LaCie STFK400 User Manual

Pelican™ Protective Case for LaCie 6big Storage
Data Sheet
Transport Your LaCie RAID Storage With Complete
Made from HPX® high-performance resin, the injection-molded Pelican
Storm Case™ series is virtually unbreakable and resistant to dents, shatter,
and subzero temperatures. The interior foam is custom cut to precisely fit
the LaCie 6big Thunderbolt™ 3 plus cabling, as well as three LaCie
Rugged® portable drives.
Watertight and dustproof
Endures temperatures as low as –29°C
Four Press-n-Pull® latches tested to over 400 lbs.
Three double-layered, soft-grip handles
Two padlockable lock points
In-line wheels and telescoping handle
Vortex® valve automatically equalizes pressure, blocks water
molecules, and dust particles
Military-grade certifications: MIL-STD-810F, ATA 300, FED-STD-
Guaranteed for life by Pelican’s limited warranty
Pelica n™ Protective Case for LaCie 6big Storage
Specif ication s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimension s
Len gth (in/mm) 24.6 06in/625 mm 25.2 36in/641 mm 25.2 36in/641 mm 47.99 2in/121 9mm
Width (in/mm) 19.6 85in/500 mm 20.2 76in/515 mm 20.2 76in/515 mm 40in/ 1016mm
Depth (in/mm) 11.6 93in/297 mm 12.2 83in/312 mm 12.2 83in/312 mm 47.99 2in/121 9mm
Weight (lb/ kg) 22.0 46lb/10k g 22.0 46lb/10k g 22.0 46lb/10k g 19 6.366lb/ 89.07kg
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 1
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 8
Pallet Layers 1
System Re quirements
Designe d for LaCie 6big Thun derbolt 3
What's I ncluded
Pelican Protective Cas e (LaCie prod ucts not in cluded)
Nylon lift st raps
Region Model Nu mber UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC Notes
WW STFK40 0 7 636491 14575 366 061940 1369 107 636491 14572 Pelican Limited Lifet ime Warranty
AMERICAS Seag ate Tech nology LL C 10200 South De Anza Bo ulevard, Cup ertino, California 95014, United Sta tes, 408 -658 -100 0
ASIA/ PACIFIC Seag ate Sing apore In ternationa l Head quarters Pt e. Ltd. 7 000 An g Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Singapo re 56 9877, 65-6485-3 888
EUROPE, MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Se agate Technolog y SAS 16-1 8, rue du Dôme, 921 00 Boulo gne-Billancou rt, Fran ce, 33 1 -418 6 10 00
© 2016 Seaga te Techno logy LLC. A ll rights reserved . Seaga te, Sea gate Tech nology, L aCie, the L aCie logo, and Rugg ed are tra demarks or registe red trademarks of
Seag ate Tech nology LL C or one o f its affiliated companies in the Unite d States and/or ot her countries . Thunde rbolt a nd the Thunderb olt logo are trademarks of Intel
Corporat ion in the U.S. and/or ot her countries. HPX, Pelican , Press-n-Pull, St orm Case, and Vo rtex a re trademarks a nd/or unre gistered trad emarks of Pelica n Products, Inc.,
its affiliat es or subsidia ries. All o ther tradema rks or reg istered trademarks are the prop erty of the ir respec tive owners. Se agate reserves the right t o change , without n otice,
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