Mini Plate Spinner – MPS 1000™
User Manual

General Information:
Labnet’s MPS-1000 Mini Plate Spinner is designed for quick spins of samples in PCR
plates. Primarily designed for use with 96 or 384 well plates and small volumes, it will
accommodate skirted, nonskirted and semi skirted styles. With the use of the adapter
you may spin half plate, 8 or 12 x 0.2μl strips, and individual PCR tubes.
No de-contamination is required for the equipment.
Before using any cleaning or decontamination methods except those recommended by
the manufacturer, check with the manufacturer that the proposed method will not
damage the equipment.
The MPS-1000 Mini Plate Spinner should be placed on a clean, flat surface with
sufficient space around it for ventilation. Be sure that both the bench and the unit’s
rubber feet are clean. Plug the power cord into the back of the unit and the wall socket.
Turn the power switch (on the back of the unit) to the “ON” position.
To avoid spillage of samples, only plates that have been heat or tape sealed should be
placed in the centrifuge. Plates are loaded into the rotor in a vertical position. Lift the
clear centrifuge cover to gain access to the rotor (press the “OPEN” button to release the
lid if it is locked down). Using the knob on the top of the unit, turn the rotor until the rotor
slot lines up with the opening. Carefully, slide the first plate into position so that the
sealed side faces the center of the rotor and the bottom of the plate faces out. Be sure
that the plate is pushed all the way down into the slot. Line up the second slot like the
first, using the knob on the top of the unit. Load the second plate in the same manner as
the first, making sure that it is all the way down in the rotor slot. If spinning only one plate,
it is extremely important to load a dummy plate of the same brand, style and sample
volumes (water can be used) as a balance.
To begin a run, close the lid of the centrifuge. The centrifuge will quickly ramp up to
speed. Allow the unit to run for 15 - 30 seconds. This is sufficient time to spin the
samples down to the bottoms of the wells. To stop, press the “OPEN” button. Once the
rotor has stopped, fully open the lid to gain access to your samples. To remove the
plates, turn the knob on the top of the unit until the rotor slot lines up with the opening.
Knob for turning rotor
Proper loading of a PCR plate

Note: A slight vibration may be felt when the centrifuge reaches full speed. Excessive
vibration indicates that the rotor is not balanced. DO NOT run the certrifuge unbalanced.
Always use a balance plate of the same brand, type and sample volumes.
The outside of the centrifuge may be wiped down with a clean, soft cloth. The rotor slots
may be cleaned with a sponge. Do not pour liquids in or over the centrifuge Do not
immerse the centrifuge in liquid.
Safety Precautions:
NEVER use the centrifuge in any manner not specified in these instructions.
NEVER put hands in the rotor area unless the rotor is completely stopped.
NEVER move the centrifuge while the rotor is spinning.
NEVER use solvents or flammables near this or other electrical equipment.
NEVER centrifuge flammable, explosive or corrosive materials
NEVER centrifuge hazardous materials outside of a hood or proper containment
NEVER continue to operate a centrifuge that is vibrating excessively.
ALWAYS load the rotor symmetrically. Each plate should be counterbalanced by
another plate of the same brand, type and volume.
ALWAYS use plates that have been sealed in some manner to avoid spillage.
ALWAYS load plates so that the sealed side faces the center of the rotor and the
bottom of the plate faces out.
ALWAYS be sure the plates are pushed all the way to the bottom of the rotor slot
before operating the centrifuge.
ALWAYS locate the centrifuge within easy access to an electrical outlet.
This unit is intended for short run usage only, requiring 15-20 seconds to
spin down samples. Inadvertent continuous use could cause sample
temperature to rise and the thermal switch to open, which will shut down
the motor
Questions and Service:
Should you have a question about the operation of the MPS-1000 Mini Plate Spinner
Centrifuge or if the centrifuge should require service, contact Labnet’s Technical Service
Department at 888-LABNET1. Do not send in a unit for service without first callint to
obtain a repair authorization number. Should the centrifuge require return to Labnet for
service, it should be properly packed to avail damage. Any damage resulting from
improper packaging shall be the responsibility of the user.