Boo t Versio n: V10. 02
Ser ial Number:
974 990000001
Reg ister C ode:
4d0 01e001151
Che ck for ne w versi on?
Not e: Inte rnet conne cti on is
req uired for PC.
Yes – OKAY No – ESC
Boo t Versio n: V10. 02
Ser ial Number:
974 990000001
Reg ister C ode:
4d0 01e001151
DO NO T dis connect US B
whi le downloadi ng.
The u nit sho uld be re -powered
aft er downloa d new v ersion.
Cau tion:
2. Register & Update (Cont’d)
2. Register & Update (Cont’d)
4. The Re gister Code can be found in
your tool. Connect one end of the
USB cable to your tool, and the other
end on the computer.
5. After the tool has powered up and
entered the main menu screen, move
the highlight bar on the “Help” icon
and press [OK].
6. Highlight the “Tool Information” in
Fig. 4 and press [OK].
7. The Re gister Code shown in Fig. 5 is
the Register Code needed in step 3.
(Return to step 3 and input t he Register
Code and then proceed)
8. Install the memory card from the tool
into the supplied USB memory card
adaptor and insert into the USB port
of the computer.
9. Reopen the update tool, select the
updates you would like to perform or
click "Select All", an d then click
[Download] to start downloading.
(Note: For CR910, only on e piece of
diagnostic software c an be selected and
10.Once all steps are complete, reinsert
the memory card into the tool
and power the tool via USB cable or
via OBD II cable. A dialog box (Note :
If only diagnostic soft ware is updated
and no firmware package i s downloaded,
this box will not appear) p rompting you to
update will pop up on the screen (See Fig. 6 ),
select [OK].
11. The registration pr ocess is complete, yo ur
tool is now ready for use.
DLC L ocati on Info rmati on
DTC L ibrar y
Abb revia tion
Tool In forma tion
Abo ut OBD
Tool Information
Boo t versi on:
Dis play pr ogram v ersio n:
V02 .00
Dia gnost ic prog ram ver sion:
V11. 23
Dia gnost ic libr ary ver sion:
V11. 28
Ser ial Num ber:
974 99000 0001
Reg ister C ode:
4d001e00 1151
V02 .01
Reg ister C ode:
4d001e00 1151
Syste m upgrade
Sure up grade?
Method 2: Via USB Cable
Note: Make sure the compu ter has an Internet connect ion.
1. Connect one end of the USB cable to the USB port of computer, and
the other end to the tool.
2. If a newer version is found, a screen similar to Fig. 7 appears.
3. Press [OK] to configure this tool as a USB device. See Fig. 8.
(Note: The Serial Number and Register Code shown i n this figure are
needed for inputting in S teps 4-6.)
4. Launch the update tool, a screen simi lar to Fig. 9 will appear.
5. Type in t he Serial Number. Click [Device Upgrade] to inp ut the
information and click [Submit] to enter the update page.
Quick Start Guide
CReader Series