Quick Start Guide
Product Profile
CRP329 is a st yli sh And roi d-based diagnostic device dev elo ped b y LAU NCH. It inherits from
LAUNCH's a dva nce d dia gnosing technology and is chara cte riz ed by c overing a wide range of
vehicle mo del s, fe atu ring powerful functions, and pr ovi din g pre cise test result.
Through si mpl e wir ele ss communication, it achieves f ull c ar mo del a nd full system vehicle
trouble di agn osi s. In a ddition, CRP329 supports netw ork c onn ect ion, one-click update and all
kinds of res ett ing o per ations(including oil lamp res et et c).
CRP329 System
The CRP329 s yst em is m ain ly composed of CRP329 tablet and VC I con nec tor. The fo llo win g
illustra tio n exp lai ns how the CRP329 tablet works with t he VC I con nec tor.
VCI Connec tor
(Wor ks as the vehicle
communica tion interface de vice
for accessi ng the vehicle data .)
To Vehicle’s DLC
(For detail s on how to
connect, pl ease refer to
Section 4 “Pr eparation
& Connectio ns”.)
(Sending th e vehicle data to CRP 329 t ablet)
VCI Connector
The VCI conn ect or on ly ap plies to the passenger vehicles o f 12V. It can be installed on the
OBD II vehic le’s DLC dire ctl y or vi a the e xte nsion cable.
OBD II 16pin c onn ect or
(For connec ting to vehicle’s DL C)
*Note: Reme mber to remove the
VCI connect or from the DLC
and re-inse rt it into the slot on
the back of the t ablet after use to
avoid loss.
Charging & Turning On
1. Connect t he po wer a dap tor to the Universal Serial BUS por t of th e too l.
2. If the tool i s bei ng ch arg ed, a charging indicator displa ys . On ce th e ind icator turns ,
charging i s com ple te.
3. Pressin g the P OWE R but ton will start the tool and enter the h ome s cre en.
Note: On fi rst u se of the tool, or i f the t ool remains id le fo r a long period of t ime , there may be
insuff icient batte ry po wer to start the tool . Please charg e for a minimum of 5 m inu tes before
attemptin g to turn it on again. Pl eas e use the power ad apt or included wi thi n the kit to charge the
tool. No resp ons ibility can be a ssu med for any dama ge or l oss caused as a re sul t of using any
power adapt or other than the one s upp lied.
(Wor ks as the central pro cessor and
CRP329 Tablet
monitor for a nalyzing vehicl e dat a
and indicat ing the test result .)
To pro cee d one of the follo win g operations , you n eed
to make netwo rk connection (Se e Sec tion 2
“Network Se tup ” for details) :
Register & ac tivate CRP329, up dat e the diagnost ic
software & APK
Work on golo modu le
Surf the Inte rnet
Network Setup
CRP329 sup por ts WL AN co nnection. To enable you to s urf t he In ter net, register App,
launch gol o mod ule a nd up date the diagnostic software et c, pl eas e fol low the steps
below to con fig ure t he ne twork:
1. On the home s cre en, t ap “S ettings” > WLAN.
2. Slide the W LAN s wit ch to O N, the system starts searching fo r ava ila ble W LAN
networks .
3. Select a wi rel ess n etw ork. If the chosen network is open CR P32 9 wil l con nect
automati cal ly, if the selec ted n etw ork i s encrypted, a network password w ill n eed t o be
4. When “Con nec ted ” app ears, it indicates the tablet is pr ope rly c onn ected to the
Internet .
*Note: when WLAN is not requi red this should be di sabled to conserv e battery power.

Tap “Diagnostic”
Select vehicle model
Select test system
Select test function
Select software
Quick Start Guide
Register & Update
1. Launch App - > 2. Cr eat e an App Ac count -> 3. Activate VCI Connector - > 4. Do wnl oad
Diagnost ic So ftw are )
1. Launch App : Tap the application icon to
launch it. Tap “Login” on the r igh t upp er
corner of th e scr een .
a. For initial use , tap “ New r egi stration” to
open a sign- up pa ge, r efe r to steps 2~4.
b. If you have an acco unt , tap “ Log in” to
login dire ctl y.
c. If you forgot the p ass wor d, ta p “Re trieve
password ” to re tri eve i t.
