15 mL *Phenolphthalein Indicator, 0.5% *2258-E
15 mL *Sulfuric Acid, 0.5 N *6090-E
60 mL Quat Titrating Solution 3996-H
30 mL Toluidine Blue O Indicator 3995-G
60 mL EDTA Solution 7117-H
1 Test Tube, 5-10-15-20-25 mL, plastic, w/cap 0715
1 Quat/Polyquat Endpoint Color Chart 3613-CC
*WARNING: Reagents marked with an * are considered to be potential health
hazards. To view or print a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these
reagents go to www.lamotte.com. To obtain a printed copy, contact LaMotte by
e-mail, phone or fax.
To order individual reagents or test kit components, use the specified code
1. Rinse test tube (0715) with sample water. Fill with desired sample size
selected from the table.
Sample Size Equivalence (ppm Per Drop)
25 mL 1 drop = 2 ppm
10 mL 1 drop = 5 ppm
5 mL 1 drop = 10 ppm
2. Add 5 drops EDTA Solution (7117). Swirl to mix.
NOTE: If the hardness of the sample is greater than 500 ppm, add 5
more drops of EDTA Solution.
3. NOTE: If pH of the sample is below 8.3, proceed to Step 4.
Add 2 drops of *Phenolphthalein Indicator, 0.5% (2258). Swirl to
mix. If colorless, proceed to Step 4. If pink, add *Sulfuric Acid, 0.5N
(6090) dropwise, until the pink color disappears.

4. Add Toluidine Blue O Indicator (3995) as follows:
25 mL sample, add 8 drops;
10 mL sample, add 3 drops;
5 mL sample, add 2 drops.
Swirl to mix. Sample should turn light blue.
5. While swirling test tube, add Quat
Titrating Solution (3996) one drop
at a time, until color changes from
blue to purple. Hold bottle vertically.
For best results, when the color
change is first detected, use the
Endpoint Color Chart (3613-CC) as
shown to match the color of the
solution exactly to the endpoint.
Continue adding Quat Titrating
solution one drop at a time, until
color matches endpoint. Count the
number of drops added.
6. Calculate result in ppm.
25 mL sample: subtract three (3) from number of drops used in
Step 5. Multiply by 2.
10 mL sample: subtract one (1) from number of drops used in
Step 5. Multiply by 5.
5 mL sample: subtract one (1) from number of drops used in step
5. Multiply by 10.
Record as ppm Quat.
NOTE: The quat equivalence is based on n-alkyldimethylbenzyl
ammonium chloride, molecular weight 360. If a quat of different
molecular weight is tested, multiply the equivalence by:
molecular weight
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800-344-3100 • 410-778-3100 (Out side USA) • Fax 410-778-6394
Visit us on the web at www.lamotte.com