Specif ication s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Len gth (in/mm) 4.64 6 in/118 mm 5.63 in/143 mm 11.73 2 in/298 mm 47.9 92 in/1,2 19 mm
Width (in/mm) 2.21 7 in/56.3 mm 11.8 9 in/302 mm 12.4 41 in/31 6 mm 40 in /1,016 mm
Depth (in/mm) 8.543 in/21 7 mm 9.44 9 in/240 mm 10. 236 in/26 0 mm 46.53 5 in/1,18 2 mm
Weight (lb/ kg) 2.86 6 lb/1.3 kg 6.39 3 lb/2.9 kg 13.6 69 lb/6.2 kg 671 .969 lb/3 04.8 kg
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 2
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 48
Pallet Layers 4
System Re quirements
Compute r with a Thunderb olt™ 3 p ort
Late st version of Mac OS® 10. 14 or later/L atest version of Windows 1 0 or later
Minimum free d isk space: 6 00 MB recommen ded
What's I ncluded
LaCie® 1 big Dock SSD P ro
Thund erbolt 3 (4 0 Gb/s) cable
Externa l power supp ly
Quick In stallation Gu ide
Region Mode l Number Capacity
Limited Warran ty
UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC Notes
WW STHW2000 800 2TB 5 7 636491 34412 366 061940 6821 107 636491 34419 NVMe SS D
WW STHW4000 800 4TB 5 7 636491 34429 366 061940 6838 107 636491 34426 NVMe SS D
© 2020 Seaga te Techno logy LLC. A ll rights re served. Sea gate, S eagate Technolog y, LaCie, an d the L aCie logo a re registered trademarks of S eagate Technolog y LLC or
one of its affiliate d compan ies in t he United States an d/or oth er countries. FireCu da is eithe r a trad emark or registe red tra demark of Se agate Techn ology LLC or one of its
affiliate d companie s in the Unite d State s and/or o ther coun tries. A dobe an d Creative Clou d are eith er registered t rade marks or trad emarks of Ad obe Syste ms Incorporate d in
the United States a nd/or oth er countries. Thunderbo lt and th e Thund erbolt logo are tradema rks of I ntel Corporatio n in the U.S. a nd/or oth er countries. The NVMe word mark
and /or NVMExpress de sign mark are tra demarks of NVMExp ress, Inc. All o ther trade marks or reg istered trademarks are the prope rty of the ir respect ive own ers. When
referring t o drive capa city, one g igabyte, or GB, equ als one b illion byt es; and one terab yte, or TB, equals on e trillion bytes. Your compu ter’s operatin g system may use a
differe nt standa rd of measu rement and repo rt a lower cap acity. In ad dition, some of the listed ca pacity is use d for formattin g and o ther funct ions a nd will not b e available for
data storage. Actual da ta rates may va ry depen ding on o perating environment a nd oth er factors, such as chose n interface and drive capacity. Se agate re serves the righ t to
chan ge, withou t notice, p roduct off erings or spe cification s. DS2028 .4-2005GB