Neither LAUNCH nor its afliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this
unit or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by
purchaser or third parties as a result of: Accident, misuse, or abuse of
this unit, or unauthorized modications, repairs, or alterations to this unit,
or failure to strictly comply with LAUNCH operating and maintenance
instructions. LAUNCH shall not be liable for any damages or problems
arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than
those designated as Original LAUNCH Products or LAUNCH Approved
Products by LAUNCH.
Trademark Information
LAUNCH is a registered trademark of LAUNCH TECH CO., LTD. (also
called LAUNCH for short) in China and other countries. All other LAUNCH
trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos, and company names
referred to in this manual are either trademarks, registered trademarks,
service marks, domain names, logos, company names of or are otherwise
the property of LAUNCH or its affiliates. In countries where any of the
LAUNCH trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos and company
names are not registered, LAUNCH claims other rights associated with
unreg istered tradema rks, service ma rks, domain nam es, logos, an d
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manual may be trademarks of their respective owners. You may not use
any trademark, service mark, domain name, logo, or company name
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applicable trademark, service mark, domain name, logo, or company
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com, or writing to LAUNCH TECH. CO., LTD., Launch Industrial Park,
North of Wuhe Avenue, Banxuegang, Bantian, Longgang, Shenzhen,
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Safety Precautions
Before using CRP229, pleas e read t he f ol lowing safety information
Never collide, throw, or punch CRP229, and avoid falling, extruding and •
blending it.
Do not use CRP229 in exceptionally cold or hot, dusty, damp or dry •
To ensure a safe driving, please do not use CRP229 while driving.•
Turn off CRP229 before boarding any airplane. •
Do not dismantle CRP229 by yourself. If there is any inquiry, please •
contact the dealer.
Never place CRP229 into apparatus with strong electromagnetic eld.•
Keep CRP229 far away from magnetic devices because its radiations •
may erase the data stored on CRP229.
Store CRP229 out of reach of children and do not allow children to use it •
LAUNCH CRP229 User's Manual
Please use the included battery and charger. Otherwise, explosion may •
Do not disconnect power abruptly when CRP229 is being formatted or •
in process of uploading or downloading. Or else it may result in program
Precautions on Operating Vehicle’s ECU
Do n ot di sc onnec t the vehi cl e inn er cons umer when the ign ition •
switch is on. High voltage transients may encounter at the moment of
disconnecting, which may damage the sensors and the ECU.
Protect the computer from magnetic object.•
Do cut off the power supply of ECU system before welding on the •
Pay more attention to the ECU and the sensors when the operation is •
next to them.
Do conn ect EC U h arness c onn ect or firml y, oth erw ise el ectronic •
CRP2 29 is a new A ndroi d-bas ed vehi cle t roubl e diagn ostic d evice
developed for internet applications. It inherits from LAUNCH’s advanced
diagnosing technology and is characterized by covering a wide range of
vehicles, featuring powerful functions, and providing precise test result.
Featuring 5 inch touch screen, it enables users to read/clear DTCs, record,
save and playback data in live graphic display.
Moreover, CRP229 Series also feature the following bi-directional “special
tests”: EVAP, O2 Sensor, I/M Readiness, MIL Status, VIN Info, and Onboard monitors testing.
Meanwh il e, taking advantag e of mobile i nternet , it integr at es more
application and service, such as Maintenance Database, Upgrade and IM
(Instant Messaging) etc.
1.2 Features
Can diagnose the electronic control system of prevailing vehicle models •
covering Asian, European and American. Diagnosis functions includes:
Read DTCs, Clear DTCs, Read Data Stream, Special Functions etc;
Specially designed for Android platform with clear and user-friendly •
golo IM (Ins tan t M essag ing ) a pplicati on enabl es techn ici ans to 2.
exchange repair experience and perform remote assistance more
diagnose and repair vehicles efciently, accurately and protably.
Wi-Fi connection is supported;4.
Web browser: Users can make online search and visit any website.5.
Other Android-ba sed applications can be customized to i nstall or 6.
File Manager: Lets you manage les or downloaded les stored in SD 7.
card efciently;
Settings: To congure your personalized CRP229.8.
1.3 Technical Specications
A. CRP229 Display Tablet
Operating systemAndroid 4.2
Display5 inch touch screen with 800 x 480 pixels
Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n)•
USB: 2.0•
Audio Input/Output
Rear-facing, 5.0 megapixel
Gravity Accelerometer
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
0℃ ~ 40℃(32 ~104℉)
-20℃ ~ 70℃(-4 ~158℉)
LAUNCH CRP229 User's Manual
2 Knowledge of CRP229
There are two main components to the CRP229 system:
CRP229 Display Tablet -- the central processor and monitor for the •
system (For details, please refer to Chapter 2.1.)
