LABCONCO CORPORATION 8811 Prospect Ave, Kansas City, MO 64132
(816) 333-8811, Fax (816) 363-0130, (800) 821-5525
Snuffer – Model 1115000, 1115002, 1115003, 1115004 Internal Hood Depths of
30", 36", & 48"
1. On hoods 4 Ft, 5 Ft and 6 Ft in width, locate the unit at the centerline of the hood per
Fig. 1. Hoods 8 Ft and greater require additional units and should be mounted equal
distance in the hood behind the light assembly shown in Fig. 1. NOTE: Protruding
discharge nozzle should have an unobstructed discharge at the desired protection zone
inside the fume hood.
2. Drill holes per detail “A” of Fig. 1.
Figure 1
3. Mount pedestal bracket with 1/4" stainless steel bolts enclosed. Extinguisher nozzle
should be centered over 1-3/4" diameter hole.
4. Attach extinguisher fusible link tip to unit by threading into gauge nozzle. NOTE:
Unit will not be operational until this tip is re-attached. Use care so as not to damage
link or screw threads.
5. Check extinguisher gauge for charge. Indicator should be in “Green” range.
Labconco Instruction Sheet 1115700, Rev J, ECO C066 1 of 5

6. If fuse tip is exposed to corrosive atmospheres, cover with small polyethylene bag
and secure with elastic band for additional protection.
Figure 2
Snuffer – Model 1115002 – Internal Hood Depths of 30", 36" and 48"
1. On hoods 4 Ft, 5 Ft and 6 Ft in width, locate one unit on the centerline of the hood per
Fig. 3. Hoods 8 Ft and greater require additional units and should be mounted equal
distance behind the light assembly. NOTE: Protruding discharge nozzle should have
an unobstructed discharge at the desired protection zone.
Figure 3
Labconco Instruction Sheet 1115700, Rev J, ECO C066 2 of 5