60 mL *PPK Reagent A *7342-H
60 mL PPK Reagent B 7343-H
60 mL PPK Reagent C 7344-H
1 Distilled Water Ampoule, 5 mL 2748
1 Pipet, 1.0 mL, plastic 0354
1 Pipet, plain, w/cap 0392
1 Pipet, 0.5 mL, w/cap 0369
4 Test Tubes, 2.5-5.0-10.0 mL, w/caps 0844
100 sheets Filter Paper 0465
1 Funnel, plastic 0459
1 Axial Reader 2071
1 Polyphosphate Comparator, 0-15 ppm PO47345
*WARNING: Reagents marked with an * are considered to be potential health
hazards. To view or print a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these reagents
go to www.lamotte.com. To obtain a printed copy, contact LaMotte by e-mail,
phone or fax.
To order individual reagents or test kit components, use the specified code
The LaMotte Model PPK-R Test Kit is designed to measure uncombined
or active polyphosphates. The test result may therefore differ from results
obtained in procedures which do not differentiate between combined and
uncombined polyphosphates. Orthophosphate is not recorded. However,
the test results are expressed in terms of equivalent orthophosphate (PO4).
Read the Axial Reader Instruction Manual before proceeding.
Some make-up waters may contain unidentified interferences which will
cause small errors in the final test result. Therefore it is advisable to run a
blank test on a sample of the make-up water prior to the addition of the
polyphosphate treatment compound. The blank test result should then be
subtracted from the test result obtained in Step 6. Test sample dilutions
should be made with demineralized water or with the polyphosphate-free

make-up water for which the blank test factor has already been
The Octet Comparator contains eight permanent
color standards. A test sample is inserted into the
openings in the top of the comparator. The sample
can then be compared to four color standards at once,
and the value read off the comparator. For optimum
color comparison, the comparator should be
positioned between the operator and a light source,
so that the light enters through the special
light-diffusing screen in the back of the comparator.
Avoid viewing the comparator against direct sunlight
or an irregularly lighted background.
1. Fill three test tubes (0844) to 10 mL line with sample water.
NOTE: If water is not clear, filter before testing.
2. Insert two test tubes into the Axial Reader (2070) as blanks.
3. Use the plain pipet (0392) to add 10 drops of PPK Reagent C (7344)
to the third test tube. Cap and mix thoroughly.
4. Use the 0.5 mL pipet (0369) to add 0.5 mL of *PPK Reagent A
(7342). Cap and mix thoroughly.
5. Use the 1.0 mL pipet (0354) to add 1.0 mL of PPK Reagent B (7343).
Cap and mix thoroughly.
6. Remove cap. Insert test tube into the Axial Reader. Match sample
color to a color standard. Record as ppm phosphate.
7. If the test result is higher than the 15 ppm color standard, repeat the
test on a diluted sample:
A. Fill the three test tubes to either the 2.5 mL or the 5.0 mL line
with sample water.
B. Dilute all three tubes to 10 mL line with demineralized or
polyphosphate-free water.
C. Proceed with Steps 2-6 above.
D. If a 2.5 mL sample size was used, multiply the comparator reading
by a factor of 4 to obtain the test result in ppm PO4. If a 5.0 mL
sample size was used, multiply the comparator reading by a factor
of 2.
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800-344-3100 • 410-778-3100 (Out side U.S.A.) • Fax 410-778-6394
Visit us on the web at www.lamotte.com