LaCie STFS4000400 User Manual

Data Sheet
Tough in the Field. Fast Everywhere.
Thunderbolt™ speeds of up to 510MB/s
USB-C for universal connectivity
Bus powered for complete mobility
Shock, dust, and water resistant for all-terrain use
design by neil poulton
Product Overview
Legendary Rugged® toughness meets USB-C compatibility, blazing-fast
Thunderbolt speeds, and optional SSD performance for up to 510MB/s
(up to 130MB/s with HDD). Also featuring a tethered cable and IP54-rated
resistance to the elements, this Rugged drive means you don’t have to
compromise between durability, mobility, and speed.
Use Cases
On-the-Go Content Creators: Universal compatibility, mobility,
durability, and lightning-fast transfer speeds let these users move
data quickly, wherever they go.
Secure Mobile Storage: Protects against drops of up to two meters
(6.6 feet), dust, water, being run over by a 1-ton car,2 and even
against unauthorized access with AES 256-bit software encryption.
Large File Sharing: Professionals, consumers, and students benefit
from universal connectivity and USB 2.0 compatibility to share large
amounts of data with any standard computer.
1 These transfer rates were achieved using AJA Sy stem Test with the SSD version
connected to a Mac computer via the Thunderbolt interface.
2 Determined by a test t hat approximates a real-world scenario in which the hard drive
remained functional, despite aesthetic damage, after the product was driven over by an
approximately 1-ton c ar (1000 kg/2205 lbs).
3 Encryption soft ware is only available via download and is not available in Russia.
Spe cification s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensio ns Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Len gth (in/mm) 1.33 9in/34mm 2.63 8in/67mm 11.0 24in/28 0mm 47.9 92in/12 19mm
Width (in/mm) 3.57 9in/90.9 mm 4.72 4in/120 mm 7 .795in/1 98mm 40in/ 1016mm
Depth (in/mm) 5.84 3in/148 .4mm 7.32 3in/186 mm 5 .354in/1 36mm 43 .15in/10 96mm
Weight (lb/kg) 1.32 3lb/0.6kg 1.54 3lb/0.7kg 6.39 3lb/2.9kg 911.3 91lb/413 .4kg
Quan tities
Boxe s per Ma ster Carto n 4
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 140
Pallet Laye rs 7
System Re quirements
Compute r with a Thun derbolt, US B-C, USB 3 .0, or USB 2.0 port
Thun derbo lt: Latest version of Windows® 7, Windows 8 / Mac OS® X 1 0.6.8 o r
Late st version of Windows® 7 and late r / Mac O S® X 10.5 and later
Minimum free d isk spa ce: 6 00 MB recommen ded
What's I ncluded
LaCie Rugge d drive with in tegra ted Thun derbolt cab le
USB-C (USB 3 .1 5 Gb/s) cable
USB-C to USB-A ca ble (USB 3.0 compatible)
Quick In stall Guide
Removab le cove r
Region Model Nu mber Capac ity
Limited Wa rranty
UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC Notes
WW STFS400 0800 4TB 3 763 649 112403 366 061 940044 7 107 636 491124 00 App le on ly
WW STFS400 0400 4TB 3 763 649 112427 366 061 940046 1 107 636 491124 24
WW STFS500 0800 5TB 3 763 649 114117 366 061 940117 8 107 636 491141 14 App le on ly
WW STFS500 0400 5TB 3 763 649 114094 366 061 940115 4 107 636 491140 91
AMERICAS Sea gate Technolo gy LL C 10200 Sou th De Anz a Bo ulevard, Cup ertino, California 95014 , Unite d St ates , 40 8-658 -100 0
ASIA /PACIFIC Seag ate Sing apore In terna tional Head quarters Pte . Ltd. 7 000 An g Mo K io Ave nue 5, Singapo re 56 987 7, 65-64 85-38 88
EUROPE, MIDDLE E AST A ND AFRICA Seaga te Techno logy SAS 16-18 , rue du Dôme, 9 2100 B oulogne -Billancou rt, France , 33 1-4 186 10 00
© 201 6 Se agate Te chnology LLC. All rights re served. Seagat e, Seag ate Techn ology, La Cie, a nd t he LaCie lo go are trad emarks or registe red tra demarks o f Seaga te
Techn olog y LLC o r one of its aff iliated companies in the United States a nd/or oth er countries. Rugg ed is eithe r a tra demark o r registe red tra demark of Se agate Techn olog y
LLC o r one of its affiliat ed c ompan ies in the United States a nd/or oth er countries. Thun derbolt an d the Th underbolt logo are tradema rks of I ntel Co rporat ion in the U.S.
and /or ot her count ries. All ot her tra demarks o r registe red t radema rks are th e prope rty of t heir resp ective owners. When referring to drive cap acity, o ne giga byte, or GB,
equ als on e billion byte s and o ne t erabyte, o r TB, e quals one thousa nd b illion byt es. Your co mpute r’s ope rating system may use a differen t stan dard of me asurement a nd
report a lower ca pacity. In addition, some of th e listed capacity is u sed for fo rmatting and other fu nction s and will not be available fo r dat a sto rage. Actual da ta rates may
vary de pending on operating environ ment and other fa ctors. Complying with all ap plicable cop yright la ws is the respo nsibility of the user. Sea gate rese rves th e right to
chan ge, withou t notice, p rodu ct offerings or spe cification s. DS1919 .1-1611US