Lacie STFY10000400 Product Data Sheet

Data Sheet
More Compatibility, Space, and Reliability.
Less of Nothing.
Professional speeds of up to 240MB/s
Up to 10TB for large photo and video project storage and archive
USB-C and dual Thunderbolt™ 3 ports for universal compatibility
Aluminum unibody for reduced noise and vibration
design by neil poulton
Product Overview
The perfect complement to SSD-based laptops and all-in-one computers,
the LaCie d2 Thunderbolt 3 massively upgrades your capacity to up to
10TB for professional bandwidth-intensive creative applications.
Featuring Thunderbolt 3 and USB 3.1 speeds through the USB-C port,
the LaCie d2 performs capably on late-model laptops, such as the new
MacBook Pro—as well as on USB 3.0 computers. It’s also the first LaCie
product to feature the Seagate® BarraCuda® Pro HDD for industry-
leading performance and reliability, backed by a 5-year limited warranty.
Use Cases
Storage Capacity Expansion: Added capacity for SSD-based
Photo Editing: Store massive Lightroom® library
Video Editing: 4K video workflow storage and archive
1 Act ual data rates may v ary depending on operating environment and other factors, such
as chosen interface and dis k c apacity.
Spe cification s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimension s Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Len gth (in/mm) 8.54 3 in/217 mm 5.70 9 in/145 mm 17.9 13 in/45 5 mm 47.9 92 in/1, 219 mm
Width (in/mm) 2.36 2 in/60 mm 7.08 7 in/180 mm 7.75 6 in/197 mm 40 in /1,016 mm
Depth (in/mm) 5.11 8 in/130 mm 9.44 9 in/240 mm 10.7 09 in/27 2 mm 48.1 5 in/1,2 23 mm
Weight (lb/kg) 4.85 lb/2.2 kg 5.73 2 lb/2.6 kg 18.7 39 lb/8. 5 kg 960. 775 lb/435.8 kg
Quan tities
Boxe s per Ma ster Carto n 3
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 48
Pallet Laye rs 4
System Re quirements
Compute r with a USB-C (Thun derbolt™ 3 o r USB 3 .1) or US B Type -A po rt
Late st version of Mac OS ® X 10 .12 and later / La test version of Wind ows 8 and
later (Windo ws 10 or later required for Thund erbolt 3)
Minimum free d isk spa ce: 6 00 MB recommen ded
What's I ncluded
LaCie d2 Th underbo lt 3
Extern al po wer sup ply
Thun derbo lt 3 (USB-C 40Gb /s) cable
USB 3 .0 (USB-C to USB-A) adap ter cable
Quick In stall Guide
Region Mode l Number Capac ity
Limited Wa rranty
UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC Notes
WW S TFY600 0400 6TB 5 763 649 115725 366 061 940156 7 107 636 491157 22 Ente rprise-Class Drives
WW S TFY800 0400 8TB 5 763 649 115718 366 061 940155 0 107 636 491157 15 Ente rprise-Class Drives
WW S TFY10000 400 10TB 5 763 649 115 701 366 061 940154 3 107 636 491157 08 Ente rprise-Class Drives
AMERICAS Seag ate Techn ology LL C 102 00 Sou th De Anza Boulevard , Cup ertino, California 950 14, United States, 408 -658 -1000
ASIA /PACIFIC Seag ate Sing apo re Int ernationa l Head qua rters Pte . Ltd. 7 000 Ang Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Singa pore 569 877, 6 5-648 5-3888
EUROPE, MIDDLE E AST A ND AFRICA Seaga te Techno logy S AS 16-18 , rue du Dô me, 9 210 0 Boulog ne-Billancourt, France , 33 1-4186 10 0 0
© 201 6 Se agate Te chnology LLC. All rights re served. Seagat e, Seag ate Techn ology, La Cie, a nd t he L aCie logo are trad emarks or registe red tra demarks o f Seaga te
Techn olog y LLC o r one of its aff iliated companies in the United States a nd/or oth er countries. BarraCuda is e ither a trademark or reg istered trad emark of Sea gate
Techn olog y LLC o r one of its aff iliated companies in the United States a nd/or oth er countries. Thun derbolt an d the Th und erbolt logo are t radema rks of In tel Corporatio n in
the U.S. a nd/or oth er countries. All oth er trademarks or re gistered trademarks are the prop erty of the ir respect ive own ers. When refe rring to drive ca pacity, one gigabyte , or
GB, e quals on e billion byte s and on e terabyte , or TB, eq uals one tho usand b illion byte s. Your comp uter’s opera ting sys tem may u se a diffe rent stand ard of mea surement
and repo rt a lowe r capa city. In ad dition , some of the liste d capacity is used for formatting and ot her fu nctions an d will not be available fo r data sto rage . Actu al data rates ma y
vary de pending on operating environ ment and oth er factors. S eag ate reserves the right to change , without n otice, prod uct offering s or specificatio ns. DS192 3.1-1612 US