Profession al SSD Storag e
Specif ication s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimension s
Len gth (in/mm) 7.99 2in/203mm 10in/ 254mm 14.8 03in/376 mm 47.9 92in/12 19mm
Width (in/mm) 4.52 8in/115mm 7.24 4in/184mm 7.32 3in/186mm 4 0in/1016 mm
Depth (in/mm) 0. 984in/25 mm 4.882in/ 124mm 10.3 94in/264 mm 40.1 57in/10 20mm
Weight (lb/ kg) 1.76 4lb/0.8kg 6.61 4lb/3kg 20.7 23lb/9.4 kg 938 .508lb/42 5.7kg
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 3
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 15
Pallet Layers 3
System Re quirements
Compute r with a USB-C (Thunde rbolt 3 ) port
Late st version of Windows® 8 and late r
Late st version of Mac OS® X 10 .10 and later
Minimum free d isk space: 6 00MB recommend ed
What's I ncluded
LaCie B olt
Magne tic display stan d
USB-C (Thun derbolt 3 4 0Gb/s) cab le
Power su pply
Cleaning cloth
Quick In stall Guide
Region Model Nu mber Capacity Limited Warran ty (years) UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC
WW STFF200 0400 2TB 3 763 649114 438 366 06194 01222 1 076364 911443 5
1 Your PC may need update s for the Thunderbolt 3 ports to func tion properly. See here for more info rmation.
AMERICAS Seag ate Tech nology LL C 10200 South De Anza Bo ulevard, Cup ertino, California 95014, United Sta tes, 408 -658 -100 0
ASIA/ PACIFIC Seag ate Sing apore In ternationa l Head quarters Pt e. Ltd. 7 000 An g Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Singapo re 56 9877, 6 5-6485-38 88
EUROPE, MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Se agate Technology SAS 16-18 , rue du Dôme, 9210 0 Boulo gne-Billancou rt, Fran ce, 33 1-4 186 10 00
© 2016 Seaga te Techno logy LLC. A ll rights re served. Sea gate, S eagate Technolog y, LaCie, a nd the L acie logo are trademarks o r registered tra demarks of Se agate Te chnology LLC or one of its
affiliate d companie s in the Unite d State s and/or o ther coun tries. Th underbolt and the Thunde rbolt lo go are tra demarks of In tel Corporation in the U.S and/or o ther coun tries. A ll othe r trademarks
or registe red t rade marks are the prop erty of the ir respect ive o wners. Wh en referring to drive capa city, one g igab yte, or GB, equals o ne billion byt es and o ne terab yte, or TB, e quals one thousa nd
billion by tes. Your co mputer’s ope rating system may use a differen t standa rd of measu rement and report a lo wer cap acity. In a ddition, so me of the listed capacity is use d for formattin g and o ther
funct ions a nd will not b e available for data storage. Co mplying with all applicab le copyright la ws is the respo nsibility of the user. Sea gate rese rves th e right to change, witho ut notice, product
offe rings o r specifica tions. DS18 90.3 16 10 AMER