Fig. 2-1
Diagno stic Main Cable -- the cabl e use d to conn ec t CRP 22 9 to •
diagnostic connector for accessing vehicle data
Table 2-1 formulates interfaces and indicators of CRP229 display
No.Name & Descriptions
1Communication Indicator
2Screen Lock/Power Button -- to turn the display tablet on/off
with long press, or lock the screen with short press.
3Power Indicator
4Home Button
5golo Button -- for quick acc ess to IM ( Instant Messa ging)
6TF Card Slot -- to insert the TF card.
7USB Port -- to connect the included power adaptor.
8Camera Lens
9Audio Speaker
10DB15 Connector - to connect the main diagnostic cable
11Touch Screen
12Selection Button
13Conrm Button
14Back Button
2.2 CRP229 Accessory Checklist
Common a ccessor ie s for e ac h CRP22 9 are same, but for differ en t
destinations, the accessories of CRP229 (such as diagnostic software,
testing connectors) may vary. Please consult from the local agency or
check the package list supplied with CRP229 together.
Table 2-3 -- CRP229 common accessories and descriptions
1CRP229 Display Tablet1
2Diagnostic Main Cable1
3Power adaptor1
4OBD II Diagnostic Connector1
5Non-16 pin Diagnostic Connector(optional)
LAUNCH CRP229 User's Manual
3 Preparations
3.1 Charging CRP229
Remove the USB port cover from top of CRP229 display tablet, and 1.
then connect one end of the included battery charger into it;
Connect the other end of the charger into AC outlet. If CRP229 is being 2.
charged, the charging indicator illuminates red; Once the indicator turns
green, it means that the charging is complete.
3.2 On Using Your Battery
If the battery keeps unused for a long time or battery is completely •
discharged, it is normal in case it can not be turned on while being
charged. Please charge it for a period and then turn it on.
Please use the included charger to charge your CRP229. We assume •
no responsibility for damage or loss resulting from using other similar
chargers other than the specied one.
To prolong the service life of the battery, avoid charging too frequently.•
The charging time of battery varies with temperature condition and •
battery consumption status.
While CRP229 has low battery, a beep will sound. If it is very low, •
CRP229 will be switched off automatically.
3.3 Power On / Power Off CRP229
3.3.1 Power on
Press the POWER key to turn on CRP229.
Note: If it is the rst time you use CRP229 or CRP229 keeps idle for a
long time, CRP229 could fail to be turned on. It results from low battery. In
this case, please recharge your CRP229 for a while and try to turn it on.
3.3.2 Power off
Press the POWER key, an option menu will pop up on the screen.1.
Tap “Power off” to turn off CRP229.2.
3.4 Tips On Finger Operations
Single-tapTo select an item or launch a program.
Long press
SlideTo jump to different pages.
DragTap the desktop icon and drop it to other location.
Spread apart /
Pinch together
To zoom in so that the text on a webpage appears in a
column that ts your device’s screen.
Press and hold on the current interface or area until
a contextual menu pops up on the screen, and then
release it.
To zoom in manually, place two ngers on the screen
and then spread them apart. To zoom out, place two
fing ers apart o n t he scree n and th en pinch them
3.5 Lock & unlock the screen
Many screen lock modes are available on CRP229. Take the preset
screen-lock mode as example for demonstration.
LAUNCH CRP229 User's Manual
3.5.1 Lock the screen
When CRP229 is ON, press POWER key once to lock the screen; •
The system will lock the screen automatically after CRP229 remains •
idle over the preset standby time.
3.5.2 Unlock the screen
Press POWER key to activate the screen, and then drag the lock to “Unlock”
Note: If you dene as unlock using the pattern, you have to draw the
right target pattern to unlock it.
3.6 Screen Layout
Fig. 3-1
On-screen keys and status bar are as follows:
to congure the CRP229 system settings and to view the
general information about the Display Tablet.
to display a list of applications that are currently running.
To open an application, tap it. To remove an application, swipe it
to jump to the Android System’s home screen.
Tap to return to the previous screen or exit the application.
5Display the widget and application icons.
6It shows: System time, W i- Fi connection status and sign al
strength, battery status and other information. Tap the digital
clock to open the notice panel.
3.7 Status Bar
For some common indicators, please see the following table.
Positioning GPSCharging
Battery is fully chargedLow battery
New mailPreparing SD card
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