(To connect the VCI module to the vehicle’s
Power adaptor US B cable P ower ad aptor for VCI module
(To supply power to the X-431 PAD IV tablet.)
Cigaret te ligh ter&Battery clamps ca ble
Password envel ope Dia gnost ic connector kit
(To connect the
X-431 PAD I V to perform ve hic le di agnosis.)
odule and
(To supply power to the VCI module
through AC outlet.)
(For connecti ng th e diagnostic cable and
non-16pin veh icl e DLC.)
(To supply power to the VCI module through
connection to c iga rette lighter receptacle /
vehicle’s battery.)
(A piece of paper beari ng S/ N and Act iva tio n
Code, which is ne ede d for your registration.)

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.