This R/C kit and th e model you will build fr o m it is not a toy! It is capable of serious bodily harm and p rop erty
dam age. It is you r responsibility , and yours alone -to build this kit correctly, properly install all R/C com ponents and
flying gear (engine, tank, ra d io, pushrods, etc. and to test the m odel and fly it only with experien ced, com peten t help,
using com m onsense and in accordance with all safety stand ards as set forth in the A cadem y of M odel Aeronautics Safety
C ode. It is suggested that you join the AM A and becom e properly insured b e fo re attem pting to fly this m odel. If you are
just starting R /C m odeling, consult your local hobby dealer or write to the A cadem y of M odel Aeronautics to find an
experienced instru c tor in your area. Write to: A cadem y of M odel A eronautics, 5151 Memorial Dr. M uncie, IN 47302
Lanier R/C is proud of the care and atten tion that goes into the m anufacture of parts fo r its m odel kits. The co m p any
w arrants that for a period of 30 days, it will replace, at the buyers request, any part or material shown to the company’s
satisfaction to have b een defective in w orkm anship or material at the time of pu rchase.
No other w a rra n ty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made with resp ect to the m erchandise sold by the com pany. The
buyer acknow ledges and understands that he is purchasing only a com ponent kit fro m w h ich the buyer will himself
construct a finish ed flying m odel airplane. The com pany is neither the m anufacturer of such a flying m odel airplane, nor a
seller of it. The buyer hereby assu m es the risk and all liability for personal or property dam age or injury arising out of the
buyers use of the com ponents or the finish ed flying m odel airplan e, w henever any such dam age or injury sh all occu r.
A ny action brought fo rth against the com pany, based on the breach of the contract of sa le to the buyer, or on any alleg ed
w a rran ty thereunder, must be brought within one year of the date of such sale, or there after be barred. T h is one-year
limitation is im posed by agreem en t of the parties as perm itted by the law s of the state of Georgia.
Beforestarting to build this kit, we urge you to read
through these instructions thoroughly. They contain
som e im portant building sequences as w ell as
instructions and warnings concerning the assem b ly
and use of the m odel.
H obby knife w/ #11 blade
Medium Zap CA
30 Minute Z-poxy
Wire cutters
Drill with bits: 1/32”, 1/16”, 1/8”, 5/32”, ¼”
See the list at the end of the instruction b ook for a
list of additional R/C equipm ent you w ill n eed to
com plete the 1/3
L aser.
Scale Laser 200 ARF -INSTRU C TIONS
5. M ark the location of the aileron servo plate rails
on the inside of the plyw ood servo plate (aprox.
3/8”). R em ove the covering from the hole for
the serv o arm.
6. P osition your aileron servos and the hardw ood
blocks on the plates and mark the position.
L ocate (10) hinge points.
2. U se the picture as a guide to find the (5) holes in
each aileron and each side of the wing. Test fit a
hinge in each hole.
3. P ut a sm all drop of oil on each hinge, then use 30
minute epoxy on each hinge and hole. Press the
ailerons in place, leaving a 1/32” gap at the hinge
line, then wipe off any excess epoxy off with
alcohol and a paper tow el.
4. A t the two locations on the wing, rem ove the
covering from the hole to install your aileron
7. G lue the blocks in place on the plates with 30
minute epoxy.
8. W hen cured, replace the servo and drill 1/32”
pilot holes for the servo screw s included with the
rad io. Center the servo by hooking it up to the
proper channel of your radio and centering the
trim tabs.
9. Install your servo horn so that it is protruding the
hole of the plate and install the servo horn screw .
Scale Laser 200 ARF -INSTRU C TIONS
12. L ocate the Sullivan aileron hardw are, (2)2 7/8” long
4-40 rods, (4) clevis, (2) couplers, (2) m achined
nuts, and (2) 8-32 long” screw s. T rim and thread
the rods as needed. Install a clevis on the end of
each rod.
10. U se a piece of music wire or w ooden dow el to
help feed the servo wires through the wing. Y ou
will need to add extensions to the aileron servo
wires to reach into the fuselage.
11. Fasten the servo plate to the hardw ood plate rails
in the wing with (4) #4 x ½” screw s (dubro
13. Install a (4) arm servo w heel on the servo
tem porarily, making su re it is parallel to the
wing. L ocate the hard points in the ailerons, and
pierce the covering with a sh arp hobby blade.
Install the (2) aileron control horn screw s from
the top of the wing, dow n through the aileron.
Secure the bolt with the m achined nut, and
thread lock. Install the (2) couplers on the
contro l horn bolts until the threads just show
from the tops. H ook the links to the aileron
couplers and lay the rods across the servo arm .
14. Install the two clevis on the ends of the 4-40 rod.
Align the aileron on the wing and hold in
position with a sm all piece of tape. Adjust the
clevis to the proper length, then install on the
servo and coupler. Use red thread lock when
adjusted, then install the clevis k eeper.
15. U sing a sharp hobby blade, cut the covering
aw ay from the wing tube and locating pin holes.
Y ou may want to seal the covering dow n with
CA or a sealing iron.
16. T est fit the wing tube through the fuselage. Use
a ru ler to help cen ter the tube in the fu se, then
mark the alignm ent with a perm anent marker.
Scale Laser 200 ARF -INSTRU C TIONS
19. U se a 6-32 tap to thread the holes in the tube.
20. C ounter sink the hard points 1/8” deep with a
1/4”drill bit. Work carefully to keep the w ood
from sp litting.
17. T em porarily m ount the wing on the wing tube,
sliding the dow els in the locator holes. Be
careful to keep the tube centered in the fuse.
18. L ocate the (2) 6-32 x 1” bolts. With the wings
tight against the fu se , Drill (2) 0.1” holes
through the alum inum tube.
21. T est fit the bolts in the holes. Put thread lock on
one bolt and cover the bolt hole with 3m vinyl
tape. L eav e this bolt in place perm anently.
22. W hen ready for flying, put 3M clear vinyl tape
over the other bolt.
LAN IER – 1/3
23. T em porarily install the horizontal stabilizer.
Y ou may need to sand the opening slightly to be
able to slide it in, but be careful to keep the
stabilizer aligned parallel to the wing.
24. A lign the stabilizer by m easu ring from each side
to the center and equalizing the distance, then
m easure from the stabilizer tips to the trailing
edge of the wing and set each side equal.
Scale Laser 200 ARF -INSTRU C TIONS
25. M ark the joint with a felt marker on the top and
bottom . Slide the stabilizer back out, then
rem ove the covering from inside the marks, 1/8”
inside the lines you marked. Use a sh arp hobby
blade to cu t the covering. B e very careful to
not cu t the balsa under the covering.
Slide the stab ilizer back in the fuselage just until
the exposed balsa is at the tail opening. A pply a
thin coat of 30 minute epoxy to the exposed
balsa, then slide the stabilizer back in the tail.
Re-align the stabilizer with the marks you made
earlier and double check your m easurem ents to
the wing from your building su rface. Wipe off
any excess glue with alcohol and a paper tow el.
Let set until cured.
26. T em porarily install the vertical stabilizer in the
horizontal slot at the rear of the fuse. Mark the
joint with a felt tip marker. Make su re the
stabilizer is aligned at 90° to the horizontal
stabilizer, then rem ove the stabilizer and rem ove
the covering as was done with the horizontal