WARNING! This set contains chemicals
that may be harmful if misused. Read
cautions on individual containers
carefully. Not to be used by children
except under adult supervision
MODEL POL-H • CODE 7459-01
15 mL *Salinity Indicator Reagent A *7460-E
2 x 30 mL *Salinity Titration Reagent B *7461DR-G
1 Demineralizer Bottle 1151
1 Test Tube, 5-10-15 mL, w/cap 0778
1 Direct Reading Titrator, 0-20 Range 0378
1 Direct Reading Titrator, 0-1.0 Range 0376
*WARNING: Reagents marked with an * are considered to be potential health
hazards. To view or print a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these reagents go to
www.lamotte.com. To obtain a printed copy, contact LaMotte by e-mail, phone or fax.
To order individual reagents or test kit components, use the specified code number.
Read Demineralizer Bottle instructions before proceeding.
NOTE: The Demineralizer Bottle may not remove all of the chloride ions
from tap water. Tap water from water softener systems may contain
abnormally high amounts of chloride. This may result in high salinity test
results. Perform a salinity test on the Demineralizer Bottle water ONLY to
determine the contribution by the tap water to the salinity test result.
0-20 ppt SALINITY
1. Fill test tube (0778) to 10 mL line with demineralized water from the
Demineralizer Bottle (1151).
2. Fill the 0 - 1.0 Direct Reading Titrator (0376) to 0 line with sample
water. Wipe any excess water off the Titrator.
3. Dispense 0.5 mL of sample water into titration tube by depressing
plunger until tip is at 0.5 line. Discard remaining water in Titrator.
4. Add 3 drops of *Salinity Indicator Reagent A (7460). Cap and gently
swirl to mix. Solution will turn yellow.

Fill the 0-20 Direct Reading Titrator (0378) with *Salinity Titration
Reagent B (7461DR). Insert Titrator into hole of cap..
6. While gently swirl ing sam ple, slowly de press the plunger un til color
changes from yel low to pink-brown. Read test re sult where the large
ring on the Titrator meets the Titrator bar rel . Re cord as ppt Sa lin ity.
7. If Titrator becomes empty before color change occurs, refill and
continue titrating. Add original amount (20 ppt) to final result.
NOTE: Each minor division = 0.4 ppt Salinity
0-5 ppt SALINITY
1. Fill test tube (0778) to 10 mL line with demineralized water from the
Demineralizer Bottle (1151).
2. Fill the 0 - 1.0 Direct Reading Titrator (0376) to 0 line with sample
water. Wipe any excess water off the Titrator.
3. Dispense the entire 1.0 mL into the titration tube.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add another 1.0 mL of sample water (total of
2.0 mL) to the titration tube.
5. Add 3 drops of *Salinity Indicator Reagent A (7460). Cap and gently
swirl to mix. Solution will turn yellow.
6. Fill the 0-20 Direct Reading Titrator (0378) with *Salinity Titration
Reagent B (7461DR). Insert Titrator into hole of cap.
7. While gently swirling sample, slowly depress the plunger until color
changes from yellow to pink-brown. Read test result where the large
ring on the Titrator meets the Titrator barrel. Divide the result by 4.
Record as ppt Salinity.
8. If Titrator becomes empty before color change occurs, refill and
continue titrating. Add original amount to final result.
NOTE: Each minor division = 0.1 ppt Salinity
Helping Peo ple Solve An a lyt i cal Chal lenges
PO Box 329 • Chestertown • Mary land • 21620 • USA
800-344-3100 • 410-778-3100 (Out side U.S.A.) • Fax 410-778-6394
Visit us on the web at www.lamotte.com