LaCie STHW4000800 User Manual

Data Sheet
Key Features
Transfer speeds of up to 2,800 MB/s
Up to 4 TB of Seagate® FireCuda® SSD storage
Innovative cooling design for optimised performance
USB hub, SD, CFast 2.0, and CFexpress card slots
DisplayPort 1.4 video output for 4K monitors
Unique power pass-through and power delivery feature
Dual Thunderbolt™ 3 ports for daisy chain
LaCie® Toolkit software suite
Backed by five-year limited warranty with Rescue Data Recovery
Services plan
design by neil poulton
Product Overview
Filmmakers and DITs in the trenches of 8K video production rely on 1big
Dock SSD Pro — a Thunderbolt 3 storage hub offering accelerated
NVMe™ SSD speeds of up to 2,800 MB/s, cinema-grade CFast 2.0,
CFexpress, and SD card slots for copying files directly, a DisplayPort 1.4
output for pro 4K monitors, plus a USB hub to charge, dock, and daisy
chain. Equipped with a professional NVMe SSD and self-cooling design,
1big Dock is where long-term reliability meets optimised performance.
Centralise Your 8K Studio
Store. Dock. Charge. Store 6K to 8K footage while docking
peripherals and charging a laptop
5-in-1 docking includes SD, CFast 2.0, and CFexpress card slots,
DisplayPort, dual Thunderbolt 3 ports
NVMe SSD speeds Seagate FireCuda transfer rates of up to 2,800
Charge up. Enjoy a fast charge of up to 70W with unique power
pass-through feature
Five-year Rescue Data Recovery Services plan
Includes one-month Adobe® Creative Cloud® All Apps Plan
1 Redeemable during product registration until date of expiration. Internet connection and
Adobe ID required. Available only to users 13 and older. See
for applicable terms and privacy policy. Not available in all countries.
Specif ication s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Len gth (in/mm) 4.64 6 in/118 mm 5.63 in/143 mm 11.73 2 in/298 mm 47.9 92 in/1,2 19 mm
Width (in/mm) 2.21 7 in/56.3 mm 11.8 9 in/302 mm 12.4 41 in/31 6 mm 40 in /1,016 mm
Depth (in/mm) 8.543 in/21 7 mm 9.44 9 in/240 mm 10. 236 in/26 0 mm 46.53 5 in/1,18 2 mm
Weight (lb/ kg) 2.86 6 lb/1.3 kg 6.39 3 lb/2.9 kg 13.6 69 lb/6.2 kg 671 .969 lb/3 04.8 kg
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 2
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 48
Pallet Layers 4
System Re quirements
Compute r with a Thunderb olt™ 3 p ort
Late st version of Mac OS® 10. 14 or later/L atest version of Windows 1 0 or later
Minimum free d isk space: 6 00 MB recommen ded
What's I ncluded
LaCie® 1 big Dock SSD P ro
Thund erbolt 3 (4 0 Gb/s) cable
Externa l power supp ly
Quick In stallation Gu ide
Region Mode l Number Capacity
Limited Warran ty
UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC Notes
WW STHW2000 800 2TB 5 7 636491 34412 366 061940 6821 107 636491 34419 NVMe SS D
WW STHW4000 800 4TB 5 7 636491 34429 366 061940 6838 107 636491 34426 NVMe SS D
© 2020 Seaga te Techno logy LLC. A ll rights re served. Sea gate, S eagate Technolog y, LaCie, an d the L aCie logo a re registered trademarks of S eagate Technolog y LLC or
one of its affiliate d compan ies in t he United States an d/or oth er countries. FireCu da is eithe r a trad emark or registe red tra demark of Se agate Techn ology LLC or one of its
affiliate d companie s in the Unite d State s and/or o ther coun tries. A dobe an d Creative Clou d are eith er registered t rade marks or trad emarks of Ad obe Syste ms Incorporate d in
the United States a nd/or oth er countries. Thunderbo lt and th e Thund erbolt logo are tradema rks of I ntel Corporatio n in the U.S. a nd/or oth er countries. The NVMe word mark
and /or NVMExpress de sign mark are tra demarks of NVMExp ress, Inc. All o ther trade marks or reg istered trademarks are the prope rty of the ir respect ive own ers. When
referring t o drive capa city, one g igabyte, or GB, equ als one b illion byt es; and one terab yte, or TB, equals on e trillion bytes. Your compu ter’s operatin g system may use a
differe nt standa rd of measu rement and repo rt a lower cap acity. In ad dition, some of the listed ca pacity is use d for formattin g and o ther funct ions a nd will not b e available for
data storage. Actual da ta rates may va ry depen ding on o perating environment a nd oth er factors, such as chose n interface and drive capacity. Se agate re serves the righ t to
chan ge, withou t notice, p roduct off erings or spe cification s. DS2028 .4-2005GB