LAUNCH TECH Millennium 40, Millennium 60, Millennium 50 Quick Start Manual

Note: To make sure the tool is running the latest available software, it is advisable to check for updates on a frequent basis. Refer to Section 3 “Register & Update” for details.
1. Pre pa ration
Tur n the vehic le i gnition o n.Vehic le b attery vo lt age range s ho uld be 9-14 Vol ts.Thro tt le should b e in a c losed pos it ion.
2. Vehi cl e Connect io n
If the DLC c an no t be f ou nd, refer to the vehicle' s se rv ic e manual f or t he l oc at ion.
2. Con ne ct the diag no stic cabl e in to the vehi cl e's DLC
sock et .
1. Prepar ation & Conn ections
F1 F2 F3 F4
DLC Lo cation
Diag no stic Cabl e
LCD Sc re en
OK But to n
USB Po rt
(To up da te y ou r to ol v ia U SB c ab le .)
Millenn ium 40/50/ 60 Handset
Sele ct ion Butto n
ESC Bu tt on
(To re tu rn t o th e pr ev io us s cr ee n. )
DTC Bu tt on*
Eras e Bu tton*
I/M Bu tt on*
Help B ut ton*
(To re ad t he d ia gn os ti c
trouble codes.)
(To cl ea r th e di ag no st ic
trouble codes.)
(Quick access to I/M
readiness function.)
(Provides online tips
for diagnostics.)
Note: Millennium 40 features the same styling as Millennium 50/60, except for the LCD screen size. Th e pictures shown here are only for reference.
The buttons marked with * indicate the function hot keys(namely,
F1, F2, F3 and F4) and only apply to Diagnostics.
This Quick Start Guide is subject to change without written notice.
Quick Start Guid e
40 50/60/
1~ 4/1 0
I/M R eadin ess
Misf ire Mon itor
Fuel s ystem
comp onent m onito r
Cata lyst mo nitor
C13 8F 1/13
GM Pe nding
The f ault co de is not f ound in t he data base
Mon itor St atus
MIL St atus
DTCs i n this EC U
Read iness C omple ted
Read iness N ot Comp leted
Read iness N ot Supp orted
Data strea m Suppo rted
Igni tion
Prot ocol Typ e
Spar k
Pro duct Se rial Nu mber
Dev ice Upg rade
Sel ect Lan guage E nglis h
3. Regist er & Update
2. Basic Op erations
The to ol c an be updat ed v ia USB cabl e.
Note: Make sure the PC has an Internet connection.
1. Go to and do wn load the up da te tool to th e comp ut er.
2. Dec om press and i ns tall it on yo ur c omputer (c ompatib le w ith Wind ow s XP, Wind ow s 7, Window s 8 & Wi ndows 10) .
3. Afte r in stallat io n, connec t on e end of the US B ca ble to the USB po rt o f PC, and the o th er end to the t oo l.
4. If a ne we r version i s fo und, a
scre en s imilar to F ig . A will appe ar.
5. Lau nc h the updat e to ol on
your P C, F ig. B will ap pe ar.
6. Cho os e the desir ed i nterfac e
lang ua ge and then c li ck [Devic e Upda te ] to enter up da te center.
7. Cho os e the softw ar e version a nd t hen click [ Up date] to st ar t
upda ti ng.
8. Onc e up date is com pl ete, a “Upg ra de succes s” m essage
box wi ll p op up.
9. The updat e process is co mplete, you r tool is now rea dy for
www.d bs
Boo t Versio n: V1. 00.00 0 Ser ial Num ber: 972 89000 0029 Reg ister C ode: 36F FDB05 4753
1. US B Conne cted fo r Upgra de.
2. Pr ess [EX IT] key t o Enter Nor mal Mod e.
The ic on s in b lack at the bot to m of the sc re en i ndicate the a va ilable acti on s, w hich can be don e by pres si ng t he correspo nd ing buttons on the t oo l.
Pres s th e F3 /I/M button t o ch eck the I/M( In sp ection & Main te nance) read in es s.
Pres s th e F1 /DTC button t o re trieve
the DT C.
Pres s th e F4 / button to get m or e
deta il s ab out the DTC.
If mor e th an o ne DTC was retr ie ved,
pres s / to v ie w diff erent DTCs.
In the c as e of l ong code defi ni tions,
use / to v ie w th e additiona l info rm at ion.
Read D TC
Eras e DT Cs
Chec k I/ M Readine ss
Once D TC s ha ve been retri ev ed, pres s th e F2 /ER button to e ra se.
Era se Code s
Cle ar/Re set Emi ssion -Rela ted Dia gnost ic
Inf ormat ion. Ar e you sur e?
Quick Start Guide
40 50/60/