Use rname
Pas sword
Ret rieve p asswo rd New R egist ratio n
2. Crea te Account: In Fig. B, fill in each fiel d and t ap “R egi ster” to go to step 3. (Note: To
obtain more f unctions and bett er se rvice, pleas e ent er the real info rma tion.)
Cre ate an Acc ount Act ivate C onnec tor Fin ish Reg istra tion
Use rname
Pas sword
Con firm Pa sswor d
Ema il
Sel ect Cou ntry
516 9
Reg ister
3. Activat e VCI C onn ect or: In Fig. C, input the Product S/N an d Activation Code (can be
obtained f rom t he pa ssw ord envelope), and then tap “Acti vat e”.
Cre ate an Acc ount Fin ish Reg istra tionAct ivate C onnec tor
Ser ial Num ber
Act ivati on Code
Act ivate
Wher e is my act ivati on code ?
Product S/N
Activation Co de
Preparation & Connections
1. Prepara tio n
DLC Locati on
1) Switch th e ign iti on on .
2) The vehic le ba tte ry vo ltage should be 9-14V.
3) Throttl e sho uld b e in a cl osed position.
2. Locate vehicl e’s DLC
The DLC(Da ta Li nk Co nne ctor) provides standard
16 pins and is g ene ral ly lo cated on driver ’s si de,
Near cen ter o f dashboa rd
about 12 inc h awa y fro m the c enter of dashboard.
See Figure D LC Lo cat ion . If DLC is not equipped under dashbo ard , a lab el in dicating its
position w ill b e giv en. I n case no DLC is found, please refer to Au tom obi le Re pair Manual.
3. Connection
Select the d esi red d iag nostic connector according to t he ve hic le DL C type and then follow
the steps be low t o pro cee d:
1. For vehicles eq uip ped w ith a n OBD II management system, plug th e VCI c onn ect or in to
the vehicl e’s DLC direc tly o r use t he OB D II ex tension cable to connect the VCI
connecto r and t he DL C.
2. For vehicles no t equ ipp ed wi th an OBD II management system, do th e fol low ing :
1). Select t he co rre spo nding non-16pin connector.
2). Plug the n on- 16p in en d of the connector into the DLC socke t, th en co nne ct the other
end to the OBD I a dap tor, a nd th en tighten the captive screws.
3). Connec t the o the r end o f the adaptor to the VCI connector.
4). To sup ply p owe r to OBD I adaptor from:
A. Battery C lam ps Ca ble (optional): Connect one end of th e bat ter y cla mps cable to
vehicle' s bat ter y, and the ot her e nd to t he po wer jack of OBD I adaptor, Or
B. Cigaret te Li ght er Ca ble(optional): Connect one en d of th e cig are tte lighter cable
to vehicle 's ci gar ett e lighter receptacle, and the oth er en d to th e pow er jack of OBD
I adaptor.
4. Update Di agn ost ic So ftware: Tap “Yes” in Fig. D to enter dia gno sti c sof tware
download s cre en. ( Not e: To dow nload the soft war e later, tap “No”. In th is ca se, tap
“Software U pgr ade” on the func tio n menu to downlo ad it .)
Tap “Update” t o dow nlo ad an d install the diagnostic softwa re. (No te: Be sure that t he to ol
has a strong WLAN connectio n during download ing.)
Cre ate an Acc ount Act ivate C onnec tor Fin ish Reg istra tion
Con gratu latio ns! You hav e regis tered s ucces sfull y. Do you dow nload v ehicl e softw are now ?
Yes No
All illust rat ion s are f or reference purpose only and thi s Qui ck St art G uide is subject to change without n oti ce.
Start Diagnostics
For new user s, fo llo w the s equence below to start a new diagno sti c ses sio n.
1. To start diagnosi ng a vehicle, you hav e to ac tivate
the VCI co nnector and downl oad the diagnosti c
software. F or de tails, refer t o Sec tion 3 “Regist er
& Update” in th is Qu ick Start Guid e.
2. All soft war e is updated from tim e to time. To
enjoy more be tter service and fu nct ions, you are
suggested t o keep updated with t he la test version .